Curiosity Knowledge Quotes & Sayings
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Top Curiosity Knowledge Quotes
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson](
Among the many inconsistencies which folly produces or infirmity suffers in the human mind, there has often been observed a manifest and striking contrariety between the life of an author and his writings ... Those whom the appearance of virtue or the evidence of genius has tempted to a nearer knowledge of the writer, in whose performances they may be found, have indeed had frequent reason to repent their curiosity. — Samuel Johnson
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Oswald Chambers Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect, but obedience. If a man wants scientific knowledge, intellectual curiosity is his guide; but if he wants insight into what Jesus Christ teaches, he can only get it by obedience. — Oswald Chambers
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Linus Pauling Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Linus Pauling](
Men will gather knowledge no matter what the consequences. Science will go on whether we are pessimistic or optimistic, as I am. More interesting discoveries than we can imagine will be made, and I am awaiting them, full of curiosity and enthusiasm. — Linus Pauling
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alain De Botton Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alain De Botton](
Curiosity takes ignorance seriously, and is confident enough to admit when it does not know. It is aware of not knowing, and it sets out to do something about it — Alain De Botton
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson](
Among the innumerable mortifications which waylay human arrogance on every side may well be reckoned our ignorance of the most common objects and effects, a defect of which we become more sensible by every attempt to supply it. Vulgar and inactive minds confound familiarity with knowledge and conceive themselves informed of the whole nature of things when they are shown their form or told their use; but the speculatist, who is not content with superficial views, harasses himself with fruitless curiosity, and still, as he inquires more, perceives only that he knows less. — Samuel Johnson
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Joshua Neik Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Joshua Neik](
Children usually have a natural curiosity about the world and everything in it until they get to school and somebody throws them against the locker because they get A's and act intelligent. After that, some kids try to dumb it down and adapt. — Joshua Neik
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson](
I am far from any intention to limit curiosity, or confine the labours of learning to arts of immediate and necessary use. It is only from the various essays of experimental industry, and the vague excursions of mind set upon discovery, that any advancement of knowledge can be expected; and though many must be disappointed in their labours, yet they are not to be charged with having spent their time in vain; their example contributed to inspire emulation, and their miscarriage taught others the way to success. — Samuel Johnson
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Philip Kitcher Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Philip Kitcher](
It is hard to hide our genes completely. However devoted someone may be to the privacy of his genotype, others with enough curiosity and knowledge can draw conclusions from the phenotype he presents and from the traits of his relatives. — Philip Kitcher
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alan Watts Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alan Watts](
Self-knowledge leads to wonder, and wonder to curiosity and investigation, so that nothing interests people more than people, even if only one's own person. — Alan Watts
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Adam A. Watt Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Adam A. Watt](
Yet the Narrator's quest is not only for his own identity and vocation. He seeks an understanding of art, sexuality and worldly and political affairs: he is a snoop and a voyeur; he comments and classifies; his taxonomic impulse makes the novel appear to be a vast compendium, replete with burrowing wasps and bedsteads, military strategies, stereoscopes, asparagus and aeroplanes. — Adam A. Watt
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By D.H. Lawrence Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By D.H. Lawrence](
Sight is the least sensual of all the senses. And we strain ourselves to see, see, see
everything, everything through the eye, inone mode of objective curiosity. — D.H. Lawrence
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Thomas Mann Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Thomas Mann](
Nothing is more curious and awkward than the relationship of two people who only know each other with their eyes - who meet and observe each other daily, even hourly and who keep up the impression of disinterest either because of morals or because of a mental abnormality. Between them there is listlessness and pent-up curiosity, the hysteria of an unsatisfied, unnaturally suppressed need for communion and also a kind of tense respect. Because man loves and honors man as long as he is not able to judge him, and desire is a product of lacking knowledge. — Thomas Mann
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel](
The ignorant man is not free, because what confronts him is an alien world, something outside him and in the offing, on which he depends, without his having made this foreign world for himself and therefore without being at home in it by himself as in something his own. The impulse of curiosity, the pressure for knowledge, from the lowest level up to the highest rung of philosophical insight arises only from the struggle to cancel this situation of unfreedom and to make the world one's own in one's ideas and thought. — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Dorothy Parker Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Dorothy Parker](
Four be the things I am wiser to know:
Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe.
Four be the things I'd been better without:
Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt.
Three be the things I shall never attain:
Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.
Three be the things I shall have till I die:
Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye. — Dorothy Parker
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Charles Baudelaire Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Charles Baudelaire](
I set out to discover the why of it, and to transform my pleasure into knowledge. — Charles Baudelaire
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Barack Obama Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Barack Obama](
Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends - honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism - these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility - a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task. — Barack Obama
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jim Elliot Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jim Elliot](
The shiny paint laid on by curiosity's hand has worn off. What thing better can a man know than the love of Christ, which passes knowledge? — Jim Elliot
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Geoff Dyer Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Geoff Dyer](
All the best essays are epistemological journeys from ignorance or curiosity to knowledge. — Geoff Dyer
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Thomas Mann Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Thomas Mann](
Nothing is stranger, more delicate, than the relationship between people who know each other only by sight - who encounter and observe each other daily, even hourly, and yet are compelled by the constraint of convention or by their own temperament to keep up the pretense of being indifferent strangers, neither greeting nor speaking to each other. Between them is uneasiness and overstimulated curiosity, the nervous excitement of an unsatisfied, unnaturally suppressed need to know and to communicate; and above all, too, a kind of strained respect. For man loves and respects his fellow man for as long as he is not yet in a position to evaluate him, and desire is born of defective knowledge. It — Thomas Mann
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Satya Nadella Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Satya Nadella](
Like anyone else, a lot of what I do and how I think has been shaped by my family and my overall life experience. Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me. — Satya Nadella
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset](
He [the "specialist"] is one who, out of all that has to be known in order to be a man of judgment, is only acquainted with one science, and even of that one only knows the small corner in which he is an active investigator. He even proclaims it as a virtue that he takes no cognisance of what lies outside the narrow territory specially cultivated by himself, and gives the name of "dilettantism" to any curiosity for the general scheme of knowledge. — Jose Ortega Y Gasset
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baltasar Gracian Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baltasar Gracian](
41 Never exaggerate. It isn't wise to use superlatives. They offend the truth and cast doubt on your judgment. By exaggerating, you squander your praise and reveal a lack of knowledge and taste. Praise awakens curiosity, which begets desire, and later, when the goods seem overpriced, as often happens, expectation feels cheated and avenges itself by running down the praised and the praiser. The prudent show restraint, and would rather fall short than long. True eminences are rare, so temper your esteem. To overvalue something is a form of lying. It can ruin your reputation for good taste, and - even worse - for wisdom. — Baltasar Gracian
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler](
The ability to retain a child's view of the world with at the same time a mature understanding of what it means to retain it, is extremely rare - and a person who has these qualities is likely to be able to contribute something really important to our thinking. — Mortimer J. Adler
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Daniel C. Dennett Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Daniel C. Dennett](
That's a rhetorical question, and trying to answer rhetorical questions instead of being cowed by them is a good habit to cultivate. — Daniel C. Dennett
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By John F. Kennedy Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By John F. Kennedy](
Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity. Our very survival may hinge upon it. — John F. Kennedy
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Will Durant Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Will Durant](
Civilization is social order promoting cultural creation. Four elements constitute it: economic provision, political organization, moral tradition, and the pursuit of knowledge and the arts. It begins where chaos and insecurity end. For when fear is overcome, curiosity and constructiveness are free, and man passes by natural impulse towards the understanding and embellishment of life. (Will Durant, Story of Civilization, pg 1, vol. 1) — Will Durant
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Hannah Arendt Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Hannah Arendt](
Thought and cognition are not the same. Thought, the source of art works, is manifest without transformation or transfiguration in all great philosophy, whereas the chief manifestation of the cognitive processes, by which we acquire and store up knowledge, is the sciences. Cognition always pursues a definite aim, which can be set by practical considerations as well as by "idle curiosity"; but once this aim is reached, the cognitive process has come to an end. Thought, on the contrary, has neither an end nor an aim outside itself, and it does not even produce results; not only the utilitarian philosophy of homo faber but also the men of action and the lovers of results in the sciences have never tired of pointing out how entirely "useless" thought is - as useless, indeed, as the works of art it inspires. — Hannah Arendt
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Michel Foucault Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Michel Foucault](
At the opposite pole to this nature of shadows, madness fascinates because it is knowledge. It is knowledge, first, because all these absurd figures are in reality elements of a difficult, hermetic, esoteric learning. These strange forms are situated, from the first, in the space of the Great Secret, and the Saint Anthony who is tempted by them is not a victim of the violence of desire but of the much more insidious lure of curiosity; he is tempted by that distant and intimate knowledge which is offered, and at the same time evaded, by the smile of the gryllos; his backward movement is nothing but that step by which he keeps from crossing the forbidden limits of knowledge; he knows already - and — Michel Foucault
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Hugh Howey Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Hugh Howey](
And now you see why some facts, some pieces of knowledge, have to be snuffed out as soon as they form. Curiosity would blow across such embers and burn this silo to the ground. — Hugh Howey
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Terry Eagleton Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Terry Eagleton](
That Hitchens represents a grievous loss to the left is beyond doubt. He is a superb writer, superior in wit and elegance to his hero George Orwell, and an unstanchably eloquent speaker. He has an insatiable curiosity about the modern world and an encyclopaedic knowledge of it, as well as an unflagging fascination with himself. Through getting to know all the right people, an instinct as inbuilt as his pancreas, he could tell you without missing a beat whom best to consult in Rabat about education policy in the Atlas Mountains. The same instinct leads to chummy lunches with Bill Deedes and Peregrine Worsthorne. In his younger days, he was not averse to dining with repulsive fat cats while giving them a piece of his political mind. Nowadays, one imagines, he just dines with repulsive fat cats. — Terry Eagleton
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By J.B.Alves Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By J.B.Alves](
We all come from somewhere. Born, aborted, extradited, fugitive or even enslaved. But much of what we are, belongs to Mother Africa. We need to respect and have esteem, knowledge and curiosity. Then, open your eyes to understand a little more. Do not accept this cultural void created by that ethnocentric feeling! — J.B.Alves
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Francis Bacon Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Francis Bacon](
But the greatest error of all the rest is the mistaking or misplacing of the last or farthest end of knowledge: for men have entered into a desire of learning and knowledge, sometimes upon a natural curiosity and inquisitive appetite; sometimes to entertain their minds with variety and delight; sometimes for ornament and reputation; and sometimes to enable them to victory of wit and contradiction; and most times for lucre and profession; and seldom sincerely to give a true account of their gift of reason, to the benefit and use of men ... — Francis Bacon
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Umberto Eco Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Umberto Eco](
A monk should surely love his books with humility, wishing their good and not the glory of his own curiosity; but what the temptation of adultery is for laymen and the yearning for riches is for secular ecclesiastics, the seduction of knowledge is for monks. — Umberto Eco
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Roger Ebert Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Roger Ebert](
Socrates told us, "the unexamined life is not worth living." I think he's calling for curiosity, more than knowledge. In every human society at all times and at all levels, the curious are at the leading edge. — Roger Ebert
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Agatha Christie Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Agatha Christie](
She looked at nobody, but just before she went out, she raised her eyes and took a speedy glance at me. There was something in that looks that startled me - though it was difficult to describe why. There was malice in it, and a curious intimate knowledge. I felt that, without effort, and almost without curiosity, she had known exactly what thoughts were in my mind. — Agatha Christie
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov](
What I am thinking of is the man of imagination and science, whose courage is infinite because his curiosity surpasses his courage. Nothing will keep him back...Any true scientist (not, of course,the fraudulent mediocrity, whose only treasure is the ignorance he hides like a bone) should be capable of experiencing that sensuous pleasure of direct and divine knowledge. He may be twenty and he may be eighty-five but without that tingle there is no science. — Vladimir Nabokov
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stephen Fry Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stephen Fry](
I'm fat because I'm greedy, and if my mind is fat it's because I'm curious. — Stephen Fry
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Isaac Asimov Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Isaac Asimov](
The greatest weapons in the conquest of knowledge are an understanding mind and the inexorable curiosity that drives it on. — Isaac Asimov
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By James Rollins Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By James Rollins](
Just go look.
That sentiment had been the driving force behind humanity's progress across the ages, a simple imperative fueled by our innate curiosity: to discover what was around the next bend, over the next horizon. It was that same inquisitiveness that impelled us to explore who we are, where we came from, and where we are headed next. — James Rollins
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Do according to your capability.
Act according to your capacity.
Go according to your curiosity.
Be according to your possibility. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Go according to your curiosity. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Miguel Reynolds Brandao Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Miguel Reynolds Brandao](
The New Economy brings the need to tap people's curiosity, quest for knowledge and understanding, in order to develop a sustainable society. — Miguel Reynolds Brandao
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kim Harrison Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kim Harrison](
Knowledge is Power. Ignorance is Bliss. But curiosity - even if it had killed the cat - is king. — Kim Harrison
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kathryn Schulz Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kathryn Schulz](
The idea behind the meta-induction is that all of our theories are fundamentally provisional and quite possibly wrong, if we can add that idea to our cognitive toolkit, we will be better able to listen with curiosity and empathy to those whose theories contradict our own. We will be better able to pay attention to counterevidence - those anomalous bits of data that make our picture of the world a little weirder, more mysterious, less clean, less done. And we will be able to hold our own beliefs a bit more humbly, in the knowledge that better ideas are almost certainly on the way. — Kathryn Schulz
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Angela Carter Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Angela Carter](
What are the butcherly delights of meat? These are not sensual but analytical. The satisfaction of scientific curiosity in dissection. A clinical pleasure in the precision with which the process of reducing the living, moving, vivid object to the dead status of thing is accomplished. The pleasure of watching the spectacle of the slaughter that derives from the knowledge one is disassociated from the spectacle; the bloody excitation of the audience in the abattoir, who watch the dramatic transformation act, from living flesh to dead meat, derives from the knowledge they are safe from the knife themselves. There is the technical pleasure of carving and the anticipatory pleasure of the prospect of eating the meat, of the assimilation of the dead stuff, after which it will be humanly transformed into flesh. — Angela Carter
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By J. Budziszewski Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By J. Budziszewski](
Some seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge: that is curiosity. Others seek knowledge that they may themselves be known: that is vanity. But there are still others who seek knowledge in order to serve and edify others, and that is charity." The — J. Budziszewski
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Greatness always indicates simplicity. Wisdom always results from curiosity. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Knowledge comes from curiosity; wisdom comes from experience. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Roberto Llamas Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Roberto Llamas](
Ignorance; lack of knowledge or lack of curiosity. — Roberto Llamas
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kevin Mitnick Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kevin Mitnick](
It's kind of interesting, because hacking is a skill that could be used for criminal purposes or legitimate purposes, and so even though in the past I was hacking for the curiosity, and the thrill, to get a bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge, I'm now working in the security field as a public speaker. — Kevin Mitnick
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By David Mitchell Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By David Mitchell](
My curiosity is dying, I told Professor Mephi one pleasant day, during a seminar on Thomas Paine. I remember the sounds of a baseball game drifting thru his open window. My mentor said we had to identify the source of this malady, and urgently. I said something about reading not being knowledge, about knowledge without xperience being food without sustenance. "You need to get out more," remarked the professor. — David Mitchell
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Bernard Of Clairvaux Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Bernard Of Clairvaux](
There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is Curiosity.
There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is Vanity.
There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is Love. — Bernard Of Clairvaux
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Emily St. John Mandel Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Emily St. John Mandel](
Is it possible that somewhere there are ships setting out? If there are again towns with streetlights, if there are symphonies and newspapers, then what else might this awakening world contain? Perhaps vessels are setting out even now, traveling toward or away from him, steered by sailors armed with maps and knowledge of the stars, driven by need or perhaps simply by curiosity; whatever became of the countries on the other side? If nothing else, it's pleasant to consider the possibility. He likes the thought of ships moving over the water, toward another world just out of sight. — Emily St. John Mandel
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stefan Molyneux Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stefan Molyneux](
There is no key to open the heart of another - except curiosity. — Stefan Molyneux
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin](
If I had to pick a hero, it would be Charles Darwin
the size of his mind, which included all that scientific curiosity and knowledge seeking, and the ability to put it all together. There is a genuine spirituality about Darwin's thinking. — Ursula K. Le Guin
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Joris-Karl Huysmans Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Joris-Karl Huysmans](
In this game he had acquired a great deal of muddled knowledge, more than one approximation and less than one certitude. And absence of energy, a curiosity that was too sharp to be crushed immediately, a lack of order in his ideas, a weakening of his spiritual boundaries, which were promptly twisted, an excessive passion for running along forked roads and wearying of the path as soon as he had started on it, mental indigestion demanding varied dishes, quickly tiring of the foods he desired, digesting almost all, but badly, was his state. — Joris-Karl Huysmans
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Xenophon Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Xenophon](
And moreover, his curiosity and thirst for knowledge were such that he must needs inquire from every one he met the explanation of this, that, and the other; and his own wits were so lively that he was ever ready with an answer himself for any question put to him, so that talkativeness had become, as it were, his second nature. But, — Xenophon
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Samuel Johnson](
Among the lower classes of mankind there will be found very little desire of any other knowledge than what may contribute immediately to the relief of some pressing uneasiness, or the attainment of some near advantage. — Samuel Johnson
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Anna Kyss Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Anna Kyss](
Curiosity is thought to be a natural trait among the Fae, leading to knowledge of the world around us. — Anna Kyss
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ian Leslie Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ian Leslie](
Sir Ken Robinson's 2008 talk on educational reform - entitled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" - has now been viewed more than 4 million times. In it Robinson cites the fact that children's scores on standard tests of creativity decline as they grow older and advance through the educational system. He concludes that children start out as curious, creative individuals but are made duller by factory-style schools that spend too much time teaching children academic facts and not enough helping them express themselves. Sir Ken clearly cares greatly about the well-being of children, and he is a superb storyteller, but his arguments about creativity, though beguilingly made, are almost entirely baseless. — Ian Leslie
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Benjamin Franklin Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Benjamin Franklin](
We are all born without knowledge, but curious. With curiosity we should be able to learn as much as possible. With curiosity, it has to take a lot of work to remain ignorant. — Benjamin Franklin
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Karen Blixen Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Karen Blixen](
A visitor is a friend, he brings news, good or bad, which is bread to the hungry minds in lonely places. A real friend who comes to the house is a heavenly messenger, who brings the panis angelorum. — Karen Blixen
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Danielle LaPorte Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Danielle LaPorte](
If knowledge is power, then curiosity is the muscle. — Danielle LaPorte
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Philip Zaleski Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Philip Zaleski](
Tolkien regretted "the degeneration of real curiosity and enthusiasm," and called for research motivated by love of knowledge rather than hunger for a job. — Philip Zaleski
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Leo Tolstoy Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Leo Tolstoy](
Several times I asked myself, "Can it be that I have overlooked something, that there is something which I have failed to understand? Is it not possible that this state of despair is common to everyone?" And I searched for an answer to my questions in every area of knowledge acquired by man. For a long time I carried on my painstaking search; I did not search casually, out of mere curiosity, but painfully, persistently, day and night, like a dying man seeking salvation. I found nothing. — Leo Tolstoy
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Cornelia Funke Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Cornelia Funke](
When it came to hiding, even Gwin had nothing to teach Dustfinger. A strange sense of curiosity had always driven him to explore the hidden, forgotten corners of this and any other place, and all that knowledge had now come in useful. — Cornelia Funke
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Steven Pinker Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Steven Pinker](
The problem with the religious solution [for mysteries such as consciousness and moral judgments] was stated by Mencken when he wrote, "Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing." For anyone with a persistent intellectual curiosity, religious explanations are not worth knowing because they pile equally baffling enigmas on top of the original ones. What gave God a mind, free will, knowledge, certainty about right and wrong? How does he infuse them into a universe that seems to run just fine according to physical laws? How does he get ghostly souls to interact with hard matter? And most perplexing of all, if the world unfolds according to a wise and merciful plan, why does it contain so much suffering? As the Yiddish expression says, If God lived on earth, people would break his window. — Steven Pinker
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Albert Greene Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Albert Greene](
[Parker J.] Palmer points out that knowledge today is driven by two motives, curiosity and control. Curiosity gives us pure science, and control gives us technology. Then he asserts that there is a third component that is regularly disregarded but essential to true knowledge--compassion, or love. — Albert Greene
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Brene Brown Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Brene Brown](
Einstein said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." Curiosity's reason for existing is not simply to be a tool used in acquiring knowledge; it reminds us that we're alive. Researchers are finding evidence that curiosity is correlated with creativity, intelligence, improved learning and memory, and problem solving. — Brene Brown
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Robert Boyle Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Robert Boyle](
The phaenomena afforded by trades, are a part of the history of nature, and therefore may both challenge the naturalist's curiosity and add to his knowledge, Nor will it suffice to justify learned men in the neglect and contempt of this part of natural history, that the men, from whom it must be learned, are illiterate mechanicks ... is indeed childish, and too unworthy of a philosopher, to be worthy of an honest answer. — Robert Boyle
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Look back with compassion, look forward with curiosity, but live for the present moment with wonder and joy. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baris Gencel Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baris Gencel](
More interest you have more knowledge you have and more knowledge you have more questions you have and more questions means more wisdom you have and you are already inside the vein of life which is running with enormous speed. — Baris Gencel
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By David Hume Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By David Hume](
The slaving Poor are incapable of any Principles: Gentlemen may be converted to true Principles, by Time and Experience. The middling Rank of Men have Curiosity and Knowledge enough to form Principles, but not enough to form true ones, or correct any Prejudices that they may have imbib'd: And 'tis among the middling Rank, that Tory Principles do at present prevail most in England. — David Hume
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By H.L. Mencken Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By H.L. Mencken](
By profession a biologist, [Thomas Henry Huxley] covered in fact the whole field of the exact sciences, and then bulged through its four fences. Absolutely nothing was uninteresting to him. His curiosity ranged from music to theology and from philosophy to history. He didn't simply know something about everything; he knew a great deal about everything. — H.L. Mencken
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Floyd Dell Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Floyd Dell](
Children are notoriously curious about everything, everything except ... the things people want them to know. It then remains for us to refrain from forcing any kind of knowledge upon them, and they will be curious about everything. — Floyd Dell
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ernest Starling Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Ernest Starling](
In physiology, as in all other sciences, no discovery is useless, no curiosity misplaced or too ambitious, and we may be certain that every advance achieved in the quest of pure knowledge will sooner or later play its part in the service of man. — Ernest Starling
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stephen J. O'Brien Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Stephen J. O'Brien](
Within a few months Mitch Bush, head veterinarian at the National Zoo, and David Wildt, a young reproductive physiologist working as a postdoctoral fellow in my laboratory at the National Cancer Institute, were on a plane bound for South Africa. Bush is a towering, bearded, giant of a man with a strong interest and acumen in exotic animal veterinary medicine, particularly the rapidly improving field of anesthetic pharmacology. Wildt is a slight and modest Midwestern farm boy, schooled in the reproductive physiology of barnyard animals. His boyish charm and polite shy demeanor mask a piercing curiosity and deep knowledge of all things reproductive. Bush and Wildt's expedition to the DeWildt cheetah breeding center outside Pretoria would ultimately change the way the conservation community viewed cheetahs forever. — Stephen J. O'Brien
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Vilfredo Pareto Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Vilfredo Pareto](
Human behaviour reveals uniformities which constitute natural laws. If these uniformities did not exist, then there would be neither social science nor political economy, and even the study of history would largely be useless. In effect, if the future actions of men having nothing in common with their past actions, our knowledge of them, although possibly satisfying our curiosity by way of an interesting story, would be entirely useless to us as a guide in life. — Vilfredo Pareto
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Marie Stopes Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Marie Stopes](
An impersonal and scientific knowledge of the structure of our bodies is the surest safeguard against prurient curiosity and lascivious gloating. — Marie Stopes
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Todd William Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Todd William](
Though our collective level of knowledge may always be defined by a certain set of answers, we are never limited by the questions we may pose. — Todd William
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Sherry Turkle Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Sherry Turkle](
He experiences a connection where knowledge does not interfere with wonder. — Sherry Turkle
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alexis De Tocqueville Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Alexis De Tocqueville](
In America religion is the road to knowledge, and the observance of the divine laws leads man to civil freedom. — Alexis De Tocqueville
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Blaise Pascal Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Blaise Pascal](
Curiosity is nothing more than vanity. More often than not we only seek knowledge to show it off. — Blaise Pascal
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Deepak Chopra Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Deepak Chopra](
Knowledge is not rooted in facts; it is rooted in curiosity. One inspired teacher can alter a student for life by instilling curiosity. — Deepak Chopra
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Michel De Montaigne Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Michel De Montaigne](
I felt compassion for the poor people who were taken in by [supernatural] follies. And now I think that I was at least as much to be pitied myself. Not that experience has since shown me anything surpassing my first beliefs, and that through no fault of my curiosity; but reason has taught me to condemn a thing thus, dogmatically, as false and impossible, is to assume the distinction of knowing the bounds and limits of God's will and of the power of our mother Nature; and that there is no more notable folly in the world than to measure these things by our capacity and competence. If we call prodigies or miracles whatever our reason cannot reach, how many of these appear continually before our eyes! Let us consider through what clouds and how gropingly we are led to the knowledge of most of the things that are right in our hands; assuredly we shall find that it is rather familiarity than knowledge that takes away their strangeness. — Michel De Montaigne
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Frank Herbert Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Frank Herbert](
We shouldn't have tried to create new symbols," he said. We should've realized we weren't supposed to introduce uncertainties into accepted belief, that we weren't supposed to stir up curiosity about God. We are daily confronted by the terrifying instability of all things human, yet we permit our religions to grow more rigid and controlled, more conforming and oppressive. What is this shadow across the highway of Divine Command? It is a warning that institutions endure, that symbols endure when their meaning is lost, that there is no summa of all attainable knowledge.
"Admission" of C.E.T. Chairman Toure Bomoko, in "Appendix II: The Religion of Dune — Frank Herbert
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Steven Pressfield Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Steven Pressfield](
A thousand years from now" Leonidas declared, "two thousand, three thousand years hence, men a hundred generations yet unborn may, for their private purposes, make journey to our country. They will come, scholars perhaps or travelers from beyond the sea, prompted by curiosity regarding the past or appetite for knowledge of the ancients. They will peer out across our plain and probe among the stone and rubble of our nation. What will they learn about us? Their shovels will unearth neither brilliant palaces nor temples. Their picks will prize forth no everlasting architecture or art. What will remain of the Spartans? Not monuments of marble or bronze, but this- what we do here today." Out beyond the narrows, the enemy trumpets sounded. — Steven Pressfield
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baris Gencel Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Baris Gencel](
Curiosity deepest connection that we have with knowledge, wisdom and life. Incuriosity is cutting all these connections. — Baris Gencel
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler](
The complexities of adult life get in the way of the truth. — Mortimer J. Adler
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
I am not trying to teach you anything but trying to ignite the fire of curiosity for knowledge and wisdom. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kavita Bhupta Ghosh Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Kavita Bhupta Ghosh](
A shower of rain rejuvenates nature; similarly a Good Teacher rejuvenates learners with the beauty of knowledge. A shower of rain in the desert rejuvenates the most barren wasteland and helps hibernating flowers to bloom with an explosion of colour and eagerness; similarly a Great Teacher rejuvenates hibernating learners to bloom with an explosion of love for learning, curiosity and eagerness to explore the world without fear and inhibitions. — Kavita Bhupta Ghosh
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
Curiosity is the origin of knowledge. Experience is the origin of wisdom. — Debasish Mridha
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Toba Beta Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Toba Beta](
The human curiosity is as if an ant which seeks knowledge and walks over the books of science. — Toba Beta
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Umberto Eco Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Umberto Eco](
I like the notion of stubborn incuriosity. To cultivate a stubborn incuriosity, you have to limit yourself to certain areas of knowledge. You cannot be totally greedy. You have to oblige yourself not to learn everything. Or else you will learn nothing. — Umberto Eco
![Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jeanne DuPrau Curiosity Knowledge Quotes By Jeanne DuPrau](
It wasn't because they had extraordinary powers, really, but because of how well they used the ordinary powers everyone had: the power of courage, the power of kindness, the powers of curiosity and knowledge. — Jeanne DuPrau