Famous Quotes & Sayings

Clever Drunk Quotes & Sayings

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Top Clever Drunk Quotes

Clever Drunk Quotes By Sarah Kendzior

The surest way to keep a problem from being solved is to deny that problem exists. Telling people not to complain is a way of keeping social issues from being addressed. It trivializes the grievances of the vulnerable, making the burdened feel like burdens. Telling people not to complain is an act of power, a way of asserting that one's position is more important than another one's pain. People who say "stop complaining" always have the right to stop listening. But those who complain have often been denied the right to speak. — Sarah Kendzior

Clever Drunk Quotes By Melody Beattie

We learn the magical lesson that making the most of what we have turns it into more. — Melody Beattie

Clever Drunk Quotes By Jonas Mekas

I myself saw the great works of Western civilization for the first time in my high school in Lithuania in bad black-and-white reproductions on miserable paper. That was, for many years, what art was for me. But from those miserable black-and-white reproductions, I got something, something unmistakable. — Jonas Mekas

Clever Drunk Quotes By Arthur Morrison

...Dickey Perrott, you Jago whelp, look at them - look hard. Some day if you are clever - cleverer than anyone in the Jago right now - if you're only scoundrel enough, and brazen enough, and lucky enough - one of a thousand - maybe you'll be like them: bursting with high living, drunk when you like, red and pimply. There it is - that's your aim in life - there's your pattern. Learn to read and write, learn all you can, learn cunning, spare nobody and stop at nothing, and perhaps - It's the best the world has for you, for the Jago's got you, and that's the only way out, except gaol and the gallows. So do your devil most, or God help you, Dicky Perrot - though he wont: for the Jago's got you! — Arthur Morrison

Clever Drunk Quotes By George R R Martin

Give the wilding an axe, why not?" He pointed out Mormont's weapon, a short-hafted battle-axe with gold scrollwork inlaid on the black steel blade. "He'll give it back, I vow. Buried in the Old Bear's skull, like as not. why not give him all our axes, and our swords as well? I mislike the way the clank and rattle as we ride. We'd travel faster without them, straight to hell's door. Does it rain in hell, I wonder? Perhaps Craster would like a nice hat instead."
Jon smiled. "He wants an axe. And wine as well."
"See, the Old Bear's clever. If we get the wildling well and truly drunk, perhaps he'll only cut off an ear when he tries to slay us with that axe. I have two ears but only one head. — George R R Martin

Clever Drunk Quotes By Stone Gossard

If you have a lot of nature in your city, it becomes a more enjoyable place. That's my own feeling about it. — Stone Gossard

Clever Drunk Quotes By Dalai Lama

It is my belief that whereas the twentieth century has been a century of war and untold suffering, the twenty-first century should be one of peace and dialogue. As the continued advances in information technology make our world a truly global village, I believe there will come a time when war and armed conflict will be considered an outdated and obsolete method of settling differences among nations and communities. — Dalai Lama

Clever Drunk Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

And then Ardee herself was so much more complicated in person than she had been as a silent memory. Nine parts witty, clever, fearless, attractive. One part a mean and destructive drunk. Every moment with her was a lottery, but perhaps it was that sense of danger that struck the sparks when they touched, made his skin tingle and his mouth go dry . . . — Joe Abercrombie

Clever Drunk Quotes By Ferdie Pacheco

I have six different careers, each one of which I was successful in. I was a successful person in life because I helped everybody, because I did not do anything wrong. — Ferdie Pacheco

Clever Drunk Quotes By Winston Churchill

Bessie Braddock: "Winston, you're drunk. Churchill: "Bessie, you're ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober. — Winston Churchill

Clever Drunk Quotes By Bernard Cornwell

And you look bloody young to be a sergeant"
"I was born late, sir — Bernard Cornwell

Clever Drunk Quotes By Wilbur Smith

to, for every man present appreciated precisely where that challenge was aimed. 'We all know how this works. No prey, no pay. Well we ain't going to get our hands on no prize stuck here like — Wilbur Smith

Clever Drunk Quotes By Gregory David Roberts

That's not wise, Lin. I think wisdom is very over-rated. Wisdom is just cleverness, with all the guts kicked out of it. I'd rather be clever than wise, any day. Most of the wise people I know give me a headache, but I never met a clever man or woman I didn't like. If I was giving wise advice - which I'm not - I'd say don't get drunk, don't spend all your money, and don't fall in love with a pretty village girl. That would be wise. That's the difference between clever and wise. I prefer to be clever, and that's why I told you to surrender, when you get to the village, no matter what you find when you get there. Okay. I'm going. Come and see me when you get back. I look forward to it. I really do. — Gregory David Roberts

Clever Drunk Quotes By Shia Labeouf

I hated golf when we first started, but a big part of the training process was falling in love with this sport, so I went on tour with the UCLA Team. — Shia Labeouf

Clever Drunk Quotes By Hedy Lamarr

It's funny about men and women. Men pay in cash to get them and pay in cash to get rid of them. Women pay emotionally coming and going. Neither has it easy. — Hedy Lamarr

Clever Drunk Quotes By Edward John Trelawny

Like a great fool, I went ashore with them, and they gave me some cursed stuff they called gin, - such blasphemy I never heard! At first when they told me they had set up a great distillery of gin, I thought them very useful, clever, good men; for you know, captain, any nation might be converted by hollands; -but this was the unchristianest beastliest liquor I ever tasted, and it made me - as I feel now. Yet the foolish, idiot-people of the island think it very good, because it makes them mad-drunk, and they believe Heaven sent it; but it made me believe the devil had got amongst them. — Edward John Trelawny

Clever Drunk Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Never apologize for being yourself. — Paulo Coelho

Clever Drunk Quotes By Enkelejd Lamaj

One of the most necessary things when you're writing? The waste basket. — Enkelejd Lamaj

Clever Drunk Quotes By Thomas Hughes

Those were times when brave men who knew and loved their profession couldn't be overlooked. — Thomas Hughes

Clever Drunk Quotes By William Shakespeare

Good God, the souls of all my tribe defend
From jealousy! — William Shakespeare

Clever Drunk Quotes By Erich Heller

Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that. — Erich Heller

Clever Drunk Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

These boots are worth more than you, damn it!'
Shadikshirram was sitting on her bed, eyes shining wet, straining forward and trying to grab her foot but so drunk she kept missing. When she saw him she sagged back.
'Give me a hand, eh?'
'As long as you don't need two,' said Yarvi.
She gurgled with laughter. 'You're a clever little crippled bastard, aren't you? I swear the gods sent you. Sent you ... to get my boots off. — Joe Abercrombie