Famous Quotes & Sayings

Criminal Minds The Quotes & Sayings

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Top Criminal Minds The Quotes

Criminal Minds The Quotes By China Mieville

Just thugs only ever got so far. The best thugs were all psychologists. — China Mieville

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Floyd C. Forsberg

As professionals , the odds were in our favor, or so we believed. — Floyd C. Forsberg

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Miles Watson

The course she was on was as fixed and unalterable as the trajectory of a bullet, but you could see she did not believe that. No one in the life ever believed it. They saw a dozen, a hundred, a thousand people precede them into the trap, saw how unvarying and pitiless the end was, and with all that fresh in their minds they did the same, of their own free will. — Miles Watson

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Teryl Rothery

That's a hard one because right now it seems that all I'm watching is Teletoons and Nickelodeon. You know what I love? I love Criminal Minds. I love CSI. Those are my kind of shows. I also love Modern Family ... MasterChef, I'm huge into that. I'm a big Gordon Ramsay fan ... I don't get a whole lot of time to watch anything but, if I can, those are some of the ones that I do tend to watch. — Teryl Rothery

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Ljupka Cvetanova

It takes two to bribe. — Ljupka Cvetanova

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Patricia Briggs

You mean all the dead women looked like Mr. Hauptman's ex-wife? That's . . . that's right out of a profiler's book." Jenny snorted her coffee, wiped her nose, and gave her assistant a quelling look. "You might curb your enthusiasm over the deaths of seven women, Andrea. It isn't really appropriate." "Poor things," said Andrea obediently. "But this is like being in the middle of an episode of Criminal Minds." She paused. "Okay. That's dorky. — Patricia Briggs

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Shemar Moore

What I love about 'Criminal Minds' is that Morgan is an ex-marine, ex-SWAT. To do those things you have to be a pretty badass dude. It's a great incentive to stay in shape. — Shemar Moore

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Anonymous

CSI, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Criminal Minds, Blue Bloods, Castle, Bones, and Hawaii Five-0 — Anonymous

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Angel Ramon Medina

Surprised huh, thought you had me back in prison didn't you? To answer your question what keeps me alive is my drive, my drive to kill you! I have nothing, but hate for you and your family. It will be my pleasure taking you out. I don't care about power, plutonium or even being rich. None of that matters to me. I only care about taking you out. Even if I die I want to be the one who is called the killer of Angel Medina! There's no where for you to go. Now we will truly see who is better! Come on put up you hands and prepare for your final battle of your life! - Orlando from Framed: The Second Book of the Thousand Years War — Angel Ramon Medina

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Charles Todd

Now he realized that somehow those who had served in France and elsewhere knew a world that couldn't be shared. How could he tell his sister - or even his father, if the elder Rutledge was still alive - what had been done on bloody ground far from home? It would be criminal to fill their minds with scenes that no one should have to remember. No one. — Charles Todd

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Daniel Myerson

sight. In his essay On The Sublime, Edmund Burke observes, "Represent the most sublime and affecting tragedy we have...and when you have collected your audience, just at the moment when their minds are filled with expectation, let it be reported that a criminal is on the point of being executed in the adjoining square..." And in a moment, the theater will be empty. In these bloody rituals of execution and repression, the leader becomes the ancient God-King stepping forward to save his people, a promise as dangerous as it is seductive. If there is one lesson we can take away from the extravagant lives of our tyrants it is the fragility of our democratic society which, after all, is the exception, not the norm, in that dark, violent story known as human history. — Daniel Myerson

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Dan Ahearn

This was the move that was supposed to sweep me away. She seemed a little out of practice. I guess life with Charley Royce hadn't exactly been the third reel of The English Patient. It had to be bad if Mickey Dolan was your back-up. Not to put Mickey down but he didn't strike me as the lover-boy type. Especially when he took out his teeth. The last time Mickey thought about pleasing anybody but himself was just before he discovered how to sniff glue. — Dan Ahearn

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Michael Grant

I don't care what your excuse is, I don't care what you think God told you to do, if you are in the business of closing children's minds and obliterating their capacity to imagine, and depriving them of a capacity to laugh, then you are a criminal. Maybe not under the law, but under any decent system of morality.
Shame on anyone who brainwashes a child and attacks their individual liberty and deprives them of the freedom that is the very definition of a human being. Shame. — Michael Grant

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Ljupka Cvetanova

A criminal always returns home. — Ljupka Cvetanova

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Shemar Moore

After eight years on 'Young and the Restless' and eight years on 'Criminal Minds,' I'm ready for that next phase of my career. — Shemar Moore

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Paget Brewster

I like everybody at 'Criminal Minds.' I would like to guest star, but I don't know if that is in the cards. — Paget Brewster

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Jason Aldean

The DVR thing has rocked my world. Being on the road, I used to not keep up with any shows. Now I got a DVR, so I'm watching everything: 'CSI: Miami,' my favorites 'Criminal Minds' and 'The Mentalist.' I like some of the HBO stuff, 'Entourage' and 'Eastbound & Down.' My wife got me into the 'Grey's Anatomy' deal, so I'm watching that. — Jason Aldean

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Paget Brewster

I really didn't feel challenged anymore. I wanted to learn something and be excited again ... While it can be a family - that environment is actually a family - in the sense that also you sometimes hate each other, you can't stand being around each other and grudges are held ... I was getting cranky on 'Criminal Minds.' — Paget Brewster

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Paget Brewster

After six wonderful years playing Emily Prentiss, I have decided it's time for me to move on. As much as I will miss my 'Criminal Minds' family, I am excited about the future and other opportunities. — Paget Brewster

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Floyd C. Forsberg

He could have killed me for the blunder - which really wasn't my fault - but I was lucky , and he gave me another chance. The two officers who questioned him were also incredibly lucky for not having had any idea who it was they'd been questioning. — Floyd C. Forsberg

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Paget Brewster

When I was asked to leave, I left ... Then they made me come back. I did, and I decided to enjoy it. It was one year. I care about everyone at 'Criminal Minds' but I knew, in my heart, I had left. — Paget Brewster

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

During a crisis period, a desperate attempt is made by the extremists to influence the minds of the liberal forces in the ruling majority. So, for example, in the present transition white Southerners attempt to convince Northern whites that the Negroes are inherently criminal. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Elle Casey

We climbed up the stairs to the jet. As I entered, the first thing that came to my mind was, 'Holy shit, I'm on an episode of Criminal Minds.' The jet was super posh. Cream-colored leather seats in groups of four, with real wood tables in between, filled the spacious interior. The plush carpeting underfoot make our steps soundless, muffling the noises of our boarding. I was willing to bet that those chairs could recline all the way. This is about as far from coach class as I was ever going to get. — Elle Casey

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Jason Alexander

I've gotten a lot of compliments on the 'Criminal Minds' guy. I guess it's because the look of that character is so different from what people expect of me. — Jason Alexander

Criminal Minds The Quotes By H. Beam Piper

You show me ten men who cherish some religious doctrine or political ideology, and I'll show you nine men whose minds are utterly impervious to any factual evidence which contradicts their beliefs, and who regard the producer of such evidence as a criminal who ought to be suppressed. — H. Beam Piper

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Walter Mosley

We got a call from across the street that a black woman had broken into this house."
"And you were going to arrest her without even knocking on the door?"
"We had to secure her first. Um. Are you okay, ma'am?"
"Of course I am. Don't you see me?"
"Because we have her in custody. You don't have to be afraid."
"I'm not afraid of my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Theon Pinkney. She's the one who should be afraid. Four big men grabbing her and putting her in chains. What's wrong with you?"
The police stood there, slightly confused. I could see that they felt justified, even righteous, for grabbing me in Marcia's driveway. There was no question in their minds that I was a criminal and that they were on the side of the Law.
Marcia glanced at me then. We'd spent hours together but it was as if she hadn't really gotten a good look at me until seeing the tableau in her driveway. — Walter Mosley

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Deyth Banger

Now they have a riddle.

- Criminal Minds — Deyth Banger

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Tony Kushner

Children of the new morning, criminal minds. Selfish and greedy and loveless and blind. — Tony Kushner

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Miles Watson

It wasn't fair, but maybe Tommy was right on that score. Maybe a man didn't have no right to ask for fair. Maybe a man made fair for himself. — Miles Watson

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Noah Cicero

We want them to have appropriate conversations. They need to live appropriate lives. We are guarding against all inappropriate ideas and thoughts that may arise inside their criminal minds. They are reborn here, they are like little fetuses, and we must raise these fetuses. Everything is gone. — Noah Cicero

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Mandy Patinkin

The biggest public mistake I ever made was that I chose to do 'Criminal Minds' in the first place. — Mandy Patinkin

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Jill Shalvis

This put her in the possession of two guns. I Love Lucy does Criminal Minds. — Jill Shalvis

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Elle Fanning

I've been on 'Criminal Minds' twice! On the first show, a boy brought kids out to the woods and was beating them with a baseball bat, but I got away. Then they brought Tracy, my character, back - as a kidnapped girl. They saved me two times! Tracy lived! — Elle Fanning

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Deyth Banger

So sad "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior" the series ended open and it was made in 2011 and it ended in 2011! — Deyth Banger

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Sick people are everywhere. Just watch Criminal Minds."
"If that's their subject matter, I'm thinkin' I'll avoid it. — Kristen Ashley

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Munia Khan

Every criminal has a good mind conquered by the devil — Munia Khan

Criminal Minds The Quotes By Paget Brewster

I'm not saying anything to denigrate 'Criminal Minds'; that's a great show. I just didn't appreciate it anymore. I appreciate those people, but I realized my heart wasn't in and I needed to go because plenty of people would rip their arm off to be on that show, so they should be. — Paget Brewster