Famous Quotes & Sayings

Car Radios Quotes & Sayings

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Top Car Radios Quotes

Car Radios Quotes By Chris Isaak

I hate modern car radios. In my car, I don't even have a push-button radio. It's just got a dial and two knobs. Just AM. One knob makes it louder, and one knob changes the station. When you're driving, that's all I want. — Chris Isaak

Car Radios Quotes By Julian Castro

Being the keynote speaker at the convention this year is an honor I don't take lightly. I know I've got some big shoes to fill. Two conventions ago, the keynote speaker was a guy named Barack Obama. — Julian Castro

Car Radios Quotes By Alice Munro

All these jobs that seemed incidental and almost playful, on the borders of my real life, were going to move front and center. — Alice Munro

Car Radios Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

It is impossible to describe the shock of return. I recall that I stood for the longest time staring at a neatly painted yellow line on a neatly formed cement curb. Yellow yellow line line. I pondered the human industry, the paint, the cement truck and concrete forms, all the resources that had gone into that one curb. For what? I could not quite think of the answer. So that no car would park there? Are there so many cars that America must be divided into places with and places without them? Was it always so, or did they multiply vastly, along with telephones and new shoes and transistor radios and cellophane-wrapped tomatoes, in our absence? — Barbara Kingsolver

Car Radios Quotes By Kanye West

People want fame and I would never tell a person to not want that, because it's f
ing awesome. Actually. — Kanye West

Car Radios Quotes By Brent Hendricks

Car radios blared in the night, generally pitting a gang in favor of Neil Young's "Southern Man," which chastised the South for its flagrant racism, against those who preferred Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama," which chastised Neil Young for chastising the South and which praised the blatantly racist Alabama governor George Wallace. — Brent Hendricks

Car Radios Quotes By Kenn Kaufman

Dreams and coffee and sunrises make up the rhythms of the road.
Music is a part of it, too: the popular music on the jukeboxes and radio stations. You hear it constantly, in diners and on car radios. The music has a rhythm that fits the steady drumming of tires over pavement. It seeps into your bloodstream. After a while it ceases to make any difference whether or not you like the stuff. When you're traveling alone, a nameless rider with a succession of strangers, it can give you a comforting sense of the familiar to hear the same music over and over.
At any given time, a few current hits will be overplayed to exhaustion by the rock & roll stations. In hitching across the continent, you might hear the same song fifty or sixty times. Certain songs become connected in your mind with certain trips. — Kenn Kaufman

Car Radios Quotes By Craig Ferguson

Dell Computers announced they're releasing a competitor for the iPad. Now it is, in fact, a great alternative for people who already have an iPad, but are fed up with it working all the time. — Craig Ferguson

Car Radios Quotes By Catherine Sanderson

You need to decide what works for you. But ultimately, hold out for adoration and respect — Catherine Sanderson

Car Radios Quotes By Anonymous

Secret History of the Mongols: — Anonymous

Car Radios Quotes By John W. Davis

True, we [lawyers] build no bridges. We raise no towers. We construct no engines. We paint no pictures - unless as amateurs for our own principal amusement. There is little of all that we do which the eye of man can see. But we smooth out difficulties; we relieve stress; we correct mistakes; we take up other men's burdens and by our efforts we make possible the peaceful life of men in a peaceful state. — John W. Davis

Car Radios Quotes By Lisa Unger

The human mind, with all its mystery, bears endless study. Doesn't it? — Lisa Unger

Car Radios Quotes By V.C. Andrews

Only I had dry eyes, a dry heart. — V.C. Andrews

Car Radios Quotes By William Shakespeare

I am a feather for each wind that blows — William Shakespeare

Car Radios Quotes By Jeffrey Eugenides

For the first time ever we sympathized with the President because we saw how wildly our sphere of influence was misrepresented by those in no position to know what was going on. — Jeffrey Eugenides

Car Radios Quotes By Leila Aboulela

What ages you faster, suffering or experience? — Leila Aboulela

Car Radios Quotes By Steven M. Greer

There are hundreds of electromagnetic cases where spacecraft have been observed by police, military personnel and civilians to affect car engines, radios and other electric devices. — Steven M. Greer