Famous Quotes & Sayings

Cancer Journey Quotes & Sayings

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Top Cancer Journey Quotes

Cancer Journey Quotes By Karen Blumenthal

Steve Jobs, He trusted that the dots would connect . He believed the reward is the journey.
He followed his heart. He didn't settle for Okay.
He did what he loved. And if he didn't love what he did, if didn't believe it was a great work, he redid it again and again.
He tried to live each day as though it really matter, even before he had cancer. — Karen Blumenthal

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Your happiness - and your healing - are a function of how you choose to respond on the inside to that which is taking place on the outside. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Your health, your experiences, and your life do not have to be at the mercy of your negative emotions. When you consciously choose to focus on a thought or belief that is positive, comforting, or hopeful, you're clearing out that emotional clutter that's weighing you down. You're energetically shifting yourself to a better place. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Healing is anything that restores your inner sense that all is well, and that returns you to a healthy state of empowerment. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Negative feelings weigh you down and can keep you from experiencing healing, as surely as stones might weigh you down if you were trying to swim. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Give yourself permission to stop existing and start growing. We all need more than work for self-actualization. Remember that interests and hobbies aren't frivolous; they're necessary for fulfillment and health. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Sheri L. Swift

Beauty is sometimes born of pain — Sheri L. Swift

Cancer Journey Quotes By Zig Ziglar

I will live a hope-filled life every day. I will handle my problems as opportunities in a different, more effective manner, based on the power of advanced mathematics; You + God = Enough — Zig Ziglar

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Because you are an energetic being and your thoughts and feelings are energy, your journey may be compared to an intricately woven fabric. As the weaver of the fabric of your life, you alone decide whether your life will be beautifully intertwined with threads of gold and silver and blended with the colors of the rainbow, or made with strands of straw and cotton in shades of grays, browns, and other dark, heavy colors. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

It may seem paradoxical, but you really do experience greater happiness when you choose to stop trying to control everything. And on a spiritual level, you evolve by learning the power of surrender and of love. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Every moment of this experience we call a physical life is determined by the choices you make in your thoughts, intentions, and actions. Thus, when you choose to experience a thought, image, or activity from a place of loving, joyful, and compassionate intentions for yourself and others, you have the power to weave a lovely fabric that heals your mind, body, and soul. When you choose differently, the fabric you weave may contribute to an experience of suffering and pain in the form of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual anguish. The choice is always yours. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Stuart Scott

Every day, I am reminded that our life's journey is really about the people who touch us. When you die, it does not mean you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live. So live. Live! Fight like hell. And when you get too tired to fight, then lay down and rest and let somebody else fight for you. — Stuart Scott

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

It's important to cultivate friendships. Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, as a human you are a social being. For the sake of your mental and emotional health, it's important to be honest about and honor your need for meaningful connections. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Many people make their way through life acting as though they are 'alone.' They never progress beyond the lower realms of vibrational energy - and thus experience more discord, fear, stress, and ill health - because they don't allow intuition, higher wisdom, and unconditional (Divine) love to enter into their lives and guide their decisions. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

In order to create a balanced life that excites you and that allows enough time for healthy habits to flourish, you must love yourself. Even then, it probably won't be realistic to make one big, drastic sweeping change - especially since overcoming cancer will necessarily be occupying much of your energy. That's fine; baby steps are a lot better than nothing. As long as you're working toward a better life you're on the right path. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Stephen K. Ray

Many saints are known and praised by all. We pray to them in litanies and celebrate their feast days. But the vast majority of holy men and women live heroic lives quietly before God.
Loyal to family, lovers of God, servants in the Church, these unsung saints live everyday life as an example for us. David Hanneman is one such man. His story is exemplary and should be told to the world. He not only lived a noble life, but also suffered with heroism and grace as he passed into glory.
This is a story to encourage and bless us all. We are thankful to Joseph Hanneman for sharing his father and making his story known to us who need such examples to encourage us as we face the difficulties and challenges of life. — Stephen K. Ray

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Life should not be an endurance event. No prestigious job, well-appointed house, or luxury vacation is worth your emotional, mental and, yes, physical health. In fact, the abrupt loss of all of these things through a cancer diagnosis can be the wake-up call that forces you to identify and begin correcting the things that aren't working in your life. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Bonnie Blair

What I've learned from my own journey, and from my family's experience with cancer, is how important it is to stay positive and move forward. Not every day is going to be perfect; that's life. But staying positive is going to get you to the next day. — Bonnie Blair

Cancer Journey Quotes By Anita Moorjani

Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. — Anita Moorjani

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

The problems presented by difficult individuals contribute to your growth and evolution - another reason for filling yourself with gratitude, appreciation, and love! — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

It is when you stop resisting and choose an attitude of acceptance and positivity that you are able to shift your energetic experience to a higher plane and thereby attract and allow in experiences that are more in alignment with your hopes and dreams. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

You have the power to feel good - or not - just by being conscious of what you choose to think. Choose to focus on hope and healing. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Colleen Oakley

As a twenty-one-year-old college student, Daisy Richmond's answer to the question "If you knew you were going to die in one month, what would you do?" was full of adventure and travel to exotic lands. As a twenty-seven-year-old woman who is faced with a recurrence of breast cancer, her answer is very different. Before I Go is the poignant story of Daisy's journey to navigate the unexpected twists and turns of life, and the painful process of letting go of everything but love. — Colleen Oakley

Cancer Journey Quotes By Carly Fiorina

I have been tested. My faith has been tested. I have battled breast cancer. I have buried a child. Through it all, the love of my family and my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has seen me through. And on this journey my family and my faith will see me through as well. I will not falter, and I will not shrink from this fight. — Carly Fiorina

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

One of the best things about gratitude is that it serves both you and the one to whom you are giving thanks. When you share your feelings of being blessed and grateful, not only do you vibrate at higher level, but your expression contributes to an increase in the energy of those around you, and especially serves the individual to whom you have expressed your thanks. The result is that you raise the level of universal well-being by choosing to focus with gratitude on your blessings. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Your life is shaped by the thoughts and experiences you choose - and make no mistake, the decision is always yours. I promise, when you learn to be conscious and in control of what you are focusing on, you can begin to create high vibrational experiences, which will transform and heal your life. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Healing is about wholeness and harmony. I define healing as anything that contributes to you feeling greater balance, harmony, wholeness, and well-being. In other words, you experience healing when you feel good; and healing is what you need any time you feel that you are out of balance - be it tired, stressed, fearful, or worried - or when you sense a disconnection between your mind, body, and spirit. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Focusing on thoughts or images that make you feel good will enable you to be at a higher level energetically and, consequently, will draw to you a higher level of vibrational experience. In other words, positive thoughts will attract positive experiences. The reverse is also true. If you've fallen into the habit of negative obsessing and/or fear-based thinking, you need to know that you can shift to a healthier, happier mindset. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Christine Magnus Moore

It's one thing knowing you have people cheering you on, yet another to know they've walked in your footsteps. — Christine Magnus Moore

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

When you choose self-love, you are reclaiming your awareness of your own power, which raises your vibrational energy and contributes to your healing. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Abraham Verghese

This is my life, I thought ... I have excised the cancer from my past, cut it out; I have crossed the high plains, descended into the desert, traversed oceans, and planted my feet in new soil; I have been the apprentice, paid my dues, and have just become master of my ship. But when I look down, why do I see the ancient, tarred, mud-stained slippers that I buried at the start of the journey still stuck to my feet? — Abraham Verghese

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Each person's journey is different. If something - anything - does not feel right to you, then you alone get to decide whether you will honor it or not. The choice of how to respond to your situation is yours - and will always be yours. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Christine Magnus Moore

It's one thing knowing you people cheering you on, yet another to know they have walked in your footsteps. — Christine Magnus Moore

Cancer Journey Quotes By Joseph M. Hanneman

This is the story of how Dad lived with his lung cancer. But it is much more. Through his illness and the miracles we experienced, I came to see that Dad's was not just a journey. It was a journey home. Home to God. — Joseph M. Hanneman

Cancer Journey Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Wellbeing is all about balance. Unfortunately, the normal modern lifestyle (which actually isn't normal at all) often pushes us away from what's healthy and manageable, and prompts us to make decisions that overload our bodies and minds. As a society, we are just too busy, too stressed, too consumed with so-called success, too worried about our looks and our image, and not plugged in at all to our spiritual and emotional roots. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Cancer Journey Quotes By Olivia Newton-John

I look at my cancer journey as a gift: It made me slow down and realisethe important things in life and taught me to not sweat the small stuff. — Olivia Newton-John

Cancer Journey Quotes By Jack Layton

To other Canadians who are on journeys to defeat cancer and to live their lives, I say this: please don't be discouraged that my own journey hasn't gone as well as I had hoped. You must not lose your own hope. — Jack Layton