Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dc Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dc Movie Quotes

Dc Movie Quotes By Dolph Lundgren

I like the old school heavy metal bands like AC/DC and Aeromith. I like that type of music. As the director, I tried to influence the type of music the bands in the movie would play. — Dolph Lundgren

Dc Movie Quotes By Ainsley Earhardt

If you don't want an American flag flying at your school, why do you live in the USA? — Ainsley Earhardt

Dc Movie Quotes By Helen Oyeyemi

How long had the Doc been crazy? I don't know. Quite some time, I guess. Don't worry. He was only a general practitioner. — Helen Oyeyemi

Dc Movie Quotes By Terry Eagleton

The fact that people are massed anonymously together may be in one sense an alienation, but in another sense it is a condition of their emancipation. — Terry Eagleton

Dc Movie Quotes By Jerry Siegel

The publishers of Superman comic books, National Periodical Publications [later DC Comics], killed my days, murdered my nights, choked my happiness, strangled my career. I consider National's executives economic murderers, money-mad monsters.
I, Jerry Siegel, the co-originator of Superman, put a curse of the Superman movie! — Jerry Siegel

Dc Movie Quotes By Marc Guggenheim

In DC Comics, Blue Devil is a superhero who came out of a movie. — Marc Guggenheim

Dc Movie Quotes By Clint Van Winkle

War becomes a part of you. It is a feeling just as much as an experience. If you can't feel it, you weren't paying attention. And if you weren't paying attention, you are probably dead anyway. — Clint Van Winkle

Dc Movie Quotes By The Miz

Just heard who made who by ac/dc and asked a ry what movie? He had no idea. Disappointed. He will be doing my laundry today. — The Miz

Dc Movie Quotes By Toby Emmerich

It feels to me like 'Shazam' will have a tone unto itself. It's a DC comic, but it's not a Justice League character, and it's not a Marvel comic. The tone and the feeling of the movie will be different from the other range of comic book movies. — Toby Emmerich

Dc Movie Quotes By Ross Levinsohn

In any business, you have to evolve. — Ross Levinsohn

Dc Movie Quotes By Malachy McCourt

If you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you're pissing on the present. — Malachy McCourt

Dc Movie Quotes By Anthony Kennedy

As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom. — Anthony Kennedy

Dc Movie Quotes By Mark Waid

You're a superhero. Shut up and enjoy having superpowers. This makes me crazy. This is why the Marvel movies kick DC movies' asses right and left. Because, I'm not paying $15 for a movie to go watch people being morose about lives that are much more interesting and exciting than mine and they hate them. I'm paying my money to see people sort of revel in doing things that I can't do. — Mark Waid

Dc Movie Quotes By Dorothy L. Sayers

The departure of the church-going element had induced a more humanitarian atmosphere. — Dorothy L. Sayers

Dc Movie Quotes By John Kuhn

Bail out the bankers and bankrupt the school teachers - we will still teachI will never follow the lead of those who exclude the kids who need education the most so that my precious scores will rise. I will never line up with those whose idea of reform is the subtle segregation of the poor and desperate. I want no part of the American caste system. — John Kuhn

Dc Movie Quotes By Florence King

Now the only thing I miss about sex is the cigarette afterward. Next to the first one in the morning, it's the best one of all. It tasted so good that even if I had been frigid I would have pretended otherwise just to be able to smoke it. — Florence King