Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Buffy

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Top Buffy Quotes

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

If I'm interrupted, it's just a minor inconvenience, but not a disaster, because it's easy to get back where I was: that is, the paint has not changed consistency; the light has not moved. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

I had no reason to want to copy anybody else. What I wanted to give audiences for the few minutes that I thought my career would last was something unique. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Katniss isn't the kind of hero we're used to seeing in fiction. She reacts more than she acts, she doesn't want to be a leader, and by the end of Mockingjay, she hasn't come into her own or risen like a phoenix from the ashes for some triumphant moment that gives us a sense of satisfaction with how far our protagonist has come.
She's not a Buffy. She's not a Bella. She limps across the finish line when we're used to seeing heroes racing; she eases into a quiet, steady love instead of falling fast and hard. — Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Buffy Quotes By Chloe Neill

Is Buffy the Vampire Slayer her personal savior?
Because that would bum you out?
The slaying part would, yeah. Not the Joss part. We all love Joss. — Chloe Neill

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

We also have the option of scanning in an image from outside the computer ... a photo, or a sketch done with traditional tools; and we can then paint, manipulate, process, change, and further develop the image within the computer, watching our progress on the monitor. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

The thing about changing the world ... Once you do it, the world's all different. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons ... No friends ... No hope. Take all that away ... and what's left? Buffy: Me. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

If the apocalypse comes...beep me! — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Jim Butcher

I now had two handy shafts of wood with jagged, pointy ends. I stepped between Inari and the nearest vampire and passed her one broken half of the rod. "Here," I said. "If you get the chance, make like Buffy. — Jim Butcher

Buffy Quotes By Chelsea Fine

I totally kicked Ashman ass over there! I was all like hi-yah and you wanna piece of me? I was a super slayer! Buffy's got nothing on me."
"It was life and death out there, guys. Life and death. They just kept coming at me and I just kept putting them down ... I mean, sure, I screamed like a girl a few times and accidentally stabbed myself at the beginning, but still. — Chelsea Fine

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Why do you write strong female characters?
Because you're still asking me that question. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

But in the old days, visual artists used to fall into two distinct categories: those of us who created images with cameras and those of us who applied stuff onto other stuff, with brushes or other tools. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

I was playing with sound like I would have played with pots and pans as a kid. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Virginia Postrel

The mere existence of 'Buffy' proves the declinists wrong about one thing: Hollywood commercialism can produce great art. Complex and evolving characters. Playful language. Joy and sorrow, pathos and elation. Episodes that dare to be different - to tell stories in silence or in song. Big themes and terrible choices. — Virginia Postrel

Buffy Quotes By Kristy Swanson

I love everything Buffy . I don't care who's doing it. — Kristy Swanson

Buffy Quotes By Dana Cameron

She was wearing her T-shirt with the bull's-eye printed over her heart, the one that says, GO AHEAD AND TRY IT, BUFFY. — Dana Cameron

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

I don't want to feel like a failure to my daughter. She's the best thing I've ever done. Buffy - pretty great and all, but Charlotte's way better. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Michelle Trachtenberg

I wrapped 'Buffy' and I always felt on 'Buffy' that they wanted to keep me younger for a specific reason. It seemed like I was getting younger every year that I was on the show. I think there was a reference to me being 15, then 14. — Michelle Trachtenberg

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

A cliffhanger is when ... — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By D.L. Wainright

Oh hell no," he exclaimed, shaking his head. "I'm not playing Buffy the goddamn Vampire Slayer with you. — D.L. Wainright

Buffy Quotes By Mira Grant

Hire new field systems maintainer" was near the top of my to-do list, right under "uncover massive political conspiracy," "avenge Buffy's death," and "don't die. — Mira Grant

Buffy Quotes By Freddie Prinze Jr.

I've never seen 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' — Freddie Prinze Jr.

Buffy Quotes By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

There's an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I've been thinking about a lot while writing this essay. In it, Buffy sacrifices her own life to save her sister, and right before she does, she tells her sister that the hardest thing to do in the world is to live - ironic words coming from someone about to kill herself for the greater good. As I'm writing this, I just keep thinking that Katniss never gets to sacrifice herself. She doesn't get the heroic death. She survives - and that leaves her doing the hardest thing in the world: living in it once so many of the ones she loves are gone. — Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

My first Macintosh was a 128k machine which I upgraded to 512k the minute it became possible. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Characters are like kids. They want to be played with, taken on adventures. And they won't let you rest until you do. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Let's get my part of this over with," Vlad said shortly. "And if the name 'Buffy' comes out of my mouth, it will be the last word you ever hear. — Jeaniene Frost

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

I actually go to the gym much more now than I did when I was on Buffy. I like to stay fit, because that's when I feel really healthy. But I never worked out for any kind of image. People have said to me, 'Do you starve yourself before photo shoots?' And I always say, 'No way.! That's what airbrushing is for. I had french fries last night.' — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Daemon cursed again and I moved, blocking him. "Who does that?" Daemon demanded.Heat rolled off his body. "Actually, Kiefer Sutherland did. In the original Buffy movie," he explained. When I continued to gape at him, he grimaced. "It was on TV a few nights ago. He threw one at Buffy and she caught it.""That was Donald Sutherland - the dad," Daemon corrected, much to my surprise.Blake shrugged"Same difference."
"I'm not Buffy!" I yelled. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

I am so over you, Rejection. You can't get to me like that anymore. I won't let you squash my hopes and dreams. (Slams door) So there! — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

Digital art software has empowered both the painterly side of photographers, and the photographer side of painters. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Tonight sucks. And look at me. Look at - look at stupid Buffy. Too dumb for college, and-and-and freak Buffy, too strong for construction work. And-and my job at the magic shop? I was bored to tears even before the hour that wouldn't end. And the only person that I can even stand to be around is a ... neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By D.T. Max

He found Fraden, the department head, exactly how he hoped she'd be. They soon had a standing date to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer every Tuesday night at her house. As — D.T. Max

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

If you see it in Strunk and White it's so. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

The Internet community started forming right when 'Buffy' started airing, and the notion of a show creator being anything other than a name people recognize on the screen was completely new. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Yes, I'm a small, emaciated teenage girl who struts around fighting vampires in earrings they would rip out of my ears and shove up my - — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Buffy Quotes By Magnus Flyte

Prague is a threshold."
"A threshold?"
"Yes. Between the life of good and ... the other."
Sarah thought of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "I'm not going to have to fight demons, am I? — Magnus Flyte

Buffy Quotes By Alexandra Adornetto

Put it this way, how do you feel about the supernatural?"
"I'm fine with it," Molly replied coolly. "I used to watch Charmed and Buffy and all those shows."
Gabriel winced slightly. "This isn't quite the same thing."
"Okay, well, listen to this. Last week my horoscope in Cosmo told me I was going to meet an enchanting stranger
and this guy on the bus gave me his phone number. I'm a total believer now."
"Yeah, you've really seen the light," Xavier said under his breath.
"Did you know that Sagittarians have a problem with sarcasm?" Molly snapped.
"That would be very enlightening, except I'm a Leo."
"Yeah, well, everyone knows they're a pack of assholes!"
"My God, you're like talking to a rock."
"You're a rock! — Alexandra Adornetto

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

What kind of work do you do," I asked.
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"I'm a proctologist."
I couldn't help it. I laughed a little. "An ass doctor? — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

I didn't know what I was gonna get the first time I sat down at a piano, but I loved it and it became my playmate for life. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

As far as I am concerned, the first episode of Buffy was the beginning of my career. It was the first time I told a story from start to finish the way I wanted. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

I was very burned out after Buffy. It was exhausting. It took me from essentially 18 on the pilot to being 24 and married when we finished. That show was my life. I was doing movies on the hiatuses and on weekends, but I needed to explore and live that gypsy lifestyle. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

I love Edit. He gives me tons of second chances to make things just right between us. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Tracy Lynn

This is from me. For all the thousands of bad guys in your life." She gave a meaningful look to Ezra. Then she smugly held up a case.

Montgomery popped the catches and opened the top.

Oh, my gosh," she said.

Inside was a single piece of sharpened wood.

MR POINTY!" she screamed in delight.

You gave Buffy's weapon...her stake...to the cheerleader," David said with a whistle. "Sheer genius. — Tracy Lynn

Buffy Quotes By Tammy Blackwell

The 'sitch'? Did you watch that Kim Possible movie again? You know it only makes you sad that you don't have a naked mole-rat of your very own.'
'One, I've been watching Buffy, not Kim Possible. And two, it is so not fair that Dad won't let me get a Rufus when he lets Angel keep that stupid turtle. — Tammy Blackwell

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

In other news, it's been far too long since I gloated massively about the fact that I know what's going to happen on Buffy and you all don't. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Climax: It's all downhill from here. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Kendare Blake

Will Carmel eventually forget about this adventurous time with us? Will she shun Thomas and go back to being the center of SWC? She wouldn't do that, would she? I mean, she did just compare me to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My opinion of her isn't the highest right now. — Kendare Blake

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

Better to find out for yourself — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

It was a black and white only computer at the time, but it kept me fascinated. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

There is an exercise I teach at colleges: Get yourself a canvas and a bunch of acrylics and go into a very dimly lighted room. Dip a brush into one of the colors, slap it on the canvas, don't look, close your eyes, make a painting, don't look, turn the lights on and see what you've got. I think this releases people from the editor in their life that's always standing over their shoulder saying, "Oh, you don't have any talent; who do you think you are?" — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Seth Green

I had been acting since I was seven years old, but I had a combination of things happen at about the same time. 'Austin Powers' came out on DVD, I got a series regular gig on 'Buffy' and 'Can't Hardly Wait' came out. — Seth Green

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

I sang a song in Hindi; nobody even knew what that was. Singing about Native American issues, nobody did that. I had no reason to want to copy anybody else. All I had was my originality. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping ... waiting ... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir ... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us ... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love ... the clarity of hatred ... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Good editors are priceless. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

Spike: Bloody hell, woman, you're cutting off my circulation!
Buffy: You don't have any circulation.
Spike: Well, it pinches — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Jane Espenson

The outside world is what kept Buffy and Angel from being together. — Jane Espenson

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

The pimple is perfect. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

I keep thinking they're gonna call me. I keep thinking they're gonna crunch the numbers and think, oh, we can make money with this! And they don't. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

I think Buffy was a grown-up. One of the amazing things about the show was that I was able to grow with her. Yes, she started in high school, and then she went to college, and then essentially she was a mother to all the other Slayers, so I always felt like Buffy was a grown-up. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

A tweet a day keeps writer's block away. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Tyler Posey

Teen Wolf has more heart then BuffyTyler Posey

Buffy Quotes By Mel Odom

Does any Watcher ever know that he is suddenly watching the Slayer until that moment is announced to him? — Mel Odom

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

Another time factor is output: proofing and printing. That is, getting your work out of the computer and onto paper and having it satisfy you. It can be time consuming and expensive. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

If I write as well as I golf, I'm in trouble! — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Anne Rice

It's hard to imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer without Interview with the Vampire. — Anne Rice

Buffy Quotes By Lucie B. Amundsen

My favorite chick was the tawny-colored Buff Orpington. She promised to one day be a bodacious plus-sized model of a chicken, wearing fluffy pantaloons under full feathery skirts and with as charming a personality as her appearance suggested. Predictably named Buffy, she didn't mind being handled and rather seemed to enjoy the company, clucking softly with a closed beak as I picked her up and stroked her silky feathers. — Lucie B. Amundsen

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

What about me? I love you so much. And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard and that you can hurt me so much. I know everything that you did, because you did it to me. Oh, God! I wish that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't. Strong is fighting! It's hard, and it's painful, and it's every day. It's what we have to do. And we can do it together. But if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world, then I don't know what can. But do not expect me to watch. And don't expect me to mourn for you, because ... — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Stephanie Fournet

Why are you so surprised? Joss Whedon is a god. I never would have made it through med school without Netflix and Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
"Buffy?" Wren said the name like she was talking about one of her best friends. "All six seasons? — Stephanie Fournet

Buffy Quotes By Tracy Lynn

We can arrange class time with, um, minimum interaction."

That's perfect. The part where the interacting is all minimum-y," Montgomery said eagerly.

That was almost a Buffyism," Mica pointed out to Ellen.

Almost," Ellen admitted grudgingly. — Tracy Lynn

Buffy Quotes By Christopher Golden

She yanked open her shoulder bag and pulled out a stake. Boy Scouts and vampire slayers should always be prepared. — Christopher Golden

Buffy Quotes By Audra Brown

I used to go with blonde, but ever since Buffy, it doesn't work as well. The — Audra Brown

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Hey Revision. You can be a pain but you do make Book better. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is vital to understanding our unique cultural perspectives. Language is a tool that is used to explore and experience our cultures and the perspectives that are embedded in our cultures. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Lisa McMann

Does not like.
To be called.
Buffy. — Lisa McMann

Buffy Quotes By Nevada Barr

The batteries in his radio died and came back so often they could have had regular roles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. — Nevada Barr

Buffy Quotes By Amy Pascale

But what clicked with Joss most of all was that Greenwalt was able to balance his edginess with an old-school approach to narrative. It was Greenwalt, Joss says, who was "constantly pulling us back to 'But do we care about Buffy? But is Buffy in trouble?'" "We learned early on when we started writing that we've got to have the metaphor," Greenwalt explains. After all, a storyline that's just about a cool monster every week would quickly get old and predictable. "You've got to have the Buffy of it - what does it mean? — Amy Pascale

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

I'll pray for good semen. And I'll get all of my friends to pray for good semen. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Seth Green

I've noticed that girls between like 20 and 30 seem to know 'Can't Hardly Wait.' I got the goth kids who know 'Buffy.' I got this wide spectrum of people who range from like 8 to 13 who seem to know 'Scooby-Doo.' Then I get the international people who seem to know 'Austin Powers' and 'The Italian Job.' — Seth Green

Buffy Quotes By Peggy Martinez

I learned a lot that night - like how incredibly mind blowing ho-hos and wine coolers were together, how that you could discover the answers to life's most difficult questions by watching Buffy, but most of all, that no matter what was going on in life - a best friend could make it all seem bearable. — Peggy Martinez

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

I always had wished somebody else would sing my songs, but there wasn't anybody who knew them, so I sang them myself and eventually became a better singer and guitar player. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Writers see the world differently. Every voice we hear, every face we see, every hand we touch could become story fabric. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Christopher Golden

What is it with you and the Wizard of Oz references? Zombies and werewolves and vamps, oh my. Zombies and werewolves and ... — Christopher Golden

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

Yes, I prosecute bastards like him, make them pay for what they did to innocent victims who can't fight for themselves. And every time I win a case, I not only win for the victim, but also for me. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Brian K. Vaughan

Well, at first I was thinking we could challenge them to a few rounds of Scattergories, but then I realized fighting would be way more emotionally satisfying. -BuffyBrian K. Vaughan

Buffy Quotes By Rachel Cohn

When your mom noticed me watching a Buffy rerun on the little TV on the doorman desk one slow night on the job, she admitted that watching Buffy was her shared solace with you after your dad left. She told me how you cry and cry for Buffy. You cry when Angel shows up to be Buffy's prom date even though they'd already recognized the futility of their true love and broken up. You cry when Buffy's mom is taken away by natural instead of supernatural causes. You cry when seasons six and seven really don't reflect the quality of seasons one through five except for the musical episode. — Rachel Cohn

Buffy Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Out of my way, Dark-Hunter, or I'll kill her. (Daimon)
You know, you should have stayed in your bolt-hole one more day. Tonight's Buffy night, and it's a whole new episode, too. Have you any idea how angry it makes me that I have to come out here in the freezing cold to slay you when I could be at home all toasty warm, watching Sarah Michelle Gellar kick ass in a halter top? (Wulf) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

Because Buffy really has become the straight man, every once in a while it's nice to be the one that tells the joke and it's nice to be the one that is the joke and it's nice to do something that's a little bit different. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

He's a Catholic, a Hindy, an atheist, a Chein, a Buddhist, a Baptist and a Jew, and he knows, he shouldn't kill. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

I'm working on Buffy: Deep Space Nine . It will be dark and badly received. — Joss Whedon

Buffy Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

How many times, in any actor's life, do you get to be a part of something that has a legacy like [Buffy]? I think that's only fortunate. I don't see the negative. — Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy Quotes By Jenny Colgan

We'd even devised the Buffy scale of life relationships: you start off wanting Xander, spend your twenties going out with Spike and setttle down with giles. — Jenny Colgan

Buffy Quotes By Gail Collins

My all-time favorite program in my entire life was 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' — Gail Collins

Buffy Quotes By Kelly Link

I hate those movies, those books, where some guy gets to go off and have adventures and meanwhile the girl has to stay home and wait. I'm a feminist. I subscribe to Bust magazine, and I watch Buffy reruns. I don't believe in that kind of shit. — Kelly Link

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

People sometimes ask me, because of the blacklisting, "Do you hate the government? Don't you hate white people?" No, it's greed that's the problem. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

By looking at the questions the kids are asking, we learn the scope of what needs to be done. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Charisma Carpenter

On 'Buffy' I wasn't all that high on the totem pole as far as responsibility and screen time. — Charisma Carpenter

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Andrews

As I drove out the wrought iron gates I had entered, I noticed for the first time how intricate and beautiful they were. They were forged by hand so many years ago and had stood the test of time. — Buffy Andrews

Buffy Quotes By Buffy Sainte-Marie

All the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre of green. — Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Quotes By Joss Whedon

To read makes our speaking English good. — Joss Whedon