Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

Truth cannot be brought down; rather, the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountaintop to the valley. If you would attain to the mountaintop, you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Jenny Hval

Soft things are terrifying. They're the real signals of death. Images of strength can never be that terrifying. It's the images of weakness that are a real apocalypse. — Jenny Hval

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By David Harvey

If all money capital invests in appropriation and none in actual production, than capitalism is not long for this world. — David Harvey

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Elizabeth Kolbert

It doesn't much matter whether people care or don't care. What matters is that people change the world. — Elizabeth Kolbert

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Dave Matthews

Sometimes it's nice to be able to reflect on the music itself and then write lyrics that I feel anyone can relate to. It's not my dreaming tree that is dead. The feeling of a loss of hope is universal. There are moments that we've all felt a little bit of it, so I don't think it is something that is too hard to identify with. — Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Harry S. Truman

Every segment of our population, and every individual, has a right to expect from his government a fair deal. — Harry S. Truman

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By L. H. Cosway

You are a fucking hoot, Fred. I'm officially making you my new best friend. It's quite an honoured and sought after position, I'll have you know. So far I have a grand total of four friends in Dublin. You've currently just snagged yourself the top spot."
"Oh stop, Viv, I'm welling up, here," I reply drily. — L. H. Cosway

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

Remind me again what's wrong with Dave Matthews?"
"Basically everything, except technical proficiency," Walter said.
"But maybe especially the banality of the lyrics. 'Gotta be free, so free, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can't live without my freedom, yeah yeah.' That's pretty much every song. — Jonathan Franzen

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Dave Matthews

My reaction to Radiohead isn't as simple as jealousy. Jealousy just burns; Radiohead infuriate me. But if it were only that, I wouldn't go back and listen to those records again and again. Listening to Radiohead makes me fell like I'm a Salieri to their Mozart. Yorke's lyrics make me want to give up. I could never in my wildest dreams find something as beautiful as they find for a single song - let alone album after album. — Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Terry Pratchett

The truth is a fog, in which one man sees the heavenly host and the other one sees a flying elephant. — Terry Pratchett

Dave Matthews Lyrics Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Religion is the product of organizations called churches — Sunday Adelaja