Civilization Of Africa Quotes & Sayings
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Top Civilization Of Africa Quotes
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By L. Ron Hubbard Civilization Of Africa Quotes By L. Ron Hubbard](
In North Africa they had the Arab with the gun and whip, but he could force people to do things ... and he accomplished a tremendous amount of extermination, but he certainly didn't advance that civilization very much. — L. Ron Hubbard
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Winston S. Churchill Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Winston S. Churchill](
Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome. — Winston S. Churchill
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Daniel Quinn Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Daniel Quinn](
[I]n Africa I was a member of a family - of a sort of family that the people of your culture haven't known for thousands of years. If gorillas were capable of such an expression, they would tell you that their family is like a hand, of which they are the fingers. They are fully aware of being a family but are very little aware of being individuals. Here in the zoo there were other gorillas - but there was no family. Five severed fingers do not make a hand. — Daniel Quinn
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop](
If modern civilization should disappear today, but leave libraries untouched, survivors could open almost any book and perceive immediately that persons living south of the Sahara are called "Blacks." The term "Black Africa" would suffice to indicate the habitat of the Black race. Nothing similar is found in Egyptian texts. Whenever the Egyptians use the word "Black" (khem), it is to designate themselves or their country: Kemit, land of the Blacks. — Cheikh Anta Diop
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Marcus Garvey Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Marcus Garvey](
This propaganda of dis-associating Western Negroes from Africa is not a new one. For many years white propagandists have been printing tons of literature to impress scattered Ethiopia, especially that portion within their civilization, with the idea that Africa is a despised place, inhabited by savages, and cannibals, where no civilized human being should go, especially black civilized human beings. This propaganda is promulgated for the cause that is being realized today. That cause is COLONIAL EXPANSION for the white nations of the world. — Marcus Garvey
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Philip K. Dick Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Philip K. Dick](
It is the tendency of the so-called primitive mind to animate its environment. Modern depth psychology has requested us for years to withdraw these anthropomorphic projections from what is actually inanimate reality, to introject -- that is, to bring back into our own heads -- the living quality which we, in ignorance, cast out onto the inert things surrounding us. Such introjection is said to be the mark of true maturity in the individual, and the authentic mark of civilization in contrast to mere social culture, such as one find in a tribe. A native of Africa is said to view his surroundings as pulsing with a purpose, a life, which is actually within himself; once these childish projections are withdrawn, he sees that the world is dead, and that life resides solely within himself. When he reaches this sophisticated point he is said to be either mature or sane... — Philip K. Dick
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By William Wilberforce Civilization Of Africa Quotes By William Wilberforce](
What should we suppose must naturally be the consequence of our carrying on a slave trade with Africa? With a country, vast in its extent, not utterly barbarous, but civilized in a very small degree? Does any one suppose a slave trade would help their civilization? — William Wilberforce
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Bessie Head Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Bessie Head](
The contradictions were apparent to Makhaya, and perhaps there was no greater crime as yet than all the lies Western civilization had told in the name of Jesus Christ. It seemed to Makhaya far preferable for Africa if it did without Christianity and Christian double-talk, fat priests, golden images, and looked around at all the thin naked old men who sat under trees weaving baskets with shaking hands. People could do without religions and Gods who died for the sins of the world and thereby left men without any feeling of self-responsibility for the crimes they committed. This seemed to Makhaya the greatest irony of Christianity. It meant that a white man could forever go on slaughtering black men simply because Jesus Christ would save him from his sins. Africa could do without a religion like that. 135 — Bessie Head
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Ian Smith Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Ian Smith](
I would say colonialism is a wonderful thing. It spread civilization to Africa. Before it they had no written language, no wheel as we know it, no schools, no hospitals, not even normal clothing. — Ian Smith
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Frantz Fanon Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Frantz Fanon](
Taking the continent as a whole, this religious tension may be responsible for the revival of the commonest racial feeling. Africa is divided into Black and White, and the names that are substituted- Africa south of the Sahara, Africa north of the Sahara- do not manage to hide this latent racism. Here, it is affirmed that White Africa has a thousand-year-old tradition of culture; that she is Mediterranean, that she is a continuation of Europe and that she shares in Graeco-Latin civilization. Black Africa is looked on as a region that is inert, brutal, uncivilized - in a word, savage. — Frantz Fanon
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Sunday Adelaja Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Sunday Adelaja](
I believe that without strict enforcement of penalties for any offence violating the principles of truth and honesty, Nigeria and Africa will not be able to move from our present state of underdevelopment into civilization. — Sunday Adelaja
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Subcomandante Marcos Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Subcomandante Marcos](
All cultures forged by nations - the noble indigenous past of America, the brilliant civilization of Europe, the wise history of Asian nations, and the ancestral wealth of Africa and Oceania - are corroded by the American way of life. In this way, neoliberalism imposes the destruction of nations and groups of nations in order to reconstruct them according to a single model. This is a planetary war, of the worst and cruelest kind, waged against humanity. — Subcomandante Marcos
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By E. Haldeman-Julius Civilization Of Africa Quotes By E. Haldeman-Julius](
It is pretty well settled that the city is the Negro's great contribution to civilization, for it was in Africa where the first cities grew up. — E. Haldeman-Julius
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Julius Nyerere Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Julius Nyerere](
Having come into contact with a civilization which has over-emphasized the freedom of the individual, we are in fact faced with one of the big problems of Africa in the modern world. Our problem is just this: how to get the benefits of European society - benefits that have been brought about by an organization based upon the individual - and yet retain African's own structure of society in which the individual is a member of a kind of fellowship. — Julius Nyerere
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop](
In the Nile Valley, civilization resulted from man's adaptation to that particular milieu. As declared by the Ancients and by the Egyptians themselves, it originated in Nubia. This is confirmed by our knowledge that the basic elements of Egyptian civilization are neither in Lower Egypt, nor in Asia, nor in Europe, but in Nubia and the heart of Africa; moreover, that is where we find the animals and plants represented in hieroglyphic writing.... — Cheikh Anta Diop
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Bessie Head Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Bessie Head](
The philosophy of love and peace strangely overlooked who was in possession of the guns. There had been love and peace for some time on the continent of Africa because for all this time black men had been captivated by the doctrines of Christianity. It took them centuries to realize its contradictions ... perhaps there was no greater crime as yet than all the lies Western civilization had told in the name of Jesus Christ. — Bessie Head
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Cheikh Anta Diop](
Ancient Egypt was a Negro Civilization. The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt. — Cheikh Anta Diop
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Randall Robinson Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Randall Robinson](
In the animated Dreamworks movie Prince of Egypt the ancient Egyptians are drawn to appear more Arab than African. But the ancient Egyptians came originally from Africa's interior to the south. They were not Arabs, not people from Arabia, but indigenous Africans. Egyptian civilization was thousands of years old by the time the Arabs, with a modest army under General 'Amr ibn as- 'As, entered in December of 639 A.D. — Randall Robinson
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Penelope Hobhouse Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Penelope Hobhouse](
The first western gardens were those in the Mediterranean basin. There in the desert areas stretching from North Africa to the valleys of the Euphrates, the so-called cradle of civilization, where plants were first grown for crops by settled communities, garden enclosures were also constructed. Gardens emphasized the contrast between two separate worlds: the outer one where nature remained awe-inspiringly in control and an inner artificially created sanctuary, a refuge for man and plants from the burning desert, where shade trees and cool canals refreshed the spirit and ensured growth. — Penelope Hobhouse
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Chinua Achebe Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Chinua Achebe](
The Commissioner went away, taking three or four of the soldiers with him. In the many years in which he had toiled to bring civilization to different parts of Africa he had learned a number of things. One of them was that a District Commissioner must never attend to such undignified details s cutting a hanged man from a tree. Such attention would give the natives a poor opinion of him. In the book which he planned to write he would stress that point. As he walked back to the court he thought about that book. Every day brought him some new material. The story of the man who had killed a messenger and hanged himself would make interesting reading. One could almost write a whole chapter ob him. Perhaps not a whole chapter but a reasonable paragraph, at any rate. There was so much else to include, and one must be firm in cutting details. He had already chosen the title of the book, after much thought: The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger. — Chinua Achebe
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Li Keqiang Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Li Keqiang](
Africa has a time-honored and brilliant civilization. — Li Keqiang
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Henry Louis Gates Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Henry Louis Gates](
Very few Black people ever embraced back to Africa movements, and very few actually, a tiny number actually went back to Africa. They said, "We are going to make America live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States." They produced one of the world's great cultures; they produced individuals who were just as brilliant and made contributions to the world civilization. In fact, they produced a world-class civilization, the African American civilization, in music, in dance, in oratory, in religion, in writing. — Henry Louis Gates
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Walter Mosley Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Walter Mosley](
All of the philosophers I studied were white (with a few Eastern exceptions), and, for that matter, they were all male. Africa, the cradle of civilization, seemed to have no footing in the highest form of human thought. — Walter Mosley
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Richard Carrier Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Richard Carrier](
Colonization of the world, more often than not by robbery and warfare, spread Christianity into the Americas and other corners of the earth, just as Islam was spread throughout Asia and Africa. lt is not a coincidence that the two most widespread religions in the world today are the most warlike and intolerant religions in history. Before the rise of Christianity, religious tolerance, including a large degree of religious freedom, was not only custom but in many ways law under the Roman and Persian empires. They conquered for greed and power, rarely for any declared religious reasons, and actually sought to integrate foreign religions into their civilization, rather than seeking to destroy them. People were generally not killed because they practiced a different religion. Indeed, the Christians were persecuted for denying that the popular gods existed - not for following a different religion. In other words, Christians were persecuted for being intolerant. — Richard Carrier
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Gregory Benford Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Gregory Benford](
The common liberal orthodoxy that living close to the land leads to eco-awareness is historically naive, considering that Mesopotamia, northern Africa, and the Mayan civilization were ruined by people who had lived there quite a long while. — Gregory Benford
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Richard Wright Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Richard Wright](
We had our own civilization in Africa before we were captured and carried off to this land. We smelted iron, danced, made music and folk poems; we sculpted, worked in glass, spun cotton and wool, wove baskets and cloth. We invented a medium of exchange, mined silver and gold, made pottery and cutlery, we fashioned tools and utensils of brass, bronze, ivory, quartz, and granite. We had our own literature, our own systems of law, religion, medicine, science, and education. — Richard Wright
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI](
Above all, what is our culture, and what has remained of it? Is European culture perhaps nothing more than the technology and trade civilization that has marched triumphantly across the planet? Or is it instead a post-European culture born on the ruins of the ancient European cultures?
There is a paradoxical synchrony in these developments. The victory of the post-European techno-secular world and the universalization of its lifestyle and thinking have spread the impression (especially in Asia and Africa) that Europe's value system, culture, and faith (in other words, the very foundations of its identity) have reached the end of the road and have indeed already disappeared. — Pope Benedict XVI
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Ibn Khaldun Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Ibn Khaldun](
Beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings. — Ibn Khaldun
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Walter Rodney Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Walter Rodney](
The moment that the topic of the pre-European African past is raised, many individuals are concerned for various reasons to know about the existence of African "civilizations." Mainly, this stems from a desire to make comparisons with European "civilizations." This is not the context in which to evaluate the so-called civilizations of Europe. It is enough to note the behavior of European capitalists from the epoch of slavery through colonialism, fascism, and genocidal wars in Asia and Africa. Such barbarism causes suspicion to attach to the use of the word "civilization" to describe Western Europe and North America. — Walter Rodney
![Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Womi Civilization Of Africa Quotes By Womi](
Africa is the cradle of cosmic civilization. At the fullness of time of Africa, the entire world shall be saved. — Womi