Famous Quotes & Sayings

Being A Rare Woman Quotes & Sayings

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Top Being A Rare Woman Quotes

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Nikki Rowe

People give themselves away so freely, and we can't be lesser to them for this, we've all experienced density in which we've honoured another's journey before our own, and they too, like us will start to believe that they hold a rare infectious gift by being their 100% self. When they realise this, they won't waste another moment giving away apart of them they fought so hard to find. — Nikki Rowe

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Marissa Meyer

Jacin said nothing else. Neither did she. After the first ring was completed, she leaned her head against his thigh, making herself more comfortable as she picked out a sunburst orange. Overhead, Jacin sighed, and she felt the faintest brush of fingertips against her hair. A hint, a suggestion of togetherness, before he became a statue once more. — Marissa Meyer

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Luciano Berio

Opera once was an important social instrument - especially in Italy. With Rossini and Verdi, people were listening to opera together and having the same catharsis with the same story, the same moral dilemmas. They were holding hands in the darkness. That has gone. Now perhaps they are holding hands watching television. — Luciano Berio

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Lysa TerKeurst

Dear Lord, I struggle caring too much about the opinions of others. I beg You to please whisper words of truth into my heart and mind today. Protect me from both the bad and good opinions of others as I am reminded that only Your opinion counts. In Jesus' name. Amen. — Lysa TerKeurst

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By William J. Clinton

Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. — William J. Clinton

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Bijou Phillips

Music is real; it's something you can touch and feel. — Bijou Phillips

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Joe Hill

Although the ending was more John Carpenter than John Updike, Carroll hadn't come across anything like it in any of the horror magazines, either, not lately. It was, for twenty-five pages, the almost completely naturalistic story of a woman being destroyed a little at a time by the steady wear of survivor's guilt. It concerned itself with tortured family relationships, shitty jobs, the struggle for money. Carroll had forgotten what it was like to come across the bread of everyday life in a short story. Most horror fiction didn't bother with anything except rare bleeding meat. ("Best New Horror") — Joe Hill

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Arnaud Desplechin

I'm an absolute fan of Angela Bassett. I think she's a great, great actress. In the biopics, she is so moving. She's very rare. It's something that doesn't happen that much, to see an actress inventing a new way of showing 'woman' onscreen, and a new way of being beautiful. — Arnaud Desplechin

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Steve Maraboli

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. — Steve Maraboli

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Courtney Hodell

So much of being a grown-up is about managing or quelling desires. For food, for drink, for sex, for good times; if you're a woman, I maintain, for ambition. You should not want too much. It is strange, then, to be in a position where society demands you should have an appetite for something. And yet here was a rare instance where I was appetite-free, and the world seemed to be saying, "You have to want this thing, if only so that we can help you work through your feelings about not having it! — Courtney Hodell

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Mindy Kaling

I went to Dartmouth College so simply by being an Indian-American woman, I was already so statistically interesting. And then the fact that I didn't want to do anything science-related, and I wanted to write comedy plays and act little bit - I mean, I became deeply interesting in college because of how rare that was. — Mindy Kaling

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Howard G. Buffett

My own dad had given me a terrific gift: he told me, both verbally and by his behavior, that he cared only about the values I had, not the particular path I chose. He simply said that he had unlimited confidence in me and that I should follow my dreams. — Howard G. Buffett

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Donna Lynn Hope

He studied the woman before him, not as lovely as she once was, ordinary in appearance, scarred by living, abandoned by many, breathtakingly to be near and altogether unforgettable. "I have no friends," she spoke forth hauntingly. "I am alone." He couldn't believe it. But then he could for the rare creature near enough to touch was out of their league. She wasn't envied for the shallowness of appearance or the superficiality of status or possessions; she was envied for being uncommon and for possessing indomitable strength, something only a lifetime of suffering could shape. — Donna Lynn Hope

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Gigi Hadid

Twitter is the place where I try to be more funny. And then I use Instagram just as my diary. I pull some jokes on there, but I think people have a better sense of humor on Twitter. — Gigi Hadid

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Catherine Bell

The best part? Probably being able to portray such a respectable, ethical, intelligent, strong woman. That's still pretty rare in our business, unfortunately. — Catherine Bell

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By John Green

Thanks for not trying to see me when I looked like hell."
"To be fair, you still look pretty bad. — John Green

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Home is anywhere that you know all your friends and all your enemies. — Orson Scott Card

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Bette Davis

It's a rare man who can stand being around an intelligent woman, let alone married to her. — Bette Davis

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Gottfried Von Strassburg

We sow the seed of deadly nightshade and wish it to bear lilies and roses! — Gottfried Von Strassburg

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Richard Preston

I was surfing the Internet, and I came across a school in Atlanta where you could learn how to climb trees with ropes the way the pros do. It sounded terrific, and so I went down there, and I began to learn these kind of rarified techniques for how you get up and down trees while using special ropes and gear. — Richard Preston

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Terry Pratchett

But this didn't feel like magic. It felt a lot older than that. It felt like music. — Terry Pratchett

Being A Rare Woman Quotes By Tony Blair

I actually did trouble to read Marx first hand. I found it illuminating in so many ways; in particular, my perception of the relationship between people and the society in which they live was irreversibly altered — Tony Blair