Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bible Flood Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bible Flood Quotes

Bible Flood Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Every man bears something within him that, if it were publicly announced, would excite feelings of aversion. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Bible Flood Quotes By BikeSnobNYC

But surely the commute that defines the era was Noah's voyage aboard his eponymous ark, and to this day it remains the most epic commuting story ever told. As most people know, God felt that Earth had essentially "jumped the shark" (or "raped the angel" as they used to say back then), so rather than try to fix it, He instead decided to simply wash everyone away in a great flood and start over from scratch
just as you might do to your computer's hard drive if it has a really bad virus. So God spoke to Noah and commanded him to build an ark, aboard which he'd carry two of every animal in the world ... Thus was born humankind's lust for gigantic vehicles, for God's instructions to Noah were basically the world's first car commercial, and the sales pitch was this: Large vehicles are your salvation. — BikeSnobNYC

Bible Flood Quotes By John Shimkus

I do believe in the Bible as the final word of God. And I do believe that God said the Earth would not be destroyed by a flood. Now, do I believe in climate change? In my trip to Greenland, the answer is yes. The climate is changing. — John Shimkus

Bible Flood Quotes By Prodigy

On a park bench on 12th street, my whole crew's famous, you try bust your gat and keep it rel but you nameless — Prodigy

Bible Flood Quotes By Ken Ham

While the Bible's account of the flood is one of judgment, it is also one of mercy and salvation. — Ken Ham

Bible Flood Quotes By Leviak B. Kelly

God's command to Noah that he could eat meat just as he could eat flora would be far more conducive and satisfying to the cat and other obligate carnivores. As a matter of fact the cat reading (yes, it presupposes reading in sentient and sapient cats) the human scripture might truly see the human God as correcting His mistake in the flood that he created in the Edenic account. If the cat saw the scripture as a human rendition of God, there might truly be a belief that the human God was finite and definitely having a more Luciferian nature towards cats. — Leviak B. Kelly

Bible Flood Quotes By Kerry Patterson

Let's say that your significant other has been paying less and less attention to you. You realize he or she has a busy job, but you still would like more time together. You drop a few hints about the issue, but your loved one doesn't handle it well. You decide not to put on added pressure, so you clam up. Of course, since you're not all that happy with the arrangement, your displeasure now comes out through an occasional sarcastic remark. "Another late night, huh? I've got Facebook friends I see more often." Unfortunately (and here's where the problem becomes self-defeating), the more you snip and snap, the less your loved one wants to be around you. So your significant other spends even less time with you, you become even more upset, and the spiral continues. Your behavior is now actually creating the very thing you didn't want in the first place. You're caught in an unhealthy, self-defeating loop. — Kerry Patterson

Bible Flood Quotes By Harriet Beecher Stowe

Well," said St. Clare, "suppose that something shoul bring down the price of cotton once and forever, and make the whole slave property a drug in the market, don't you think we should soon have another version of the Scripture doctrine? What flood of light would pour the church, all at once, and immediately it would be discovered that everything in the bible and reason went the other way. — Harriet Beecher Stowe

Bible Flood Quotes By Thomas L. Thompson

We can now say with considerable confidence that the Bible is not a history of anyone's past ... The Bible's "Israel" is a literary fiction ... Not only have Adam and Eve and the flood story passed over to mythology, but we can no longer talk about a time of the patriarchs. There never was a "United Monarchy" in history and it is meaningless to speak of pre-exilic prophets and their writings ... The Bible deals with the origin traditions of a people who never existed as such — Thomas L. Thompson

Bible Flood Quotes By Julie Kagawa

My favourite character would have to be 'Ash,' because I love my brooding bad boys. But a certain snarky talking cat runs a very close second. — Julie Kagawa

Bible Flood Quotes By Derek Flood

For Jesus, the correct interpretation of Scripture all comes down to how we love. The Bible was never intended to be our master, placing a burden on our back; it was intended to act as a servant, leading us to love God, others, and ourselves. — Derek Flood

Bible Flood Quotes By Herman Melville

The Nantucketer, he alone resides and riots on the sea; he alone, in Bible language, goes down to it in ships; to and fro ploughing it as his own special plantation. There is his home; there lies his business, which a Noah's flood would not interrupt, though it overwhelmed all the millions in China. He lives on the sea, as prairie cocks in the prairie; he hides among the waves, he climbs them as chamois hunters climb the Alps. For years he knows not the land; so that when he comes to it at last, it smells like another world, more strangely than the moon would to an Earthman. With the landless gull, that at sunset folds her wings and is rocked to sleep between billows; so at nightfall the Nantucketer, out of sight of land, furls his sails, and lays him to his rest, while under his very pillow rush herds of walruses and whales. — Herman Melville

Bible Flood Quotes By Quvenzhane Wallis

My favorite animal is a polar bear. They're going extinct, and I really don't want that to happen. — Quvenzhane Wallis

Bible Flood Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

There is no healing a man till the law has wounded him, no making him alive till the law has slain him. — Charles Spurgeon

Bible Flood Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Our intimacy with God broadens our influence on earth — Sunday Adelaja

Bible Flood Quotes By Donald Miller

My Sunday school teachers had turned Bible narrative into children's fables. They talked about Noah and the ark because the story had animals in it. They failed to mention that this was when God massacred all of humanity. — Donald Miller

Bible Flood Quotes By Ted Dekker

What is pure Bill? Or excellent or admirable? The death of a million people in a flood? God evidently through so. He is incapable of acts that are not admirable, and it is He who brought about the Flood. How about the slaying of children in Jericho? There are a few Bible stories that are not as terrible as they are happy. We just prefer to leave out the terrible part, but that only makes the good anemic. — Ted Dekker

Bible Flood Quotes By William A. Dembski

As a biblical inerrantist, I believe that what the Bible teaches is true and bow to the text, including its teaching about the Flood and its universality. — William A. Dembski

Bible Flood Quotes By Joe Barton

I would point out that if you're a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn't because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy. — Joe Barton

Bible Flood Quotes By Annie Dillard

These aren't still shots; the camera is always moving. And the scene is always just slipping out of sight, as if in spite of myself I were always descending a hill, rounding a corner, stepping into the street with a companion who urges me on, while I look back over my shoulder at the sight which recedes, vanishes. The present of my consciousness is itself a mystery which is also always just rounding a bend like a floating branch borne by a flood. Where am I? But I'm not. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more ... — Annie Dillard

Bible Flood Quotes By Frank Turek

It's natural to be skeptical of a story like Noah. However, the greatest miracle in the Bible is not Noah and the flood. The greatest miracle in the Bible is recorded in the first verse: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." If that miracle is true, then every miracle in the Bible is at least possible (including Noah's Ark). If God created the universe, then He can do whatever He wants inside it. — Frank Turek

Bible Flood Quotes By Roy C. Marien

As the Epic Film, Noah, debuts this weekend, those of you who have read Samrajni of Pemako know about the Noah subplot in the novel.
Yes, Safiya, the protagonist is distantly related to Noah... — Roy C. Marien

Bible Flood Quotes By Bo Sanchez

The only antidote to fear is love. When you fill your life with love, your fears naturally disappear. I'm talking about a love for God, a love for others, a love for yourself, and a love for life itself. The Bible says, "Perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18)." Once your fears are gone, happiness will flood your soul. — Bo Sanchez

Bible Flood Quotes By Judith Hayes

The biblical account of Noah's Ark and the Flood is perhaps the most implausible story for fundamentalists to defend. Where, for example, while loading his ark, did Noah find penguins and polar bears in Palestine? — Judith Hayes

Bible Flood Quotes By Betty Cuthbert

I can understand how evolution says, "don't believe in God", but I've never had this problem. I've always loved His creation. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean any_thing to some people, and I just don't get that! After all, if you just read the Bible plainly, it tells you everything. From Creation, to the Flood, to Jesus. I can't see how you can come to the conclusion, there is no God. — Betty Cuthbert

Bible Flood Quotes By Joseph Conrad

Anything approaching the change that came over his features I have never seen before, and hope never to see again. Oh, I wasn't touched. I was fascinated. It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power, of craven terror
of an intense and hopeless despair. Did he live his life again in every detail of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision
he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath:
The horror! The horror! — Joseph Conrad

Bible Flood Quotes By Jodi Picoult

There are skeletons in everyone's closet, things no one ever wants the world to discover. — Jodi Picoult

Bible Flood Quotes By George Stephen

Many of my short stories (all unpublished) were horror, and the novel I'd just finished was horror, too. — George Stephen

Bible Flood Quotes By Salman Rushdie

Please," Professor Solanka asked. "Just tell me."
"That's the worst part," Dubdub said. "There's nothing to tell. No direct or proximate cause. You wake up one day and you aren't a part of your life. You know this. Your life doesn't belong to you. Your body is not, I don't know how to make you this the force of this, yours. there's just life, living itself. You don't have it. You don't have anything to do with it. That's all. It doesn't sound like much, but believe me. It's like when you hypnotize someone and persuade them there's a big pile of mattresses outside their window. They no longer see a reason not to jump. — Salman Rushdie

Bible Flood Quotes By Kristen Proby

Caleb looks into my eyes as he repeats our vows. His own eyes moisten and it's enough to send a tear falling down my own cheek. — Kristen Proby

Bible Flood Quotes By Samantha Towle

I want you to have the best of everything I can give you. And I'm not talking money here, Tru. I'm talking memories. Our life together. — Samantha Towle

Bible Flood Quotes By Sonu Nigam

My dad has a lot of foresight and decided that I would not do any shows in Mumbai till I became a singer and got to sing my own songs. He knew that if I started earning money from shows, I would not have the time and aggression to rough it out to become a singer. — Sonu Nigam