Famous Quotes & Sayings

Cat Purr Quotes & Sayings

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Top Cat Purr Quotes

Cat Purr Quotes By Susan Palwick

The world we made together is gone now. Silk and cinnamon do not bring it back to me as clearly as the smell of potatoes frying with onions, or the purr of a cat, or the feel of a knot beneath my fingers. And that in itself is proof of how the voyage changed me, who set out only wanting to see anything new and different. — Susan Palwick

Cat Purr Quotes By Akif Pirincci

With one of the most bewitching sounds in the world, its purr, the cat persuades us that it thinks we are wonderful. — Akif Pirincci

Cat Purr Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

I want to pull my hair back tight and smooth and make a big knot at the back that I can feel, she said. I want to have a kitty to sit on my lap and purr when I stroke her. — Ernest Hemingway,

Cat Purr Quotes By Karla Kuskin

If you, Like me, Were made of fur, And sun warmed you, Like me, You'd purr. — Karla Kuskin

Cat Purr Quotes By Arthur Schopenhauer

If you stroke a cat, it will purr; and, as inevitably, if you praise a man, a sweet expression of delight will appear on his face; and even though the praise is a palpable lie, it will be welcome, if the matter is one on which he prides himself. — Arthur Schopenhauer

Cat Purr Quotes By May Sarton

He [the cat] wound himself around her legs, purring the purr of ardent desire like a kettle coming to a boil and then bubbling very fast. — May Sarton

Cat Purr Quotes By Tad Williams

I'm pretty much a cat that way. Scratch my stomach, and I'll purr at you, but I'll want to gut you with my claws even more than if you'd ignored me. — Tad Williams

Cat Purr Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

Spilling a Secret

What its size,
will have varying
consequences. It's not
possible to predict
what will happen
if you
open the gunnysack,
let the cat escape.
A liberated feline
might purr on your lap,
or it might scratch
your eyes out. You can't
until you loosen the knot.
Do you chance losing
a friendship, if that
friend's well-being
only be preserved
by betraying sworn-to
silence trust? Once
the seam is ripped, can
it be
mended again?
And if that proves
impossible, will you be
when it all falls to pieces? — Ellen Hopkins

Cat Purr Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Beware in the presence of cats: they never give, they do not even retaliate
they only reply, and purr in doing so. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Cat Purr Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

My love, have you considered the possibility that you might enjoy our consummation sufficiently to want it more than once?"
How easily endearments seem to trip from his tongue. "No," Evie said firmly. "I won't."
"Mmm..." A sound almost like a cat's purr left his throat. "I like a challenge. — Lisa Kleypas

Cat Purr Quotes By Martin Delany

If we treated everyone we meet with the same affection we bestow upon our favorite cat, they, too, would purr. — Martin Delany

Cat Purr Quotes By Carrie Fisher

Sometimes she'd just walk around the city alone. Watch the people, smell the food, the bus exhaust, the smoke coming up through the grating. She'd feel protected somehow, found a sense of belonging in the hectic sprawl. And the next minute she'd feel like the one who couldn't break the code, hit the right stride, catch the wave. Potholes and traffic and bums, oh my. With all the honking and the hum of movement, the living, breathing blur of noise gently pressing in on her, the great purr of the Metropolitan Cat turning into a dull roar. She'd feel so silent on the inside, her head as quiet as a stretch of sand, a cathedral silently worshipping the life that was all around her, storing it up for later when she needed some 'too much' to draw upon. — Carrie Fisher

Cat Purr Quotes By John Updike

A computer and a cat are somewhat alike - they both purr, and like to be stroked, and spend a lot of the day motionless. They also have secrets they don't necessarily share. — John Updike

Cat Purr Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Consider the situation. There you are, forehead like a set of balconies, worrying about the long-term effects of all this new 'fire' stuff on the environment, you're being chased and eaten by most of the planet's large animals, and suddenly tiny versions of one of the worst of them wanders into the cave and starts to purr. — Terry Pratchett

Cat Purr Quotes By Jackson Pearce

I wonder if he still hates me," Silas says as the cat edges out from the couch, pale green eyes like little limes in the dark. As if to answer Silas's question, Screwtape takes a flying leap onto his lap and begins to purr wildly.
"I'm not falling for this anymore," Silas says firmly. He moves to push Screwtape away, but as soon as his palms are within a few inches of Screwtape's wild fur, the cat extends his claws into Silas's thighs. Silas winces and muffles a yelp.
"Need some help?" I say, trying to hide my laughter.
"That'd be great," he answered tensely. I hurry over and scoop Screwtape into my arms. The cat instantly melts against me and rubs his face against mine, the scent of catnip on his breath. I crinkle my nose.
"Thanks." Silas sighs in relief. "I can hunt wolves, but it's a cat I can't handle. Not terrible manly of me, is it?"
"I won't tell anyone," I answer with a soft smile that he returns. — Jackson Pearce

Cat Purr Quotes By Jeff Miller

God gave us cats so that we would have an example of how we treat Him-mainly that we totally ignore Him as we go about our lives, but when we want something we will start to purr and figuratively rub ourselves against His legs to gain His attention for our wants. — Jeff Miller

Cat Purr Quotes By Agnes Repplier

Sleep sweetly in the fields of asphodel, and waken, as of old, to stretch thy languid length, and purr thy soft contentment to the skies. — Agnes Repplier

Cat Purr Quotes By David Leavitt

I could hear the knock and whistle of the water pipes, the purr of the calico cat. And at that moment a happiness filled me that was pure and perfect and yet it was bled with despair - as if I had been handed a cup of ambrosial nectar to drink from and knew that once I finished drinking, the cup would be withdrawn forever, and nothing to come would ever taste as good. — David Leavitt

Cat Purr Quotes By Sylvia Townsend Warner

Slowly, with a look of intense concentration, he got up and advanced on me ... put out a front paw, and stroked my cheek as I used to stoke his chops. A human caress from a cat. I felt very meagre and ill-educated that I could not purr. — Sylvia Townsend Warner

Cat Purr Quotes By Rick Riordan

I thought maybe she'd whisk us off by magic, or at least hail a taxi. Instead, Bast borrowed a silver Lexus convertible.
"Oh, yes," she purred. "I like this one! Come along, children."
"But this isn't yours," I pointed out.
"My dear, I'm a cat. Everything I see is mine." She touched the ignition and the keyhole sparked. The engine began to purr. [No, Sadie. Not like a cat, like an engine.] — Rick Riordan

Cat Purr Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

The only thing I envy about a cat is its purr," remarked Dr. Blythe once, listening to Doc's resonant melody. "It is the most contented sound in the world. — L.M. Montgomery

Cat Purr Quotes By Walter Murch

If you want to freak your cat out, stare at your cat. If you want to reassure your cat, stare at your cat, then very deliberately and very slowly blink. Like that. The cat will also deliberately, slowly blink back at you, and I almost guarantee that she will start to purr. That's a feline reassurance. — Walter Murch

Cat Purr Quotes By Derek Tangye

A cat has to be in a very bad mood if a human cannot coax him to purr. — Derek Tangye

Cat Purr Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Greebo turned upon Granny Weatherwax a yellow-eyed stare of self-satisfied malevolence, such as cats always reserve for people who don't like them, and purred. Greebo was possibly the only cat who could snigger in purr. — Terry Pratchett

Cat Purr Quotes By Irving Townsend

No one shall deny me my own conclusions, nor my cat her reflective purr. — Irving Townsend

Cat Purr Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Varian rubbed the back of his head where his lump was growing significantly. "Not that I particularly want to defend Merrick, but those little rocks did happen to hurt. Thank the gods for armor."
Merewyn gave him a sweet, sympathetic pout. "Poor baby." She reached up to rub his sore spot, but honestly he'd much rather have her rub something else that was bothering him. The touch of her hand made his entire body break out into chills. Not to mention that the smell of her so close played total havoc with his hormones.
He honestly wanted to curl up beside her and start purring like a cat.
More than that, he had a vicious need to nibble her body until he was drunk on her scent. And there was a thought that made him glad he was wearing his armor again since it kept his erection hidden from the ones around him.
Stepping away from her before he actually did purr, he looked at Merrick. "What other nasty surprises do we have in store for us? — Kinley MacGregor

Cat Purr Quotes By Eve Langlais

I bet you she's a pussy cat underneath all that attitude. "A pussy cat?" His friend almost choked. "More like a deadly cougar with sharp claws." "Lucky for her I've got a broad back for scratching and super healing powers. I wonder what it takes to get her to purr, — Eve Langlais

Cat Purr Quotes By Thomas Randall

Her whole body tenses, heaves, tries to scream, and her eyes burn with tears of frustration and terror.
In the moonlit shadows of her bedroom, she hears a cat begin to purr.
Kara runs, shaking, out into the short corridor.
The cats are black and white, ginger and gray, fat and starved. They sit on tables, on chairs, on tatami mats. One sits so still beside a lamp that it looks carved from wood. She wants her father, wants to go into his room and wake him, but three of them sit, barring his door.
As one, they follow her with their eyes as Kara weaves through the living room.
As one, they hiss.
As one, they begin to follow, stalking her. — Thomas Randall

Cat Purr Quotes By Annie Dillard

I used to have a cat, an old fighting tom, who would jump through the open window by my bed in the middle of the night and land on my chest. I'd half-awaken. He'd stick his skull under my nose and purr, stinking of urine and blood. Some nights he kneaded my bare chest with his front paws, powerfully, arching his back, as if sharpening his claws, or pummeling a mother for milk. And some mornings I'd wake in daylight to find my body covered with paw prints in blood; I looked as though I'd been painted with roses. — Annie Dillard

Cat Purr Quotes By Pam Johnson-Bennett

Studies have shown that vibrations of 25 hertz applied to extremities promote wound healing, and increase bone density and muscle mass. They also help with pain relief. The cat's purr is 25 hertz (25 cycles per second). — Pam Johnson-Bennett

Cat Purr Quotes By Jane Prowse

Just as I was thinking I would never find my animus, I caught sight of my shadow and laughed out loud. I'd thrown myself onto the floor in frustration - my head resting on one arm and waving the other to cool myself down. There on the wall was the perfectly formed shadow of a cat, curled up - with a swishing tail! ... I even heard myself purr! — Jane Prowse

Cat Purr Quotes By Ilsa Madden-Mills

I'd like to pet that jungle cat, rub his silky fur and make him purr ... I slapped myself mentally. Jungle cat? Make him purr? What was wrong with me tonight? — Ilsa Madden-Mills

Cat Purr Quotes By Hans Brick

For several thousand years man has been in contact with animals whose character and habits have been deformed by domestication. He has ended by believing that he understands them. All he means by this is that he is able to rely on certain reflex actions which he himself has implanted in them. He will flatter himself at times on the grasp of animal psychology which has brought him the love of the dog and the purr of the cat; and on the strength of such assumptions he approaches the beasts of the jungle. The old tag about nature being an open book is just not true. What nature offers on a first examination may appear to be simple but it is never as simple as it appears. — Hans Brick

Cat Purr Quotes By Roger A. Caras

Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr. [ ... ] Almost all cats make us feel good about ourselves because they let us know they feel good about us, about themselves, and about our relationship with them. A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is a reinforcement of soemthing we would all like to believe about ourselves
that we are nice. — Roger A. Caras

Cat Purr Quotes By George R R Martin

The cat who wants his bowl of cream must know when to purr and when to show his claws - Ser Kyle, the Cat of Misty Moor — George R R Martin

Cat Purr Quotes By David Michie

Yes, dear reader, that's the other reason we cats purr. Arguably, it's the most important reason: to make you happy. Purring is our V - our way of reminding you that you are loved and special, and that you should never forget how we feel about you, especially when you're vulnerable. What's more, purring is our way of ensuring your good health. Studies show that having a feline companion reduces stress and lowers the blood pressure of humans. Cat owners are significantly less likely to have heart attacks than people who live in a catless world. — David Michie

Cat Purr Quotes By Kathi Appelt

Purring is not so different from praying. To a tree, a cat's purr is one of the purest of all prayers, for in it lies a whole mixture of gratitude and longing, the twin ingredients of every prayer. — Kathi Appelt

Cat Purr Quotes By Karl Ove Knausgard

On the wicker chair the cat lazily raised its head. Meeting my gaze, it got up, padded across the floor and jumped onto my lap. I got rid of the orange peel, which the cat hated. "You can lie here for a bit," I said, stroking it. "You can. But not all night, you know. I'm going to bed soon." It began to purr as it curled up on me. Its head sank slowly, resting on one paw, and its eyes, which first had closed with pleasure, were closed in sleep within seconds. "It's all right for some," I said. — Karl Ove Knausgard

Cat Purr Quotes By Cat Johnson

Two things made Tyler purr like a house cat from total contented satisfaction, but only one of them was something he could do out in public. — Cat Johnson

Cat Purr Quotes By Henry N. Beard

If you can try to nap where someone's sitting,
Although there is another empty chair,
Then rub against his ankle without quitting
Until he rises from your favorite lair;
If you can whine and whimper by a portal
Until the bolted door is opened wide,
Then howl as if you've got a wound that's mortal
Until he comes and lets you back inside;
If you can give a guest a nasty spiking,
But purr when you are petted by a thief;
If you can find the food not to your liking
Because they put some cheese in with the beef;
If you can leave no proffered hand unbitten,
And pay no heed to any rule or ban,
then all will say you are a Cat, my kitten.
which is more
you'll make a fool of Man! — Henry N. Beard

Cat Purr Quotes By Randall Jarrell

The cat's asleep; I whisper "kitten"
Till he stirs a little and begins to purr
He doesn't wake. Today out on the limb
(The limb he thinks he can't climb down from)
He mewed until I heard him in the house.
I climbed up to get him down: he mewed.
What he says and what he sees are limited.
My own response is even more constricted.
I think, "It's lucky; what you have is too."
What do you have except
well, me?
I joke about it but it's not a joke;
The house and I are all he remembers.
Next month how will he guess that it is winter
And not just entropy, the universe
Plunging at last into its cold decline?
I cannot think of him without a pang.
Poor rumpled thing, why don't you see
That you have no more, really, than a man?
Men aren't happy; why are you? — Randall Jarrell

Cat Purr Quotes By Dean Inge

A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings. — Dean Inge

Cat Purr Quotes By Linda C. Marchman

Purr more, hiss less — Linda C. Marchman

Cat Purr Quotes By Laura Lam

I was just thinking how the purr of a contented cat is one of my favorite sounds in the world. There's something so comforting about it, isn't there? — Laura Lam

Cat Purr Quotes By Laurie Cass

The three months I'd spend with Eddie had taught me many things, and the top two items were (1) A Cat's Purr Makes Everything Okay and (2) The Cat Always Wins. — Laurie Cass

Cat Purr Quotes By Anthony Trollope

He possessed the tact of becoming instantly intimate with women without giving rise to any fear of impertinence. He had about him somewhat of the propensities of a tame cat. It seemed quite natural that he should be petted, caressed, and treated with familiar good nature, and that in return he should purr, and be sleek and graceful, and above all never show his claws. Like other tame cats, however, he had his claws, and sometimes made them dangerous. — Anthony Trollope