Bolton Quotes & Sayings
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Top Bolton Quotes

You know, as somebody who writes op-eds and appears on the television, I appreciate as well as anybody that ... there is a limit to what that accomplishes. — John Bolton

Tonight I feel like a prisoner on fire, waiting desperately ... denied, sentenced forever more. Only your love can set me free. — Michael Bolton

No matter how great we get with digital formats of instrumentation, nothing really quite duplicates the real thing. — Michael Bolton

I've been in the government bureaucracy, I've practiced law, I've done a lot of different things. — John Bolton

I like the simple 'I love your work' letters. You never get sick of people's appreciation. They think they're troubling you, but it's lovely people associate my songs with certain moments in their lives. — Michael Bolton

I was blown away by the control and the range that I was hearing. I'm listening to Pavarotti and thinking, What the hell have I been doing with my voice all these years? — Michael Bolton

Most Bolton students were scions of the city's wealthiest families. My crewe stuck out like hooker at church. We werent part of their pampered, priveliged world, and many of our classmates were quick to remind us of that fact. Taunting the "boat kids" was practically a varsity sport. — Kathy Reichs

I still get butterflies. It's because there's a certain level of responsibility you carry when doing a concert. You've got to sound at least as good as the record. — Michael Bolton

Everybody pursues their national interests. The only one who gets blamed for it is the United States. — John Bolton

God has thoughts of love in all He does to His people. The ground of His dealings with us is love (though the occasion may be sin), the manner of His dealings is love, and the purpose of His dealings is love,. He has regard, in all, to our good here, to make us partakers of His holiness, and to our glory hereafter, to make us partakers of His glory. — Samuel Bolton

I don't think there is any good answer to the question why shouldn't gays and lesbians who want to serve their country be allowed to do it. — John Bolton

should be enough," said Robb. "You will have command of my rear guard, Lord Bolton. I mean to start for the Neck as soon as my uncle has been wedded and bedded. We're going home. — George R R Martin

It's not quite the Tom Jones show, but yes, I've had undergarments. If I get a bra chucked on stage I'll hold it up so the audience can decide what to think. And I'll usually blame a guy for doing it. — Michael Bolton

Bolton's silence was a hundred times more threatening than Vargo Hoat's slobbering malevolence. Pale — George R R Martin

Be certain," Catelyn told her son, "or go home and take up that wooden sword again. You cannot afford to seem indecisive in front of men like Roose Bolton and Rickard Karstark. Make no mistake, Robb-these are your bannermen, not your friends. You named yourself battle commander. Command. — George R R Martin

I know all too well how Dane Bolton ticks," I began incontrovertibly. "he is bossy and domineering. He is what he is, and I wouldn't change a thing about him. Dane is loyal, honest, fiercely protective, loving and completely dedicated to me. A better man has never walked this earth, and I could not imagine my life without him in it. — Keegan Kennedy

I like my coffee black, my whiskey straight and my women intelligent and challenging. — Raymond Bolton

Don't depend on someone else if you can be your own master, Logan replied. — Karice Bolton

Bolton School has a great tradition in the liberal arts. — Ian McKellen

I'm giving you everything I have, Triss. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine. No matter what storms lay ahead of us, I know that as one we can make it. I'm not perfect by anyone's standards but you make me want to strive to be the best person I can be. - Logan — Karice Bolton

The maester had taught him all the banners: the mailed fist of the Glovers, silver on scarlet; Lady Mormont's black bear; the hideous flayed man that went before Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort; a bull moose for the Hornwoods; a battle-axe for the Cerwyns; three sentinel trees for the Tallharts; and the fearsome sigil of House Umber, a roaring giant in shattered chains. — George R R Martin

Well, you could take several stories off the buildings of most U.S. government agencies and we'd all probably be better for it too. — John Bolton

I tan the easy way. I just wait for my liver spots to connect. — Martha Bolton

To be honest I listen to the female opinion on my photos. If all the girls in the office choose a certain shot, even if I don't like it, it becomes a front runner because, really, what do I know about how others perceive me? — Michael Bolton

I accept that appearance is a big thing in this business. But being around Hollywood and having actor friends and doing music videos, it does make you more aware of how you look. With music videos they send you rough cuts, and in certain frames of me, I just see a nose advert. — Michael Bolton

There are many examples of men in history who could give us a better mirror after which to pattern ourselves — Darius Bolton

Yes, as a people we are spoiled. We look for dinners that take two minutes to cook in our microwave instead of five, and we audibly sigh if the directions on the box require us to stir at the halfway point. Aw, I gotta stir? See what else is in the freezer. — Martha Bolton

To sing along with Stevie Wonder, you had to make your voice do things it was not accustomed to doing. — Michael Bolton

I am all in favour of democracy in Iraq. — John Bolton

There was an agelessness about him, a stillness; on Roose Bolton's face, rage and joy looked much the same. — George R R Martin

I'm not very domestic. For years my children thought mold was a frosting. — Martha Bolton

I am not a professional politician. — John Bolton

I have decided not to run for president. — John Bolton

When you have great songs that are going to live longer than the composers, everything you can do to bring those different elements and nuances out, serve the song. — Michael Bolton

If you think marriage is going to be perfect, you're probably still at your reception. — Martha Bolton

I didn't have that thing that Michael Bolton did; my star power - my charisma - was not a match to my writing ability. — Dan Hill

We (believers) still have the presence of sin, nay, the stirrings and workings of corruption. These make us to have many a sad heart and a wet eye. Yet Christ has thus far freed us from sin; it shall not have dominion. There may be the turbulence, but not the prevalence of sin ... (Sin) may get into the throne of the heart and play the tyrant in this or that particular act of sin, but it shall never more be as a king there. — Samuel Bolton

The bigger you are, the harder they come down on you. — Michael Bolton

Lie on your back and pinch off your nose. Preferably with a diver's nose clip, but your fingers will do. Just make a point to arrange your arm in a way that minimizes its fatigue. Stick a drinking straw in your mouth and breathe. That's it. — Andy Bolton

There's no religious test under the constitution. That's what it says. Period. — John Bolton

Billy Ray Cyrus does not smoke. Michael Bolton doesn't ... Paula Abdul doesn't ... there does seem to be a pattern. — Bill Hicks

I've been surrounded by some of the best economic minds in the country, and hopefully I've absorbed some of that. — John Bolton

I don't think Hamas will be satisfied simply ruling the Gaza Strip. — John Bolton

I'm pretty irreverent. There is a lot of need to find humour in life. Although I'd never be as disrespectful to laugh at someone's expense. — Michael Bolton

Swapping Bergdahl for illegal enemy combatants (terrorists, in common parlance) signaled unmistakably to Taliban and al Qaeda that Obama is determined to withdraw from Afghanistan no matter what the cost to the United States or those in Afghanistan fighting to remain free. — John Bolton

It's an important thing to remember where you came from. — Michael Bolton

One word came to mind: pee-yew. Evan tried to place the odor; it wasn't a heap of decayed garbage or that of a spoiled fish. Truth be told, he smelled like rotten cheese. — H.B. Bolton

Power tastes best when sweetened by courtesy.
-Roose Bolton — George Martin

We used to call it recurrent airplay when someone had a hit. — Michael Bolton

On singing in the swimming pool: If I can move the water, I can move the people. — Michael Bolton

I'm a conservative Republican. I have been since I was 15 years old and participated in the 'Goldwater for President' campaign in 1964. — John Bolton

I don't think I would have to run a campaign that's financed like General Motors. — John Bolton

Nothing is better than the moment you have Michael Bolton dressed as Forrest Gump and you see it in action. — Akiva Schaffer

A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind — Robert Oxton Bolton

It was my job to interest them in everything that was happening, to make the arrival of the Daily Express each morning an event, to show them the world outside Bolton and Bacup, to give them courage and confidence to overcome the drabness of their lives. — Arthur Christiansen

Writing for me is never about quantity. It's always about quality. — Raymond Bolton

I shoved three CDs up my ass and got them out of Tower Records. It hurt like hell but I did it. New Michael Bolton, new Sting, and the best of Sammy Hagar. Totally painful. Definitely worth it. — Henry Rollins

I'll always be here waiting for you, he said, touching my chest with his fingertips, drawing a shape of a heart. — Karice Bolton

I am not a neoconservative. — John Bolton

We cannot wait until we feel the Spirit moving us ... We must obey God even when our heart is not in it- often to discover that our hearts come alive to our duty even while we do it. — Samuel Bolton

There is no such thing as the United Nations. — John Bolton

You don't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on political consultants to tell you what you think when you already know what you think. — John Bolton

If you have to choose between terrible grief and terrible guilt, I think grief is easier, in the end. — Sharon Bolton

As you know, I have over the years written critically about the U.N. I have consistently stressed in my writings that American leadership is critical to the success of the U.N., an effective U.N., one that is true to the original intent of its charter's framers. — John Bolton

We cry down the law in respect of justification, but we set it up as a rule of sanctification. The law sends us to the Gospel that we may be justified; and the Gospel sends us to the law again to inquire what is our duty as those who are justified. — Samuel Bolton

Whenever I find myself in an exceptionally beautiful environment, I can't help asking myself - what lies beneath? I'm fascinated by the idea of a perfect surface concealing a rotten core. — Sharon Bolton

Sometimes when we're waiting for God to speak, He's waiting for us to listen. — Martha Bolton

The more complicated the movie, the more complex the budget, the more lonely it gets. There's a point where ... who do you go to, other than prayer and friends? — Michael Bolton

I was prepared to be lenient when it was my own safety at stake but if he hurts my dog, I will kill him. — Sharon Bolton

I would not run as a one-issue candidate. Anybody who does that is declaring himself to be marginal. — John Bolton

I haven't given up on the possibility that sweet reason will prevail. — John Bolton

Harwin's eyes went from her face to the flayed man on her doublet. "How do you know me?" he said, frowning suspiciously. "The flayed man ... who are you, some serving boy to Lord Leech?"
For a moment she did not know how to answer. She'd had so many names. Had she only dreamed Arya Stark? "I'm a girl," she sniffed. "I was Lord Bolton's cupbearer but he was going to leave me for the goat, so I ran off with Gendry and Hot Pie. You have to know me! You used to lead my pony, when I was little."
His eyes went wide. "Gods be good," he said in a choked voice. "Arya Underfoot? Lem, let go of her."
"She broke my nose." Lem dumped her unceremoniously to the floor. "Who in seven hells is she supposed to be?"
"The Hand's daughter." Harwin went to one knee before her. "Arya Stark, of Winterfell. — George R R Martin

I hate when I look in my closet and find clothes instead of Narnia. — H.B. Bolton

Evan ran his finger across the faded leather spines. He laughed at how silly some of the names were: Paint Your Roses Red, Edelweiss and Me, World of Mushrooms and Fungi, The Toadstool Diaries, Daffodils Unseen and Exotic Plants Unleashed, to name but a few. — H.B. Bolton

Lavender in the hut, fertility beads under the mattress, a dreamcatcher by the plunge pool, oyster appetizers every afternoon, and a Michael Bolton love mix. — Rachel Van Dyken

'The Magus,' usually described as a book for the young, is about learning that the world is a mysterious and limitless place, beyond our control, and all the more exciting - and daunting - because of it. — Sharon Bolton

Whoever best serves the song is going to be served by the song. — Michael Bolton

Henry: I usen't to need anyone, just to myself, stories, there was a great one about an old fellow called Bolton, I never finished it, I never finished any of them, I never finished anything, everything always went on for ever. (Pause.) — Samuel Beckett

noticed how Will perked up when Emily made the announcement about his truck. When she turned her back, he lifted his head and shot Abe a conspiratorial glance. Abe shook off the look, swallowed some of his — Sandra Bolton

The law as it is considered as a rule can be no more abolished or changed than the nature of good and evil can be abolished or changed. — Samuel Bolton

It's a combination of melody and lyrics, not one without the other. It's a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful. — Michael Bolton

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, then almost certainly Saudi Arabia will do the same, as will Egypt, Turkey and perhaps others in the region. — John Bolton

The law of change says, "Things do not stay the same. If they don't get better, they get worse. — Robert Bolton

I have to admit I wasn't to keen on this idea when you first told me you were going out at midnight to see him, but I guess maybe I was wrong ... Have you guys?
God, Karen. I rolled my eyes.
Oh well, let's not hope that's not the killer in the relationship since he sounds perfect in every other way.
Wow, thanks for spoiling it nerd. — Karice Bolton

I'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities. — John Bolton

The face in the bed seemed to deepen its expression of wild, but motionless distraction. Mrs Bolton looked at it and was worried. She knew what she was up against: male hysteria. She had not nursed soldiers without learning something about that very unpleasant disease. She — D.H. Lawrence

There is no patriotic obligation to help advance the career of a politician who is otherwise pursuing interests that are fundamentally antithetical to your values. That's not the call of patriotism. — John Bolton

Black music has increased my enjoyment of what I do. It has increased my range, my ability to reach into myself and accept myself. — Michael Bolton

I like the man, who faces what he must, with steps triumphant and a heart of cheer; who fights the daily battle without fear. — Sarah Knowles Bolton

There's no doubt that Iran funds and supplies Hamas with weapons. — John Bolton