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Costliest Quotes & Sayings

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Top Costliest Quotes

Costliest Quotes By Theophrastus

Our costliest expenditure is time. — Theophrastus

Costliest Quotes By John Milton

Iris all hues, roses, and jessamine Reared high their flourished heads between, and wrought Mosaic; underfoot the violet, Crocus, and hyacinth with rich inlay Broidered the ground, more coloured than with stone Of costliest emblem: other creature here Beast, bird, insect, or worm durst enter none; Such was their awe of man. — John Milton

Costliest Quotes By Evgeny Morozov

The bigger the network, the harder it is to leave. Many users find it too daunting to start afresh on a new site, so they quietly consent to Facebook's privacy bullying. — Evgeny Morozov

Costliest Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Besides the general infusion of wit to heighten civility, the direct splendor of intellectual power is ever welcome in fine society, as the costliest addition to its rule and its credit. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Costliest Quotes By Robert Aris Willmott

The drama embraces and applies all the beauties and decorations of poetry. The sister arts attend and adorn it. Painting, architecture, and music are her handmaids. The costliest lights of a people's intellect burn at her show. All ages welcome her. — Robert Aris Willmott

Costliest Quotes By Mary Faulkner

The logic behind magic is that we create what we are imagining. — Mary Faulkner

Costliest Quotes By Mike Bouchard

Although the reasons for Michigan's malaise are varied, one big reason is our state's almost uniquely uncompetitive tax structure, which one General Motors official called the costliest of all jurisdictions where GM operates. — Mike Bouchard

Costliest Quotes By Alfred De Musset

The costliest women are the ones who cost nothing. — Alfred De Musset

Costliest Quotes By Antonio Gramsci

Is it better to work out consciously and critically one's own conception of the world and thus, in connection with the labours of one's own brain, choose one's sphere of activity, take an active part in the creation of the history of the world, be one's own guide, refusing to accept passively and supinely from outside the moulding of one' own personality? — Antonio Gramsci

Costliest Quotes By Sadie Grubor

Honestly, I didn't expect anything. I didn't plan on standing in your penthouse kitchen this morning."
A grin splits his face.
"But you are." Keeping the smile, he sticks his tongue through his teeth.
"Yeah, I am." I beam up at him.
"You stay'n in my kitchen?" he asks, his face moving closer.
"I thought we are seeing how things go?"
I press my hands to his chest, sliding my arms up to his shoulders.
"I'll just take that as a yes. — Sadie Grubor

Costliest Quotes By Herman Melville

Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there may be; men may have mean and meagre faces; but man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling, such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes. — Herman Melville

Costliest Quotes By Barbara Tuchman

The costliest myth of our time has been the myth of the Communist monolith. — Barbara Tuchman

Costliest Quotes By Orhan Pamuk

I want to describe the psychological state of the people in a certain city. — Orhan Pamuk

Costliest Quotes By Herman Melville

That nameless and infinitely delicate aroma of inexpressible tenderness and attentiveness which, in every refined and honorable attachment, is contemporary with the courtship, and precedes the final banns and the rite; but which, like the bouquet of the costliest German wines, too often evaporates upon pouring love out to drink, in the disenchanting glasses of the matrimonial days and nights. — Herman Melville

Costliest Quotes By Jay Samit

Building a great team is the lifeblood of any startup, and finding great talent is one of the hardest and costliest tasks any CEO will ever face. — Jay Samit

Costliest Quotes By David Mitchell

One bright dusk, four, five, no, my God, six summers ago, I strolled along a Greenwich avenue of mature chestnuts and mock oranges in a state of grace. Those Regency residences number amount London's Costliest properties, but should you ever inherit one, dear Reader, sell it, don't live in it. Houses like these secrete some dark sorcery that transforms their owners into fruitcakes. One such victim, an ex-chief of Rhodesian polices, had, on the evening in question, written me a check as rotund as himself to edit and print his autobiography. My state of grace was thanks in part to this check, and in part to a 1983 Chablis from the Duruzoi vineyard, a magic potion that dissolves our myriad tragedies into mere misunderstandings. — David Mitchell

Costliest Quotes By Maltbie Davenport Babcock

One of the commonest mistakes and one of the costliest is thinking that success is due to some genius, some magic - something or other which we do not possess. Success is generally due to holding on, and failure to letting go. You decide to learn a language, study music, take a course of reading, train yourself physically. Will it be success or failure? It depends upon how much pluck and perseverance that word decide contains. The decision that nothing can overrule, the grip that nothing can detach will bring success. — Maltbie Davenport Babcock

Costliest Quotes By Simon Critchley

The philosopher is someone who doesn't know, but who wants to find out. — Simon Critchley

Costliest Quotes By Soren Kierkegaard

If I had a humble spirit in my service who, when I asked for a glass of water, brought me the world's costliest wines blended in a chalice, I should dismiss him, in order to teach him that my pleasure consists, not in what I enjoy, but in having my own way. — Soren Kierkegaard

Costliest Quotes By Jean Louis

Do you know what the costliest phrase in technology is? 'It will work because it would be cool if it did.' — Jean Louis

Costliest Quotes By Suzanne Braun Levine

Until you take charge of your own life, things don't happen. — Suzanne Braun Levine

Costliest Quotes By Michelle Phan

That's the beauty about beauty; it's not like a tattoo. You can just wash it right off, and your skin is your canvas, so you can do something new the next day. — Michelle Phan

Costliest Quotes By Carine Roitfeld

I think beauty can be everywhere. — Carine Roitfeld

Costliest Quotes By Christian Nestell Bovee

When we have the means to pay for what we desire, what we get is not so much what is best, as what is costliest. — Christian Nestell Bovee

Costliest Quotes By William B. Irvine

He believed hunger to be the best appetizer, and because he waited until he was hungry or thirsty before he ate or drank, "he used to partake of a barley cake with greater pleasure than others did of the costliest of foods, and enjoyed a drink from a stream of running water more than others did their Thasian wine."6 When asked about his lack of an abode, Diogenes would reply that he had access to the greatest houses in every city - to their temples and gymnasia, that is. And when asked what he had learned from philosophy, Diogenes replied, "To be prepared for every fortune."7 This reply, as we shall see, anticipates one important theme of Stoicism. The — William B. Irvine

Costliest Quotes By John Piper

Dullness of hearing is hearing without faith and without the moral fruit of faith. It's hearing the Bible or the preaching of the Bible the way you hear the freeway noise on I-94, or the way you hear Muzak in the dentist's office or the way you hear recorded warnings at the airport that this is a smoke-free facility. You do but you don't. You have grown dull to the sound. It does not awaken or produce anything. — John Piper

Costliest Quotes By Stuart McCall

To be second with one game to go - you can't ask for more. — Stuart McCall

Costliest Quotes By Nadezhda Mandelstam

I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity. — Nadezhda Mandelstam

Costliest Quotes By Gail McHugh

Her Yankees-loving, bottle cap-giving, dimpled smile other half was gone, and there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to turn back time. — Gail McHugh