Famous Quotes & Sayings

Chobits Chii Quotes & Sayings

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Top Chobits Chii Quotes

Chobits Chii Quotes By Nora Roberts

Anything worth anything can be found in books. — Nora Roberts

Chobits Chii Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler

When you buy a book, you establish a property right in it, just as you do in clothes or furniture when you buy and pay for them. But the act of purchase is actually only the prelude to possession in the case of a book. Full ownership of a book only comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it - which comes to the same thing - is by writing in it. — Mortimer J. Adler

Chobits Chii Quotes By Vitali Klitschko

I want to become Kiev's mayor because I love my city very much and want to improve life in it. — Vitali Klitschko

Chobits Chii Quotes By Paul Samuelson

I don't care who writes a nation's laws-or crafts its advanced treaties-if I can write its economics textbooks — Paul Samuelson

Chobits Chii Quotes By Mario Cuomo

David Robinson chose to stay at Navy. He talked about commitment, loyalty and values. I wonder how many of us would choose these virtues rather than the chance of becoming a millionaire, especially if you were a college sophomore when you had to make that choice. — Mario Cuomo

Chobits Chii Quotes By Robin Jones Gunn

the best answers to prayers are the ones God doesn't answer. — Robin Jones Gunn

Chobits Chii Quotes By Phil McGraw

I don't substitute anybody else's judgment for my own. — Phil McGraw

Chobits Chii Quotes By Ahmet Umit

You know about the Mother Goddess - the first female god, a fat woman with a lion on one side and a child between her legs. She was the first god of humankind.
Do you know why than ancient people of Anatolia chose her as their god? Because men were not aware of their roles as impregnators. They thought that it was the wind, the rain, the rivers, in short, nature, that impregnated women. And this was not at all a strange idea at the time. People viewed themselves as part of nature. They thought birth was magic, a miracle. — Ahmet Umit

Chobits Chii Quotes By Samuel Johnson

Poverty has, in large cities, very different appearances; it is often concealed in splendour, and often in extravagance. — Samuel Johnson

Chobits Chii Quotes By Tina J. Richardson

I wonder if the World would feel differently about me if they could see how life feels viewing it like I do, through my eyes. — Tina J. Richardson

Chobits Chii Quotes By Robin Lim

Women will always pay the price for love, that is why God makes us so much stronger than men. — Robin Lim

Chobits Chii Quotes By Alastair Reynolds

I couldn't ever write a straight crime novel: there'd be an intrusion of weirdness at some point. — Alastair Reynolds