Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bratislava Stare Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bratislava Stare Quotes

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Ibi Kaslik

Even though we've devoted our lives to music, we both know that the most important things happen without a soundtrack. — Ibi Kaslik

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Gwen Stefani

The [palette] fantasy is always to get what you want, what you wear, and to be able to take it with you, so you don't have to bring all the other stuff. I just started digging through my drawers of my favorites, and I asked myself what is it that I cant live without? — Gwen Stefani

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Rebecca Serle

There are a million things in this world that can end you, that can in one second obliterate the life you work so hard to keep alive. Our lives are structured around not dying. Eating, sleeping, looking both ways before you cross the street. It's all, all of it, to keep us safe from the thing that we know is going to get us anyway. It doesn't even make sense, if you think about it. It's the world's biggest joke. Our entire lives are set up around not dying, knowing all the while that it's the one thing we can't avoid. — Rebecca Serle

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The community of the saints is not an "ideal" community consisting of perfect and sinless men and women, where there is no need of further repentance. No, it is a community which proves that it is worthy of the gospel of forgiveness by constantly and sincerely proclaiming God's forgiveness ... Sanctification means driving out the world from the Church as well as separating the Church from the world. But the purpose of such discipline is not to establish a community of the perfect, but a community consisting of men who really live under the forgiving mercy of God. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Blaise Pascal

They say that eclipses are portents of disaster, because disasters are so common, and misfortune occurs often enough for these forecasts to be right, whereas if they said that eclipses were portents of good fortune they would often be wrong. — Blaise Pascal

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Brian Swimme

Each person discovers a field of allurements, the totality of which bears the unique stamp of that person's personality. Destiny unfolds in the pursuit of individual fascinations and interests ... By pursuing your allurements, you help bind the universe together. The unity of the world rests on the pursuit of passion. — Brian Swimme

Bratislava Stare Quotes By James Altucher

Don't regret your mistakes. You'll always make mistakes. The better you are, the less mistakes you make. The only way to get better is to thoroughly analyze your mistakes. — James Altucher

Bratislava Stare Quotes By H. Rap Brown

But black people fall for that same argument, and they go around talking about law breakers. We did not make the laws in this country. We are neither morally nor legally confined to those laws. Those laws that keep them up, keep us down. — H. Rap Brown

Bratislava Stare Quotes By Maurice Hinchey

The importance of the river cannot be overstated in the history of the country, or the development of the nation. — Maurice Hinchey