Famous Quotes & Sayings

Business Model Change Quotes & Sayings

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Top Business Model Change Quotes

Business Model Change Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn

If you stop trying to make yourself more than you are, out of fear that you are less than you are, whoever you really are will be a lot lighter and happier and easier to live with, too. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Business Model Change Quotes By Bernie Sanders

As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model. — Bernie Sanders

Business Model Change Quotes By Mark Parker

Sustainability at Nike means being laser-focused on evolving our business model to deliver profitable growth while leveraging the efficiencies of lean manufacturing, minimizing our environmental impact and using the tools available to us to bring about positive change across our entire supply chain. — Mark Parker

Business Model Change Quotes By Jeremy Rifkin

Companies that actually survive and flourish are going to change their business model from production to aggregating the networks and the network services and solutions. If you're a construction company or an IT company or a logistics company or an information data operation, to the extent that you can find ways to help build the commons, you can get some commercial value in that. — Jeremy Rifkin

Business Model Change Quotes By Ziad K. Abdelnour

I strongly believe in the fact
that there's still plenty of money and plenty of private equity capital
available around the globe. What are in short supply are great entrepreneurs
and great teams. A trading opportunity or a company's biggest
challenge is and has always been the team behind it. There's enormous
change under way in every facet of the world. Some is technology
driven, some is market driven. All that change creates unprecedented
opportunity, but to take full advantage of such opportunities I mostly
focus on the team. The right teams and right people behind those
opportunities always win. There is no secret sauce. Trading and investing
has, in my experience, boiled down to building relationships and
exchanging value. It consists of striking the right balance between
backing and interacting with the right teams with the right business
model at the right time and with the right amount of money. — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Business Model Change Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

By God, we shall not stop, God willing, except at the doorsteps of the White House, and to raise the banner of monotheism on their so-called Statue of Liberty. — Osama Bin Laden

Business Model Change Quotes By James Frey

I'm tired of making people sad and I'm tired of disappointing them and I'm tired of seeing them break. I have seen this too many times. He will be the last. — James Frey

Business Model Change Quotes By Sanjay Kumar

Well, if you look back, in almost two and a half years, the biggest change probably was in late 2000 when we decided to totally change the CA business model. — Sanjay Kumar

Business Model Change Quotes By Tim O'Reilly

I think Microsoft will have to change. I think that the business of Microsoft, the company of Microsoft, is going to continue to succeed. But I think the business model of Microsoft is going to have to change. — Tim O'Reilly

Business Model Change Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Well," she repeated, "be it all right with you if Mr. Death pins her to the wall?"
Devyl hesitated as several scenarios for those words went through his mind. William having his way with the beast in a corner.
Or Will literally daggering the hag. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Business Model Change Quotes By Steven Gary Blank

A pivot is a substantive change in one or more of the nine boxes of the business model canvas. — Steven Gary Blank

Business Model Change Quotes By Louis R. Chenevert

The need for air transport is real, and it's not going to change. The key is to have the right business model and have the right initiatives, in my view, to succeed. — Louis R. Chenevert

Business Model Change Quotes By Dylan Smith

It's as important to sell yourselves as much as the service. The business model's going to change 50 times, and the market's going to change, but you need to convince that investor that you are smart enough and excited enough about the opportunity that you'll figure it out. — Dylan Smith

Business Model Change Quotes By David Miliband

Today, the UK must be the pioneer of a new model of economic change, that integrates social and environmental consideration. This is not just a question of values and moral duty. It is about our economy's capacity to sustain itself — David Miliband

Business Model Change Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

Lucy paints portraits of Barbara Streisand. — Hunter S. Thompson

Business Model Change Quotes By Roald Dahl

And thus the journey ended. But the travelers lived on. — Roald Dahl

Business Model Change Quotes By Seth Shostak

Give consideration to the fact that alien astronomers could have scrutinized Earth for more than 4 billion years without detecting any radio signals, despite the fact that our world is the poster child for habitability. — Seth Shostak

Business Model Change Quotes By George Carlin

Comedy is grievances. It's a recitation of grievances - whether they're inconsequential, superficial - like "my wife shops too much", or "kids today", all those old-fashioned themes - or, if it's deeper, and somewhat more thoughtful, about social imbalance and inequities, and the folly of human behavior. It's usually a complaint. — George Carlin

Business Model Change Quotes By Shari Arison

In 'Birth,' I explore the nature of the new world we are approaching with my business-spiritual model, a new model for a new world. This view will enable individuals, companies and even nations to move from collapse to positive change, and bring together the spiritual and the material, giving birth to a new future. — Shari Arison

Business Model Change Quotes By David Frum

The business model of the conservative media is built on two elements: provoking the audience into a fever of indignation (to keep them watching) and fomenting mistrust of all other information sources (so that they never change the channel). — David Frum

Business Model Change Quotes By Erich Fromm

In other words, ideas can become powerful forces, but only to the extent to which they are answers to specific human needs prominent in a given social character. — Erich Fromm

Business Model Change Quotes By Stephen Bungay

At least since the time of In Search of Excellence in 1980, its first blockbuster bestseller, management literature has rejected the model of a business organization as a machine and its people as robots. Managers are exhorted to stop managing and start leading, to empower people, and to master something called "change management." The volume of the volumes has become cacophonous. However, many managers remain rather confused, as there is little consensus about how empowerment is actually supposed to work. — Stephen Bungay

Business Model Change Quotes By W. H. Auden

Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. — W. H. Auden

Business Model Change Quotes By William S. Burroughs

Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing. — William S. Burroughs

Business Model Change Quotes By Emma Watson

I dance a lot and I run and do yoga and play field hockey and tennis. I like to be active. I don't always have time for that stuff, but I do always feel better afterward. — Emma Watson