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Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes & Sayings

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Top Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Edward Gibbon

Metellus Numidicus, the censor, acknowledged to the Roman people, in a public oration, that had kind nature allowed us to exist without the help of women, we should be delivered from a very troublesome companion; and he could recommend matrimony only as the sacrifice of private pleasure to public duty. — Edward Gibbon

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By T. Lothrop Stoddard

Some of these types, like the Persians and Ottoman Turks, are largely white; others, like the southern Indians and Yemenite Arabs, are largely black; while still others, like the Himalayan and Central Asian peoples, have much yellow blood. — T. Lothrop Stoddard

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Sebastian Junger

During the air war of 1944, a four-man combat crew on a B-17 bomber took a vow to never abandon one another no matter how desperate the situation. The aircraft was hit by flak during a mission and went into a terminal dive, and the pilot ordered everyone to bail out. The top turret gunner obeyed the order, but the ball turret gunner discovered that a piece of flak had jammed his turret and he could not get out. The other three men in his pact could have bailed out with the parachutes, but they stayed with him until the plan hit the ground and exploded. They all died. — Sebastian Junger

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Thelonious Monk

Monk's reasons for dancing during a performance: "I get tired sitting down at the piano! That way I can dig the rhythm better. — Thelonious Monk

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Keith Thurman

Zaveck is a tough guy. He has never been knocked down and I love putting people to sleep. Knowing that he has never been knocked down is a true test for me — Keith Thurman

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Robert Jordan

There were more important uses for that time. One thing at a time, and the most important first. That was his way. — Robert Jordan

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Viktor E. Frankl

For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one's predicament into a human achievement. — Viktor E. Frankl

Boringly Unoriginal Crossword Quotes By Emily Bronte

I have no pity! I have no pity! The more worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a moral teething, and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain. — Emily Bronte