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Co Operation Quotes & Sayings

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Top Co Operation Quotes

Co Operation Quotes By R.G. Collingwood

as if any one but a fool imagined that he could compress a thing like art or religion or science into an epigram which could be lifted from its context and, so lifted, continue to make sense. Giving and collecting definitions is not philosophy but a parlour game. The writer's definition of religion (as of art and so forth) is coextensive with this entire book, and will nowhere be found in smaller compass. Nor will it be found in its completeness there; for no book is wholly self-explanatory, but solicits the co-operation of a reasonably thoughtful and instructed reader. Religion, — R.G. Collingwood

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

I invite even the school of violence to give this peaceful non-co-operation a trial. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Bertrand Russell

And as regards industrial enterprises there is little difference, from the psychological point of view, between those conducted by the state and those conducted by large private corporations. In either case there is a government which in fact, if not in intention, is remote from those whom it controls. It is only the members of the government, whether of a state or of a large corporation, who can retain the sense of individual initiative, and there is inevitably a tendency for governments to regard those who work for them more or less as they regard their machines, that is to say merely as necessary means. The desirability of smooth co-operation constantly tends to increase the size of units, and therefore to diminish the number of those who still possess the power of initiative. — Bertrand Russell

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

My modesty has prevented me from declaring from the house top that the message of non-co-operation, nonviolence and swadeshi is a message to the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Paul Cellucci

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and CSIS have provided extraordinary co-operation, as I mentioned earlier. — Paul Cellucci

Co Operation Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

The larger Europe grows, the more diverse must be the forms of co-operation it requires. Instead of a centralised bureaucracy, the model should be a market - not only a market of individuals and companies, but also a market in which the players are governments.
Thus governments would compete with each other for foreign investments, top management and high earners through lower taxes and less regulation.
Such a market would impose a fiscal discipline on governments because they would not want to drive away expertise and business.
It would also help to establish which fiscal and regulatory policies produced the best overall economic results.
No wonder socialists don't like it. — Margaret Thatcher

Co Operation Quotes By Ian McEwan

I didn't know, nor have I ever discovered, who let go first. I'm not prepared to accept that it was me. But everyone claims not to have been first. What is certain is that if we had not broken ranks, our collective weight would have brought the balloon to earth a quarter of the way down the slope a few seconds later as the gust subsided. But as I've said, there was no team, there was no plan, no agreement to be broken. No failure. So can we accept that it was right, every man for himself? Were we all happy afterwards that this was a reasonable course? We never had that comfort, for there was a deeper covenant, ancient and automatic, written in our nature. Co-operation - the basis of our earliest hunting successes, the force behind our evolving capacity for language, the glue of our social cohesion. Our misery in the aftermath was proof that we knew we had failed ourselves. But letting go was in our nature too. Selfishness is also written in our hearts. — Ian McEwan

Co Operation Quotes By Michel Onfray

I believe in libertarian options because they allow an interesting management of the capital and are based on co-operation, reciprocity, contract, federation. — Michel Onfray

Co Operation Quotes By Arthur Ponsonby

I do not desire to give myself any fresh political label. Though the formation of the Union of Democratic Control it has been possible for me to work in close co-operation with several of your leaders and this joint effort on the part of the Labour members and radicals is having I think a very beneficial effect. I do not desire to alienate myself from any of my former political associates but rather to endeavour to urge them along the same path which I myself am treading. — Arthur Ponsonby

Co Operation Quotes By Adolf Hitler

While we destroyed the Centre Party, we have not only brought thousands of priests back into the Church, but to millions of respectable people we have restored their faith in their religion and in their priests. The union of the Evangelical Church in a single Church for the whole Reich, the Concordat with the Catholic Church, these are but milestones on the road which leads to the establishment of a useful relation and a useful co operation between the Reich and the two Confessions. — Adolf Hitler

Co Operation Quotes By Brian Eno

So I believe in singing to such an extent that if I were asked to redesign the British educational system, I would start by insisting that group singing become a central part of the daily routine. I believe it builds character and, more than anything else, encourages a taste for co-operation with others. This seems to be about the most important thing a school could do for you. — Brian Eno

Co Operation Quotes By Margaret Heffernan

In treating people as less important than things, work becomes both demoralised and demoralising and we become blind to the moral content of our decisions ... Money and wilfful blindness make us act in ways incompatible wiht what believe our ethics to be, and often even with our own self-interest ... the problem with money isn't fundamentally about greed, although it can be comforting to think so. The problem with money is that we live in societies in which mutual support and co-operation is essential, but money erodes the relationships we need to lead productive, fulfilling and genuinely happy lives. When money becomes the dominant behavior, it doesn't cooperate with, or amplify, our relationships; it disengages us from them. — Margaret Heffernan

Co Operation Quotes By H.G.Wells

When we think of readapting mankind to a world of unity and co-operation, we have to consider that practically all the educational machinery on earth, is still in the hands of God-selling or Marx-selling combines. Everywhere in close co-operation with our nationalist governments, the oil and steel interests, our drug salesmanship, and so forth, the hirelines of these huge religious concerns, with more or less zeal and loyalty, are selling destruction to mankind. — H.G.Wells

Co Operation Quotes By Caitlin Thomas

But the true evil of drink lies in the disillusion: that the initial pleasure very soon evaporates, leaving a demoralizing craving for more, which is not even temporarily pleasurable. Which then leads to deterioration of the faculties of both body and mind; plus a bewildering lack of co-operation between the two. — Caitlin Thomas

Co Operation Quotes By Lionel Jospin

To promote the process of European integration, we must improve an institutional mechanism already existing in the European Union, reinforced co-operation, by making it more flexible and effective. This approach allows a few states to move faster and further ... We are all aware that this mechanism is vital. — Lionel Jospin

Co Operation Quotes By Dora Russell

Following the rise of the Labour Party it seemed reasonable, in 1927, to expect, or at least hope, that co-operation for the common good might gradually replace the competitiveness of capitalism. — Dora Russell

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

The Bhagavadgita is a gospel of non-co-operation between the forces of darkness and those of light. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Charles E. Wilson

That co-operation and peace rather than industrial strife and strikes will best promote the prosperity of the employees the company and all of the people and even strengthen the nation. — Charles E. Wilson

Co Operation Quotes By Franklin D. Roosevelt

The world order which we seek is the co-operation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Co Operation Quotes By William Lyon Mackenzie King

On behalf of the federal government, I wish now publicly to appeal to the provinces to lend their co-operation in furthering our country's war effort by effecting at as early a date as may be possible this much needed restriction. — William Lyon Mackenzie King

Co Operation Quotes By Lucas Papademos

Greece is at a crucial crossroads. The choices that are made and the policies that are enforced will have a decisive impact on the wellbeing of Greeks. The way forward will not be easy but the problems can be solved, and will be solved, if there is unity, co-operation and consensus. — Lucas Papademos

Co Operation Quotes By Lucas Papademos

The new co-operation government will do the best it can to address the country's problems, and I believe that with the co-operation of all - and the new government stresses this - and the unity of all, we will achieve that. — Lucas Papademos

Co Operation Quotes By Robert Hugh Benson

Competition, founded upon the conflicting interests of individuals, is in reality far less productive of wealth and enterprise than co-operation, involving though it does the constant apparent sacrifice of the individual to the common interests. — Robert Hugh Benson

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation means refusal both to help the sinner in his sin and not to accept any help or gift from him till he has repented. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation and civil disobedience are but different branches of the same tree called satyagraha. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The secondary Imagination I consider as an echo of the former, co-existing with the conscious will, yet still as identical with the primary in the kind of its agency, and differing only in degree, and in the mode of its operation. It dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate: or where this process is rendered impossible, yet still at all events it struggles to idealize and to unify. It is essentially vital, even as all objects (as objects) are essentially fixed and dead. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Co Operation Quotes By Annie Leonard

We depend on this planet to eat, drink, breathe, and live. Figuring out how to keep our life support system running needs to be our number-one priority. Nothing is more important than finding a way to live together - justly, respectfully, sustainably, joyfully - on the only planet we can call home. — Annie Leonard

Co Operation Quotes By Frederick Engels

Take a factory, a railway, a ship on the high seas, is it not clear that not one of these complex technical establishments, based on the use of machinery and the systematic co-operation of many people, could function without a certain amount of subordination and, consequently, without a certain amount of authority or power? — Frederick Engels

Co Operation Quotes By Milton Friedman

Fundamentally, there are only two ways of co-ordinating the economic activities of millions. One is central direction involving the use of coercion - the technique of the army and of the modern totalitarian state. The other is voluntary co-operation of individuals - the technique of the market place. — Milton Friedman

Co Operation Quotes By Francis Fukuyama

Economic activity is carried out by individuals in organisations that require a high degree of social co-operation — Francis Fukuyama

Co Operation Quotes By Lionel Jospin

Co-operation between governments still plays an important role and will remain indispensable. — Lionel Jospin

Co Operation Quotes By Lily Montagu

Religion urges us to fight evil as contrary to the Divine Law. It urges us to combat abject misery, sin and disease because God is. In His name we can work, as we believe in co-operation with Him, since through Him goodness must ultimately prevail. — Lily Montagu

Co Operation Quotes By Benjamin Tucker

Anarchism is for liberty, and neither for nor against anything else. Anarchy is the mother of co-operation, yes, just as liberty is the mother of order; but, as a matter of definition, liberty is not order nor is Anarchism co-operation. I define Anarchism as the belief in the greatest amount of liberty compatible with equality of liberty; or, in other words, as the belief in every liberty except the liberty to invade. — Benjamin Tucker

Co Operation Quotes By Pope John XXIII

Relations between States, as between individuals, must be regulated not by armed force, but in accordance with ... truth, justice and vigorous and sincere co-operation. — Pope John XXIII

Co Operation Quotes By Ayn Rand

There are two principles on which all men of intellectual integrity and good will can agree, as a 'basic minimum,' as a precondition of any discussion, co-operation or movement toward an intellectual Renaissance ... They are not axioms, but until a man has proved them to himself and has accepted them, he is not fit for an intellectual discussion. These two principles are: a. that emotions are not tools of cognition; b. that no man has the right to initiate the use of physical force against others. — Ayn Rand

Co Operation Quotes By Charles Horton Cooley

The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation. — Charles Horton Cooley

Co Operation Quotes By Alexander Hamilton

It is very extraordinary, if the head of the money department of a country, being unprincipled enough to sacrifice his trust and his integrity, could not have contrived objects of profit sufficiently large to have engaged the co-operation of men of far greater importance than Reynolds, and with whom there could have been due safety, and should have been driven to the necessity of unkennelling such a reptile to be the instrument of his cupidity. — Alexander Hamilton

Co Operation Quotes By Jan Peter Balkenende

The necessity for co-operation between Europe and the United States is bigger than ever. Only by close transatlantic co-operation can we face the world's challenges. — Jan Peter Balkenende

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

That parrot's non-co-operation with the cage, with its master, will live for ever because it looks upon renunciation, non-co-operation, as a joy. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Boris Yeltsin

Europe has found itself confronted with fresh challenges - challenges of a global character, the nature of which is directly connected with changes in the international climate and the difficulties of seeking new models for co-operation. — Boris Yeltsin

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation intended to pave the way to real honourable and voluntary co-operation based on mutual respect and trust. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Herbert Spencer

The universal basis of co-operation is the proportioning of benefits received to services rendered. — Herbert Spencer

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

My non-co-operation is a token of my earnest longing for real heart co-operation in the place of co-operation falsely so called. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Lucian Freud

The painting is always done very much with [the model's] co-operation. The problem with painting a nude, of course, is that it deepens the transaction. You can scrap a painting of someone's face and it imperils the sitter's self-esteem less than scrapping a painting of the whole naked body. — Lucian Freud

Co Operation Quotes By Fabiola Gianotti

CERN is a concrete example of worldwide, international co-operation - and a concrete example of peace. The place which makes, in my opinion, better scientists, but also better people. — Fabiola Gianotti

Co Operation Quotes By Bella Abzug

The inside operation of Congress - the deals, the compromises, the selling out, the co-opting, the unprincipled manipulating, the self-serving career-building - is a story of such monumental decadence that I believe if people find out about it they will demand an end to it. — Bella Abzug

Co Operation Quotes By Soke Behzad Ahmadi

Aboriginal Okinawan Karate was traditionally taught in modest home Dojos, in small informal groups (sole purpose of teachings revolved around life preservation), in A closely tied supportive environment; unlike main island modern Japanese version with rivalry and competition, instructed in large groups belonging to even larger organizations with pseudo-militaristic hierarchy — Soke Behzad Ahmadi

Co Operation Quotes By Douglas Feith

They have involved co-operation between the Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda operatives on training and combined operations regarding bomb making and chemical and biological weapons. — Douglas Feith

Co Operation Quotes By Dalai Lama

As human beings, we are only able to survive in dependence upon the co-operation, help and kindness of other fellow humans. — Dalai Lama

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation is the nation's notice that it is no longer satisfied to be in tutelage. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Max Heindel

From the Old Testament, containing the Atlantean Mystery teaching, we learn that mankind was created male-female, bi-sexual, and that each one was capable of propagating his species without the co-operation of another, as is the case with some plants today. — Max Heindel

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Nonviolent action without the co-operation of the heart and the head cannot produce the intended result. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation means nothing less than training in self-sacrifice. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Johannes Stark

In my view the structure of the whole atom was that of an individual, with all its parts interconnected, and the emission of a spectral line appeared to me to be the result of the coherence and co-operation of several electric quanta. — Johannes Stark

Co Operation Quotes By Denis Healey

Many of us in the West have come to feel that the development of technology in the military and economic fields has produced a single world in which the central problems, both military and economic, are going to require co-operation rather than continued confrontation and competition. — Denis Healey

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Our non-co-operation is with the system the English have established in India, with the material civilization and its attendant greed and exploitation of the weak. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Sun Tzu

Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear; [More literally, "cause the front and rear to lose touch with each other."] to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men. 16. When the enemy's men were united, they managed to keep them in disorder. — Sun Tzu

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

In the very act of my non-co-operation, I am seeking their co-operation in my campaign. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation in itself is unnatural, vicious and sinful. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation is the quickest method of creating public opinion. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By John Desmond Bernal

As experimentation becomes more complex, the need for the co-operation in it of technical elements from outside becomes greater and the modern laboratory tends increasingly to resemble the factory and to employ in its service increasing numbers of purely routine workers. — John Desmond Bernal

Co Operation Quotes By Karl Barth

A free theologian works in communication with other theologians ... He waits for them and asks them to wait for him. Our sadly lacking yet indispensable theological co-operation depends directly or indirectly on whether or not we are wiling to wait for one another, perhaps lamenting, yet smiling with tears in our eyes. — Karl Barth

Co Operation Quotes By Gordon Brown

I'm all for greater co-operation between Europe and America because I think that sometimes we've missed out on the benefits that transatlantic trade could give both continents, and I've been pressing this since 1997. — Gordon Brown

Co Operation Quotes By Leroy Chiao

I hope that China will continue with space exploration. It would be logical to have international co-operation. I hope that it will come about and that I can be involved in it. — Leroy Chiao

Co Operation Quotes By Federico Mayor Zaragoza

A universal renunciation of violence requires the commitment of the whole of society. These are not matters of government but matters of State; not only matters for the authoirities, but for society in its entirety, including civilian, military, and religious bodies. The mobilization which is urgently needed to effect the transition within two or three years from a culture of war to a culture of peace demands co-operation from everyone. In order to change, the world needs everyone. — Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Unless we are able to evolve a spirit of mutual tolerance for diametrically opposite views, non co-operation is an impossibility. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Ayn Rand

When thinkers accept those who deny the existence of thinking, as fellow thinkers of a different school of thought - it is they who achieve the destruction of the mind. They grant the enemy's basic premise, thus granting the sanction of reason to formal dementia. A basic premise is an absolute that permits no co-operation with its antithesis and tolerates no tolerance. — Ayn Rand

Co Operation Quotes By Hortense Odlum

Business training in early life should not be regarded solely as insurance against destitution in the case of an emergency. For from business experience women can gain, too, knowledge of the world and of human beings, which should be of immeasurable value to their marriage careers. Self-discipline, co-operation, adaptability, efficiency, economic management,
if she learns these in her business life she is liable for many less heartbreaks and disappointments in her married life. — Hortense Odlum

Co Operation Quotes By Bill Shorten

What I've done as a union leader and what literally thousands of other union representatives do, is make sure that we have co-operation in the workplace. What I get is that where employees are well treated, employers do well. — Bill Shorten

Co Operation Quotes By Wayne Dyer

Love is co-operation rather than competition. — Wayne Dyer

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation enables us to show that in everything that matters we can be independent of the Government. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Bob Hawke

There is no doubt that this government and this country are benefiting from the reforms that we brought in the 1980s, and that couldn't have been done without the co-operation of the trade union movement. — Bob Hawke

Co Operation Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

My first guiding principle is this: willing and active co-operation between independent sovereign states. Europe will be stronger precisely because it has France as France, Spain as Spain, Britain as Britain, each with its own customs, traditions and identity. It would be folly to try to fit them into some sort of identikit European personality. — Margaret Thatcher

Co Operation Quotes By Mungo MacCallum

Yet if the Howard years changed little in the law, they had a huge effect on the culture. Most Australians certainly became wealthier, but in the process they became more materialistic and self-centred. Howard constantly held up the ideal of mateship, but in practice he was much more concerned with individuals taking responsibility for themselves than in fostering genuine co-operation within communities, let alone in a wider international context. Indeed, much of his political success derived from setting groups against each other, from bolstering fear and loathing. — Mungo MacCallum

Co Operation Quotes By Jacques Delors

The countries that share this conception should be able to go further together, without excluding the others, since they can still live in a greater community of exchange and co-operation. — Jacques Delors

Co Operation Quotes By Anonymous

The ensuing revolution will be, says Marx, lapsing into the style of his earlier writings, 'the negation of the negation'. It will not mean a return to private property in the old sense, but to property based on the gains made under capitalism, that is, on co-operation and common possession of land and the means of production. — Anonymous

Co Operation Quotes By Bill Pullman

I co-own the ranch with my brother, and he and his wife are really the backbone of the operation. — Bill Pullman

Co Operation Quotes By E. Stanley Jones

Prayer is commitment. We don't merely co-operate with God with certain things held back within. We, the total person, co-operate. This means that co-operation equals committment. — E. Stanley Jones

Co Operation Quotes By John Dewey

The problem of restoring integration and co-operation between man's beliefs about the world in which he lives and his beliefs about values and purposes that should direct his conduct is the deepest problem modern life. It is the problem of any philosophy that is not isolated from life. — John Dewey

Co Operation Quotes By Laurance Labadie

Some people are averse to competition and allow the words 'co-operation' and 'humanism' to drool from their mouths, apparently meaning thereby a large blob of protoplasmic homogeneity that lacks all individuality. It is not individuals and their liberty that concerns them, but rather some sort of well greased squirming mass that would seem to be analogous to the brains from which such amorphous 'ideas' emanate. — Laurance Labadie

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation is a nation's determination to improve. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Napoleon Hill

If you do not believe in co-operation, look what happens to a wagon that loses a wheel. — Napoleon Hill

Co Operation Quotes By Sergei Lavrov

The E.U.'s Eastern Partnership programme is designed to bind the so-called focus states tightly to itself, shutting down the possibility of co-operation with Russia. — Sergei Lavrov

Co Operation Quotes By Napoleon Hill

You cannot succeed when surrounded by disloyal and unfriendly associates, no matter what may be the object of your definite chief aim. Success is built upon loyalty, faith, sincerity, co-operation and the other positive forces with which one must surcharge his environment. — Napoleon Hill

Co Operation Quotes By John R. Parris

Despite the differences in detail and in emphasis in Wesley's exposition of the two sacraments, there is an underlying unity in his sacramental theology. He regarded both sacraments as means whereby God could confer grace according to His promise, but yet insisted, that in order to prevent the means from being mistaken as ends, it was necessary for there to be an appropriation of the grace held out by the faith of the believer. Grace was not conferred IN SPITE OF MAN, but only with his co-operation. So human response was necessary for the efficacy of the sacraments, although man's actions were never thought of as meritorious works. — John R. Parris

Co Operation Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

Some governments choose to cooperate with the United States in intelligence, law enforcement, or military matters. The co-operation is a two-way street. We share intelligence that has helped protect European countries from attack, helping save European lives. — Condoleezza Rice

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Real non-co-operation is non-co-operation with evil and not with the evil-doer. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Robert Owen

There is but one mode by which man can possess in perpetuity all the happiness which his nature is capable of enjoying, - that is by the union and co-operation of all for the benefit of each. — Robert Owen

Co Operation Quotes By Leland Stanford

I have always been fully persuaded that, through co-operation, labor could become its own employer. — Leland Stanford

Co Operation Quotes By J.L. Austin

But I owe it to the subject to say, that it has long afforded me what philosophy is so often thought, and made, barren of - the fun of discovery, the pleasures of co-operation, and the satisfaction of reaching agreement. — J.L. Austin

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

At times, non-co-operation becomes as much a duty as co-operation. — Mahatma Gandhi

Co Operation Quotes By Anders Fogh Rasmussen

But Iran has gone far beyond what is necessary for a purely civilian programme. It has concealed several nuclear facilities from the International Atomic Energy Agency, played hide-and-seek with the international community, and rejected all offers of co-operation from the U.S., the EU, and others. — Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Co Operation Quotes By John Stuart Mill

Co-operation, like other difficult things, can be learned only by practice: and to be capable of it in great things, a people must be gradually trained to it in small. Now the whole course of advancing civilization is a series of such training. — John Stuart Mill

Co Operation Quotes By William James

A social organism of any sort whatever, large or small, is what it is because each member proceeds to his own duty with a trust that the other members will simultaneously do theirs. Wherever a desired result is achieved by the co-operation of many independent persons, its existence as a fact is a pure consequence of the precursive faith in one another of those immediately concerned. — William James

Co Operation Quotes By Anonymous

This is the problem of obtaining the co-operation of each individual in the joint endeavour of controlling our society. — Anonymous

Co Operation Quotes By Gordon Brown

If you take energy and climate change, you really cannot deal with the problems with energy and climate change without European co-operation at a high level. If you take digitalisation, it's an obvious area where European co-operation can actually make a difference. — Gordon Brown

Co Operation Quotes By Tom Drury

Rather than writing about international events, I write about individual lives. There is elation and sadness, death and birth, love and jealousy, co-operation and betrayal. All the great emotional transactions that happen wherever people come together. — Tom Drury

Co Operation Quotes By Bertrand Russell

The difficulty is that, so long as unreason prevails, a solution of our troubles can only be reached by chance; for while reason, being impersonal, makes universal co-operation possible, unreason, since it represents private passions, makes strife inevitable. It is for this reason that rationality, in the sense of an appeal to a universal and impersonal standard of truth, is of supreme importance to the well-being of the human species. — Bertrand Russell

Co Operation Quotes By David Cameron

We believe in a flexible union of free member states who share treaties and institutions and pursue together the ideal of co-operation, to represent and promote the values of European civilisation in the world, advance our shared interests by using our collective power to open markets, and to build a strong economic base across the whole of Europe. — David Cameron

Co Operation Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

The rich cannot accumulate wealth without the co-operation of the poor in society. — Mahatma Gandhi