Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bochenski Philosophy Quotes

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Jim Carroll

Little kids shoot marbles
where the branches break the sun
into graceful shafts of light ...
I just want to be pure. — Jim Carroll

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

Exaggeration is overweight truth. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Rene Maheu

There is only one emotion that I know of which has absolutely no place in spectator sport and death to it - laughter. — Rene Maheu

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Edward Fahey

I keep being told that my writing is getting better and better. - Now, at first I am thrilled by that, but then I think, Isn't everybody's? Do some authors grow cozy with their own style, and stay there?
I think of writing fiction as an art form. As such, it's a constant exploration of new and developing ideas. If any of my books were much like my others, I don't think I'd even bother to write them. — Edward Fahey

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Jeff Wheeler

If you only believe what you like, and reject what you don't like, it is not truth you believe, but yourself. - Possidius Adeodat, Archivist of Kenatos — Jeff Wheeler

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Matthew Le Tissier

Who will win the League? It's a toss of a coin between three of them. — Matthew Le Tissier

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By George Bernard Shaw

Bourgeois morality is largely a system of making cheap virtues a cloak for expensive vices. — George Bernard Shaw

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Doc Rivers

As a coach, you've got to do what's best for the team. If guys don't like it, they're going to leave. If they stay and don't like it, well, your team's going to suck anyway. Even if this happens, you still have to do it. You can't coach worrying about any individual. — Doc Rivers

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Esi Edugyan

She laughed. I closed my eyes. It sounded damn mournful, that laugh of hers echoing off the square. — Esi Edugyan

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Soren Kierkegaard

A poet is an unhappy creature whose heart is tortured by deepest suffering but whose lips are so formed that when his sighs and cries stream out over them, their sound beomes like the sound of beautiful music ... And men flock about the poet saying, Sing for us soon again; that is to say, may new sufferings torture your soul, and may your lips continue to be formed as before. — Soren Kierkegaard

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Christopher Paolini

Really! Between you and Eragon, I seem to spend most of my time among the Varden healing people to silly to realize they need to avoid getting chopped into tiny little pieces — Christopher Paolini

Bochenski Philosophy Quotes By Brad Furman

The process of casting a movie has many complicated variables. — Brad Furman