Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dad Loves Me Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dad Loves Me Quotes

Dad Loves Me Quotes By James Mercer

My dad and I get into it all the time. He loves to discuss politics much more than I do and we have pretty heated conversations. — James Mercer

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Your mother was a hero. She developed a spell for gnomeatic fever. And she was the youngest headmaster in Watford history."
Baz is looking at Penny like they've never met.
"And," Penny goes on, "she defended your father in three duels before he accepted her proposal."
"That sounds barbaric," I say.
"It was traditional," Baz says.
"It was brilliant," Penny says. "I've read the minutes."
"Where?" Baz asks her.
"We have them in our library at home," she says "My dad loves marriage rites. Any sort of family magic, actually. He and my mother are bound together in five dimensions. — Rainbow Rowell

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Nick Cave

This is how it essentially is for Bunny Junior. He loves his dad. He thinks there is no dad better, cleverer, or more capable, and he stands there beside him with a sense of pride - he's my dad - and he also, of course, stands beside him because he has nowhere else to go. — Nick Cave

Dad Loves Me Quotes By JohnA Passaro

I love my mother.
My mother loves my dad.
Those two facts are undeniable.
I want my father to live.
I want him to fight to live as long as he can.
My mother wants to let him pass.
She does not want him suffering anymore.
She says that I am not there in the middle of the night at home, when he begs her to let him die.
I say that he should not be taking the medicine that the doctor is prescribing, that it made Mike Tyson want to eat his opponents young. — JohnA Passaro

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Kurtwood Smith

Peter Boyle on Everybody Loves Raymond is more of an insane Dad. — Kurtwood Smith

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Jill Wagner

My boyfriends love my dad. He's like the perfect in-law to have. In fact, if my boyfriend and I are in a fight, my dad will choose his side. Always! He loves me, but it is tough love with me. — Jill Wagner

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Peter DeLuise

Dad loves my stuff. No matter how many times my voice cracks or I miss a tap, he doesn't care. He's like some businessman making it to his kid's recital. — Peter DeLuise

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Stephen Chbosky

Do you enjoy holidays with your family? I don't mean your mom and dad family, but your uncle and aunt and cousin family? Personally, I do. There are several reasons for this. First, I am very interested and fascinated by how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other. Second, the fights are always the same. — Stephen Chbosky

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Stephanie Perkins

As far as you go, he believes in what he does, and in second chances. He loves people. I'd go so far as to say he loves you." Loved me? "Why? I don't follow the rules. Aren't religious people into rules?" "Rules make people feel safe. But they can turn into judgments. Condemnation is easy, Vaughn. The harder choice is love, and it's one my dad makes every day. — Stephanie Perkins

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Patricia Lockwood

Above all else, he loves trilogies. There has never been a trilogy he didn't like, and if you don't understand why, I have three words for you: father, son, and Holy Spirit. Foremost among his favorites is the original Star Wars trilogy, which he fervently believes is about priests in space, and the first three Alien films, which he believes are about how all women are destined to be mothers. Currently he is obsessed with the Transformers movies, because the greatest Transformer of all . . . is Jesus Christ. He even sat me down one day to have a serious discussion about "moral choices the Transformers are forced to make." At no point did I interrupt him to say, "But Dad, they're cars." This means I am becoming an adult. Because truly, the Transformers are more than cars. Some of them are trucks. — Patricia Lockwood

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Djimon Hounsou

I wanna begin saying a story about my son. I have a four-year old son who loves superheroes from Spider-Man to Iron Man to Batman. He's got all the costumes. One day he looks at me and says 'Dad, I want to be light-skinned so I could be Spider-Man. Spider-Man has light skin.' That was sort of a shock. This is why I am excited to be a part of the Marvel Universe, so I could be hopefully provide that diversity in the role of the superhero. — Djimon Hounsou

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Bernie Siegel

I have learned to become not an M.D. but a 'C.D.' for the wounded people I meet. Yes, a 'Chosen Dad' who may not like their behavior but loves and reparents them and helps them to heal their lives and find self-worth and self-esteem and save their lives. — Bernie Siegel

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Dennis Rodman

He loves power. He loves control because others, you know, dad and stuff like that, but he's just a great guy. He's just a great guy. — Dennis Rodman

Dad Loves Me Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

When you put your trust in your dad, he will feel the responsibility of that trust and try harder than ever to understand and to help. As your father, he is entitled to inspiration on your behalf. His advice to you will be the heartfelt expressions of someone who knows and loves you. Your dad wants more than anything for you to be happy and successful, so why would you not want to trust someone like that? Boys, trust your dad. — M. Russell Ballard

Dad Loves Me Quotes By James Vincent McMorrow

My mum was a big fan of E.L.O. and Elvis Costello. She used to play that, consistently, all the time when we were kids. And my dad, he would claim to be a singer ... You know, he loves singing, and he used to sing a lot when he was a kid and at parties and stuff like that. So I come from a very party-musical family. — James Vincent McMorrow

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Beth Revis

What else can you tell me?" Dad stares at me. "What have you learned while you were awake?"
I learned that life is so, so fragile. I learned that you can know someone for just days and never forget the impression he left on you. I learned that art can be beautiful and sad at the same time. I learned that if someone loves you, he'll wait for you to love him back. I learned that how much you want something doesn't determine whether you get it or not, that "no" might not be enough, that life isn't fair, that my parents can't save me, that maybe no one can. "Nothing much," I mutter. — Beth Revis

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Alfie Kohn

My mother maintained a sense of loving connection with me even during our worst conflicts" or "When my dad disagrees with me, I know that he still loves me."13 So, how would you like your children to answer that sort of question in five or ten or fifteen years - and how do you think they will answer it? — Alfie Kohn

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Matthew Crow

Some loves, like the one Mum felt for Dad, disappear forever and are best forgotten about; some are best suspended in the amber of memory - localized to a specific time and place, like a really great dish you ate at a restaurant on holiday; and other loves carry on forever, no matter how distant their nucleus becomes. — Matthew Crow

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Mark R. Brand

For every guy who loves being a dad, there's another who realizes too late that he's created something his wife loves more than him. — Mark R. Brand

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Ashley Tisdale

My sister is totally my dad's daughter because she loves sports. — Ashley Tisdale

Dad Loves Me Quotes By A.S. King

As I drive home, I picture other signs- one for everyone who has a secret. Bill Corso's would say, I CAN'T READ, BUT I CAN THROW A FOOTBALL. Mr. Shunk's would read, I WISH I COULD TOSS YOU ALL ON AN ISLAND BY YOURSELVES. Dad's would read, I HATE MYSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON.

My Idea grows. — A.S. King

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Lionel Shriver

I'd get this, I luuuuuuuv you, buddy! stuff, and I'd just look at him like, Who are you talking to, guy? What does that mean, your dad 'loves' you and hasn't a [bleep]ing clue who you are? What's he love then? Some kid in Happy Days. Not me. — Lionel Shriver

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Joey Lauren Adams

My life isn't that dramatic. My dad really loves me, he just can't talk on the phone. He's too crippled and shy, and that's almost harder. He's there and he loves me, and I try and try and try, it's just impossible to have a relationship. — Joey Lauren Adams

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Laila Ali

My dad is an excellent grandfather. He loves kids. He loves to kiss them to death. — Laila Ali

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Jay McLean

They love each other. You said loved. Love doesn't die just because one heart stops beating. When you love someone, you have the same heartbeat and it's still there, just not as strong. So no. There's no loved. Dad still loves her. — Jay McLean

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Lauren Oliver

I love you. Mom loves you. Dad loves you.
That doesn't count. You guys have to love me. It's practically illegal not to. You probably just love me so you won't go to jail. — Lauren Oliver

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Christopher Titus

A black widow loves her mate then kills him. A praying mantis loves her mate then eats him. Women love my dad, but he's too big to eat. — Christopher Titus

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Tim Tebow

I think number one is what my mom and dad preached to me when I was a little kid: Just because you may have athletic ability and you may be able to play a sport doesn't make you any more special than anybody else. Doesn't mean God loves you more than anybody else. — Tim Tebow

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Your dad loves you, Eleanor said. And she
was right. But it didn't matter. That was table
stakes. His dad loved him in a completely obligatory way — Rainbow Rowell

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Pat Conroy

This is what makes me crazy in this family, Dad. I don't care that you hit us. I really don't. That's over and there's nothing any of us can do about it. But I can't stand it when I state a simple fact about this family's history and I'm told by you or Mom that it didn't happen. But you've got to know, Dad, and I'm saying this as a son who loves you, that you were a shit to your kids. Not all the time. Not every day. Not every month. But we never knew what would set you off. We never knew when your temper would explode and we'd have the strongest shrimper on the river knocking us around the house. So we learned to be afraid without making a sound. And Mom was a loyal wife to you, Dad. She would never let us tell a soul that you were hitting us. Most of the time, she was like you and would simply tell us it didn't happen the way we remembered it. — Pat Conroy

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Michael Palmer

Remember, your dad loves you and he always wanted more for you than he ever wanted for himself. And if he pushes your buttons, just tell yourself that he's a master at doing that because he's the one who installed them in the first place. — Michael Palmer

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Nick Clegg

My dad's side of the family had lots of artists and musicians. There's an emotional, quite sentimental quality to Slavic culture. It's very open, it loves art, it loves music, it loves literature. It's very warm, it's very up, it's very down. I would celebrate that. — Nick Clegg

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Kaz Campbell

Dad loves his father, but he says he has always been the same. Even when his kids were young, Grandpa John was always negative. If Grandma is a glass half full, Grandpa is a totally empty glass with a desert at the bottom of it. Despite — Kaz Campbell

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Shaun White

My dad got me a huge board when I was little. He loves to surf. He suited me up and sent me out on this huge wave. I went under, and when I came out and the board hit me in the face. So I said, I never wanted to do this again. I stayed away until I was 13. — Shaun White

Dad Loves Me Quotes By David Ebershoff

I know someone loves me from how they say my name. Like with my mom and dad, when they say "Benjamin" it's like my name is safe in their mouth. — David Ebershoff

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Sarah Silverman

My dad loves to be talked about, good or bad. He just loves it. He's not even hearing the content, he's just hearing him. When I'm onstage, he's looking at the audience members and can't believe that there are strangers listening to me, and he's just delighted by the whole thing. — Sarah Silverman

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Amy Harmon

Your dad says that 'cause he loves you. Just like my mom tells me I'm pretty 'cause she loves me. I'm not pretty ... and you can't beat Ambrose, buddy. — Amy Harmon

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Eric Church

I went to my dad when I was 17 and said, 'I want to be a country music star.' Which every dad loves to hear. And he said, 'I want you to go to college.' So we had a discussion. And I'm pretty stubborn. I'm a lot like him. And he said, 'If you go to college and graduate, I'll pay your first six months of rent in Nashville.' So he bribed me. — Eric Church

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Vimala McClure

Remember that every child and every parent has a completely unique and special rela- tionship. That child knows his dad and loves his dad. Our job is to watch that communication, to nurture it, and to support the parents in their heart-to-heart relationships with their children — Vimala McClure

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

Heart Breaking, I think that if Dad, staring down the sight of a 10mm, would only tell me he loves me, I could easily change my mind ... but he won't. — Ellen Hopkins

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Will Rothhaar

Both of my parents are actors and directors and whatnot. My dad loves really solid, old school, Broadway musicals, and one of them is 'Assassins' by Stephen Sondheim. All of the successful or non-successful assassins that have ever existed in the United States come together, and they talk about their killing or attempts through songs. — Will Rothhaar

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Mac DeMarco

One thing I hear a lot is, 'Dude, my mom loves your record,' or 'I got it for my dad for Christmas.' I'm essentially doing dad rock. Which is great, because I love Steely Dan, you know? Nothing wrong with dad rock! — Mac DeMarco

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Brenda Song

My dad loves to cook. I'm half Thai, and growing up, that's all we ate in my house. My dad was very big on the idea that dinnertime and cooking time was also family time. — Brenda Song

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Jeannette Walls

Mom, you have to leave Dad," I said. She stopped doing her toe touches. "I can't believe you would say that," she said. "I can't believe that you, of all people, would turn on your father." I was Dad's last defender, she continued, the only one who pretended to believe all his excuses and tales, and to have faith in his plans for the future. "He loves you so much," Mom said. "How can you do this to him?" "I don't blame Dad," I said. And I didn't. But Dad seemed hell-bent on destroying himself, and I was afraid he was going to pull us all down with him. "We've got to get away. — Jeannette Walls

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

Your Dad Loves You, I Can Tell, Even If You Can't. — Nicholas Sparks

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Mosab Hassan Yousef

My dad is a loving person. He would never disown me. At some point we will be together again. I love my father, and he loves me. — Mosab Hassan Yousef

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Kevin Leman

Why does a dad matter so much to a daughter, in particular? A dad is the one who teaches a daughter what a male is all about. It's the first man in her life
the first man she loves, the first male she tries to please, the first man who says no to her, the first man to discipline her. In effect, he sets her up for success or failure with the opposite sex. Not only that, but she takes cues from how Dad treats Mom as she grows up about what to expect as a woman who is in a relationship with a man. So Dad sets up his daughter's marriage relationship too. — Kevin Leman

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Angelina Jolie

After my last divorce, I said I was absolutely going to marry somebody in another field, an aid worker or something. Then I met Brad, everything I wasn't looking for, but the best man, the best father I could possibly wish for, you know? I don't see him as an actor. I see him very much as a dad, as somebody who loves travel and architecture more than being in movies. — Angelina Jolie

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Stephanie Beatriz

I remember watching 'Colombo' a lot with my dad. That was one of the first detective shows I remember watching. And I remember my dad turning to me - my dad loves to turn to me and explain why things are funny. He used to do that with 'Seinfeld' all the time. He did it with 'Colombo', too, set the scene. — Stephanie Beatriz

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Adam Hicks

I love all kinds of music. My dad's from London, so he loves David Bowie, the Stones, The Clash. I grew up with that influence while loving poetry and loving all kinds of current music. — Adam Hicks

Dad Loves Me Quotes By John Leguizamo

Every dad who loves his daughter is not going to want her to go with the penniless slacker loser poet bum, when she could go out with someone who's successful. — John Leguizamo

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Sharon M. Draper

Dad loves cheese. It doesn't agree with his digestive system very well, though. Dad also has the loudest, stinkiest farts in creation. I don't know how he manages to control them at work, or even if he does, but when he'd get home, he'd let them loose. They'd start as he walked up the stairs. Step, fart. Step, fart. Step, fart. I'd be laughing by the time he got to my room, and he'd lean over my bed and kiss me. His breath always smelled like peppermints. When — Sharon M. Draper

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Paris Hilton

When I was younger, my family would go camping and fishing on our ranches. My dad loves being around all kinds of animals. He's the one who got me to be a really big animal lover. — Paris Hilton

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Norm MacDonald

I watch political shows for a number of weeks in a row, and all I see are guys arguing with each other over issues I have no idea about. My brother, he loves war-torn places. My dad would always read the paper and tell me I should watch CNN, but I usually wind up watching 'Breaking Bad.' — Norm MacDonald

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Mike Howerton

I pray that in the heat of planning, of running, of achieving and performing, that you would pause. Hear the Lord calling you to draw close to him. God loves you, and as unbelievable as it is, he wants to be with you. Find some time today to climb up in your Father's arms, let him drive the universe, and just rest. He's a strong dad. And you never get too big for his lap. — Mike Howerton

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Marilyn Manson

My dad loves what I do and I support my parents financially because they didn't have a job that gave them a pension. — Marilyn Manson

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Ken Haedrich

Pie, in a word, is my passion. Since as far back as I can remember, watching my mom and dad make their apple pies together every fall as a young boy, I have simply loved pie. I can't really explain why. If one loves poetry, or growing orchids, or walking along the beach at sunset, the why isn't all that important. To me, pie is poetry that makes the world a better place. — Ken Haedrich

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Jade Jagger

My dad loves babies. He's really good with them and is a big family man. — Jade Jagger

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Girl Talk

My dad's been one of those dads who loves showing newspaper articles to the neighbors. — Girl Talk

Dad Loves Me Quotes By Brittany Butler

I rub my hand down my face, frustrated. This girl in front of me tests my patience like hell.
When she ran to me after her dad kicked her out, I thought she still had feelings for me. She needed a place to stay, and I needed her. I offered her a room, thinking if she was around me every day, she would remember she loves me. I was dead wrong. Somewhere along the way, we switched roles, I became the one who so desperately needed her and she became cold and closed off. She isn't my savior; she's my punishment. — Brittany Butler