Famous Quotes & Sayings

Clements Quotes & Sayings

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Top Clements Quotes

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements

Emulation without revelation is rarely profitable. — Kirby Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

It's one of the ironies of investing. The rich can afford to take risks, but they don't need to. The poor need to take risks, but they often can't afford to. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Books and people are hard to compare. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Sally Clements

unaccustomed Tuscan sunlight, and his body ached from contorting his long frame into a plane seat. The irony of hating long distance flights wasn't lost on him. After all, he spent most of his life jetting between hotels. But he wasn't — Sally Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

Most investors are pretty smart. Yet most investors also remain heavily invested in actively managed stock funds. This is puzzling. The temptation, of course, is to dismiss these folks as ignorant fools. But I suspect these folks know the odds are stacked against them, and yet they are more than happy to take their chances. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I glance into the faces of all these people out for a Sunday stroll, but I'm not seeing eyes and noses and mouths. I'm seeing stories. Every person has a story. All the hopes and dreams. And fears. And secrets.
In every face. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

These were officials accorded high respect. Yet they conspired, and still I destroyed them. If your abilities surpass theirs, then make your play. Otherwise, change your hearts and serve me, to save the Empire from further ridicule. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Abby Clements

Hurt can make you blind to the truth — Abby Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I have my own story, and I love my story, but I know I can't tell it alone, not now. Because stories have centers, but they don't have edges. No boundaries. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Okay heres the deal a whole day of NO TALKING IN SCJHOOL.Not in class,not in the halls, not on the plaground nowhere.No talking at all. And its a contest- BOYS AGAINST GIRLS. Whichever side talks less, wins. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Keith Clements

is also time for a final break with our theologically grounded reserve about whatever is being done by the state-which really only comes down to fear. "Speak out for those who cannot in the church today still remembers that this is the very least the Bible asks of us in such times as these? — Keith Clements

Clements Quotes By Abby Clements

Sometimes in life you just have to take a leap of faith. — Abby Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Because a real kiss, a kiss that two real people choose to give each other - it's something that can't be filmed or
photographed or drawn, or even described with words. Because a kiss isn't what it looks like or how it feels.
A real kiss happens down deep inside of two hearts at the same time. It's hidden away. A real kiss is invisible. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

It is not good to have TOO MUCH of anything. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I almost tell him that I'd never be able to do something like that, just take out my instrument and begin playing on a street corner. But it feels to personal. Yes, I'm shy, but why bring it to his attention? I'm too shy to talk about how shy I am. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

When we read, we decide when, where, how long, and about what. One of the few places on earth that it is still possible to experience an instant sense of freedom and privacy is anywhere you open up a good book and begin to read. When we read silently, we are alone with our own thoughts and one other voice. We can take our time, consider, evaluate, and digest what we read - with no commercial interruptions, no emotional music or special effects manipulation. And in spite of the advances in electronic information exchange, the book is still the most important medium for presenting ideas of substance and value, still the only real home of literature. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Elaina Clements


Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

In 1867, George Campbell, Duke of Argyll, had published The Reign of Law, a book that Darwin found deeply annoying. A supporter of Richard Owen, Campbell argued that while evolution (or "Development") might be observable in the fossil record, it was merely evidence of God's purpose. God, for example, would cause horses and oxen to evolve in time to meet human needs. The brightly colored plumage of birds, Campbell went on, were simply God's decorations of nature for humanity's enjoyment. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

I am a huge, huge, huge fan of index funds. They are the investor's best friend and Wall Street's worst nightmare. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

And then I see what she means. Because I did have to tell her, just like she had to tell me all of this. I had to trust her. Sometimes you have to tell someone else what it's like. Because if you don't, you'll go nuts. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

In what appears to have been an unplanned quip, Wilberforce asked Huxley if he thought he was descended from an ape on his father's or mother's side. Huxley retorted that he would rather have simian relatives than claim kinship with a man who used his charisma and authority to quash free debate. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Dave couldn't remember the last time a grownup had apologized to him. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

We both hang up, but it's like there's still a connection. I can feel it.

And it feels good. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

The dictionary is like a time capsule of all of human thinking ever since words began to be written down. And exploring where words have come from can increase your understanding of the words themselves and expand your understanding of how to use the words, and all of this change happens in your thinking when you read the words. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Watch TV or something." That's what the note says.
So I say to myself, Fine. But I think I'll do the "or something" part. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I get wonderful letters from kids and teachers. I must have the best readers in the world. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

A singing goat is like reading books, I love goats and dinosaurs.-Albert Einstein — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements Senior

It [The Kingdom] is not defined by human preferences or cultural values or attitudes, but is "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. — Kirby Clements Senior

Clements Quotes By Ninive Clements Calegari

Great teachers should be paid like doctors or corporate attorneys. I worry about what will happen to our economy and our democracy if we don't start to take teachers' jobs seriously. — Ninive Clements Calegari

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements

Spiritual matters can often masquerade themselves in natural patterns of behavior. For example, unbelief disguises itself as skepticism and procrastination. — Kirby Clements

Clements Quotes By Marie Clements

I see you - and don't worry, you're not white.

I'm pretty sure I'm white. I'm English.

White is blindness - it has nothing to do with the colour of your skin. — Marie Clements

Clements Quotes By Abby Clements

You should enjoy the freedom. Sometimes a bit of time helps you see what matters. — Abby Clements

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements Sr.

It may be the reason behind the apostolic prayer for the disciples to be filled with a dimension of the Holy Spirit beyond the original baptism. This conceptual crisis may account for the falling away of the Galatians; the sustained immaturity of the Hebrews; the lawlessness of the Corinthians; and the mixture among the Colossians. It becomes obvious that the apostolic exhortations to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord," and to be "steadfast and immovable" are invitations to a sphere of intelligence that promote productive stewardship in the Kingdom of God. — Kirby Clements Sr.

Clements Quotes By Marie Clements

A man kills enough. A woman keeps on walking. — Marie Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Sooner or later,reality does occor and when it does, all the lies show up, like blood on snow. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't three lefts make a right? Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't two negatives make a positive? — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

What to do when the market goes down? Read the opinions of the investment gurus who are quoted in the WSJ. And, as you read, laugh. We all know that the pundits can't predict short-term market movements. Yet there they are, desperately trying to sound intelligent when they really haven't got a clue. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Rory Clements

History is meaningless unless you discern how the past shapes the present. — Rory Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

But fear doesn't need doors and windows. It works from the inside. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I think the reason I'm a writer is because first, I was a reader. I loved to read. I read a lot of adventure stories and mystery books, and I have wonderful memories of my mom reading picture books aloud to me. I learned that words are powerful. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Hampton Sides

Petermann's staunchest enemy in Great Britain was Clements R. Markham of the Royal Geographical Society. Markham had come to regard Petermann as a charlatan and a windbag. — Hampton Sides

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

I had a high school English teacher who made me really work at writing. And once, when I got an assignment back, she'd written: 'This is so good, Andrew. This should be published!' That made a big impression on me. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Elizabeth Clements

I may not have the power to change the entire world, but I can change my own. Don't let the world get to you. Yours is yours, theirs is theirs, and yours is the one that matters most. — Elizabeth Clements

Clements Quotes By Wendy Clements

What the bloody hell are you doing in my bed with my sister?
I'm extremely hot, Teag said the first thing he thought of. He was incredibly hot, and his answer had thrown Julian off, giving him at least a moment's reprieve. He had wondered if something like this might happen.
You're hot? Julian sounded confused. Are you hot yourself or is it like being near something hot? — Wendy Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

Thomas Wollaston, in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, complained that Darwin did no seem to know what a species actually was. The British Quarterly, deliberately sitting up trouble, speculated that a time might come when a monkey could propose marriage to a genteel British lady. Perhaps cruelest of all was a cartoon in Punch magazine, depicting a gorilla with a sign on its neck. Deliberately evoking the anti-slavery tract of Darwin's Wedgwood forbears, the sign read:Am I a Man and a Brother? — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Darkness is only light's absence.
Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

He spotted Jill sitting about thirty feet away, face tipped toward the sun, her straight brown hair tucked behind one ear and slanted across her neck. And Ben decided that when her mouth wasn't full of tuna salad, she was sort of pretty. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Verena Berger

He who strives for truth must express himself as simply as possible... Clements von Alexandrien. — Verena Berger

Clements Quotes By Paul Clements

The land of familiarity belongs to the dead — Paul Clements

Clements Quotes By Iain Clements

Artificial intelligence is no match
for natural stupidity - Anonymous — Iain Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

And I love Jane Austen's use of language too
the way she takes her time to develop a phrase and gives it room to grow, so that these clever, complex statements form slowly and then bloom in my mind. Beethoven does the same thing with his cadence and phrasing and structure. It's a fact: Jane Austen is musical. And so's Yeats. And Wordsworth. All the great writers are musical. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Heidi Clements

Sex is not the gateway to kindness. Your penis is not the hug I need at the end of the day. I don't need your penis. I need you to stop doing shit that makes me act like a bitch. — Heidi Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

My sister called her pillow a pilgo. My brother called his pacifier his nimma. But I don't think I was much of a word generator myself. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

The highest praise is when a kid says, 'This book feels so real; this could have happened at my school.' — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

who says dog means dog? — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

In the Modern Age, there are still those who refuse to contradict a single word of the Bible, even though the Bible contradicts itself. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Aha. The mom doesn't know. She's fishing. This next part has to be just right, or I'm blacklisted by the mother and hated by the daughter. The first would be an inconvenience; the second would be a tragedy. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it to the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

But of course, all of this is just a silly fad, and when you add an "e" to fad, you get fade. And I predict this fad will fade. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

There's so much made of the exceptional and the celebrity, the famous, and the wannabees. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny should take a few pointers from the mutual-fund industry. All three are trying to pull off elaborate hoaxes. But while Santa and the bunny suffer the derision of eight year olds everywhere, actively-managed stock funds still have an ardent following among otherwise clear-thinking adults. This continued loyalty amazes me. Reams of statistics prove that most of the fund industry's stock pickers fail to beat the market. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

It's about 65 degrees, so it feels like when the air conditioner is up on high. I can bear it, so I'm going for a walk. Today. Right now. In the sunshine. Because I can.
Because I want to. Because I'm not going to just sit around and wait for stuff to happen anymore. I'm still me, and I have a life. It's a weird life, but it's still mine.
It's still mine. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Allison Tolman

At Clements, I was an officer in Thespian Troupe No. 3689. — Allison Tolman

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

If you want to see the greatest threat to your financial future, go home and take a look in the mirror. — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements Senior

Jesus and the Kingdom of God are distinct but inseparable. It is Jesus, the King of God's Kingdom, who defines the Kingdom and demonstrates its principles and its power. — Kirby Clements Senior

Clements Quotes By Tom Clements

Most people in America, if not the world, would agree that every advance involves some sacrifice. In fact, a common sports adage proclaims: "No pain, no gain." In other words, progress is always accompanied by a certain amount of loss. This concept is illustrated throughout history, literature and personal experience. One compelling illustration that some bad always accompanies some good is demonstrated in the Civil Rights movement. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person. Although she was arrested and jailed, her brave efforts inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott which — Tom Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Robert said, "This is great, huh? Sorry to butt in and everything, but I really need the extra points. For my grade."
Ben nodded and tried to smile. Right, for his grade. He probably wanted to get an A++ in social studies instead of just an A+ — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Abby Clements

It's not like you can just stop loving someone overnight — Abby Clements

Clements Quotes By Jonathan Clements

Why are people who are appalled at insider trading so quick to trade on inside information when it comes their way? — Jonathan Clements

Clements Quotes By Marie Clements

If you sit long enough, maybe everything becomes clear. Maybe you can make sense of all the losses and find one thing you can hold on to. I'm sitting here thinking of everything that has passed, everyone that is gone, and hoping I can find her, my mother. Not because she is my first choice, but because she is my last choice and... my world has gone to shit. — Marie Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Sometimes kids ask how I've been able to write so many books. The answer is simple: one word at a time. Which is another good lesson, I think. You don't have to do everything at once. You don't have to know how every story is going to end. You just have to take that next step, look for that next idea, write that next word. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Elizabeth Clements

It can be depressing when no one takes interest, and a lack of response makes the writer question why they're writing at all. To have one's writing rejected is like you, yourself, are being rejected. — Elizabeth Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Darkness is only light's absence.
-Things that Are — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Clements, Jonathan

He would joke that "stock-market forecasters exist to make astrologers look good. — Clements, Jonathan

Clements Quotes By Kirby Clements

Competition in spiritual matters brings confusion. — Kirby Clements

Clements Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

All three of them stood for a moment gazing at the stars.
'And all these are worlds,' said Hagen.
'Or else,' said Clements with a yawn, 'a frightful mess. I suspect it is really a fluorescent corpse, and we are inside it. — Vladimir Nabokov

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

This item belongs to Mrs. Granger and she may call it anything she likes.
-With love from Nicholas Allen — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

We just have to go to that next class, read that next chapter, help that next person. You simply have to do that next good thing, and before you know it, you're living a good life. — Andrew Clements

Clements Quotes By Abby Clements

But sometimes even people who care about each other need some time apart. — Abby Clements

Clements Quotes By Andrew Clements

Part of being a fiction writer is being able to imagine how someone else is thinking and feeling. I think I've always been good at that. — Andrew Clements