Famous Quotes & Sayings

Classical Musician Quotes & Sayings

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Top Classical Musician Quotes

Classical Musician Quotes By Gunther Schuller

My whole childhood was filled with classical music and going to concerts of the New York Philharmonic and other New York ensembles and organizations, but interestingly, I didn't become conscious of wanting to be a musician until I was about 11. I was a rather late starter. — Gunther Schuller

Classical Musician Quotes By John Ray

A talkative person runs himself upon great inconvenience by blabbing out his own and others' secrets. — John Ray

Classical Musician Quotes By Brian McKnight

Being a musician, you want to be able to do the hardest stuff there is. People would think it's classical, but in classical, it's all on the page and the difficulty is keeping up with the music. — Brian McKnight

Classical Musician Quotes By Charlie Albright

I would like for people to not be stuck by the rules of what is expected of a classical musician. If you really want to do something different, don't be afraid to do so. Think of music itself and not the rules or expectations of people. — Charlie Albright

Classical Musician Quotes By Jerry Lee Lewis

Normally, things are viewed in these little segmented boxes. There's classical, and then there's jazz; romantic, and then there's baroque. I find that very dissatisfying. I was trying to find the thread that connects one type of music - one type of musician - to another, and to follow that thread in some kind of natural, evolutionary way. — Jerry Lee Lewis

Classical Musician Quotes By Jennifer E. Smith

It's just one more thing she hadn't considered, and as the idea of it settles over her, she realizes again how entwined their lives are. They're like two trees whose branches have grown together. Even if you pull them out by the trunks, they're still going to be twisted and tangled and nearly impossible to separate at the roots. — Jennifer E. Smith

Classical Musician Quotes By Herbie Hancock

Technology has developed to a whole other level and theres the scientist part of me that loves that stuff. — Herbie Hancock

Classical Musician Quotes By Anwar Sadat

If human values were relative, all laws-whether those based on revealed religions or those devised by man-would become meaningless. — Anwar Sadat

Classical Musician Quotes By Anna Meredith

I've never been really interested in music, classical or otherwise, where the craft is more important than the result. I realized quickly that I'd never be a technical electronic musician. — Anna Meredith

Classical Musician Quotes By Emilia Clarke

Any opportunity to get into fashion and find a beautiful dress, I'm very definitely excited about that. — Emilia Clarke

Classical Musician Quotes By Billy Joel

When I was a young musician, the only option available to pursue secondary education in music was to attend a classical conservatory. — Billy Joel

Classical Musician Quotes By Zadie Smith

But the problem with readers, the idea we're given of reading is that the model of a reader is the person watching a film, or watching television. So the greatest principle is, "I should sit here and I should be entertained." And the more classical model, which has been completely taken away, is the idea of a reader as an amateur musician. An amateur musician who sits at the piano, has a piece of music, which is the work, made by somebody they don't know, who they probably couldn't comprehend entirely, and they have to use their skills to play this piece of music. The greater the skill, the greater the gift that you give the artist and that the artist gives you. That's the incredibly unfashionable idea of reading. And yet when you practice reading, and you work at a text, it can only give you what you put into it. It's an old moral, but it's completely true. — Zadie Smith

Classical Musician Quotes By Dave Barry

Classical music gradually lost popularity because it is too complicated: you need twenty-five or thirty skilled musicians just to hum it properly. So people began to develop regular music. — Dave Barry

Classical Musician Quotes By Ken Hensley

I have never learned to read or write music so I am not a virtuoso musician like the others you mentioned. I am completely unable to play like them because I never learned classical music, I just developed my own crazy style! — Ken Hensley

Classical Musician Quotes By Yo-Yo Ma

Jazz has been such a force in music, that any musician, including classical composers, have been influenced, and obviously performers, also. — Yo-Yo Ma

Classical Musician Quotes By Paul Smoker

I don't really have a career as a jazz musician. I don't really have a career as a classical musician. I don't really have a career as a college professor, and yet I did all those things and I did them well. I put out some records in the 1980's and 1990's that changed the way some trumpet players played. — Paul Smoker

Classical Musician Quotes By Anthony Braxton

I know I'm an African-American, and I know I play the saxophone, but I'm not a jazz musician. I'm not a classical musician, either. My music is like my life: It's in between these areas. — Anthony Braxton

Classical Musician Quotes By Emilie Autumn

Well, I've been a musician my whole life. When I was two, I would sing the theme from Star Wars in my crib; my mom taped it for proof. Then, when I was five, I asked for a violin. No one knew why I would want one, but my wish was granted and I ended up a classically trained fiddler by age 12. The only problem with that was, when you're a classical violinist, everybody expects you to be satisfied with playing Tchaikovsky for the rest of your life, and saying you want to play jazz, rock, write songs, sing your songs, hook up your fiddle to a guitar amp, sleep with your 4-track recorder, mess around with synths, dress like Tinkerbell in combat boots, AND play Tchaikovsky is equivalent to spitting on the Pope. — Emilie Autumn

Classical Musician Quotes By LeBron James

I spoil a lot of people with my play. If you have three bad games in a seven-year career, people are going to point that out. — LeBron James

Classical Musician Quotes By John Sebastian

My father was a classical musician and my mother was a writer. — John Sebastian

Classical Musician Quotes By Rudyard Kipling

And with an almost audible click he felt the wheels of his being lock up anew on the world without. Things that rode meaningless on the eyeball an instant before slid into proper proportion. Roads were meant to be walked upon, houses to be lived in, cattle to be driven, fields to be tilled, and men and women to be talked to. They were all real and true - solidly — Rudyard Kipling

Classical Musician Quotes By John McAfee

Corporations understand the value of security because the leakage of their competitive information could be the end of the corporation. — John McAfee

Classical Musician Quotes By Christian McKay

Originally I studied as a musician, a classical pianist. That was my career before I took up acting in my late 20s. — Christian McKay

Classical Musician Quotes By Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

Our ability to perceive the world around us seems so effortless that we tend to take it for granted. — Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

Classical Musician Quotes By John Legend

I feel like my job is to make impact, spread love, tell great stories, inspire people, that's what I am going to do. — John Legend

Classical Musician Quotes By Blair Holden

I only come out for food. — Blair Holden

Classical Musician Quotes By Indira Gandhi

Nothing that is worthwhile is ever easy. — Indira Gandhi

Classical Musician Quotes By Sharon M. Draper

Who Am I?
I'm a creator, a visionary, a poet. I approach the world with the eyes of an artist, the ears of a musician, and the soul of a writer. I see rainbows where others see only rain, and possibilities when others see only problems. I love spring flowers, summer's heat on my body, and the beauty of the dying leaves in the fall. Classical music, art museums, and ballet are sources of inspiration, as well as blues music and dim cafes. I love to write; words flow easily from my fingertips, and my heart beats rapidly with excitement as an idea becomes a reality on the paper in front of me. I smile often, laugh easily, and I weep at pain and cruelty. I'm a learner and a seeker of knowledge, and I try to take my readers along on my journey. I am passionate about what I do. I learned to dream through reading, learned to create dreams through writing, and learned to develop dreamers through teaching. I shall always be a dreamer. Come dream with me. — Sharon M. Draper

Classical Musician Quotes By Ji-Hae Park

I would not want the limitations held by the name of a classical musician. I want many people to enjoy my music much beyond just classical music fans. I think the term, 'violinist,' keeps me distant from the audience. I want to communicate with them more. — Ji-Hae Park

Classical Musician Quotes By T. Greenwood

We pretended she'd only gotten lost in the colors of fall.
Piper — T. Greenwood

Classical Musician Quotes By Jeanine Tesori

I'd been trained as a classical musician, but also as a pop musician. My teacher made sure that everything was available. — Jeanine Tesori

Classical Musician Quotes By Kevin Johnson

My musical background is like almost every non classical musician in the world. One day a special record was heard and that was it. I was hooked, started trying to play various instruments and was off to bar land to become a rock star. What else? — Kevin Johnson

Classical Musician Quotes By Todd Boyd

In classical music, love is based on bitin'
imitation. It's not based on interpretation. A jazz musician, if he plays someone else's song, has a responsibility to make a distinct and original statement. — Todd Boyd

Classical Musician Quotes By Richard Strauss

I shall never be converted, and I shall remain true to my old religion of the classics until my life's end. — Richard Strauss

Classical Musician Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

I play classical music almost exclusively. I never mastered jazz or gospel in the way that my mother did. She was a fine improvisational musician. I pretty much have to stick to what's written on the page. — Condoleezza Rice

Classical Musician Quotes By Richard Hammond

For somebody who has injured their brain, every single thing they say and think will be the subject of their own questioning. — Richard Hammond

Classical Musician Quotes By Herbie Hancock

At a certain point, I became a kind of musician that has tunnel vision about jazz. I only listened to jazz and classical music. — Herbie Hancock

Classical Musician Quotes By Terry Teachout

I became a professional musician and played all kinds of music. I played bluegrass, I played classical music, and for many years, I played jazz. — Terry Teachout