Famous Quotes & Sayings

Best Humour Quotes & Sayings

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Top Best Humour Quotes

Best Humour Quotes By Tanya Thistleton

It's not right, we should not always be second best — Tanya Thistleton

Best Humour Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

We did photograph albums, best dresses, favourite novels, and once someone's own novel. It was about a week in a telephone box with a pair of pyjamas called Adolf Hitler. The heroine was a piece of string with a knot in it. — Jeanette Winterson

Best Humour Quotes By Jess C. Scott

The human body is the best work of art. — Jess C. Scott

Best Humour Quotes By Fumi Yoshinaga

Y-naga: "That's the thing ... It's like trying to find a guy who's a kid at heart but still a responsible adult, so he can be counted on when I find myself in a pinch, somebody who's a little wild at times but normally lets me have my way even when I'm being selfish and just says, "well, if you insist," a guy who's not too full of himself but understands what clothes suit his body type best ... "
S-hara: "What I'm saying is the pretty ones are stupid! The ones who have it all together are all so, so stubborn that they never do things my way! — Fumi Yoshinaga

Best Humour Quotes By Annabel Joseph

What kind of slut do you think I am?"
Theo bumped his hips against hers. "This might not be the best moment to ask me that. — Annabel Joseph

Best Humour Quotes By John Hennessy

Jaz caught himself a Myngelle."
"I'm surprised Anadyr let you out into the Plains by yourselves," smiled Corianna, "and you had best return that egg. The Merfolk will not be happy with you."
"Oh ... ! They'll have forgotten about all that by the time I have to journey to the Plains," said Jazdyr, cradling the unhatched egg.
"They don't forget anything, Jaz," said Jaden, "and our Lady Elf is right, you can't be handling that egg. You have to prepare to be a warrior."
"What if I don't want to be a warrior? I can just look after this egg, after it hatches."
"I don't think there's many openings for a zoo keeper in Mordana. — John Hennessy

Best Humour Quotes By George R R Martin

And what lesson can we draw from Volantene history?"
"If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons. — George R R Martin

Best Humour Quotes By John Boyes

A Prayer Found in Chester Cathedral Give me good digestion, Lord, And also something to digest; Give me a healthy body, Lord, With sense to keep it at its best. Give me a healthy mind, good Lord, To keep the good and pure in sight; Which, seeing sin, is not appalled, But finds a way to set it right. Give me a mind that is not bored, That does not whimper, whine or sigh; Don't let me worry overmuch About the fussy thing called 'I'. Give me a sense of humour, Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke; To get some happiness from life, And pass it on to other folk. - Anonymous — John Boyes

Best Humour Quotes By Samuel Johnson

I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am. — Samuel Johnson

Best Humour Quotes By Derek Landy

I'm not crazy."
"I'm not judging you, my dear. Some of my best friends are crazy." He nodded to the corner. "Take Wallace, for example. He's crazy as a loon, aren't you, Wallace?"
Valkyrie frowned. "Uh, there's ... there's no one there."
Meritorious sighed. "That's what we long-term prisoners call dungeon humour. You learn to appreciate it after a few years. — Derek Landy

Best Humour Quotes By Jonathan Dunne

Humour is my best defence, so humour me. — Jonathan Dunne

Best Humour Quotes By Lynne Olson

After Rep. Martin Sweeney of Ohio delivered a scathing attack on the Roosevelt administration for allegedly using conscription as a way to get the United States into the war, Rep. Beverly Vincent of Kentucky, who was next to Sweeney, loudly muttered that he refused "to sit by a traitor." Sweeney swung at Vincent, who responded with a sharp right to the jaw that sent Sweeney staggering. It was, said the House doorkeeper, the best punch thrown by a member of Congress in fifty years. — Lynne Olson

Best Humour Quotes By Michel De Montaigne

Books are pleasant, but if by being over-studious we impair our health and spoil our good humour, two of the best things we have, let us give it over. I, for my part, am one of those who think no fruit derived from them can recompense so great a loss. — Michel De Montaigne

Best Humour Quotes By Rachel Vincent

I think I was born 'in to deep,' and bad things happen every day. Sometimes I have to stab hellions. Sometimes I have to frame friends for murder, and stab evil math teachers, and watch my best friend die. Again. We deal with it, then we move on. — Rachel Vincent

Best Humour Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

I have been told the best things in life are free ~ I found them very expensive. — E.A. Bucchianeri

Best Humour Quotes By Taylor Grace

A dragon is a norn's best friend. Norn saying. — Taylor Grace

Best Humour Quotes By Bernard Hare

It was time to take the best bits from them all and build something delicious: the spirituality of the Hindus, the community spirit and family ties of the Muslims, the ancient wisdom of the Chinese, the love of freedom and equality of the Afro-Caribbeans, the work ethic of the Jews, the bloody-mindedness and wry humour of the Australians, the blarney of the Irish, the passion of the Scots, the unorthodoxy of the Welsh, combined with our own English love of justice, fair play and democracy. Put them all together and you had a vision for the future, a direction, which Bokononism could exploit. — Bernard Hare

Best Humour Quotes By Will Rogers

The more you read and observe about this Politics thing,
you got to admit that each party is worse than the other.
The one that's out always looks the best — Will Rogers

Best Humour Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

All the best pubs are built on a hill, so you can slope in and roll out. — Benny Bellamacina

Best Humour Quotes By Daniel Polansky

Be careful,' I hissed, then released him. 'Keep one eye on your back, and two on your best friend.'
'That's three eyes.'
'You'll need four to survive what's coming,' I said. — Daniel Polansky

Best Humour Quotes By David Wong

Fred said, "Man, I think he's gonna make a fuckin' suit of human skin, using the best parts from each of us."
"Holy crap," said John. "He'll be gorgeous. — David Wong

Best Humour Quotes By Marie Corelli

I am going to make you what you may perhaps consider rather a singular proposition. It is this, that if you don't like me, say so at once, and we will part now, before we have time to know anything more of each other, and I will endeavour not to cross your path again unless you seek me out. But if on the contrary, you do like me, - if you find something in my humour or turn of mind congenial to your own disposition, give me your promise that you will be my friend and comrade for a while, say for a few months at any rate. I can take you into the best society, and introduce you to the prettiest women in Europe as well as the most brilliant men. I know them all, and I believe I can be useful to you. But if there is the smallest aversion to me lurking in the depths of your nature" - here he paused, - then resumed with extraordinary solemnity - "in God's name give it full way and let me go, - because I swear to you in all sober earnest that I am not what I seem! — Marie Corelli

Best Humour Quotes By Suzie Quint

Do you always play this hard to get?"
"I wish I could afford to play hard to get. You women have wised up a lot in the last decade or so. None of my old lines work anymore."
"You mean 'wanna get naked' doesn't have women falling all over you?"
Mac peered at her over the top of the menu.
"Hey, that's my best one."
"I'd hate to hear your worst."
Yeah, you would. He set the menu down and leaned in as though about to say something confidential. "I crash and burn a lot."
Mac and Rachel. — Suzie Quint

Best Humour Quotes By Dylan Perry

I've done this sort of thing before. Not prophecies so much, but you'd be surprised how many people want to realign their ancestral lines to seem nobler, or rewrite their family history to remove more morally questionable episodes." He paused to recall a recent rewrite. "One lord wanted the murderers removed from his family line. His family was so corrupt, he ended up with three virgin births, two generations removed entirely and a lady who gave birth at the age of two. Still, no one questions it as there is evidence in the archives." Bubo smugly tapped a book. "There is one thing though, faking a prophecy in the past is easy, you already know the result. How will you make this come true in the future?"
"I have someone in mind for it, but I'm not sure he'll go for it. But then prophecy is all optional anyway." Corvid looked up as if a thought had occurred to him. "I'd best go check on my man, I've not met him yet. — Dylan Perry

Best Humour Quotes By Terry Pratchett

where actual evidence had been a bit sparse he had, in the best traditions of the keen ethnic historian, inferred from revealed self-evident wisdom*
*Made it up
and extrapolated from associated sources** **had read a lot of stuff that other people had made up, too. — Terry Pratchett

Best Humour Quotes By Matthew Crow

Mum just laughed gleefully at his mounting frustration, like the villainous matriarch in a Roald Dahl story. I suspect a TV guide would describe her idea of comedy as 'dark', or, at very best, 'alternative'. — Matthew Crow

Best Humour Quotes By Sharon Sant

Sometimes he was weird, sometimes he was Captain Douchebag, but he was always my best friend. — Sharon Sant

Best Humour Quotes By Wayne Gerard Trotman

Life is difficult and those who make us laugh are angels. — Wayne Gerard Trotman

Best Humour Quotes By Mary Wollstonecraft

The best method, I believe, that can be adopted to correct a fondness for novels is to ridicule them; not indiscriminately, for then it would have little effect; but, if a judicious person, with some turn for humour, would read several to a young girl, and point out, both by tones and apt comparisons with pathetic incidents and heroic characters in history, how foolishly and ridiculously they caricatured human nature, just opinions might be substituted instead of romantic sentiments. — Mary Wollstonecraft

Best Humour Quotes By Victoria Forester

As simple as that, Conrad had finally done it. For the first time in his life he had the right answer. It wasn't the best decision and certainly wasn't a logical one, but it was the right one. — Victoria Forester

Best Humour Quotes By R.C. Sproul

I first heard of Parmenides' best-known assertion, "Whatever is, is." I laughed and blurted out, "And he's famous?" With this verbal ejaculation I revealed myself as the quintessential sophomore. — R.C. Sproul

Best Humour Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

Logen ambled over to him. If you're going to travel with a man, and maybe fight alongside him, it's best to talk, and laugh if you can. That way you can get an understanding, and then a trust. Trust is what binds a band together, and out there in the wilds that can make the difference between living or dying. Building that kind of trust takes time, and effort. Logen reckoned it was best to get started early, and today he had good humour to spare, so he stood next to Luthar and looked out at the park, trying to dream up some common ground in which to plant the seeds of an unlikely friendship. — Joe Abercrombie

Best Humour Quotes By Sanhita Baruah

I am an optimist and when I am too sure of something or someone, well, of course it turns out that I am wrong
.. at other situations, I imagine the worst and needless to say, I am again wrong — Sanhita Baruah

Best Humour Quotes By Robyn Carr

I'll always be your friend," he said. "Your best friend, if you let me. But I want to be your lover, too." He groaned and shifted in his chair. "Soon. I want to be that soon." Then a look came over him. "Oh Gina ... I didn't even court you! God, I should date you first before I beg you to take off your clothes! — Robyn Carr

Best Humour Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Got to say, dying would really wreck my best day. Been there, done that, and now that I think about it, Artemis forgot to give me the t-shirt. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Best Humour Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

Think before you speak, unless it's urgent — Benny Bellamacina

Best Humour Quotes By Fakeer Ishavardas

My condolences, you're still alive. — Fakeer Ishavardas

Best Humour Quotes By Eli Easton

As if reading his mind, Lily huffed. "You're as predictable as the spring rains, son of mine, and as boring as drying paint. Unless there's an emergency, you're home every night by seven, you eat dinner by yourself, go for a run, watch exactly one hour of TV by yourself, and go to bed at ten o'clock. If God ever loses his watch, he only has to look at Lance Beaufort to get back on schedule."
"I've been having trouble with my phone," he tried.
Lily took two strides to the desk, leaned over it with both hands braced on the surface, and stared.
"Okay, yes! I have been over there. But it's for work. And ... and it's work related!"
"Oh? Explain that to me, because I thought you were the sheriff, not in training for a role in Lassie. — Eli Easton

Best Humour Quotes By Sid Caesar

The best thing about humour is that it shows people they are not alone. — Sid Caesar

Best Humour Quotes By John Green

The champagne had been donated by one of Gus's doctors - Gus being the kind of person who inspires doctors to give their best bottles of champagne to children. — John Green

Best Humour Quotes By Laurence J. Peter

He laughs best whose laugh lasts. — Laurence J. Peter

Best Humour Quotes By Tom Conrad

Mark raised his eyebrows, 'you don't know the half of it,' he further mumbled, more to himself than in reply to Frankie. 'But listen up; because this isn't about me anyway; this is about you, about how you need to sort it out, yeah? This is all about you getting yourself a girl, and settling down, right?'

Frankie offered up a wistful kind of sigh, supping his pint as those heavily suggestive words immediately grated: settle down and never settle up. — Tom Conrad

Best Humour Quotes By Kyril Bonfiglioli

Some of my best friends are women,' I snapped, 'though I certainly wouldn't want my daughter to marry one of them. — Kyril Bonfiglioli

Best Humour Quotes By Alexis Hall

I fended them off as best I could while trying to shield my eyes but, tragically, I'd left my flamethrower in my other suit. — Alexis Hall

Best Humour Quotes By Tyne O'Connell

I had wasted my life in the pursuit of a career, romance, financial independence and the best heels in town when it seems I could have done more for my self esteem with a .38 calibre handgun — Tyne O'Connell

Best Humour Quotes By Jussi Adler-Olsen

She was a bitch,' Carl suddenly heard somebody say in the background, and that apparently refreshed everyone's memory.

yes, thought Carl with satisfaction. It's the good stable arseholes like us who are remembered best. — Jussi Adler-Olsen

Best Humour Quotes By Kenn Nesbitt

Homework, I Love You
Homework, I love you. I think that you're great.
It's wonderful fun when you keep me up late.
I think you're the best when I'm totally stressed,
preparing and cramming all night for a test.
Homework, I love you. What more can I say?
I love to do hundreds of problems each day.
You boggle my mind and you make me go blind,
but still I'm ecstatic that you were assigned.
Homework, I love you. I tell you, it's true.
There's nothing more fun or exciting to do.
You're never a chore, for it's you I adore.
I wish that our teacher would hand you out more.
Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.
I'm filled with emotions. I'm fit to be tied.
I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain.
Of course, that's because I'm completely insane. — Kenn Nesbitt

Best Humour Quotes By Sarah Weiner

I like bread, and I like butter - but I like bread with butter best. — Sarah Weiner

Best Humour Quotes By Hilary Mantel

Camille, a few feet away, looked like a gypsy who had mislaid his violin and had been searching for it in a hedgerow; he frustrated daily the best efforts of an expensive tailor, wearing his clothes as a subtle comment on the collapsing social order. — Hilary Mantel

Best Humour Quotes By Sheri Cobb South

If your brother can't 'old 'is own against a bunch of orphans, 'e'd best leave off playing 'azard altogether! — Sheri Cobb South

Best Humour Quotes By Dylan Perry

Staying relaxed was helping him cope with the drug induced juddering vision that could be best described as being like a Hitchcockian visual effect operated by a hyperactive squirrel that shook the whole universe closer and farther away. If you went with it, it was quite pleasant, as long as you didn't introduce any lateral movement like turning your head or the car. This caused the universe to try and slide away from underneath you. The other side effect was the constant feeling you ought to try to twist your head off, in a good way. — Dylan Perry

Best Humour Quotes By Agnes Repplier

The worst in life, we are told, is compatible with the best in art. So too the worst in life is compatible with the best in humour. — Agnes Repplier

Best Humour Quotes By Judith Chambers

Minimalism is a girl's best asset, blend tones, smudge hard outlines; if all else fails; Photoshop it. — Judith Chambers

Best Humour Quotes By Quinn Loftis

I'll see you there little Red.' Fane's voice faded out of her mind and she could feel his humor. Oh, wasn't he just too cute, picking up on her two best friends' idea of a sick joke - to turn her into the little girl who almost wound up as the wolf's dinner.
"My, what big eyes you have, wolf-man," Jacque said out loud, unable to stop her sarcasm from boiling up.
"The better to see you with love," Jen chimed in.
"What big ears you have!" Sally continued their comic relief.
"The better to hear you with my love," Jen followed.
"What big teeth you have!" Sally mocked, her hands on either side of her face.
"The better to eat you with my love," Jen cackled, but she wasn't finished. True to Jen form she added her own twisted sense of humour. "My, what a big-"
Sally slapped a hand over her mouth, quickly realising where Jen was going with that statement. — Quinn Loftis

Best Humour Quotes By Derek Landy

I need a weapon," Valkyrie muttered.
"You're an Elemental with a Necromancer ring, trained in
a variety of martial arts by some of the best fighters in the world," Skulduggery pointed out. "I'm fairly certain that makes you a weapon."
"I mean a weapon you hold. You have a gun, Tanith has a sword ... I want a stick."
"I'll buy you a stick for Christmas. — Derek Landy

Best Humour Quotes By Upamanyu Chatterjee

In his essay,Agastya had said that his real ambition was to be a domesticated male stray dog because they lived the best life.They were assured of food,and because they were stray they didn't have to guard a house or beg or shake paws or fetch trifles or be clean or anything similarly meaningless to earn their food.They were servile and sycophantic when hungry;once fed,and before sleep,they wagged their tails perfunctorily whenever their hosts passes,as an investment for future meals.A stray dog was free,he slept a lot,barked unexpectedly and only when he wanted to,and got a lot of sex. — Upamanyu Chatterjee

Best Humour Quotes By Douglas Coupland

You know what the best thing is about the end of the day? Tomorrow, it starts all over again. — Douglas Coupland

Best Humour Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Sally did the mature thing and stuck her tongue out at her best friend. — Quinn Loftis

Best Humour Quotes By Rachel Cohn

I was coming down off the last painkiller left in my dresser drawer after Autumn tossed my stash. In that moment I was so groggy and happy I would have accepted a date with Oscar the Grouch - and planned to do some serious feeling up on the green furry beast too. Yeah, stooping to pharmaceutical-inspired sex fantasies about garbage can Sesame Street characters - that had to be the best Just Say No drug lecture a girl in a leg cast could ever receive to make her go cold turkey off the meds. — Rachel Cohn

Best Humour Quotes By Raymond Chandler

You like it in jail?'
'It's not too bad. You don't meet the best people, but who the hell wants to? — Raymond Chandler

Best Humour Quotes By Joseph Heller

But Yossarian knew he was right, because, as he explained to Clevinger, to the best of his knowledge he had never been wrong. — Joseph Heller

Best Humour Quotes By Allan Dare Pearce

Something girls never understood about poker night. The real point of the card play was to razz. Razzing calls forth unbridled farm-boy humour, earthy by some standards. The best quip involves belittling someone else's penis, or turning it back on the sayer, or both. — Allan Dare Pearce

Best Humour Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

Best that all mischief be undertaken behind a squeaky door — Benny Bellamacina

Best Humour Quotes By Lauren Barnholdt

Okay," Cooper says agreeably. "But what if you and Nigel fall in love, and Nigel and I become BFFs, and then you guys get married, and Nigel wants me to be the best man, and you and I have to talk about the wedding plans?"
"That would never happen, because since Nigel would be so in love with me, he would have dumped you as a BFF as soon as we got engaged and/or told you you were not allowed to be best man at our wedding, per my wishes."
"Yes, but - "
"Wait a minute," I say. "Did you just say 'BFF'?"
"Yes," he says. He looks at me and shrugs. "I've been watching a lot of Disney Channel. — Lauren Barnholdt

Best Humour Quotes By Liz Czukas

It doesn't matter if it's the real world or fictional," I insisted. "Crushes are the best part of liking someone, and they are completely safe. You get all the benefits of fantasising about someone, but none of the he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not drama. It's all the good parts with none of the parts that make you lie awake at night all angsty. — Liz Czukas

Best Humour Quotes By Rick Riordan

When he concentrated, a miniature tornado swirled around its three points, getting faster and larger the more he focused. When he planted the spear on the ground, the floor of the pit began to shake and crak.
"Best weapon,"he announced." Right here."
Brontes tossed them a third item. Hades caught this one-a gleaming bronze war helmet decorated with scenes of death and destruction.
"You get weapons" Hades grumbled. "i get a hat — Rick Riordan

Best Humour Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

I found I was able to relieve people not only of pain but of fear. It's strange how many people suffer from it. I don't mean fear of closed spaces and fear of heights, but fear of death and, what's worse, fear of life. Often they're people who seem in the best of health, prosperous, without any worry, and yet they're tortured by it. I've sometimes thought it was the most besetting humour of men, and I asked myself at one time if it was due to some deep animal instinct that man has inherited from that primeval something that first felt the thrill of life. — W. Somerset Maugham

Best Humour Quotes By Samuel Johnson

While an author is yet living we estimate his powers by his worst performance, and when he is dead we rate them by his best. — Samuel Johnson

Best Humour Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

Sometimes being given the elbow can turn out to be the best hand. — Benny Bellamacina

Best Humour Quotes By Samantha Bond

'Downton' is one of the best jobs in the world, and I'm looking forward to the next series for Maggie Smith's wicked sense of humour. — Samantha Bond

Best Humour Quotes By Michael Collins

We are off! And do we know it, not just because the world is yelling "Lift-off" in our ears, but because the seats of our pants tell us so! Trust your instruments, not your body, the modern pilot is always told, but this beast is best felt. Shake, rattle and roll! — Michael Collins

Best Humour Quotes By Colin Tegerdine

Political life is best treated with antibiotics. — Colin Tegerdine

Best Humour Quotes By Bill Watterson

When a person pauses in mid-sentence to choose a word, that's the best time to jump in and change the subject! It's like an interception in football! You grab the others guy's idea and run the opposite way with it! The more sentences you complete, the higher your score! The idea is to block the other guy's thoughts and express your own! That's how you win!

Conversations aren't contests!

Ok, a point for you, but I'm still ahead. — Bill Watterson

Best Humour Quotes By Edward St. Aubyn

The best way to contradict him is to let him talk — Edward St. Aubyn

Best Humour Quotes By Michelle Franklin

You - " Mr Bellstrode began, and then leaning forward and sinking his voice, "You would kill for money?"
"Is there any other reason to? Well, I suppose there is revenge, but that, you know, never makes one feel as well as it should when it is all said and done. Money is a much better reward than retribution. Something substantial by way of compensation for emotional wrongs is much the best cure for an injured spirit. I do provide fatal retaliation for nothing when it is deserved, but as you are neither a poor helpless wretch nor the victim of national injustice, full payment is expected. — Michelle Franklin

Best Humour Quotes By Lili St. Crow

Discipline allows magic. To be a writer is to be the very best of assassins. You do not sit down and write every day to force the Muse to show up. You get into the habit of writing every day so that when she shows up, you have the maximum chance of catching her, bashing her on the head, and squeezing every last drop out of that bitch. — Lili St. Crow

Best Humour Quotes By Jay Stringer

I wanted to make at least an effort to impress, so I found my best suit, a Primark special that looked like it had been ironed by a blind man — Jay Stringer

Best Humour Quotes By M.C. Scott

The mare on which the traitor had been seated at the time of his death was, obviously, no longer considered the best horse in Parthia. It was amazing that she had not been served as stew at one of the banquets. — M.C. Scott

Best Humour Quotes By Joe Hill

Sister, spot me. — Joe Hill

Best Humour Quotes By Martin Amis

Impartially, shrewdly, I considered suicide, though not in my worst moments. The bottle of pills. The note: 'No hard feelings, everyone, but I've thought about it and it's just not on, is it? It's nearly on, but not quite. No? Anyway, all the best, C. — Martin Amis

Best Humour Quotes By Alexandra Adornetto

Raphael continued to stare at me, in no hurry to get started. "You know the best way to get rid of a demon, right?" He asked with a serious face. I caught Ivy rolling her eyes as I shook my head.
"Exorcise alot!"
Ivy caught my expression of dismay. "It's okay, Beth. He's famous for his bad jokes. We're still waiting for him to grow up."
"And like Peter Pan, I hope to avoid that at all costs. — Alexandra Adornetto

Best Humour Quotes By Andrew Lloyd Webber

All I've ever tried to do is get the best out of people and to bring a bit of humour into it. Unlike, say, 'The X-Factor,' which may be great TV, but has no humour at all. — Andrew Lloyd Webber

Best Humour Quotes By Tere Michaels

Griffin Drake and his MacBook were the best of friends, more intimate than lovers. He slept with it. He cared for it with specially made cleaning cloths and cans of air to keep it dust free. Plants and fish had died under his watch with alarming regularity, but the computer-the computer was tended like a child. — Tere Michaels

Best Humour Quotes By J.A. Buckle

What is it with these people? They are more obsessed with me finding a girlfriend than I am.
"He's concentrating on his studies," says Mum proudly.
"Ah," says Mr Coles. "I should've done that, but at his age I was out on the town, living it up. Best days of my life, they were."
"Oh yes, mine too," says Mum with a weird twinkle in her eye.
I wonder how easy it is to kill two people with a screwdriver and a bag of half-frozen peas. — J.A. Buckle

Best Humour Quotes By Lin Yutang

The humour of the Chinese people in inventing gunpowder and finding its best use in making firecrackers for their grandfathers' birthdays is merely symbolical of their inventiveness along merely pacific lines. — Lin Yutang

Best Humour Quotes By B. Justin Shier

I spilled my cup of coffee straight onto my crotch. Superior heat retention has its drawbacks. I grimaced as the scalding liquid reached ground zero, but as I did my best to angle my jeans away from the Resnick family's last hope, my seatmate decided to dispose of her hoodie.
I juggled two pressing needs:
1) Protect the nethers.
2) Leer — B. Justin Shier

Best Humour Quotes By Amit Kalantri

The best thing to learn from any government is that it does not get affacted by what other people talk or think about it. — Amit Kalantri

Best Humour Quotes By Girish Kohli

Humour is the best weapon to fight any battle.
But there is a thin line between humour and humiliation and beware not to cross it. — Girish Kohli

Best Humour Quotes By Rosen Trevithick

When it comes to your self-esteem, it is best not to value the opinions of deluded psychopaths. — Rosen Trevithick

Best Humour Quotes By Samuel Johnson

I could produce innumerable instances from my own memory and observation, of events imputed to the profound skill and address of a minister, which, in reality, were either mere effects of negligence, weakness, humour, passion, or pride, or, at best, but the natural course of things left to themselves.Swift'sThoughts on the present Posture of Affairs.5. Manner — Samuel Johnson

Best Humour Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Jen leaned around Sally and glared at her two best friends. "What are you two betting on?"
"Good grief. What, does she have eagle ears or something?"
"No you dork. Your whisper is just you talking in normal volume but making your voice raspy. Really, you sound more like a chick who's been smoking for thirty years." Jen shrugged. "I'm just throwing that out there. You can take it and apply it at your leisure."
Fane was chuckling at Jen's words when Jacque elbowed him, causing him to cough.
"You don't get to laugh, wolf-man." Jacque turned back to Jen. "Thank you for that observation, Sherlock. — Quinn Loftis

Best Humour Quotes By Emma Chase

Some battles don't have a winner. Sometimes the best a good general can hope for is a ceasefire — Emma Chase

Best Humour Quotes By Miya Yamanouchi

Reframing your past painful experiences and seeing them in a humorous light takes away the power and emotional charge attached to the memory of the hurtful event. — Miya Yamanouchi

Best Humour Quotes By Treasure Stitches

Humility is the best dress you can wear — Treasure Stitches

Best Humour Quotes By Anthony Riches

Centurion! Would you like to be a cavalryman one last time? There are Venicones who escaped when your line was broken to be hunted down, and Tribune Licinius has ordered me to take the best men available in their pursuit. Leave this hairy gentleman to watch the fun, and join us in the hunt! — Anthony Riches

Best Humour Quotes By Rocky Gamez

Dear Rocky,
Here I am taking my pencil in my hand to say hello, hoping you are in the best of health, both physically and mentally. As for me, I am fine thanks to Almighty God.
The weather in the valley is in the shits. It's been raining since Thanksgiving and here it is almost at the end of December and it's still raining. Instead of growing a prick, I think I'm going to grow a tail, like a tadpole. Ha, ha, ha! — Rocky Gamez

Best Humour Quotes By William Shakespeare

Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies' force,
Some in their garments though new-fangled ill;
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest:
But these particulars are not my measure,
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks and horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away, and me most wretched make. — William Shakespeare

Best Humour Quotes By Jim Carrey

Comedic actors can be looked at as a lower form because we have to put ourselves in a lower place than most of the audience. I think lofty emotions are somehow considered more special. The best stories in the world to me are the ones that elicit a real emotion, but have humour. — Jim Carrey

Best Humour Quotes By James Patterson

The eight-year-old beat your best cadet in hand-to-hand combat?" "So did the six-year-old girl, ma'am. Actually, she beat the instructor also. — James Patterson

Best Humour Quotes By Caitlin Moran

So what is the best vegetable? Well, we all know that: it's the potato. The vegetable you can't screw up. You can throw a potato into a bonfire, run away from it - and, an hour later, it's turned into a meal. Try doing that with broccoli, or a trifle, and it will laugh in your face. — Caitlin Moran