Famous Quotes & Sayings

Crumpet Quotes & Sayings

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Top Crumpet Quotes

Crumpet Quotes By T. Kingfisher

She brutalized flour and butter, she visited wartime atrocities to milk and yeast. She committed acts of crumpet. — T. Kingfisher

Crumpet Quotes By Gregg Allman

I left home the day after I graduated from high school because I knew we weren't going to make any dough to pay the rent in music. — Gregg Allman

Crumpet Quotes By Henri Nouwen

Think of each wound as you would of a child who has been hurt by a friend. As long as that child is ranting and raving, trying to get back at the friend, one wound leads to another. But when the child can experience the consoling embrace of a parent, she or he can live through the pain, return to the friend, forgive, and build up a new relationship. Be gentle with yourself, and let your heart be your loving parent as you live your wounds through. — Henri Nouwen

Crumpet Quotes By Angelica Banks

The butter from Dorothy's' crumpet
Dripped into the bell of her trumpet.
Sweet young Edgar, eating Jell-O,
Dropped a spoonful onto is cello. — Angelica Banks

Crumpet Quotes By Samuel Ha-Nagid

I have no time in the world but the time in which I am
and that lasts a moment and passes like a cloud. — Samuel Ha-Nagid

Crumpet Quotes By Tom Baker

I was playing Rasputin and what was motivating him was crumpet really, and I was extremely keen on crumpet so I was really rather good as Rasputin. And my next catastrophic failure was Macbeth, who I played in the style of a crumpet-lover, and then when Doctor Who came along, I embraced this lunacy, this cloud-cuckoo-land where people had to be convinced by absolute nonsense. I came from a very religious background, so it was easy for me to believe in something I knew nothing about. — Tom Baker

Crumpet Quotes By Raphael

Cricket? Nobody understands cricket! You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket! — Raphael

Crumpet Quotes By Marc Norman

William Shakespeare: My muse, as always, is Aphrodite.
Philip Henslowe: Aphrodite Baggett, who does it behind the Dog and Crumpet? — Marc Norman

Crumpet Quotes By Cassandra Clare

I was hoping they would put up flyers like they do for lost cats." He said. "Missing, one stunningly attractive teenage boy. Answers to 'Jace' or 'hotstuff'."
"You did not just say that."
"You don't like 'hotstuff'? You think 'sweet cheeks' might be better? "Love crumpet'? Really? That last one's stretching it a bit. Though, technically my family is British- — Cassandra Clare

Crumpet Quotes By Early Wynn

A pitcher is only as good as his legs. — Early Wynn

Crumpet Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

You ask me,' a thoughtful Crumpet had once said in the smoking-room of the Drones Club, 'why it is that at the mention of his Uncle Fred's name Pongo Twistleton blenches to the core and calls for a couple of quick ones. I will tell you. It is because this uncle is pure dynamite. Every time he is in Pongo's midst, with the sap running strongly in his veins, he subjects the unfortunate young egg to some soul-testing experience, luring him out into the open and there, right in the public eye, proceeding to step high, wide and plentiful. For though well stricken in years the old blister becomes on these occasions as young as he feels, which seems to be about twenty-two. I don't know if you happen to know what the word "excesses" means, but those are what he invariably commits, when on the loose. Get Pongo to tell you some time about that day they had together at the dog races. — P.G. Wodehouse

Crumpet Quotes By Gillian Anderson

Thinking man's crumpet? Well, it's more flattering than being a lobotomised man's crumpet, I suppose ... — Gillian Anderson

Crumpet Quotes By Joseph Albahari

var says, "Let the compiler figure out the type." dynamic says, "Let the runtime figure out the type. — Joseph Albahari

Crumpet Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

I see my beauty in you. — Jalaluddin Rumi

Crumpet Quotes By Mickey Rourke

I behaved worse than anybody for 15 years, and you have to pay the price for that. I used to blame other people, then therapy made me realise I had to change. — Mickey Rourke

Crumpet Quotes By Cheryl McIntyre

The place doesn't matter. It's the person. It's you and it's me. That's the important part. I happen to love where I am. In your bed that smells like you, surrounded by the things that make you you. — Cheryl McIntyre

Crumpet Quotes By Peg Bracken

There was something immensely comforting, I found, about a crumpet - so comforting that I've never forgotten about them and have even learned to make them myself against those times when I have no other source of supply. — Peg Bracken

Crumpet Quotes By Charles Dickens

The United Metropolitan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet Baking and Punctual Delivery Company. — Charles Dickens

Crumpet Quotes By Billy Graham

Far too many young people coming of age today have no spiritual or emotional roots. They have been deprived of values by an agnostic and contemporary culture. — Billy Graham

Crumpet Quotes By Karen Kingsbury

He wished he had feelings for Andi, wanted to be interested in her ... But there were 10 quick reasons why he wasn't interested. The biggest: Bailey Flanigan. He could hear her laugh from across the room. He sighed, and it felt like it came from the basement of his soul. — Karen Kingsbury