Famous Quotes & Sayings

Christian Reconstruction Quotes & Sayings

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Top Christian Reconstruction Quotes

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Ivanka Trump

I'm not a clone, and I'm not a minion. — Ivanka Trump

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Anwar Robinson

I'm trying to remain unfamous. — Anwar Robinson

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Gary North

The basis for building a Christian society is evangelism and missions that lead to a widespread Christian revival, so that the great mass of earth's inhabitants will place themselves under Christ's protection, and then voluntarily use his covenantal laws for self-government. Christian reconstruction begins with personal conversion to Christ and self-government under God's law; then it spreads to others through revival; and only later does it bring comprehensive changes in civil law, when the vast majority of voters voluntarily agree to live under biblical blueprints. — Gary North

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.

As goes the family, so goes the faith; as goes the faith, so goes the culture. — Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Oscar Wilde

Ambition is the last refuge of the failure — Oscar Wilde

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Gary North

There is no doubt that Christianity teaches pluralism, but a very special kind of pluralism: plural institutions under God's single comprehensive law system. It does not teach a pluralism of law structures, or a pluralism of moralities, for this sort of hypothetical legal pluralism (as distinguished from institutional pluralism) is always either polytheistic or humanistic ... — Gary North

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By James Patterson

SITTING TIGHT? Holing up? Waiting for answers?
Those are things I'm not good at.
Planning a massive attack against mechanical geeky-like things when i was already furious and itching to kill something?
Piece o'cake — James Patterson

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Graham Smith

What is particularly striking about his reconstruction and criticisms of the traditional account of friendship is that he finds it deficient not only by the light of his own Christian viewpoint; he also finds friendship deficient when judged from the perspective of its own self-proclaimed ethical foundations. Thus, Kierkegaard concludes that the reciprocity involved in friendship actually betrays its essential selfishness. — Graham Smith

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Maxwell Maltz

The most liberating of all thoughts is disregard or "disconcern" for what other people think. Famous mail-order impresario and entrepreneur J. Peterman wrote (in his autobiography Peterman Rides Again); "Once you realize that most people are keeping up appearances and putting on a show, their approval becomes less important." Excessive concern over what other people think inhibits personality more than any other factor. — Maxwell Maltz

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Beth Moore

If you're dealing with some ancient ruins, He was there when they crumbled. He knows every detail. He knows exactly how you've been affected, and His expertise is reconstruction. After all, Christ was a carpenter by trade. Nothing has ever been allowed to crumble in a Christian's life or heritage that God cannot reconstruct and use. — Beth Moore

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Pawan Painjane

We make love with soul, not body — Pawan Painjane

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Mark A. Cooper

Some of my cousins are so rich and stuck up. I fear they will one day have a heart attack when they realize that nasty smell was them as they farted. — Mark A. Cooper

Christian Reconstruction Quotes By Steven Pressfield

Fundamentalism is the philosophy of the powerless, the conquered, the displaced and the dispossessed. Its spawning ground is the wreckage of political and military defeat, as Hebrew fundamentalism arose during the Babylonian captivity, as white Christian fundamentalism appeared in the American South during Reconstruction, as the notion of the Master Race evolved in Germany following World War I. In such desperate times, the vanquished race would perish without a doctrine that restored hope and pride. Islamic fundamentalism ascends from the same landscape of despair and possesses the same tremendous and potent appeal. What exactly is this despair? It is the despair of freedom. The dislocation and emasculation experienced by the individual cut free from the familiar and comforting structures of the tribe and the clan, the village and the family. It is the state of modern life. The — Steven Pressfield