Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dad And Big Brother Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dad And Big Brother Quotes

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Nick Nolte

There's no greater purpose than service to others. — Nick Nolte

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Preity Zinta

The Fastest way to make you dream come true is to wake up! — Preity Zinta

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Becky Albertalli

Same first name as a president and an obscure comic book character. Half-Jewish. Excellent grammar. Easily nauseated. Likes Reese's and Oreos (i.e. not an idiot). Divorced parents. Big brother to a fetus. Dad lives in Savannah. Dad's an English teacher. Mom's an epidemiologist.
The problem is, I'm beginning to realize I hardly know anything about anyone. I mean I generally know who's a virgin. But I don't have a clue whether most people's parents are divorced, or what their parents do for a living. I mean, Nick's parents are doctors. But I don't know what Leah's mom does, and I don't even know what the deal is with her dad, because Leah never talks about him. I have no idea why Abby's dad and brother still live in DC. And these are my best friends. I've always thought of myself as nosy, but I guess I'm just nosy about stupid stuff.
It's actually really terrible, now that I think about it. — Becky Albertalli

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Beckett, would you do me a favor? For my wedding?" Livia asked suddenly.
He nodded. "You know I'll do whatever you ask."
She looked over her shoulder and back to his face. "In a minute I'm going to faint away from lack of food. When I wake up, I would appreciate it if you were miles away on Eve's bike."
"You're going to crack your fucking head trying to pull a stunt like that." He ran his hand through his hair. "And I gave your dad my word. I don't want him to think that was all a ploy."
"You said anything. Come on, big guy, give me what I want." She looked at him hopefully. "I'll explain it all to my dad later. I promise."
Beckett leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Fine. You take good care of my brother. Tell them both I said goodbye. I can't do it. I'm a pussy. — Debra Anastasia

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Ryan Montgomery

I'd clash with my dad over other things, you know, like difference of opinion and me getting testosterone, you know what I'm saying? Me feeling like I'm a little tough, being a teenager. But my big brother would come in drunk and really, really try my dad and I didn't want to do that. — Ryan Montgomery

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Sophie Thompson

As an actor you get categorized by other people, but it's not like I arrange myself into comedy mode or serious mode. If it's good writing you just have to play it true - if it's funny, it's funny. But obviously you don't want it to be amusing if you're playing Hedda Gabler! — Sophie Thompson

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Lexi Cubbins

You're right, I do indeed want you. That doesn't change the fact that you're an asshole. — Lexi Cubbins

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Euripides

In the hands of vicious men, a mob will do anything. But under good leaders it's quite a different story. — Euripides

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Eugenia Kim

It was pointless to worry about problems I didn't yet have. — Eugenia Kim

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Oliver Sacks

The miracle is that, in most cases, he succeeds - for the powers of survival, of the will to survive, and to survive as a unique inalienable individual, are absolutely, the strongest in our being: stronger than any impulses, stronger than disease. — Oliver Sacks

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Ella Henderson

Growing up, I listened and was influenced by a lot of those around me. I have a big family, and my dad listened to '80s music, my mom listened to Motown, my brother listened to reggae, and my granddad was the one that got me into jazz and swing music. — Ella Henderson

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Bill Condon

I stroll into the kitchen. Bull's making lunch. He's actually no relation to me, though secretly I look on him as my big brother, sometimes even my dad. When I needed a father for parent-teacher nights, Bull was there; if I fell out of a tree he'd run to catch me. He usually dropped me, but at least he tried; he's my full time body guard and chauffer, and, when I was thirteen and feeling depressed after spending too long in front of a mirror, he was the one I asked - 'Do you think I'm pretty?'
'No, mate,' he said, 'I wouldn't call you pretty at all. No way. You're beautiful.'
It's still near the top of one of my all-time favourite lies. — Bill Condon

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By J.M. Colail

Good for you, Big Brother! Nothing says Merry Christmas like Hi, Dad! I'm gay! — J.M. Colail

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By John Milton

He who receives
Light from above, from the Fountain of Light,
No other doctrine needs, though granted true;
But these are false, or little else but dreams,
Conjectures, fancies, built on nothing firm. — John Milton

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Dan Wilbur

Few people actually read. Instead, everyone likes pretending they read. If we spent as much time reading as we say we do, we'd be grossly overweight and depressed. — Dan Wilbur

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Marina Keegan

Growing up with an exterminator as a father was always slightly embarrassing for Anna and her brother, Kevin. "I remember," Tommy begins, "one year when Anna was about eight, and it was 'bring your daughter to work day.' That was a big thing back in the eighties," he chuckles. "Well, I remember Anna came down to breakfast that morning and told me she didn't want to come." Tommy half smiles, but shakes his head slightly and closes his eyes for a second. " 'Dad-dyyy, bugs are nasty. Why can't you be a pilot or a doctor or something cool like that?' I didn't even argue with her, I just let her go to school." Tommy sighs, "I told her I was sorry I didn't have a cooler job. — Marina Keegan

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Nathan Filer

That was sort of our family portrait. It's not the kind of thing you think you would miss. Maybe you don't even notice it at all those thousands of times, sitting between your mum and dad on the big green couch with your brother on the carpet getting in the way of the telly. Maybe you don't even notice that.
But you notice it when he isn't there anymore. You notice so many places where he isn't, and you hear so many of the things he doesn't say.
I do.
I hear them all the time. — Nathan Filer

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Ariel Winter

My mother wanted to name me Jackie or Jacqueline but she got to name my sister and my brother, so my dad and my brother insisted on naming me. And they were big fans of 'The Little Mermaid.' — Ariel Winter

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Lindsay Lohan

I did get to work with Anthony Hopkins on 'The Human Stain.' If I ever manage to accomplish a quarter of what he's achieved, I'll have had one hell of a career. — Lindsay Lohan

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Carolina Herrera

The first painting that I realised I liked was 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' by Hieronymus Bosch, when I was six years old, at the Prado in Madrid. I still find myself returning there every time I'm in the city. — Carolina Herrera

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By Ryan Montgomery

My big brother used to come home drunk and he'd clash with my dad and I just didn't want that. — Ryan Montgomery

Dad And Big Brother Quotes By George Chuvalo

When you do well in school as a young person you can foresee a bountiful future for yourself. When you don't do well, the future you see is bleak. It's tough to find an honour student in trouble with the law. We have to feel that we're of value and we get that from people reacting to our prudence. — George Chuvalo