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Quotes & Sayings About Close Up Photography

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Top Close Up Photography Quotes

Close Up Photography Quotes By David Douglas Duncan

War is the easiest photography in the business. Just get close, be lucky, know how your camera works. There are subjects everywhere. Everyplace you go, there is something to photograph in a war, like being in the middle of a hurricane or a train crash or an earthquake. You can't miss it. — David Douglas Duncan

Close Up Photography Quotes By Abby Geni

We may never know what another person is thinking--never truly get into anyone else's head--but photography brings us as close as anything can. When the members of an audience at an art gallery look at a picture, they can step for a moment inside the mind of the artist. Like telepathy. Like time travel. At some future date, when people gaze at my photographs of the islands, they will see what I saw. They will stand where I stood, on this granite, surrounded by this ocean. Perhaps they will even feel some of the elation I have experienced here. — Abby Geni

Close Up Photography Quotes By David Douglas Duncan

I never felt in competition with anybody in war photography. You're lucky to get your ass in and out again. It's as simple as that. It's the easiest photography in the world to shoot somebody who's been shot up. It doesn't take a genius. That's easy. The only thing you need to know is your photography. Get in and if you're lucky get out. And get as close as you can get. — David Douglas Duncan

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

I am going for a level of perfection that is only mine ... Most of the pleasure is in getting the last little piece perfect. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Susan Meiselas

There is so much more to the things that we think we know from afar. The close you get the more complex it is, not the simpler it is to understand. — Susan Meiselas

Close Up Photography Quotes By Esther Verhoef

Photography is like stealing.You rob someone of a moment that exposes something essential about their character,their soul if you like.there are people who are very conscious of that,who find that terrifying.The thought that everyone,friend of foe,can get so close to you,look you straight in the eye and judge you without having any control over it or being able to respond.A part of them has become the property of the photographer. — Esther Verhoef

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

If it looks like art, chances are it's somebody else's art. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Bill Jay

'Ornithologists concluded that migratory birds take hundreds of naps as they fly; they also practice unilateral eye closure, in which one eye closes, thereby permitting half the brain to sleep.' Is this what happens when photographers close one eye to look through a viewfinder? If so, they might be operating with only half a brain. Perhaps that explains ... — Bill Jay

Close Up Photography Quotes By William Klein

The New York book was a visual diary and it was also kind of personal newspaper. I wanted it to look like the news. I didn't relate to European photography. It was too poetic and anecdotal for me ... the kinetic quality of new york, the kids, dirt, madness - I tried to find a photographic style that would come close to it. So I would be grainy and contrasted and black. Id crop, blur, play with the negatives. I didn't see clean technique being right for New York. I could imagine my pictures lying in the gutter like the New York Daily News. — William Klein

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

It always amazes me that just when I think there's nothing left to do in photography and that all permutations and possibilities have been exhausted, someone comes along and puts the medium to new use, and makes it his or her own, yanks it out of this kind of amateur status, and makes it as profound and as moving and as formally interesting as any other medium. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

Like any corporation, I have the benefit of the brainpower of everyone who is working for me. It all ends up being my work, the corporate me, but everyone extends ideas and comes up with suggestions. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Robert Goddard

Photographs don't discriminate between the living and the dead. In the fragments of time and shards of light that compose them, everyone is equal. Now you see us; now you don't. It doesn't matter whether you look through a camera lens and press the shutter. It doesn't even matter whether you open your eyes or close them. The pictures are always there. And so are the people in them. — Robert Goddard

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chris Killip

I wanted [photography] to be more than a document, to be something that is as close as you could possibly be to the subject. — Chris Killip

Close Up Photography Quotes By Bruce Barnbaum

I always feel it's necessary to look at my images from two distances. Here is my criterion: If I can look at it from a distance and then come up close but find nothing more to see, it's printed too large. It's not giving me any new information when I come up to it. — Bruce Barnbaum

Close Up Photography Quotes By Victor Skrebneski

To do a portrait today, I decide how close I can get to my subject. First, of course, mentally or intellectually, then in the viewfinder. Music cues the subject and me when to shoot. The music played during a photography session is most important - stimulating to the subject and to me. As in a film, the music builds or becomes quiet, romantic; just one note sets the actor up to emote for his audience. I want a reciprocal portrait, not a bureaucratic one — Victor Skrebneski

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

Photography is the easiest medium with which to be merely competent. Almost anybody can be competent. It's the hardest medium in which to have some sort of personal vision and to have a signature style. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Sophia Bush

You know, my parents have always been incredibly supportive. I'm an only child, so we're very close. There's just the three of us. They're exceptional parents but also great friends. My father was able to take his hobby, photography, and turn it into a beautiful career. So when they saw how much I loved acting, they were 100 percent behind me. — Sophia Bush

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

See, I think our whole society is much too problem-solving oriented. It is far more interesting to participate in 'problem creation' ... You know, ask yourself an interesting enough question and your attempt to find a tailor-made solution to that question will push you to a place where, pretty soon, you'll find yourself all by your lonesome - which I think is a more interesting place to be. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

The thing that interests me about photography, and why it's different from all other media, is that it's the only medium in which there is even the possibility of an accidental masterpiece. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Italo Calvino

You only have to start saying of something : 'Ah, how beautiful ! We must photograph it !' and you are already close to the view of the person who thinks that everything that is not photographed is lost, as if it never existed, and therefore in order to really live you must photograph as much as you can, and to photograph as much as you can you must either live in the most photographable way possible, or else consider photographable every moment of your life. — Italo Calvino

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

While photography is the easiest medium in which to be competent, it is the hardest in which to develop an idiosyncratic personal vision. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

I can't always reach the image in my mind ... almost never, in fact ... so that the abstract image I create is not quite there, but it gets to the point where I can leave it. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Roland Barthes

Ultimately - or at the limit - in order to see a photograph well, it is best to look away or close your eyes. 'The necessary condition for an image is sight,'Janouch told Kafka; and Kafka smiled and replied: 'We photograph things in order to drive them out of our minds. My stories are a way of shutting my eyes. — Roland Barthes

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

In life you can be dealt a winning hand of cards and you can find a way to lose, and you can be dealt a losing hand and find a way to win. True in art and true in life: you pretty much make your own destiny. If you are by nature an optimistic person, which I am, that puts you in a better position to be lucky in life. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

From my point of view, photography never got any better than it was in 1840. — Chuck Close

Close Up Photography Quotes By Clyde Butcher

Wilderness, to me, is a spiritual necessity. The mysterious spiritual experience of being close to natural restored my soul [after the death of his son]. My experience reinforced by dedication to use the art of photography as an inspiration for others to work together to save nature's places of spiritual sanctuary for future generations. — Clyde Butcher

Close Up Photography Quotes By Nina Berman

A camera can get you close without the burden of commitment. It's a nifty device that way, a magical passport into people's lives with no permanent strings attached. — Nina Berman

Close Up Photography Quotes By Chuck Close

I never said the camera was truth. It is, however, a more accurate and more objective way of seeing. — Chuck Close