Famous Quotes & Sayings

Captain Jack Quotes & Sayings

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Top Captain Jack Quotes

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack Kerouac

I take a nap after supper and dream of the U.S. Navy, a ship anchored near a war scene, at an island, but everything is drowsy as two sailors go up the trail with fishing poles and a dog between them to go make love quietly in the hills: the captain and everybody know they're queer and rather than being infuriated however they're all drowsily enchanted by such gentle love ... (p. 119) — Jack Kerouac

Captain Jack Quotes By Cinda Williams Chima

Outside the Weirwall, Jack could hear the thud of bodies colliding and the cries of the wounded. It seemed like a lot of noise. Even given the fact that Ellen was involved.
"Why'd she go out there?" Jack demanded. "Why didn't you stop her?"
Brooks spat on the ground. "Have you ever tried to stop Captain Stephenson from anythin'? — Cinda Williams Chima

Captain Jack Quotes By Kiersten White

Jack furiously chopped vegetables. Captain Dependable! Wait, we vetoed that one. The Divine Door Maker? Too much? Hmm ... Handsome Hero, but maybe I should move away from alliteration. Something sleek. Our Lord and Master Jack. — Kiersten White

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

I had never experienced anything like the response I got from people for Pirates of the Caribbean, where you meet a 75-year-old woman who had seen Pirates and somehow related to the character, and then five minutes later you meet a six-year-old who says, 'Oh, you're Captain Jack!' What a rush. What a gift. That was the challenge with Wonka, too
to be, in a sense, like Bugs Bunny. I find it magical that a three-year-old can be mesmerized by Bugs, but so can a 40-year-old or an 80-year-old. It's a great challenge to see if you can appeal to that huge an age range. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack White

Captain Lone Wolf Gonzaullas was one of a kind. I'm sure he would agree to this truth, If you continuously compete with others, you will become bitter. If you constantly compete with yourself, you can become great. — Jack White

Captain Jack Quotes By Stanley Weintraub

A future general, Captain Jack of the Cameronians, averse to the truce when on the line, had speculated in his diary a few days earlier, in almost Shavian fashion, about the larger implications of the cease-fire, which had extended farther than governments conceded, It is interesting to visualize the close of a campaign owing to the opposing armies
neither of them defeated
having become too friendly to continue the fight. — Stanley Weintraub

Captain Jack Quotes By Caroline Sunshine

I would love to work with Johnny Depp. I really admire him as an actor, and personally, in my opinion, his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow is one of greatest performances given by an actor. I love his creative sense and the way he creates a character, so it would be a dream come true to work with him. — Caroline Sunshine

Captain Jack Quotes By Fabio Capello

He will be England captain one day. Jack Wilshere is a real leader. I saw how he spoke with the referee and the other players [against Denmark]. It is difficult to find someone so young with such a big personality. I remember two defenders, Paolo Maldini and Franco Baresi, and one attacker, Raul, but for personality and confidence on the pitch he is the best young midfielder I have seen for his age. — Fabio Capello

Captain Jack Quotes By Jina Bacarr

Skip your fancy talk, Captain Lord Blackthorn. If I do your bidding, and I'm still discussing that with the Almighty, it will only be to save my arse." Katie O'Reilly to Captain Lord Jack Blackthorn in "Titanic Rhapsody — Jina Bacarr

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

With every character you play, as these guys will tell you, there's a part of you goes into that in terms of the ingredients of making this stew. There's most definitely a part of me in Captain Jack and now, fortunately or unfortunately, there's a great part of Captain Jack in me as well. Basically, I can't shake him. He won't leave me alone. He just sort of keeps showing up at odd times. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Russell T. Davies

Captain Jack: Rose, you are worth fighting for.
[Jack kisses Rose passionately]
Captain Jack: Wish I'd never met you, Doctor, I was much better off as a coward.
[Jack kisses the Doctor the same way] — Russell T. Davies

Captain Jack Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Why? (Lorelei)
Because I ... (Jack)
You? (Lorelei)
I ... (Jack)
For an eloquent man, Captain Rhys, you seem to be stymied for an answer. (Lorelei)
Lorelei, I don't want any other man to ever touch you. (Jack) — Kinley MacGregor

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack London

Captain West advanced to meet me, and before our outstretched hands touched, before his face broke from repose to greeting and the lips moved to speech, I got the first astonishing impact of his personality. Long, lean, in his face a touch of race I as yet could only sense, he was as cool as the day was cold, as poised as a king or emperor, as remote as the farthest fixed star, as neutral as a proposition of Euclid. And then, just ere our hands met, a twinkle of
such distant and controlled geniality quickened the many tiny wrinkles in the corner of the eyes; the clear blue of the eyes was suffused by an almost colourful warmth; the face, too, seemed similarly to suffuse; the thin lips, harsh-set the instant before, were as gracious as Bernhardt's when she moulds sound into speech. — Jack London

Captain Jack Quotes By Jina Bacarr

If there was one thing that made Captain Lord Jack Blackthorn smile more than holding a pretty woman in his arms, it was a winning hand at cards. To his dismay at the moment he had neither. — Jina Bacarr

Captain Jack Quotes By Jonathan Maberry

There were more of them out there. More walkers. And I was being asked to step up and be ... what? Some kind of Captain Heroism who would lead the boys in the Red, White, and Blue to victory? What was I getting myself into? This wasn't task force duty, this wasn't even SWAT-team level. I'd never even smelled anything this big before and now I was expected to train and lead a black ops team? How frigging insane was this? Why were they asking me? I'm just a cop. Where are the guys who actually do this for a living? How come none of them were here? Where's James Bond and Jack Bauer? Why me, of all people? — Jonathan Maberry

Captain Jack Quotes By Trevor Baxendale

The passenger door popped open, and Owen peered inside.
'Going my way?' he asked with more than a hint of sarcasm. The interior was illuminated by a complicated range of VDUs and dashboard controls. Captain Jack Harkness was at the wheel, a broad grin on his face.
'All the way,' he said.
'I bet you pick up guys like this all the time,' said Owen as he climbed in and shut the door.
'It's the car,' Jack smiled. 'Everyone digs the car. — Trevor Baxendale

Captain Jack Quotes By Adam Christopher

Over two days, the remaining superheroic population of the Earth had heeded the call--by ship, teleport, magical portal, elemental transduction...the H-Man, Pangolin the Protector, Glass Tambourine, Omega-Mur, Hammer and Sickle, Jackdaw, the Infinite Wisdom, Doctor Mandragora, Czar and Tzar and Star, Kalamari Karl, Lightening Dancer, Doctor Chlorophyll, Jack Viking, Monomaniac, the Gin Fairy, the Holy Ghanta, the Bandolier, the Nuclear Atom, the Mysterious Flame, Moonstalker, Cataclysm and Inferno, the Skyguard II, Your Imaginary Pal, Dark Storm, the Hate Witch, Psychofire, Rabid, Riot, Fox and Hound, Hydrolad, Captain Fuji, Captain Cape Town, Captain Australia, Captain...Jeannie lost count, one uniform and one costume blurring into another. — Adam Christopher

Captain Jack Quotes By Walter Mosley

My hero in comic books is Jack Kirby: 'Spider-Man,' 'Fantastic Four,' 'Captain America,' Marvel Comics. He was really the basis for Marvel Comics. — Walter Mosley

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack London

He was a large, fleshy man, weighing at least two hundred pounds, and he quickly became a faithful representation of a quivering jelly mountain of fat. — Jack London

Captain Jack Quotes By Nancy E. Turner

We attended church Sunday as a family, and it was an even balance as to who was harder to keep still, the four Elliot children or Captain Elliot himself. Jack kept up a stream of secretive winks at me in a most suggestive fashion, which made me blush despite the fact that I desperately tried to maintain my composure. Two year old Suzanne squirmed in my lap but was still for him, so he bounced her quietly on his knee. The boys, true to their deeply spiritual natures, snored softly through the entire sermon, and April sat still but looked out the windows, bored and restlessly shifting in her seat.
(pg 326) — Nancy E. Turner

Captain Jack Quotes By Laura Frantz

was a mighty daring stunt you pulled outside fort walls. You ain't been back two months, and you're the talk of the settlement again. Only this time the tattle's mostly good, considerin' you saved all our hides." "You can thank Captain Jack," she told him, careful not to look at him overlong. His expression turned almost wistful. "Captain Jack, is it? You never let your hair down for me, Lael. — Laura Frantz

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

I was the guy who had been bouncing around the film industry for years, and I'd been lucky if five or 10 people would see my movies, so Captain Jack did a big flip for my career. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Herman Melville

It stayed for a twelvemonth or more; when I gave him an emetic, and he heaved it up in small tacks, d'ye see. No possible way for him to digest that jack-knife, and fully incorporate it into his general bodily system. Yes, Captain Boomer, if you are quick enough about it, and have a mind to pawn one arm for the — Herman Melville

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack Campbell

Desjani pulled out a ration bar. 'Hungry?' she asked Geary.
'I had something earlier. Is that a Yanika Babiya?'
'No. It's ... ' She squinted at the label. 'Spicy chicken curry.'
'A chicken curry ration bar? How are they?'
Taking a small bite, Desjani chewed slowly, pretending not to be aware that everyone on the bridge was watching her instead of staring at the representation of the alien hypernet gate. 'It's definitely got curry in it. Spicy, not so much. Some of the other stuff tastes like chicken.'
'That doesn't narrow it down too much, does it?' Geary said.
'Every kind of meat in a ration bar tastes like chicken, Captain,' Lieutenant Castries suggested. 'Except the chicken.'
'You're right, Lieutenant,' Desjani said. 'Real chicken in ration bars tastes like, what, mutton?'
'Ham,' Yuon tossed in. 'Bad ham.'
'So this can't be chicken because it tastes like chicken,' Desjani concluded. — Jack Campbell

Captain Jack Quotes By Elizabeth Sharp

He went to the coffee pot and picked it up, attempting to pour a cup before he realized it was empty and frowned. "Why is the rum always gone?" he muttered in his best Captain Jack Sparrow imitation as he riffled through cabinets. — Elizabeth Sharp

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack Campbell

Love needs expression, Captain Geary, or doubts grow amid the silence. Doubts of the other and doubts of yourself. — Jack Campbell

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack McDevitt

Thanks to the comic book publishers. Batman and Captain Marvel were responsible for my learning to read at least a year before I showed up at school. They got me interested in writing. Started my first novel at about eight. The title: 'The Canals of Mars.' — Jack McDevitt

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack Falahee

I think my darkest days were probably when I was catering. I would go to these parties and pass out hors d'oeuvres, and it's like you're invisible. I remember one catering captain told me that all you are is a tray that comes into their space for a moment and then you leave. It was one of the most depressing things I've ever been told. — Jack Falahee

Captain Jack Quotes By Shannon Hale

"Repeat that?"
"It's National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Didn't you know?"
"Somehow I missed the memo."
"You mean, 'Somehow I missed the memo, arrr!'"
"Precisely. Arr. So, Mrs. Jack ... Er, is that still your name? Or, I tremble to ask, have you adopted a pirate identity?"
"Arr, matey, of course I have! It's ... " She pulled an eggplant from the grocery bag. "Captain Eggplantier." She needed to stop speaking the first words that popped into her mind.
"Captain Eggplanteir." He sounded very doubtful.
"That's right. A family name. It's Belgian. — Shannon Hale

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Sparrow is like a cross between Keith Richards and Pepe Le Pew. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Marcel Dzama

My favorite artists from comics were early ones like Jack Kirby or Steve Ditko who had a real heavy ink style. Captain America, co created by Jack Kirby, was a favorite of mine and I sometimes use an altered version of his costume on some of my characters. — Marcel Dzama

Captain Jack Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

It was an operation that Dr. Maturin had carried out at sea before, always in the fullest possible light and therefore on deck, and many of them had seen him do so.
Now they and all their mates saw him do it again: they saw Joe Plaice's scalp taken off, his skull bared, a disc of bone audibly sawn out, the handle turning solemnly; a three-shilling piece, hammered into a flattened dome by the armourer, screwed on over the hole; and the scalp replaced, neatly sewn up by the parson.
It was extremely gratifying - the Captain had been seen to go pale, and Barret Bonden too, the patient's cousin - blood running down Joe's neck regardless - brains clearly to be seen - something not to be missed for a mint of money - instructive, too - and they made the most of it. — Patrick O'Brian

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

I've played English a number of times, and used an English accent a number of times, so it becomes a little bit of an obstacle course to go, "Oh, that's teetering into Captain Jack-ville," or "This is teetering into Chocolat or Wonka." You've got to really pay attention to the places you've been. But, that's part of it. That's the great challenge. You may get it wrong. There's a very good possibility that you can fall flat on your face, but that's a healthy thing for an actor. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Nancy E. Turner

But Jack, you're just a Captain and I'm the General. I order you not to go.
He tried to smile, ... These orders, he whispered, come from the Commander in Chief. — Nancy E. Turner

Captain Jack Quotes By Jack Campbell

The longstanding thorn in your side Captain Numos is stupid. In fact, Numos is so dense that I'm surprised he doesn't have his own event horizon. — Jack Campbell

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

With a character like a Captain Jack, who can essentially set up these verbal land mines around him, and just keep passing the "absurdity ball" around and the "irreverence ball" around, and keep people guessing and keep people confused, there's great safety in that. Me, myself, personally, I learn from it. It's a real pleasure, and I do need him. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By John Barrowman

There's a lot of me in Captain Jack and there's a lot of Captain Jack in me. And there is no pun intended. — John Barrowman

Captain Jack Quotes By Darynda Jones

Captain, I said, letting the surprise I felt filter into my voice. It was weird how every time I said the word captain, I wanted to tack on a Jack Sparrow at the end. — Darynda Jones

Captain Jack Quotes By Laura Frantz

Captain Jack said he'd take some of you if he couldn't have all of you," he said, the mirth in his eyes making light of her ire. "And you let him?" "Seems a small price to pay to keep you." "When? How?" she sputtered. "Near dawn, with his scalping knife." "While I slept? — Laura Frantz

Captain Jack Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

Not that I mean the least fling against men who have won a great fleet action - it is right and proper that THEY should be peers - but when you look at the mass of titles, tradesmen, dirty politicians, moneylenders ... why, I had as soon be plain Jack Aubrey - Captain Jack Aubrey, for I am as proud as Nebuchadnezzar of my service rank, and if ever I hoist my flag, I shall paint HERE LIVES ADMIRAL AUBREY on the front of Ashgrove Cottage in huge letters. — Patrick O'Brian

Captain Jack Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

What's wrong with (Captain) Jack Aubrey?"
"Everything, since he has a command and I have not. — Patrick O'Brian

Captain Jack Quotes By Laura Frantz

So Captain Jack's come a-courtin'." Her hands stilled on the basket. "Who?" "The tall Shawnee who come by your cabin." The tall one. Lael felt a small surge of triumph at learning his name. Captain Jack. Oddly, she felt no embarrassment. Lifting her shoulders in a slight shrug, she continued pulling the vines into a tight circle. "He come by, but I don't know why." "Best take a long look in the mirror, then." Lael's eyes roamed the dark walls. Ma Horn didn't own one. "Beads and a blanket, was it?" She nodded and looked back down. "I still can't figure out why some Shawnee would pay any mind to a white girl like me." Ma Horn chuckled, her face alight in the dimness. "Why, Captain Jack's as white as you are." "What?" she blurted, eyes wide as a child's. Ma Horn's smile turned sober. "He's no Indian, Shawnee or otherwise, so your pa says. He was took as a child from some-wheres in North Carolina. All he can remember of his past life is his white name - Jack. — Laura Frantz

Captain Jack Quotes By Rachel Van Dyken

It needs to be said. I didn't have the strongest stomach. I wasn't the type of guy who could hold your hair while you puked and not be affected. Did that make me the worst possible boyfriend ever? Maybe. It's entirely possible I'd throw you a towel and run out of the room gagging. I know it's romantic to women - oh, my gosh, he's so sweet he held my hair while I puked up last night's hot dog and enough rum and Diet Coke to kill Captain Jack Sparrow! Seriously? What do you women read? How the hell is that romantic? Give me one reason. One. Just one. I don't even need three. Oh, wow, silence, big shock. You wanna know why? Because it's gross. Because if I had long hair and I were leaning over the toilet, God, you would not, ever, in your right mind waltz into the bathroom, put it in a ponytail, rub my back, wipe my mouth, and think, Wow, I really love this guy, oh, look a cracker! — Rachel Van Dyken

Captain Jack Quotes By Johnny Depp

Interestingly enough, for me, a character like Captain Jack, you feel like you could just continue. The possibilities are endless and limitless. There is any possibility of madness and absurdity that could commence, so you feel that, with this character, you're never really done. — Johnny Depp

Captain Jack Quotes By Chelsea Fine

Nate called out, "Team Meeting!" and pointed a finger in the air.
When he had everyone's attention, Nate cleared his throat. "There are a few Team Awesome things we need to discuss."
Tristan leaned over to Gabriel. "What's Team Awesome?"
"It's our team name," Heather smiled.
"We're not a team," Gabriel said.
"We are a team," Nate corrected. "We're Team Awesome and I'm team captain." He looked at Tristan. "You can call me Captain. Or Captain America, if you'd like. I'm even willing to settle for Captain Jack."
Tristan crossed his arms. "Yeah, that's not going to happen."
Heather's eyes lit up. "Ooh! Can we choose code names? Can I be Catwoman?"
"We're not choosing code names." Gabriel looked incredibly annoyed and Tristan almost smiled. — Chelsea Fine