Famous Quotes & Sayings

Cody Rigsby Quotes & Sayings

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Top Cody Rigsby Quotes

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Andrew Sullivan

If you teach people that something as deep inside them as their very personality is either a source of unimaginable shame or unmentionable sin, and if you tell them that their only ethical direction is either the suppression of that self in a life of suffering or a life of meaningless promiscuity followed by eternal damnation, then it is perhaps not surprising that their moral and sexual behavior becomes wildly dichotic; that it veers from compulsive activity to shame and withdrawal; or that it becomes anesthetized by drugs or alcohol or fatally distorted by the false, crude ideology of easy prophets. A — Andrew Sullivan

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Michael Faraday

No wonder that my remembrance fails me, for I shall complete my 70 years next Sunday (the 22); - and during these 70 years I have had a happy life; which still remains happy because of hope and content. — Michael Faraday

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Ilya Ilf

No one likes us, unless you count Criminal Investigations, which also doesn't like us. — Ilya Ilf

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Neil Gaiman

In every big-budget science fiction movie there's the moment when a spaceship as large as New York suddenly goes to light speed. A twanging noise like a wooden ruler being plucked over the edge of a desk, a dazzling refraction of light, and suddenly the stars have all been stretched out thin and it's gone. This was exactly like that, except that instead of a gleaming twelve-mile-long spaceship, it was an off-white twenty-year-old motor scooter. And you didn't have the special rainbow effects. And it probably wasn't going at more than two hundred miles an hour. And instead of a pulsing whine sliding up the octaves, it just went putputputputput ...
But it was exactly like that anyway. — Neil Gaiman

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Stephen King

A strong enough situation renders the whole question of plot moot, which is fine with me. The most interesting situations can usually be expressed as a 'what-if' question ... — Stephen King

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Madeleine Brent

When You don't know what to do, just do whatever comes next and go from there. — Madeleine Brent

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Herman Melville

Let the most absent-minded of men be plunged in his deepest reveries - stand that man on his legs, set his feet a-going, and he will infallibly lead you to water, if water there be in all that region. — Herman Melville

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Salma Hayek

I'm concerned about my daughter because she will not believe in Santa Claus. No matter what I say to her, she just doesn't buy it, and she's 2. I refuse to give it up. I say, 'There is a Santa Claus,' and she says, 'Okay, Mommy. In pretend world, right?' She really doesn't believe. — Salma Hayek

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Steph Bowe

When I was young - really young - I used to think that the kids who had money, who were popular at school and who did well at things must have had horrible home lives - abusive parents or nasty siblings or lived in cupboard under stairs.
It's kind of sick when you think about it, but what I figured was that life should be fair - everyone had to have good and bad things in their lives, and no one could have a wholly good life or a wholly bad life because that would upset the balance of things.
I know now that I was wrong. — Steph Bowe

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Lily Tomlin

Nobody is here without a reason ... I always had a different sensibility. I like a huge range of comedy - from broad and farcical, the most sensitive, the most understated - but I always
wanted my comedy to be more embracing of the species rather than debasing of it. — Lily Tomlin

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Alexis Bledel

I just want to live each moment, but it's kind of hard to do that when you are asked to analyze yourself constantly. But it's also good in that you are forced to think about things that you don't ordinarily think about. I think it's strange. — Alexis Bledel

Cody Rigsby Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

By experimenting with sympathetic joy, we break from the constricted world of individual struggle and see that joy exists in more places than we have yet imagined. — Sharon Salzberg

Cody Rigsby Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Things are sweeter when they're lost. I know
because once I wanted something and got it. It was the only thing I ever wanted badly, Dot, and when I got it it turned to dust in my hand. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Cody Rigsby Quotes By William Hazlitt

Confidence gives a fool the advantage over a wise man. — William Hazlitt