Famous Quotes & Sayings

Briteden Quotes & Sayings

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Top Briteden Quotes

Briteden Quotes By Tom Robbins

Sometimes one gets the idea that life thinks it's still living in Paris in the thirties. — Tom Robbins

Briteden Quotes By Brenda Hillman

The techniques of contemporary poetry are probably the techniques of your daily life. I don't know a single person who goes into the grocery store and thinks in complete sentences. We often think in fragments, we think in little lists, we think in non-sequiturs, we think in feelings that may not match up with each other. — Brenda Hillman

Briteden Quotes By Ashton Kutcher

There is some argument about who actually invented text messaging, but I think it's safe to say it was a man. Multiple studies have shown that the average man uses about half as many words per day as women, thus text messaging. It eliminates hellos and goodbyes and cuts right to the chase. — Ashton Kutcher

Briteden Quotes By Joseph Campbell

Within the field of a secular society, which is a sort of neutral frame that allows individuals to develop their own lives, so long as they don't annoy their neighbors too much, each of us has an individual myth that's driving us, which we may or may not know. — Joseph Campbell

Briteden Quotes By E.F. Schumacher

Modern man talks of a battle with nature, forgetting that, if he won the battle, he would find himself on the losing side — E.F. Schumacher

Briteden Quotes By Steven Kotler

It was a silly time to try to make a living out of words, but it was a silly time in general. — Steven Kotler

Briteden Quotes By John Lasseter

The more we all help each other, the more we all benefit. So go out there. Help others. — John Lasseter

Briteden Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you would not be known to do anything, never do it. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Briteden Quotes By Blanche Wiesen Cook

And during the campaign of 1936, she writes that she and her brother would always rather be out doing things when they're sick, rather than take to their beds. And I think Eleanor Roosevelt always responded to pain by doing more, by doing something, by being active. And I think she just couldn't bear to look at her childhood grief. And she didn't. — Blanche Wiesen Cook

Briteden Quotes By Michael Chabon

It is unusual for Joe to be that way, but that's what interested me. — Michael Chabon

Briteden Quotes By Rebecca Donovan

I sat in the driver's seat and looked over at her again. The pale light of the night softened the lines of her face, reminding me of the girl i once knew. She could have easily been just sleeping, hiding her haunted eyes under her lids. Watching her peaceful face, something roused inside me, and I knew I was in trouble. — Rebecca Donovan

Briteden Quotes By Cheryl Strayed

When I woke the next morning in my room at White's Motel, I showered and stood naked in front of the mirror, watching myself solemnly brush my teeth. I tried to feel something like excitement but came up only with a morose unease. Every now and then I could see myself-truly see myself-and a sentence would come to me, thundering like a god into my head, and as I saw myself then in front of that tarnished mirror what came was 'the woman with the hole in her heart'. That was me. — Cheryl Strayed

Briteden Quotes By Dante Alighieri

Only those elements time cannot wear: The Angels, the Empyrean, and the First Matter are the elements time cannot wear, for they will last to all time. Man, however, in his mortal state, is not eternal. The Gate of Hell, therefore, was created before man. The theological point is worth attention. The doctrine of Original Sin is, of course, one familiar to many creeds. Here, however, it would seem that the preparation for damnation predates Original Sin. True, in one interpretation. Hell was created for the punishment of the Rebellious Angels and not for man. Had man not sinned, he would never have known Hell. But on the other hand, Dante's God was one who knew all, and knew therefore that man would indeed sin. The theological problem is an extremely delicate one. — Dante Alighieri