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Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Iben Dissing Sandahl

Worrying about life's circumstances of those I love, but over which I have no control is a dangerous, never-ending and pointless game to play. — Iben Dissing Sandahl

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Dr. S Radhakrishnan

Life is like a game of bridge ... we did not invent the game or design the cards;
we did not frame the rules and we cannot control the dealing. The cards are dealt out to us whether they be good or bad... But we can play the game well or play it badly. A skillful player may have poor hand and win the game. A bad player may have a good hand and yet make a mess of it. Our life is a mixture of necessity and freedom, chance and choice... we may not change events but we can change our approach to events. — Dr. S Radhakrishnan

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By James E. Faust

I am concerned about the failure of our moral computers of honesty, integrity, decency, civility, and sexual purity. How many people today are truly incorruptible? So many get caught up in waves of popular issues and tides of rhetoric. This breakdown of moral values is happening because we are separating the teachings of God from personal conduct. An honorable man or woman will personally commit to live up to certain self-imposed expectations, with no need of an outside check or control. I would hope that we can load our moral computers with three elements of integrity: dealing justly with oneself, dealing justly with others, and recognizing the law of the harvest. — James E. Faust

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Brian Michael Good

A big part of dealing with depression is realizing that you are in control of your own happiness. — Brian Michael Good

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By D.J. Kenny

"There are three things that must always act restrained.
Even five that should not use violence as their final word:
The diplomat negotiating for his lord,
The teacher instilling knowledge,
The parent dealing with exasperating children,
The officer establishing respect among the troops,
And the wronged seeking justice."
- The Order of Things, Jan Alinckbroodt,
Clinohumite poet philosopher (457 fTF - 620 fTF)(translated by D. J. Kenny) — D.J. Kenny

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Peter Davenport

Strong evidence suggests that we are dealing with a phenomenon that is being caused by palpable, solid objects whose characteristics are not of human design, and whose behavior is suggestive of intelligent control. — Peter Davenport

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Cliff Ball

Michael also hadn't realized just how extensive Gregory's power was, he had his fingers in everything: from oil production to technology to government legislation to dealing with rogue states and terrorists to control over stock markets and currencies. If Gregory had wanted to, he could've brought the world to its knees in less than a day, but that wouldn't do anyone any good if the world economy and various governments failed in an instant, it had to do be done gradually. Michael also realized how long it would take to dilute the influence of the United States and its Christian citizens, but he would do it, and it helped him that he started so early in college with the new technologies available to him. — Cliff Ball

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Book Summary

Assumptions can blind you; hypotheses can guide you. Good negotiators expect surprises; great negotiators reveal the surprises. Negotiation should be seen as a process of discovery. If you think you're too smart to discover anything new, then you will be a terrible negotiator. Until you know who or what you are dealing with, you are actually in the dark and should proceed with caution. Listening well does not come easily to most. By truly listening, you will disarm your opponent, giving them a sense of calm and a feeling of safety. Talking about wants gives us an illusion of control; needs are required to survive and make us feel vulnerable. The biggest mistake a negotiator can make is to rush things. By slowing down the process, you are able to calm down the situation. A soothing but confident voice helps in confrontational situations. Mirroring relies on the fact that we fear what's different and are drawn to what's similar. — Book Summary

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Bob Filner

However, as a parent, as a grandparent, as a former educator, I know that these practices alone when we are dealing with young children are insufficient. We will never control this rising epidemic without greater accountability from the food industry. — Bob Filner

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Barack Obama

I thought I could start over, you see. But now I know you can never start over. Not really. You think you have control, but you are like a fly in somebody else's web. Sometimes I think that's why I like accounting. All day, you are only dealing with numbers. You add them, multiply them, and if you are careful, you will always have a solution. There's a sequence there. An order. With numbers, you can have control ... . — Barack Obama

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Stacy Keach

I enjoy directing, but I really like acting more. The idea of controlling the whole thing is not something that really appeals to me as much as being able to just control the world of the character that I'm dealing with. — Stacy Keach

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Keri Russell

While 'Felicity' was successful in the States, and I had opportunities to do other stuff, I didn't want to do anything to make myself more famous. I wasn't dealing well with the celebrity of all of that. I was 23 - just a kid - and not coming from money, it was all just too much. I just wanted to slow it down a little bit, and gain control. — Keri Russell

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Rudy Simone

Why do we read with greed? (Or play, or design, etc.?) We want to fill our minds with knowledge the way others want to fill their bellies with food. Information replaces confusion, which many of us experience in interactions with others. It is a place to focus, apart from all the external stimuli in our homes, schools, shops, etc. It is completely within our control how much we want to let in, unlike dealing with people, who are unpredictable and uncontrollable. (Even those of us who are in our own bubble, who don't read or seem to look outward much, may have a rich internal world and not yet have such a need to connect.) — Rudy Simone

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

The [liberals] consider profits as objectionable. The very existence of profits is in their eyes a proof that wage rates could be raised without harm to anybody. They speak of profit without dealing with loss. Profit and loss are the instruments by means of which the consumers keep a tight rein on all business activities. A profitable enterprise tends to expand; an unprofitable one tends to shrink. The elimination of profit renders production rigid and abolishes the consumer's control. — Ludwig Von Mises

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Rob Bell

If there is a divine being who made everything, including us, what would our experiences with this being look like? The moment God is figured out with nice neat lines and definitions, we are no longer dealing with God. We are dealing with somebody we made up. And if we made him up, then we are in control. And so in passage after passage, we find God reminding people that he is beyond and bigger and more. — Rob Bell

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Henry Bessemer

I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem inasmuch as I had no fixed ideas derived from long-established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right. — Henry Bessemer

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Olivia Rigal

no longer dealing with reasonable, intelligent adults but with temperamental lunatics who had about as much self-control as hormonal teenagers. — Olivia Rigal

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By George R R Martin

Control your generosity when dealing with a chronic borrower. — George R R Martin

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Billy Graham

The Bible warns [parents] against extremes in dealing with our adult children. It tells us to avoid trying to control [them] once they become adults. When children become independent, a major transition takes place: They are no longer under our authority. — Billy Graham

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Summer Sanders

The first lesson my kids got about the ocean was to respect it. You can never turn your back on the ocean when you're dealing with tides and currents - factors beyond your control. You have to be the CEO of your family on the water. CEO stands for 'constant eyes on,' and it's something I never forget. — Summer Sanders

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Oren Peli

Things that scare me are the loss of control, dealing with the unknown and the unseen. Something that's not supposed to be there and you don't know where it came from, or what it wants from you, or how to defend yourself against it. That's the root of the things I find scary. — Oren Peli

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Aristotle.

The first essential responsibility of the state is control of the market-place: there must be some official charged with the duty of seeing that honest dealing and good order prevail. For one of the well-nigh essential activities of all states is the buying and selling of goods to meet their mutual basic needs; this is the quickest way to self-sufficiency, which seems to be what moves men to combine under a single constitution. — Aristotle.

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Paolo Gentiloni

The route for the refugees currently goes through Greece and the Balkans or through Italy; if there were a crisis in north-eastern Europe, Poland might just as well be affected. In this case we are dealing with mechanisms that we do not control. We need to change that. — Paolo Gentiloni

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Joe Biden

Sure, we have an obstacle, ISIS. They can do great damage. They can do great damage and they scare the living hell out of everybody with good reason. But they are, instead of dealing with nation-states that are arranged against us, we're to deal with non-state actors that can do damage to us. But this is within our control. We are beginning to make genuine progress as to how we isolate them, how we take them out. We're in a situation - I mean, I just could go on. But I am - the only generic criticism I had is we're not talking about the possibilities. — Joe Biden

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Nicole McInnes

But if she thinks women are the only ones dealing with this crap, she's pretty freaking clueless.
What about the stuff guys are supposed to think and say and do to prove we're manly men, to prove we're in control and strong as iron and fearless? What about the way guys call each other faggot in the hallway if one of them accidentally gets too close to another, or the way I have no choice but to fight whenever some punk decides he wants a piece of me. Refusing to fight makes me look like a pantywaist, and then every other guy on the planet wants to hurt me, too. That's just how it is. — Nicole McInnes

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Aubrey Plaza

I have a way of dealing with situations where I come off awkward, or people think I'm purposely trying to make things uncomfortable. But normally I'm talking really slowly or there's a lot of silence because there's just nothing going on. I'm just totally freaking out, but from the outside perspective it looks like I'm in control. — Aubrey Plaza

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Jonathan Eig

Doctors would only prescribe birth control in the most dire of circumstances, and even then, what form of birth control would they prescribe? There were no reliable options, except perhaps the condom. But condoms depended on the cooperation of men, and Sanger's experience in the tenements of New York City told her that men didn't mind six or seven children so long as they were able to enjoy sex when the mood struck them. Women were the ones dealing most with the consequences of sex, not only because they were the ones getting pregnant but also because they were the ones raising the children. — Jonathan Eig

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Charlaine Harris

When I went home ... I promised myself, I would take a cool shower and I would read. After a day spent dealing with others, television was just one more batch of voices to listen to; I'd rather have a book in my hands than the remote control. — Charlaine Harris

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Ryan Holiday

If an emotion can't change the condition or the situation you're dealing with, it is likely an unhelpful emotion. Or, quite possibly, a destructive one. But it's what I feel. Right, no one said anything about not feeling it. No one said you can't ever cry. Forget "manliness." If you need to take a moment, by all means, go ahead. Real strength lies in the control or, as Nassim Taleb put it, the domestication of one's emotions, not in pretending they don't exist. — Ryan Holiday

Dealing With Things Out Of Your Control Quotes By Kay Yow

I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer. — Kay Yow