Chris Moyles Pub Quiz Quotes & Sayings
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Top Chris Moyles Pub Quiz Quotes

Eventually my rejection of authority spilled into self-indulgence and self-destructiveness, and by the time I enrolled in college, I'd begun to see how any challenge to convention harbored within it the possibility of its own excesses and its own orthodoxy. I started to reexamine my assumptions, and recalled the values my mother and grandparents had taught me. In this slow, fitful process of sorting out what I believed, I began silently registering the point in dorm-room conversations when my college friends and I stopped thinking and slipped into can't: the point at which the denunciations of capitalism or American imperialism came too easily, and the freedom from the constraints of monogamy or religion was proclaimed without fully understanding the value of such constraints, and the role of victim was too readily embraced as a means of shedding responsibility, or asserting entitlement, or claiming moral superiority over those not so victimized. — Barack Obama

Staring into thin air at those
things only cats can see (Doctro Sleep) — Stephen King

Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

[Donald] Trump won fair and square! He got 13.3 million votes. He won all over the country. He won when the race was crowded and when it was a one on one against Ted Cruz. There's just no reasonable way to keep Trump from the nomination while insisting that the will of the Republican voter is being respected. — Christopher Michael Cillizza

I sent a quick text to Adrian: I have a hickey! You can't ever kiss me again. I honestly hadn't expected him to be awake this early, so I was surprised to get a response: Okay. I won't kiss you on your neck again.
So typical of him. No! You can't ever kiss me ANYWHERE. You said you were going to keep your distance.
I'm trying, he wrote back. But you won't keep your distance from me.
I didn't dignify that with a response. — Richelle Mead

The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation. — John Adams

In my old age, I was at last being permitted to make the discovery that lovemaking gets better and better with time, if it's with someone you care for. — Patricia Nell Warren

It must be admitted that such things were common coin of the period. Kingdoms were often handed over to adolescents, whose absolute power fasinated them as might a game. Hardly grown out of the age in which it is fun to tear the wings from flies, they might now amuse themselves by tearing the heads from men. Too young to fear or even imagine death, they would not hesitate to distribute it around them. — Maurice Druon

She suggested I buy her a drink. I shouldn't have, but I was quite drunk and she was quite pretty. — S.A. Tawks

Doubt is no more than indecision taking up residence in your heart. — Unknown