Famous Quotes & Sayings

Choose To Ignore Quotes & Sayings

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Top Choose To Ignore Quotes

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Anonymous

To live is to choose and you should choose what is attainable and adequate. Ignore everything else. — Anonymous

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Masashi Kishimoto

To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward. — Masashi Kishimoto

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

The problem with people that ignore people they dislike is they can't ignore them. Anger carries a person in your mind forever, whether you choose to speak to them or not. Therefore, don't mistake prosperity or accomplishments as resolution. You can't escape what you will not deal with. The day you can stand in the room with someone and not be affected is the day you truly moved on. — Shannon L. Alder

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Jostein Gaarder

And to be quite frank, that is precisely what we need philosophers for. We do not need them to choose a beauty queen or the day's bargain in tomatoes. (This is why they are often unpopular!) Philosophers will try to ignore highly topical affairs and instead try to draw people's attention to what is eternally 'true,' eternally 'beautiful,' and eternally 'good. — Jostein Gaarder

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Laura Munson

Suffering sucks. Don't do it. Go home and love your wife. Go home and love yourself. Go home
and base your happiness on one thing and one thing only: freedom. Choose freedom, not suffering. Create a life of freedom, not wanting. Have some really good coffee and listen to the red-winged blackbirds in the marsh. Ignore the mosquitoes. — Laura Munson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Betsy Cornwell

Once you love someone, part of you is bound forever. Perhaps you never see him again - perhaps your life is better without him, and it's right to be apart. But once you've loved him, the link is formed. You can ignore it, if you choose, but you cannot sever it. — Betsy Cornwell

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Thom Yorke

I'm the next act waiting in the wings, I'm an animal trapped in your hot car, I am all the days that you choose to ignore, You are all I need, You're all I need, I'm in the middle of your picture, Lying in the reeds. — Thom Yorke

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Azar Nafisi

There are so many different forms of silence: the silence that tyrannical states force on their citizens, stealing their memories, rewriting their histories, and imposing on them a state-sanctioned identity. Or the silence of witnesses who choose to ignore or not speak the truth, and of victims who at times become complicit in the crimes committed against them. Then there are the silences we indulge in about ourselves, our personal mythologies, the stories we impose upon our real lives. — Azar Nafisi

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Aysha Taryam

Viciousness is part of the world we live in, some of us choose to ignore it with the rationalisation of wanting only positivity to flow our way. How selfish we have become! That the pain of others has become a hindrance to the fulfilment of our positive selves. — Aysha Taryam

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Kirk Cameron

Culture changes because of musicians and actors and actresses. There's a responsibility there. You may ignore the responsibility. You may choose to be a bad role model. But, you are a role model nonetheless. — Kirk Cameron

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Heather Killough-Walden

There's a fleeting moment that exists for every individual just before they do something truly life-altering. Its that flash of insight and sanity that stalls your heartbeat and bloo flow - a quick warning - just before you explode and make a fool of yourself. Or that incredible brief instant of clarity you have before you floor the gas pedal and run the red light. It's a split second of self admonishment in which you realise that what you're about to do is wrong, but just as quickly choose to ignore that realisation and do it anyway. It's too fast to catch, too bright to see, utterly gone even before you've blinked and therefore, it does a person absolutely no good at all. And yet, there it is. — Heather Killough-Walden

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Linda Olsson

But far-fetched things do happen. In fact, many people's entire lives are completely far-fetched. I think we are constantly surrounded by extraordinary possibilities. Whether we are aware of them or not, whether we choose to act on them or not, they are there. What is offered to us that we choose not to act upon falls by the wayside, and the road that is our life is littered with rejected, ignore
d and unnoticed opportunities, good and bad. Chance meetings and coincidences become extraordinary only when acted upon. Those that we allow to pass us by are gone forever. We never know where they night have taken us. I think they were never meant to happen. The potiental was there, but only for the briefest moment, before we consciously or unconsciously chose to ignore it. — Linda Olsson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Newt Gingrich

In very rare circumstances, the executive branch might choose to ignore a court decision. — Newt Gingrich

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Lawrence M. Krauss

I should point out, nevertheless, that even though incomplete data can lead to a false picture, this is far different from the (false) picture obtained by those who choose to ignore empirical data to invent a picture of reality (young earthers, for example), or those who instead require the existence of something for which there is no observable evidence whatsoever (like divine intelligence) to reconcile their view of creation with their a priori prejudices, or worse still, those who cling to fairly tales about nature that presume the answers before questions can even be asked. — Lawrence M. Krauss

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Debra L. Kaplan

In a relationship there is the information that we need and do not ask for, and the information we have but choose to ignore. — Debra L. Kaplan

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Richard Bode

If I wanted to be free, truly free, I had to choose. There were many points on the compass rose; I had to locate the few that were meant for me. Not any destination picked at random; I had to head for those that summoned me with a passion, for they were the ones that gave meaning to my life. I had to ignore the warnings of those who would tell me why I couldn't do what I wanted to do. — Richard Bode

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Ruby Wax

Thoughts are not who you are, they're habitual patterns in the mind, nothing more and as soon as you see them that way, they lose their sting. I think of them as the noise of a radio in another room; I can pay attention, sing along with them if I want and also choose to ignore them. — Ruby Wax

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Dan Chaon

I realized that I had the choice. I could give this moment a meaning, or I could choose to ignore it. It just depended on the kind of story I wanted to tell myself. — Dan Chaon

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Star Parker

Those on the left who scream about income gaps choose to focus on the success of those at the top rather than the failures of those at the bottom. They conveniently ignore that liberals are the ones who have pushed the moral relativisim and welfare-state dependence that has destroyed black families over the last 60 years. And it is these same liberals who fight to keep low-income kids in failing public schools and fight efforts to get school choice. — Star Parker

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Jonah Lehrer

How do we regulate our emotions? The answer is surprisingly simple: by thinking about them. The prefrontal cortex allows each of us to contemplate his or her own mind, a talent psychologists call metacognition. We know when we are angry; every emotional state comes with self-awareness attached, so that an individual can try to figure out why he's feeling what he's feeling. If the particular feeling makes no sense - if the amygdala is simply responding to a loss frame, for example - then it can be discounted. The prefrontal cortex can deliberately choose to ignore the emotional brain. — Jonah Lehrer

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Shiv Khera

This one phrase, "It is my life, I will do what I want," has done more damage than good. People choose to ignore the spirit and derive the meaning that is convenient to them. Such people have tied this phrase to selfishness and I'm sure that was not the intent.
These people forget that we don't live in isolation. What you do affects me and what I do affects you. We are connected. We have to realize that we are sharing this planet and we must learn to behave responsibly.
There are two kinds of people in this world
takers and givers. Takers eat well and givers sleep well. Givers have high self-esteem, a positive attitude, and they serve society. By serving society, I do not mean a run-of-the-mill pseudo leader-turned- politician who serves himself by pretending to serve others.
As human beings, we all have the need to receive and take. But a healthy personality with high self-esteem is one that not only has its need to take but also to give. — Shiv Khera

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Reza Aslan

I have to say that it's a weird feeling to have to respond to a Christian leader of an anti-Muslims organisation - it would be like having to respond to a Muslim leader of an anti-Jewish organisation about Judaism so the whole thing is kind of weird. Let me just say it's kind of convenient to simply pick and choose whatever violent bits and pieces one finds in the Koran and ignore the equally important versus that talk about compassion and peace. — Reza Aslan

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Bernard Beckett

I cannot choose to ignore this feeling, of life slowly bleeding out of me. I cannot ignore the fact that life only makes sense to me when I see a smile, or feel another hand in mine. — Bernard Beckett

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Kerry Lonsdale

I think your work likes you. You find beauty where others don't see it. Or rather, they choose to ignore. — Kerry Lonsdale

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Toba Beta

Prehistory of mankind is way too horrible to be remembered.
But if we choose to ignore it, then we'll be doomed to repeat it. — Toba Beta

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Yul Vazquez

The universe will put signposts in your life. You can either ignore them or embrace them. You can choose and wish for all the things you want, but the things that are coming to you, you will never be able to hide from and the things that you want so bad that are not supposed to be for you for whatever reason, they'll never come to you. — Yul Vazquez

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Tony Reinke

Currently, the Library of Congress houses eighteen million books. American publishers add another two hundred thousand titles to this stack each year. This means that at the current publishing rate, ten million new books will be added in the next fifty years. Add together the dusty LOC volumes with the shiny new and forthcoming books, and you get a bookshelf-warping total of twenty-eight million books available for an English reader in the next fifty years! But you can read only 2,600 - because you are a wildly ambitious book devourer ... For every one book that you choose to read, you must ignore ten thousand other books simply because you don't have the time (or money!). — Tony Reinke

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Henry B. Eyring

It is a lie that our anger justifies our impulse to hurt or ignore our antagonists. We are to forgive to be forgiven. To wait for them to repent before we forgive and repent is to allow them to choose for us a delay which could cost us happiness here and hereafter. — Henry B. Eyring

Choose To Ignore Quotes By C.S. Lewis

[But] we inherit a whole system of desires which do not necessarily contribute God's will but which, after centuries of usurped autonomy steadfastly ignore it. If the thing we like doing is, in fact, the thing God wants us to do, yet that is not our reason for doing it; it remains a mere happy coincidence. We cannot therefore know that we are acting at all, or primarily, for God's sake, unless the material of the action is contrary to our inclination or (in other words) painful and what we cannot know that we are choosing, we cannot choose. The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain: this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey in the absence, or in the teeth, of inclination. How impossible it is to enact the surrender of the self by doing what we like... — C.S. Lewis

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Ryan Adams

There is this strange fog of being a young man that I would refer to as soft time. Time does not go forward there. It's a series of doors that kind of wind back into one another, like a series of doors in the upper floor of a house. You revisit the same lessons over and over again, or you choose to ignore them. — Ryan Adams

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Michael Dirda

Best selling authors are always worth listening to, even if you choose to ignore their advice. — Michael Dirda

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

His point is that when the two seem incompatible we often hang onto the plan, ignore the warnings reality offers us, and so plunge into trouble. Afraid of the darkness of the unknown, the spaces in which we see only dimly, we often choose the darkness of closed eyes, of obliviousness. Gonzalez adds, "Researchers point out that people tend to take any information as confirmation of their mental models. We are by nature optimists, if optimism means that we believe we see the world as it is. And under the influence of a plan, it's easy to see what we want to see." It's the job of writers and explorers to see more, to travel light when it comes to preconception, — Rebecca Solnit

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Joel Houston

When we ignore the prostituted child, we actually lend our hand to their abuse. When we ignore the widow and the orphan in their distress, we actually add to their pain. When we ignore the slave who remains captive, it's us who is entrapping them. When we forget the refugee, it's actually us who is displacing them. When we choose not to help the poor and the needy, we actually rob them. Perhaps the only fair thing to say is that when we forsake the lives of others, we actually forsake our own. — Joel Houston

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

At times you have to fight. No way around it. At some point, every one of us is confronted with danger or injustice. How we choose to combat that challenge is often life-defining. You can face difficulties head-on, or run from them, or ignore them until they consume you. But no one escapes conflict. No one. — Bill O'Reilly

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Bill Watterson

I've got plenty of common sense! I just choose to ignore it. — Bill Watterson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By John Oliver

According to current Florida law you can get a gun, follow an unarmed minor, call the police, have them explicitly tell you to stop following [the minor] and choose to ignore that, keep following the minor, get into a confrontation with them, and if at any point during that process you get scared you can shoot the minor to death, and the state of Florida will say, 'Well, look: you did what you could.' — John Oliver

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Fawn Weaver

I've known plenty of couples who choose to ignore budding problems or dissatisfactions because it's easier in the moment. But too much of that for long enough, and you all of a sudden have a huge problem on your hands, or a midlife crisis, or a broken marriage. — Fawn Weaver

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

I picked up a book on wilderness survival by Laurence Gonzalez and found in it this telling sentence: "The plan, a memory of the future, tries on reality to see if it fits." His point is that when the two seem incompatible, we often hang onto the plan, ignore the warnings reality offers us and plunge into trouble. Afraid of the darkness of the unknown, the spaces in which we see only dimly, we often choose the darkness of closed eyes, of obliviousness. (Woolf's Darkness) — Rebecca Solnit

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Steven Magee

You have the right to free speech. We, the corporate controlled government, have the right to ignore you and we choose to exercise this right. — Steven Magee

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Charles Duhigg

Rather, productivity is about making certain choices in certain ways. The way we choose to see ourselves and frame daily decisions; the stories we tell ourselves, and the easy goals we ignore; the sense of community we build among teammates; the creative cultures we establish as leaders: These are the things that separate the merely busy from the genuinely productive. — Charles Duhigg

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty, and the ability to choose against it. Or to choose to ignore it. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Elizabeth Kolbert

As the effects of global warming become more and more difficult to ignore, will we react by finally fashioning a global response? Or will we retreat into ever narrower and more destructive forms of self-interest? It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing. — Elizabeth Kolbert

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Bob Lepine

In addition to being in constant communion with God, we are to spend regular periods of time in focused, one-on-one interaction with our Creator. And what a privilege! To have access to the throne room of heaven anytime we choose is a divine benefit we should not ignore. — Bob Lepine

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Thom Yorke

I am all the days that you choose to ignore. — Thom Yorke

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Matt Haig

When we really look closely, the world of stuff and advertising is not really life. Life is the other stuff. Life is what is left when you take all that crap away, or at least ignore it for a while.
Life is the people who love you. No one will ever choose to stay alive for an iPhone. It's the people we reach via the iPhone that matter.
And once we begin to recover, and to live again, we do so with new eyes. Things become clearer, and we are aware of things we weren't aware of before. — Matt Haig

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Lysa TerKeurst

But it is a rare and beautiful thing when we choose to offer love in situations when most people would choose to scorn or ignore. — Lysa TerKeurst

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Sharon E. Reed

So often we speak of finding our callings, when often our callings find us. We can choose to honor or ignore them; to fight or embrace them. When we allow love to guide our thoughts, we are open to their gift. When we allow fear to arise and dictate our direction, we deny ourselves and the world the gift of our true selves. — Sharon E. Reed

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Timothy Zahn

One is born with a unique set of talents and abilities. One must choose which of those talents to nurture, which to set aside for a time, which to ignore completely. Sometimes — Timothy Zahn

Choose To Ignore Quotes By John Sayles

I don't have a social agenda. I just don't choose to ignore what's in front of me. — John Sayles

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Aldous Huxley

Education for freedom must begin by stating facts and enunciating values, and must go on to develop appropriate techniques for realizing the values and for combating those who, for whatever reason, choose to ignore the facts or deny the values. — Aldous Huxley

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Pat Robertson

I am bound by the laws of the United States and all 50 states ... I am not bound by any case or any court to which I myself am not a party ... I don't think the Congress of the United States is subservient to the courts ... They can ignore a Supreme Court ruling if they so choose. — Pat Robertson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

God has given me both the right and privilege to outrun Him if I so choose. Yet, if I do so, I will have lost the race. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Choose To Ignore Quotes By T. Colin Campbell

This is also the case with our disease-care system: it focuses on treating symptoms as if they were root causes, and as a result, it tends to choose interventions that completely ignore the true root causes and thus make it highly likely that symptoms will reappear. — T. Colin Campbell

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Charles R. Swindoll

Tribulation brings about perseverance." Thlipsis cultivates hypomon which means "remaining under" in the literal sense and "patiently enduring" in the figurative. Naturally, when the pressure builds we should take reasonable measures to relieve the discomfort. No one is suggesting we volunteer for pain or ignore the opportunity to eliminate it. But sometimes there is no solution, no remedy, no relief. Sometimes we cannot avoid or escape the pressure. When that happens, we deliberately choose to "remain under" and to do so with graceful and calm dignity. — Charles R. Swindoll

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Nick Hornby

I used to believe, although I don't now, that growing and growing up are analogous, that both are inevitable and uncontrollable processes. Now it seems to me that growing up is governed by the will, that one can choose to become an adult, but only at given moments. These moments come along fairly infrequently -during crises in relationships, for example, or when one has been given the chance to start afresh somewhere- and one can ignore them or seize them. — Nick Hornby

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Therese Anne Fowler

While I bathed, while I tried but failed to sleep, I considered how I might become more like the women I respected and admired. Surrounded as I was by ambitious, accomplished women, I couldn't ignore the little voice in my head that said maybe I was supposed to shed halfway, and do something significant. Contribute something. Accomplish something. Choose. Be. — Therese Anne Fowler

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Rebecca MacKinnon

The Chinese government clearly does pay attention to public opinion expressed on the Internet - the extent to which they choose to adapt their practices based on it, or ignore it, seems to vary. — Rebecca MacKinnon

Choose To Ignore Quotes By John McLaughlin

I was dealing with a lot of spiritual questions like "Who am I?" "What is God" "What is the meaning of life?" All of these questions that I think we can either face head on or choose to ignore, it's up to us. — John McLaughlin

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Although we think of them as extraordinary, miracles also streak across our consciousness every day. We can choose to notice or ignore them, unaware that our destinies may hang in the balance. Tune into the presence of miracles, and in an instant, life can be transformed into a dazzling experience, more wondrous and exciting than we could even imagine. Ignore it, and an opportunity is gone forever. — Deepak Chopra

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Delaine Robins

We pick and choose who to love. We pick and choose who to hate. We pick and choose our friends and ignore those that invade our space.
We pick and choose who should live. We pick and choose who should die. We pick and choose who we say hello to and ignore a dying loners cry.
We pick and choose who to be real to. We pick and choose to be fake to. We pick and choose who is worthy of our affections or beneath us or we can relate to.
We pick and choose our dreams. We pick and choose our destiny. We pick and choose what we think will bring out the best in me.
We pick and choose to reach the pinnacle. We pick and choose because of our power of choice. We sometimes pick and choose while never really considering the consequences of our voice. — Delaine Robins

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Charles De Lint

The faerie represent the beauty we don't see, or even choose to ignore. That's why I'll paint them in junkyards, or fluttering around a sleeping wino. No place or person is immune to spirit. Look hard enough, and everything has a story. Everybody is important.- Jilly Coppercorn — Charles De Lint

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

We can bury our heads in the sand and choose to ignore what is going around us, or we can look with new eyes, the eyes of the heart, upon the distortions of the past to walk again in authenticity and truth. — Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Adam Sandler

I choose to ignore hell in my life. When I was a little kid I asked my Dad "Am I going to go to hell?" because I'd heard about hell. And he said, "Nothing you're gonna do will get you into hell." And so I got to ignore it. — Adam Sandler

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Leisa Rayven

I used to think missing someone was a choice, but that was before Liam. Now I realize all you can do is choose to ignore missing someone. The actual longing never goes away. It stays in your body like a toothache, deep in your bones, and every time you forget to deny it, the hum of it builds into a roar that's so loud, it's the only thing you can hear. — Leisa Rayven

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Jonas Karlsson

Hannah with the ponytail was one of those women who laugh readily and can talk nonsense for hours without a single sensible thing being said. In principle I try to ignore people like that as much as possible. I simply choose not to think about them. Make up my mind that they don't exist. — Jonas Karlsson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Dalai Lama

To my mind, there are two things that, in life, you can do about death. Either you can choose to ignore it, in which case you may have some success in making the idea of it go away for a limited period of time, or you can confront the prospect of your own death and try to analyze it and, in so doing, try to minimize some of the inevitable suffering that it causes. Neither way can you actually overcome it. — Dalai Lama

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Mark Segal

You use your Bible like you were ordering from a restaurant menu. I call that Bible a la carte. You choose what parts of the Bible you wish to obey and what others to ignore. — Mark Segal

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Laura Weakley

We are images of Adonai, and are responsible for one another, and for taking care of all on earth created by Adonai: just as Adonai is responsible for everything created. We learned to differentiate between good and evil. We can even create order out of chaos, as Adonai did on day one. We not only procreate, but also teach the next generations. (Deuteronomy 6:7). All of these abilities and responsibilities, we inherited when created in the image of Adonai. Every person also has a spark of Adonai within. We can choose to ignore this, or to embrace this. We have the power of choice. With this great power, comes great responsibility. You see, not only were we given the ability to reason, but also, we have the ability to create a new and different future, because we have the ability to change, both ourselves, and the world. — Laura Weakley

Choose To Ignore Quotes By L.K. Elliott

Communication is like a pressure relief valve for your body. When a little pressure gets cooked up inside and needs to be released, you can gently turn the nozzle and release it slowly and gracefully until you feel better, by way of a productive conversation. But if you choose to ignore the warning signals and leave that pressure inside, it's going to grow and inevitably explode and make a mess, by way of an overreaction and possibly an argument. — L.K. Elliott

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. What then kills love? Only this: Neglect. Not to see you when you stand before me. Not to think of you in the little things. Not to make the road wide for you, the table spread for you. To choose you out of habit not desire, to pass the flower seller without a thought. To leave the dishes unwashed, the bed unmade, to ignore you in the mornings, make use of you at night. To crave another while pecking your cheek. To say your name without hearing it, to assume it is mine to call. — Jeanette Winterson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Radiohead

All I Need

I'm the next act
waiting in the wings
I'm an animal
Trapped in your hot car
I am all the days
that you choose to ignore

You are all I need
You are all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds

I am a moth
who just wants to share your light
I'm just an insect
trying to get out of the night

I only stick with you
because there are no others

You are all I need
You are all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds

It's all wrong
It's all right
It's all wrong — Radiohead

Choose To Ignore Quotes By B.Knight

The key is to forgive and let go of the hate, but never forget. Never forget so that you can protect yourself in the future. We can't always avoid everything and everyone who would hurt us
for that would be avoiding life. But we can be smarter..We can choose not to ignore the signs, for there are always signs. — B.Knight

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Richelle Mead

Lure him out. Send in a 'customer' with a message from me needing to meet him. I'm not the kind of person he can ignore-well, that he used to not-never mind. Once he's out, we can get him to a place we choose."
I nodded. "I can do that."
"No," said Dimitri. "You can't."
"Why not?" I asked, wondering if he thought it was too dangerous for me.
"Because they'll know you're a dhampir the instant they see you. They'll probably smell it first. No Strigoi would have a dhampir working for him-only humans."
There was an uncomfortable silence in the car.
"No!" said Sydney. "I am not doing that! — Richelle Mead

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Cal Newport

what we choose to focus on and what we choose to ignore - plays in defining the quality of our life. — Cal Newport

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Mary E. Pearson

Yes, I could turn away and ignore everything in my heart. Leave it to someone else! Maybe hundreds have! But maybe I choose to step forward, instead of stepping back. — Mary E. Pearson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By J.P. Moreland

God maintains a delicate balance between keeping his existence sufficiently evident so people will know he's there and yet hiding his presence enough so that people who want to choose to ignore him can do it. This way, their choice of destiny is really free. — J.P. Moreland

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Brene Brown

When we choose growth over perfection, we immediately increase our shame resilience. Improvement is a far more realistic goal than perfection. Merely letting go of unattainable goals makes us less susceptible to shame. When we believe "we must be this" we ignore who or what we actually are, our capacity and our limitations. We start from the image of perfection, and of course, from perfection there is nowhere to go but down. — Brene Brown

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Ronald Reagan

It is up to us in our time to choose, and choose wisely, between the hard but necessary task of preserving peace and freedom, and the temptation to ignore our duty and blindly hope for the best while the enemies of freedom grow stronger day by day. — Ronald Reagan

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Adele Von Rust McCormick

we have all, at some time or another, been guilty of mercilessness. Our own evil is a fact we often choose to ignore. Evil is not just "out there" but is the shadow Carl Jung described as lurking within every human. Whether we like it or not, it is our legacy, part and parcel of the human package. To step outside of our comfort zones and admit this takes courage, but without this sobering recognition we're more likely to lose our capacity for compassion, humility and forgiveness. If we lose our awareness of this side of our own nature, we risk becoming slaves to our own dark side. What goes unacknowledged in us has a tendency to grow larger.
Tenderness and compassion are qualities we must cultivate and never take for granted. This alone would make the world a better place by far. We — Adele Von Rust McCormick

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Neha Sangwan

When you experience discomfort in your body and a strong reaction to what's happening, and yet you choose not to express your emotions, you've probably convinced yourself of one of these myths to justify your choice: Myth 1: The other person can't handle it. (Yes she can. It's that you think you can't handle being in the presence of her emotional reaction.) Myth 2: It's not the "right" time to bring this up. (Ask yourself: Is the time really not right, or is it just that you feel uncomfortable?) Myth 3: It will make the situation worse. (Short term or long term? In the short term, some conflict may arise. In the long term, you'll move closer to honest conversations and feel empowered.) Myth 4: The other person might not like you anymore. (If she likes you because you don't speak your truth, it's not you she really likes.) Myth 5: If you ignore the issue, it will go away. (Left unaddressed, the conflict will likely grow in intensity.) — Neha Sangwan

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Russell M. Nelson

Have faith to keep all the commandments of God, knowing that they are given to bless His children and bring them joy. [You] will encounter people who pick which commandments they will keep and ignore others that they choose to break. I call this the cafeteria approach to obedience. This practice of picking and choosing will not work. It will lead to misery. To prepare to meet God, one keeps all of His commandments. It takes faith to obey them, and keeping His commandments will strengthen that faith. — Russell M. Nelson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

There is a big difference between an honest mistake made in a moment of spiritual weakness and a willfull decision to disobey persistently the commandments of God. Those who deliberately choose to violate God's commandments or ignore the standards of the Church, even when promising themselves and others that someday they will be strong enough to repent, are stepping into a dangerously slippery slope upon which many have lost their spiritual footing. — M. Russell Ballard

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Neil Patrick Harris

Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love. — Neil Patrick Harris

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Ronda Rousey

Everything in the world is information. The information you choose to acknowledge and the information you choose to ignore is up to you. You can let outside factors beyond your control throw off your focus. You can let aching muscles hold you back. You can let silence make you feel uncomfortable. By choosing to focus only on the information that is necessary, you can tune out every distraction, and achieve far more. — Ronda Rousey

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Anne Stuart

He halted abruptly, and this time she did slam into him, but at least it was his back absorbing the blow of her soft body. He could pretend to ignore it. "What have you got on your feet?" he growled.
He looked down, his eyes accustomed to the inky black. Light-weight sneakers, already soaking wet from the damp undergrowth. "Christ, woman," he muttered.
"I didn't exactly get a chance to choose my wardrobe when they kidnapped me," she said.
Damned if he didn't like her. — Anne Stuart

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Roseanne Cheng

We all saw it, and he did the same thing we all did - we pretended it was none of our business and that it would go away on its own. We told ourselves we were just seeing a tiny piece of Agnes's life. And if you only get a small piece of something, it's much easier to convince yourself it's better when you're not around, and then choose to ignore it. — Roseanne Cheng

Choose To Ignore Quotes By James Patterson

Pain is a message, and you can choose to ignore that message. — James Patterson

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Dana Goldstein

Even we set aside the nearly 50 percent of all beginner teachers who choose to leave the profession within five years - and ignore the evidence that those who leave are worse performers than those who stay - it is unclear whether teachers are formally terminated for poor performance any less frequently than are other workers. — Dana Goldstein

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Trevor Horn

Producers don't really have any authority because you are paid by the artist, and if they choose to ignore you, they can. Your power only hangs by the tiniest thread. If you pull it too hard it will snap. — Trevor Horn

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Rick Cormier

There is an unspoken agreement in every successful relationship: "I'm not perfect and you're not perfect. I can ignore your imperfections if you can ignore mine. I choose to spend my life in your company. — Rick Cormier

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Susan Cain

It's not always so easy, it turns out, to identify your core personal projects. And it can be especially tough for introverts, who have spent so much of their lives conforming to extroverted norms that by the time they choose a career, or a calling, it feels perfectly normal to ignore their own preferences. They may be uncomfortable in law school or nursing school or in the marketing department, but no more so than they were back in middle school or summer camp. — Susan Cain

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Miya Tokumitsu

Do what you love allows us to valorize elite workers, those who choose to overwork, and ignore those who have to overwork. — Miya Tokumitsu

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Kathryn Bigelow

If there's specific resistance to women making movies, I just choose to ignore that as an obstacle for two reasons: I can't change my gender, and I refuse to stop making movies. — Kathryn Bigelow

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Rochelle Gordon

Clues. Sometimes we get involved with things that have both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes the bad points outweigh (or outwit) the good, and we choose to ignore the negatives. Our subconscious won't let us get away with that. Remember, the mind will lie, the body cannot! * * * Getting Better by Getting It Together As we've see, your state of health depends on many constantly changing conditions. When you experience an illness or accident, it is usually because an imbalance between your inner and outer worlds has triggered a body problem. So you must work backwards: begin by looking at the body problem for clues to the cause of the imbalance, then take the steps necessary to restore your inner alignment. — Rochelle Gordon

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Gary L. Francione

Being vegan is not a matter of "lifestyle." It is a matter of fundamental moral obligation. Is being vegan a matter of "choice"? Only insofar as we are able to choose to ignore our moral obligations not to exploit the vulnerable. — Gary L. Francione

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Alan W. Watts

To notice is to select, to
regard some bits of perception, or some features of the world, as more
noteworthy, more significant, than others. To these we attend, and the
rest we ignore - for which reason conscious attention is at the same time ignorance despite the fact that it gives us a vividly
clear picture of whatever we choose to notice. — Alan W. Watts

Choose To Ignore Quotes By Lydia Davis

As the writer, I may choose to ignore the emotional heart of the matter, and focus on details, and trust that the heart of the matter will be conveyed nevertheless. — Lydia Davis