Best Gloat Quotes & Sayings
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Top Best Gloat Quotes

What is it in absinthe that makes it a separate cult? The effects of its abuse are totally distinct from those of other stimulants. Even in ruin and in degradation it remains a thing apart: its victims wear a ghastly aureole all their own, and in their peculiar hell yet gloat with a sinister perversion of pride that they are not as other men. — Aleister Crowley

Frank gave Leo a confused smile- like he couldn't decide whether to gloat or to thank Leo for being a doofus- but he cheerfully let Hazel drag him along. — Rick Riordan

It is not wrong to strive to be better than a fellow human being. Nor is it wrong to desire to be better or even to feel like oneself is better than a fellow human being. What is wrong is to gloat in one's own virtue. Therefore, gloating in one's own virtue is not virtuous. — Christopher Jones

It was four o'clock of a stickily wet Saturday. As long as it is anything from Monday to Friday the average library attendant goes around thanking her stars she isn't a school-teacher; but the last day of the week, when the rest of the world is having its relaxing Saturday off and coming to gloat over you as it acquires its Sunday-reading best seller, if you work in a library you begin just at noon to wish devoutly that you'd taken up scrubbing-by-the-day, or hack-driving, or porch-climbing or- anything on earth that gave you a weekly half-holiday! — Margaret Widdemer

I am just coming from my visit to Japan, where I exhorted this young nation to take its stand upon the higher ideals of humanity and never to follow the West in its acceptance of the organized selfishness of Nationalism as its religion, never to gloat upon the feebleness of its neighbours, never to be unscrupulous in its behaviour to the weak, where it can be gloriously mean with impunity, while turning its right cheek of brighter humanity for the kiss of admiration to those who have the power to deal it a blow. Some of the newspapers praised my utterances for their poetical qualities, while adding with a leer that it was the poetry of a defeated people. I felt they were right. Japan had been taught in a modern school the lesson how to become powerful. The schooling is done and she must enjoy the fruits of her lessons. — Rabindranath Tagore

I must capture the flag,' he breathed. 'That's what a pirate captain is supposed to do. Go to the roof, so I can capture the flag and gloat.'
'Capture the flag and goat?'
Isabella stood hands on hips. 'It's pronounced goooaaat, idiot. — Eoin Colfer

What is the use of acquiring one's heart's desire if one cannot handle and gloat over it, show it to one's friends, and gather an anthology of envy and admiration? — Dorothy L. Sayers

Just to gloat at mum and dad's golden girl brought low. But — David Nicholls

A good coach must celebrate in private. He cannot gloat to the press after a victory or criticize heavily after defeat ... His game is of such motivation and strategy that only a few people understand his craft. — Bill Bradley

One of the things we might want to learn when considering the failings of others is not to gloat because someone else has tripped up. — Desmond Tutu

If you were anyone else, I'd tell you it's unbecoming to gloat."
But you'd tell me ... "
That even gloating becomes you. It's a sad thing, an intelligent woman in love. — Emma Bull

He rebelled against the highest as if the highest were the lowest - as if the power that could create a heart for bliss, might gloat on its sufferings. — George MacDonald

In anything fit to be called by the name of reading, the process itself should be absorbing and voluptuous; we should gloat over a book, be rapt clean out of ourselves, and rise from the perusal, our mind filled with the busiest, kaleidoscopic dance of images, incapable of sleep or of continuous thought. The words, if the book be eloquent, should run thenceforward in our ears like the noise of breakers, and the story, if it be a story, repeat itself in a thousand coloured pictures to the eye. — Robert Louis Stevenson

Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over other men's sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. [ ... ] In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love. — Anonymous

Hell's bells," I muttered. "Harry, you idiot, when will you learn not to victory gloat? — Jim Butcher

Jose understands winning and losing are twins in a way. When you win you don't gloat and when you lose you don't go bananas. — Alex Ferguson

You'll get over being mad at me."
"Not likely."
Step, step, step
"I promise not to gloat about it when you do."
"I won't."
Step, step, step
"Because I want to be with you so badly I don't care if you're screaming at me the whole time as long as I'm with you."
I stop dead in my tracks. — Tera Lynn Childs

Sorry to disappoint the liberals who tuned in tonight to gloat about Obama's lead in every poll, but I am not worried. McCain may be behind, but the man is a fighter. He doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit.' He used to, but it was stored in the same part of his brain that remembered to vet his running mate. — Stephen Colbert

A final word of advice: don't gloat about how well you have done. — Howard Raiffa

As children we hoard and gloat over words. Words give ownership: we name our world and we claim it ... Children trust the power of words. — Julia Cameron

And you think that's going to work?" Dink, dink, dink, dink. "Oh, shut up." Gemma turned and went into the bathroom as he tried not to gloat.
"What?" Dink. "I didn't say a thing." Dink. And with that, he failed to not gloat. — Kathleen Brooks

I don't like to walk around with trophies though, so the price goes up if the client wants something to gloat over. — Martyn V. Halm

I wish I could line up naked the men I've slept with and just gloat for a hot minute. Beautiful creatures. — Crystal Woods

It was the crossbows that decided Turkos, although his decision was almost too fast to be described as thought.
Even as they emerged from the shadow to gloat over their prisoners, he reared his horse - his precious horse, that he loved, Athena.
She reared obediently, and her broad stomach and long neck took all six of the crossbow bolts meant for him. And because she was all heart, she landed on four feet and continued forward after her iron-shod forefeet crushed the skulls of two warriors.
And then she fell. — Miles Cameron

Nick leans down and kisses my eyelids. "Loving you, Zara, is a full-time job. It's a great job, don't get me wrong. It's the best job in the universe. But it is not easy, because you tend to . . ."
"Get hurt?" Betty suggests. "Find trouble? Pass out? Break arms?"
"All of the above." Nick laughs.
My hand finds Nick's wrist and I grab onto its thickness. "You know, I'm the patient here. Where's the bedside manner? Where's the sympathy?"
"Zara, sympathy is just a good excuse to buy greeting cards and make sorry eyes and secretly gloat over how glad you are that you aren't the person whose crap is hanging out there for the world to see," Betty says. — Carrie Jones

If your business is really easy to do, don't gloat. You might be out of a job soon. — Adam Davidson

I don't fall for words, I fall for action because words always carry empty promises but one step at a time is the beginning of fulfilment. Don't say just do it! Don't announce just show it! Don't gloat just prove it! — Euginia Herlihy

Once you best a man, never gloat. Be generous and find something in his actions to praise. He won't enjoy being bested but he'll make a good face about it. Show him you appreciate it. Praise can win you a friend. Gloating will only ever make enemies. — John Flanagan

Sam grinned. He even laughed.
"What's funny?" she demanded.
"I figured something out before Astrid the Genius. I am totally enjoying that. I'm just going to gloat here for a minute."
"Enjoy it, it may never happen again, — Michael Grant

I don't like to sit back and gloat, because the world is fragile. Life is fragile, so I never really gloat. — Donald Trump

Scientists never study the important things. Like why some animals seem to have evolved the ability to gloat. — Joe Hill

None of us mentioned An Evening of Long Goodbyes, whose race had been so catastrophic that, by the end, neither Frank nor I could summon the will to gloat. He had begun badly, getting his head stuck in the gate and having to be extricated by the stewards, and continued with a series of humiliating and distinctly uncanine trips and stumbles, disgracing himself beyond redemption in the third lap, when his muzzle came off and, to the boos of the crowd, he abandoned the race to leap over the hoardings and snatch a hot dog from the hand of a small boy. — Paul Murray

Many gloat over their own troubles. — Mason Cooley

And it's the President of the United States who said he wasn't going to spike the football and all this, we shouldn't gloat about it, running campaign ads, gloating about it and saying the other guy isn't good enough to do the tough things that I did, which I think is, one reprehensible. — Jonah Goldberg

Yeah what were you doing at Wrestlemania? Ohhhh yeeeeah I'd like to know. You weren't there to gloat were you? No I guess you weren't. — Randy Savage