Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bin Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bin Quotes

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

The hearts of the people of Muslim countries are beating with the call of jihad. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Michael Mullen

The best day was when we got bin Laden. — Michael Mullen

Bin Quotes By Barbara Brooke

Toys have taken over my family room. I watch Mary Poppins, and no matter how many spoonfuls of sugar I eat, action figures won't march into a bin with the snap of my fingers. — Barbara Brooke

Bin Quotes By Sibel Edmonds

I have information about things that our government has lied to us about. I know. For example, to say that since the fall of the Soviet Union we ceased all of our intimate relationship with Bin Laden and the Taliban - those things can be proven as lies, very easily, based on the information they classified in my case, because we did carry very intimate relationship with these people, and it involves Central Asia, all the way up to September 11. — Sibel Edmonds

Bin Quotes By Marisha Pessl

For the record, there were no framed pictures of me around our house, and the only class portrait Dad had ever ordered was the one from Sparta Elementary in which I'd sat, knees glued together, in front of a background that looked like Yosemite, sporting pink overalls and a lazy eye. "This is classic," Dad said. "That they shamelessly send me an order form so I can pay $69.95 for prints large and small of a photo in which my daughter looks as if she just suffered a great blow to her head - it just shows you, we are simply strapped to a motorized assembly line moving through this country. We're supposed to pay out, shut up or get tossed in the rejects bin. — Marisha Pessl

Bin Quotes By Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

We will not accept in our country even a single soldier who will attack Muslims or Arabs. — Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

Bin Quotes By R. Kelly

All of a sudden you're like the Bin Laden of America. Osama Bin Laden is the only one who knows what I'm going through. — R. Kelly

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

For us, the idea was not to get involved more than necessary in the fight against the Russians, which was the business of the Americans, but rather to show our solidarity with our Islamist brothers. I discovered that it was not enough to fight in Afghanistan, but that we had to fight on all fronts against communist or Western oppression. The urgent thing was communism, but the next target was America ... This is an open war up to the end, until victory. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

We must be loyal to the truth, not to our words! Change your words if they are not compatible with the truth; go back on your words, throw them to the bin! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Bin Quotes By Bill Maher

New Rule: Conspiracy theorists who are claiming that we didn't really kill Bin Laden must be reminded that they didn't think he did the crime in the first place. Come on, nutjobs, keep your bullshit straight: The towers were brought down in a controlled demolition by George W. Bush to distract attention from Hawaii, where CIA operatives were planting phony birth records so that a Kenyan named Barack Obama could someday rise to power and pretend to take out the guy we pretended took out the Towers. And I know that's true because I just got it in an e-mail from Trump. — Bill Maher

Bin Quotes By Frederick Exley

The three of us had a pact, governed by signals - pinching one another, agreeing to step fiercely on each other's toes when we felt riotous laughter welling up within us. It was not that any of us doubted the efficacy of group therapy for alcoholics (it is probably the only treatment), but, oh, dear heart, alcoholics in the loony bin! — Frederick Exley

Bin Quotes By Eula Biss

In the case of Pakistan, the CIA actually used a fake vaccination campaign to try to locate Osama bin Laden, so now vaccination is associated with espionage. — Eula Biss

Bin Quotes By Rashid Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

This missile test reflects India's mindset, ... India's desire to control the subcontinent will never become a reality. — Rashid Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

No king should rule absolutely, like a dictator. — Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

Bin Quotes By Richard Dawkins

George Bush is a catastrophe for the world. And a dream for Bin Laden. — Richard Dawkins

Bin Quotes By Fareed Zakaria

Strip away the usual hot air, and bin Laden's audiotape is the sign of a seriously weakened man. — Fareed Zakaria

Bin Quotes By Jay Leno

According to the New York Daily News, Geraldo said he is now carrying a gun, and he will personally shoot Osama bin Laden if he finds him. If Osama also has a gun, this could work out okay. — Jay Leno

Bin Quotes By David Letterman

Osama bin Laden was living in that compound with three wives. It's like he was Newt Gingrich. — David Letterman

Bin Quotes By John Perkins

The United States made no secret of its desire to have the House of Saud bankroll Osama bin Laden's Afghan war against the Soviet Union during the 1980s, and Riyadh and Washington together contributed an estimated $3.5 billion to the mujahideen.5 However, U.S. and Saudi participation went far beyond this. — John Perkins

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

Al-Qa'idah was set up to wage a jihad against infidelity, particularly to encounter the onslaught of the infidel countries against the Islamic states. Jihad is the sixth undeclared element of Islam. The first five being the basic holy words of Islam, prayers, fast, pilgrimage to Mecca, and giving alms Every anti-Islamic person is afraid of it. Al-Qa'idah wants to keep this element alive and active and make it part of the daily life of the Muslims. It wants to give it the status of worship. We are not against any Islamic country nor we consider a war against an Islamic country as jihad. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb

And be aware that people fall under one of two categories: they are either your brother and sister in faith, or they are your counterpart in humanity. — Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb

Bin Quotes By Kasie West

Isabel dug her hands into the bin of Legos next to her. "We should have a ship-building competition."

"Yes," Gabriel said. "I am the King of Legos."

"Is that a self-proclaimed title or one that was appointed?" I asked.

Isabel laughed.

Gabriel acted offended. "Appointed, of course." He joined us on the floor and scooped out a handful of Legos. "By my father. — Kasie West

Bin Quotes By Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

In 1995, we had evidence of the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden being in the Philippines, living in the Philippines. We had evidence of front organizations set up in the Philippines. And we uncovered evidence about, which would help the U.S. with - about the perpetuators of the World Trade Center bombing. — Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Bin Quotes By Robert Lacey

Saud bin Abd al-Aziz was the moon-faced, shortsighted, bespectacled son of the old founder of Saudi Arabia, who'd always been his father's protege but had never quite lived up to everything that his father had. — Robert Lacey

Bin Quotes By Victor Davis Hanson

Over many years bin Laden cited dozens of concocted reasons about why he attacked the United States; the only valid one was that he attacked America because he thought - to paraphrase Margaret Atwood - with good reason, he could get away with it. — Victor Davis Hanson

Bin Quotes By David Letterman

This Osama bin Laden, now they say he has had plastic surgery. They say he sneaked across the border into Pakistan, which by the way is the place to go to have plastic surgery. He looks great. A tourist came up to him earlier this week and said, 'May I have your autograph, Mr. Hasselhoff?' — David Letterman

Bin Quotes By Zayn Malik

When we were in Sweden, there was a fan that hid in a bin. I think one of the security guards saw and tried to take her out, and she went a bit crazy and started tackling them. — Zayn Malik

Bin Quotes By Al-Waleed Bin Talal

No company should depend on one person no matter how that person is smart or genius, whether it's Apple or News Corp, or Citibank or any other company in the world. — Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Bin Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

We expect our media to lead and open doors for our young talents. As we need creative engineers, doctors and managers, we also need creative journalists and media workers. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Tommy Davidson

I can personally feel the relief myself in my audiences when I bring up Obama because there was a lot of anti-Obama sentiment out there before the capture of bin Laden. — Tommy Davidson

Bin Quotes By Argus Hamilton

Pakistan's ruler Pervez Musharraf predicted the Taliban will fall for hiding Osama bin Laden. Ex-king Zahir Shah is standing by to replace Mullah Mohammed Omar. And the most ominous sign of all, President Bush has learned all their names. — Argus Hamilton

Bin Quotes By Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Be true in your relationship with the Sovereign Creator, for He is the greatest one with whom you could relate in all your affairs and states.
Know that He cares for those who turn to Him; relieves difficulties for them; is there for them in every circumstance, condition and change; and He shelters them in His Mercy, Grace, Pardon and Forgiveness. — Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Bin Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

We in the U.A.E. have no such word as 'impossible'; it does not exist in our lexicon. Such a word is used by the lazy and the weak, who fear challenges and progress. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Bill Maher

New Rule: The White House doesn't have to release the dead Bin Laden photos, but don't pretend we can't take it. We've seen pictures of Britney Spears's vagina getting out of a car. Television has desensitizes us to violence, and porn has desensitized us to people getting shot in the eye. — Bill Maher

Bin Quotes By Michael Hastings

Despite failing to get bin Laden, the U.S. government and media portrayed the early Afghanistan war as a great victory. — Michael Hastings

Bin Quotes By Michael Scheuer

Bin Laden does reprehensible activities, and we should surely take care of that by killing him as soon as we can. But he's not an irrational man. He's a very worthy enemy. He's an enemy to worry about. — Michael Scheuer

Bin Quotes By T.R. Wallace

Is killing a known terrorist wrong? I ask this, did the terrorist allow any of his victims quarter? No, then allow him no quarter, and hoist the black flag. — T.R. Wallace

Bin Quotes By David Levithan

People fall hard for the notion of falling, and saying you want no part of it will only get you sent to the loony bin. — David Levithan

Bin Quotes By Edgar Allan Poe

Who entereth herein, a conqueror hath bin; Who slayeth the dragon, the shield he shall win. — Edgar Allan Poe

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

Every Muslim must rise to defend his religion. The wind of faith is blowing. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

No one in the Emirates is above the law and accountability. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Barack Obama

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority. — Barack Obama

Bin Quotes By Tony Curl

What in your life needs to be consigned to the bin? Just make sure it's not your dreams! — Tony Curl

Bin Quotes By Frank Carlucci

I think the real target of al-Qaeda is Saudi Arabia by the way. They hate us and we're a vehicle to get at Saudi Arabia. I think Osama bin Laden really wants to topple that regime and have his people move in, but that's a whole other story. — Frank Carlucci

Bin Quotes By Amelia Barrows

Think of the compost bin as a living organism. It is, in fact, made up of colonies of bacteria. A live bin is hot at the center and produces a thick, loamy substance. If a bin is cold and dead, but has true compost at the center, it needs to be turned. Use a pitchfork or shovel to mix and shuffle the bin's contents. — Amelia Barrows

Bin Quotes By Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

All actions without love are just like dust in the air. — Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Bin Quotes By John Yoo

Punishing abuse in Iraq should not return the U.S. to Sept. 10, 2001, in the way it fights al Qaeda, while Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants remain at large and continue to plan attacks. — John Yoo

Bin Quotes By Noam Chomsky

There was no direct way to prevent the Boston murders. There are some easy ways to prevent likely future ones: by not inciting them. That's also true of another case of a suspect murdered, his body disposed of without autopsy, when he could easily have been apprehended and brought to trial: Osama bin Laden. — Noam Chomsky

Bin Quotes By Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Those people behind the mosque have to respect, have to appreciate and have to defer to the people of New York. The wound is still there. Just because the wound is healing you can't say, 'Let's just go back to where we were pre-9/11. — Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Bin Quotes By Rem Koolhaas

Everyone is talking about sustainability and resilience, yet all that knowledge is thrown in the bin. [Lagos is] a unique case, but also a test case. It's unbelievably unique, but also it's now considered with a number of really generic opinions, generic solution, generic expectations. — Rem Koolhaas

Bin Quotes By Miroslav Volf

For many Americans, Osama bin Laden is the paradigmatic Muslim, an absurd conviction for anyone who has lived with Muslims. — Miroslav Volf

Bin Quotes By Craig Stone

Sleep doesn't come easy when a broken twig conjures images of a hulking mental patient snapping the arms off children, over by the bin. — Craig Stone

Bin Quotes By Sue Grafton

Once upon a time, I'd come close to being killed in the big trash bin outside. This counts as nostalgia for someone like me (p. 317).
Kinsey Millhone in V is for Vengeance — Sue Grafton

Bin Quotes By Malala Yousafzai

Money poured in from all over the Arab world, particularly Saudi Arabia, which matched whatever the US sent, and volunteer fighters too, including a Saudi millionaire called Osama bin Laden. — Malala Yousafzai

Bin Quotes By John F. Kerry

Ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now than he was four years ago. — John F. Kerry

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

I don't see why OPEC countries should continue to cut production just to keep the price of oil high. This will not affect the industrial countries alone, it will also hit poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Who will look after them? — Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

You cannot transpose the U.S. system on Turkey, and the Turkish system on France etc. You have to understand the people and their culture. That's leadership. — Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

Bin Quotes By George W. Bush

And, again, I don't know where he [Osama Bin Laden] is. I - I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. — George W. Bush

Bin Quotes By Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

A photographer is like a writer ... you're writing with your lens so make sure you tell a good story. — Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Bin Quotes By Kristen Ashely

I've entered the looney bin," I told another unwitting customer, this one female.
"It's always like that around here," the customer replied. "That's why I come, it's like walking into a sitcom that could only air on HBO. — Kristen Ashely

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

The hostility that America continues to express against the Muslim people has given rise to feelings of animosity on the part of Muslims against America and against the West in general. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Richard North Patterson

Before Bin Laden did everything but advertise. Yet he had to blow up the Twin Towers just to get the attention of anyone outside the intelligence community. So what did we do? We invaded the wrong country, killed the wrong madman, and too often used the wrong interrogation techniques on the wrong people-all because our leaders lost contact with the truth. — Richard North Patterson

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

Terrorism can be commendable, and it can be reprehensible. The terrorism we practice is of the commendable kind for it is directed at the tyrants and the aggressors and the enemies of Allah. — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Jose Rodriguez

We got a lot of information from the detainees that eventually led us to bin Laden. — Jose Rodriguez

Bin Quotes By G.A. Aiken

Sulien held up the broken spear, one piece in each hand. "A warhammer did this?"
"You saw that hammer the Lightning almost hit Addolgar with. And that's not even the one he uses during battles. That one is bloody huge. Nearly as
big as the bastard's head."
Her father chuckled and stepped around her. "The only purpose of this spear was to protect you - and it did. Its job is now done." He started to
throw the pieces into a bin he kept for trash.
"Don't you dare throw that out."
"Why not? It's broken, and repairing it would be useless. It'l only break again."
"But you made it for me."
"You cling to what is meaningless, child. Just like your mother sometimes, only with her it's mostly grudges. — G.A. Aiken

Bin Quotes By Marc Racicot

On a day when Osama bin Laden again threatened the United States and our allies, it is disturbing to realize that John Kerry neither recognizes nor understands the murderous ideology of our enemies and the threat they pose to our nation. — Marc Racicot

Bin Quotes By Algernon Sidney

The best Governments of the World have bin composed of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy. — Algernon Sidney

Bin Quotes By Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber

To be in the privileged position where I am able to give something back is, for me, perhaps the single most important measure of success. — Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber

Bin Quotes By Omar Bin Laden

Life can be very perplexing. — Omar Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

A true Muslim is like rain, wherever it falls, it will benefit. — Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Of course we are coming to invest in Germany - that is certain. Most airplanes in the fleet of Qatar Airways are from Airbus. — Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Bin Quotes By Oliver Stone

Bin Laden was completely protected by the oil companies in this country who told [President] Bush not to go after him because it would piss off the Saudis. — Oliver Stone

Bin Quotes By John McCain

Improve human intelligence to get Osama bin Laden. — John McCain

Bin Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Not every rider is a horseman and not every horseman is a knight. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Conrad Aiken

Is it a comb, a fan, a torn dress, a curtain, a bed, an empty rice-bin? It hardly seems to matter. The Chinese poet makes a heart-breaking poetry out of these quite as naturally as Keats did out of the song of a nightingale heard in a spring garden. It is rarely dithyrambic, rarely high-pitched: part of its charm is its tranquility, its self-control. And the humblest reads it with as much emotion as the most learned. — Conrad Aiken

Bin Quotes By Jay Leno

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said this week there's a good chance we never get bin Laden. bin Laden! We couldn't even get O.J.! — Jay Leno

Bin Quotes By Brent Scowcroft

Osama bin Laden is going after us to get us out of the region, so he can deal with the regimes that he sees in the region, or replace them with purists. — Brent Scowcroft

Bin Quotes By Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

The backbone of any improvement of governance, its development as well as its protection from any form of wastage or excessiveness, is a mechanism to place laws under the microscope of revision and modernization until they resonate in tune with the methodological development and new administrative technologies. — Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Bin Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Osama bin Laden's writings and actions constitute a direct negation of human liberty, and vent an undisguised hatred and contempt for life itself. — Christopher Hitchens

Bin Quotes By Al-Waleed Bin Talal

If the United States has to accept the U.N. resolutions, we have to generalize it across the board. We can't just pick and choose where we impose and accept the U.N. resolution and don't accept them. U.N. Resolution 242 is very clear and states very clearly that Israel has to go back to the borders of the pre-war of 1967. — Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Bin Quotes By Tim Weiner

Fitzgerald and the FBI agents who worked with him in New York all knew that Ali Mohamed was working for al-Qaeda. They decided to arrest him then and there. Two years later, he pleaded guilty in open court to serving as bin Laden's first deep-penetration agent in America and a key conspirator in the embassy bombings. Then the United States made him vanish; no record of his imprisonment exists. He was an embarrassment to the FBI. — Tim Weiner

Bin Quotes By Coretta Scott King

If Martin [Luther King, Jr.]'s philosophy had been embraced and lived out in Iraq and other places, we wouldn't have bin Ladens. — Coretta Scott King

Bin Quotes By Richard Dawkins

Bush and bin Laden are really on the same side: the side of faith and violence against the side of reason and discussion. Both have implacable faith that they are right and the other is evil. Each believes that when he dies he is going to heaven. Each believes that if he could kill the other, his path to paradise in the next world would be even swifter. The delusional "next world" is welcome to both of them. This world would be a much better place without either of them. — Richard Dawkins

Bin Quotes By Wesley Clark

As president of the United States, my top priority will be to keep America safe. We're going to go after the terrorist networks. We're going to go after Osama bin Laden. We are not going to live in fear in this country. — Wesley Clark

Bin Quotes By Seumas Milne

It was the United States, after all, which poured resources into the 1980s war against the Soviet-backed regime in Kabul, at a time when girls could go to school and women to work. Bin Laden and his mojahedin were armed and trained by the CIA and MI6, as Afghanistan was turned into a wasteland and its communist leader Najibullah left hanging from a Kabul lamp — Seumas Milne

Bin Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

The Obama Administration has been an unmitigated disaster — Osama Bin Laden

Bin Quotes By George W. Bush

We're going to get [bin Laden] Dead or alive, it doesn't matter to me. — George W. Bush

Bin Quotes By Daniel Pipes

To me, every fundamentalist Muslim, no matter how peaceable in his own behavior, is part of a murderous movement and is thus, in some fashion, a foot soldier in the war that bin Laden has launched against civilization. — Daniel Pipes

Bin Quotes By Al-Waleed Bin Talal

I will always serve my country in any capacity, but I'm very happy with what I'm doing right now. — Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

We in the Middle East like to talk politics, we like to argue. Just look at the three prophets - Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. They are all from this small region which creates problems all the time. — Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

I really don't want you to think of Qatar as a hydrocarbon country alone. We know that hydrocarbons will come and go. But education will stay. It is the most important thing for us. — Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Bin Quotes By Peter L. Bergen

I stepped into the bedroom where he was killed and looked up at the ceiling, where you could still see the patterns of blood that had spurted from bin Laden's head when the bullet fired by a U.S. Navy SEAL tore through the terrorist leader's face. — Peter L. Bergen

Bin Quotes By Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

The Bahraini people are eager to obtain facts to enable them to shape a comprehensive national opinion without division among its people. We confirm to all journalists and media personnel in the kingdom of Bahrain that their freedom is preserved and their rights are safeguarded. — Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

Bin Quotes By Robert Fisk

Even my landlord, who is a moderate Lebanese guy, says, "But bin Laden says what we think." These people believe that bin Laden is being targeted not because of the World Trade Center and Washington; they are not convinced by the evidence that has been produced. They believe he's being targeted because he tells the truth. — Robert Fisk

Bin Quotes By Kate Millett

You won't do any more housework? Then you go to the bin. — Kate Millett

Bin Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

We should always be practical, realistic and optimistic. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Bin Quotes By Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

If Allah created you for this world, He would have created you without death. — Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Bin Quotes By Gideon Raff

In America, after 9/11, and after the death of bin Laden, and after two wars, one of them fought, a lot of people think, on false pretenses, and definitely post the Patriot Act, there are a lot of these questions about what can we do to our citizens in order to prevent the next attack. — Gideon Raff

Bin Quotes By Salman Rushdie

Many of us didn't believe in the image of bin Laden as a wandering Old Man of the Mountains, living on plants and insects in an inhospitable cave somewhere on the porous Pakistan-Afghan border. — Salman Rushdie