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Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes & Sayings

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Top Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Elif Shafak

Inside, I found three things: a silver mirror, a silk handkerchief, and a glass flask of ointment. These items will help you on your journey. use them when need be. If you ever lose faith in yourself, the mirror will show your inner beauty. In case your reputation is stained, the handkerchief will remind you of how pure your heart is. As for the balm, it will heal your wounds, both inside and outside. — Elif Shafak

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Libba Bray

I'm floating inside my skin. I could go on floating like this for days. Right now, the real world with its heartbreak and disappointments is just a pulse against the protective membrane we've drunk ourselves into. It's somewhere outside us, waiting. A Great and Terrible Beauty, Page 141, by — Libba Bray

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Kim Alexis

I feel an important part of beauty is not only what you do on the outside but also what you put into the inside. Good fresh food with many vegetables along with love and caring for others. I spend way more time serving others than I do on my beauty routine daily. — Kim Alexis

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Jada Pinkett Smith

Art should never be limited - the beauty of art is that it gives us the freedom to go places where we wouldn't go to in our normal lives. Inside, I'm just so many different people. I go from the pretty girl on the red carpet to the singer at Ozzfest, spitting in the crowd. That's Jada. — Jada Pinkett Smith

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Joel Osteen

But when you say, "I am beautiful," not only does beauty, youth, and freshness start coming your way, but on the inside your spirit also comes alive. Your self-image begins to improve, and you'll start carrying yourself like you're someone special. You won't drag through the day feeling less than or inferior. You'll have that spring in your step, that "You go, girl!" attitude. Beauty is not in how thin or tall you are, how perfect you look. Beauty is in being who God made you to be with confidence. If you're a size 4, great. If you're a size 24, great. Take what you have and make the most of it. — Joel Osteen

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Drew Barrymore

Beauty is so within. I don't care if you're the most attractive person on the planet ... if you're not good inside, it will show. You fall in love with people from the inside out. — Drew Barrymore

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Catherine Gayle

The beauty you have on the inside is ten times more luminous than the world could handle seeing on the outside. We'd all be blind in an instant — Catherine Gayle

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Nhat Hanh

Inside every one of us is a garden, and every practitioner has to go back to their garden and take care of it. Maybe in the past, you left in untended for a long time. You should know exactly what is going on in your own garden, and try to put everything in order. Restore the beauty; restore the harmony in your garden. If it is well tended, many people will enjoy your garden. — Nhat Hanh

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By A.E. Via

Johnson released a harsh breath. "Well. Guess I'll go on home and see if a ball game is on. See ya." Johnson turned to leave. "The Braves are on tonight," Ronowski called out to Johnson's back. God had to close his mouth, gaping open in surprise. Johnson turned and wasted no time asking the blond beauty if he wanted to watch the game with him. Ronowski flushed when all their attention was focused on him. "Uhm. Sure. I just need to get my stuff. I'll be r-right back," he stammered and walked quickly toward the precinct. God saw Johnson watch Ronowski's ass move as he walked; not taking his eyes off him until he was inside the building. Johnson turned back toward him and waggled his eyebrows. "Well my night is looking brighter." God — A.E. Via

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A seeker ventures out to find beauty. When he is on the top of a mountain, he discovers that beauty is inside of his heart. — Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Yrsa Daley-Ward

You may have learned from your mother or any other hunted woman. Smiling at devils is a useful learned thing. Swallowing discomfort down in spades. Holding it tight in your belly. Ageing on the inside only. Keeping it forever sexy. — Yrsa Daley-Ward

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Criss Jami

What good is there in being blind, you ask? Well, maybe it's to see the beauty on the inside without being vainly distracted, or superficially blinded, by the ugly on the outside. — Criss Jami

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

The world isn't fair. And no matter how good and decent you are, no matter how much you give to others, someone is always going to hate you for no other reason than the fact that you breathe. You can't help that. You can't change people or their minds once they've allowed them to get twisted by hatred. But you can change how you deal with them. Never back down, but walk away when you can, fight when you must. Whatever you do don't give them the power to hurt you. Don't let them inside you. They're not worth it. Live your life for yourself. Stay true to yourself and if they can't see the beauty that is you, it's their loss. Let the bitterness take them to their graves. Spend your time on what matters most. Being you and appreciating the people who see you for who and what you are. The people who love you, and the ones that you love. They are all that matter. Let the rest go to hell. - Drux Cruel — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Alan Beck

Boys are found everywhere- on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to. Mothers love them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers tolerated them, adults ignore them and Heaven protects them. A boy is Truth with dirt on its face, Beauty with a cut on its finger, Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. A boy is a magical creature- you can lock out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. You can get him out of your study, but you can't get him out of your mind. Might as well give up- he is your captor, your jailor, your boss and your master- a freckled-faced, pint-sized, cat-chasing bundle of noise. But when you come home at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them like new with two magic words- 'Hi, Dad! — Alan Beck

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Duke Ellington

A Satin Doll is a woman who is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside. — Duke Ellington

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Rosalind Miles

She loved your mother', Taliesin said gently. 'This is her farewell.'
As he spoke, a chanted melody began inside the chamber, a song without words. Yet it spoke of the beauty in the heart of the flame, of the passing glory of the white bird on the wing, and the blossom of the sea spray under the shining prow. It sang of a mother with her baby, of the hard love between men and women, and the gentle rest that comes at last to all. — Rosalind Miles

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Ledisi

I am very proud of Zendaya for standing up for herself, her generation and her ancestors. Her response was classy. Locs are a lifestyle for some and for others an artistic fashion statement..In either case, the images express power, natural beauty, and a boldness that always stands out. It is when you truly spend time with a person that you know who they really are on the inside, and not by what you see on the outside. — Ledisi

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Joy Williams

Mornings, out in the garden, she would, at times, read aloud from one of her many overdue library books. Dew as radiant as angel spit glittered on the petals of Jack's roses. Jack was quite the gardener. Miriam thought she knew why her particularly favored roses. The inside of a rose does not at all correspond with its exterior beauty. If one tears off all the petals of the corolla, all that remains is a sordid-looking tuft. Roses would be right up Jack's alley, all right.
"Here's something for you, Jack," Miriam said. You'll appreciate this. Beckett describes tears as 'liquified brain.'
"God, Miriam," Jack said. "Why are you sharing that with me? Look at this day, it's a beautiful day! Stop pumping out the cesspit! Leave the cesspit alone! — Joy Williams

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Geoffrey O'Brien

Christmas is the marriage of chaos and design. The real sound of life, for once, can burst out because a formal place has been set for it. At the moment when things have gotten sufficiently loose, the secret selves that these familiar persons hold inside them shake the room ... An undercurrent of clowning and jostling is part of the process by which we succeed finally in making our necessary noise: despite the difficulty of getting the words right, of getting the singers on the same page, of keeping the ritual from falling apart into the anarchy of separate impulses. From such clatter
extended and punctuated by whatever instrument is handy, a triangle a tambourine, a Chinese gone
beauty is born. — Geoffrey O'Brien

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Spencer Gordon

Can we confront our sadness in reflecting on what our own hearts feel, or are incapable of feeling? Simply, is there anything inside us equal to or worthy of the beauty of the world? — Spencer Gordon

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Ellen DeGeneres

Above all things physical, it is more important to be beautiful on the inside - to have a big hear and an open mind and a spectacular spleen. — Ellen DeGeneres

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld

Angels only care about what you look like on the inside. A pure heart is the vessel that contains a soul's true beauty. — Molly Friedenfeld

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Julie Lessman

For once I've met a girl whose beauty on the inside is so powerful and deep, the surface beauty is almost secondary — Julie Lessman

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Queen Latifah

For me, it might sound cliche, but beauty for me really does start on the inside. It's like a state of mind, a state of love if you will. Then, whatever you can do on the outside is all like a bonus. — Queen Latifah

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Lauren Oliver

But that's the beauty of life: time if yours to keep and to change. Just a few minutes can be sufficient to carve a new road, a new track. Just a few minutes, and the void is kept at bay. You will live forever with that new road inside of you, stretching away to a place suggested, barely, on the horizon. For the shortest time, shorter than the shortest second's breath, you get to stand up to infinity. But eventually, and always, infinity wins. — Lauren Oliver

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Emily St. John Mandel

But what made it bearable were the friendships, of course, the camaraderie and the music and the Shakespeare, the moments of transcendent beauty and joy when it didn't matter who'd used the last of the rosin on their bow or who anyone had slept with, although someone - probably Sayid - had written "Sartre: Hell is other people" in pen inside one of the caravans, and someone else had scratched out "other people" and substituted "flutes." People — Emily St. John Mandel

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

Who delights in the mind can delight in no destiny Better than to know himself. To know he is nothing Is better than not knowing: Nothing inside of nothing. If I don't have within me the power to master The three Fates and the shapes of the future, May the gods at least give me The power of knowing it. And since in myself I cannot create beauty, May I enjoy it as it's given on the outside, Repeated in my passive eyes, Ponds which death will dry. — Fernando Pessoa

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Nia Peeples

Health and beauty is not just about what you apply. If you don't have it together on the inside, then nothing else is going to matter. — Nia Peeples

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Colin Cowherd

I'm so tired of people who can't be honest. "Beauty is on the inside" Really?? Then why do rich guys & successful guys always end up with beautiful women but they have lousy personalities?. — Colin Cowherd

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Jamie Le Fay

The flower of the ginger is superb and regal, but if we focus on nurturing the ginger plant to bloom we are unable to harvest its root. Enjoying the exquisite beauty of the plant will prevent us from unlocking its true potential - the nutrients secretly stored beyond the reach of the sun. Why care about trivial matters such as external beauty? What matters lies beneath the surface. What a waste! She is much more beautiful on the inside where she has so much more to give to the world. — Jamie Le Fay

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Audrey Hepburn

Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out. — Audrey Hepburn

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Emmanuelle Beart

Beauty is not something you can count on. Usually, when people say you are beautiful, it is when there is a harmony between the inside and the outside. — Emmanuelle Beart

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Delvene Delaney

I love being my age. I love getting older. What you lose in looks, you gain in wisdom. I might not be as physically beautiful on the outside today, but I'm much more beautiful on the inside. True beauty comes from inside ... — Delvene Delaney

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Jes Baker

Beauty is something that is everywhere. The sunset is beautiful. Human connection is beautiful. Kindness is beautiful. Bodies are beautiful --all of them. Beauty is ubiquitous, inherent, and found in all of us: on the outside and the inside. — Jes Baker

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Samone Sherrell

I'd rather be beautiful on thee inside where it is never seen by the world but always seen by the one true living God — Samone Sherrell

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Heidi Hutchinson

You're not pushing but I'm falling you're soaring and I'm stalling and it's not a secret that my strength is your weakness the beauty you have inside shines out through your eyes you wear your heart on your sleeve your wings flutter and you leave and when you fly can I be your blue sky when your heart beats alone let my arms be your home if I say it first will you say it second if I give you this verse will you feel protected I need you could you need me too..." He — Heidi Hutchinson

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Michel De Montaigne

Things external to her may have their own weight and dimension: but within inside us she gives them such measures as she wills: death is terrifying to Cicero, desirable to Cato, indifferent to Socrates. Health, consciousness, authority, knowledge, beauty and their opposites doff their garments as they enter the soul and receive new vestments, coloured with qualities of her own choosing: brown or green; light or dark; bitter or sweet, deep or shallow, as it pleases each of the individual souls, who have not agreed together on the truth of their practices, rules or ideas. Each soul is Queen in her own state. So let us no longer seek excuses from the external qualities of anything, the responsibility lies within ourselves. Our good or our bad depends on us alone. So let us make our offertories and our vows to ourselves not to Fortune: she has no power over our behaviour, on the contrary our souls drag Fortune in their train and mould her to their own idea. — Michel De Montaigne

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Michael Brent Jones

If there is any one person you can't love, then you don't understand love. The bitter cup we have to drink is the dregs of humility; we must see past the outer shells of insecurity to the seed of divinity deep inside each one of us.
No one virtue is strong enough to stand on its own. No one vice is simple enough not to lead to all others. No one person can appreciate and support us as much as we need. No one event is enough to tear apart our lives.
What does this all mean?
We have to give everything or we will have nothing. We cannot take any short cuts. We have to love everyone, or we cannot truly love anyone. No excuse will mean anything to us in the end.
People are beautiful, don't forget that.
Don't let pomp and circumstance, society or folklore fool you with counterfeit beauty.
True beauty is usually not something you can see, but something you feel; something that inspires you. — Michael Brent Jones

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we don't see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. But we don't see the roots. We just see and enjoy the beauty. In much the same way, what goes on inside of us is like the roots of a tree. — Joyce Meyer

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Ufuoma Apoki

Gold when first struck is crowded with 'dirt', uncertain, might not be flashy enough to be noticed. However, if you are alert in your senses, you'd see that little glitter; if you're persistent enough, it'll be polished to be one of the finest 'possessions' you could ever acquire. The beauty about gold, though, is that in all states from uncertainty to conviction, it never for once gives up its lustre. We're sometimes too hasty and 'fly searching' that we miss the little uncertain glitters that sparkle in the corners of our eyes. In such rare moments, stop for a while, and hold on to it with the best grip you could muster. — Ufuoma Apoki

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Gena Showalter

He doesn't yet understand the outside is a shell for all of us. My beauty is on the inside, where it never fades. — Gena Showalter

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Janette Rallison

It gave Jane a wicked sense of satisfaction that he'd noticed that aspect of her sister's personality, but she tried not to sound too arrogant. "Savannah doesn't worry about homework. Apparently they don't care about your GPA when you apply for beauty school."
"Beauty school, huh? I would have thought she'd already graduated valedictorian from there."
Jane blinked at him in frustration.
Fairy's side note: Adults are constantly telling teen- agers that it's what's on the inside that matters. It's al- ways painful to find out that adults have lied to you.
Hunter shrugged. "I guess I shouldn't have assumed you'd be like Savannah where math is concerned."
Meaning: After all, you aren't pretty like she is. — Janette Rallison

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Malak El Halabi

There is something charming and peculiar about a beginning. You feel it, like the change of seasons, from winter to spring, from spring to summer. You feel it; the new blood pumping inside your veins. You feel it; a thousand butterflies fluttering around your fingers to help you fly. You feel it; on your lips, when you smile at the absurdities of life that suddenly make perfect sense.
You smile... Because in every beginning, there is a rebirth. Because in every beginning, there is a layer of you that you just discovered. A layer you forgot was buried in you all this time. You smile because you are reminded of the immensity of fate. You smile because suddenly you feel so small and you like it.
So let's begin my dear. This life is beautiful. — Malak El Halabi

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Firoozeh Dumas

Swimsuit competitions go against everything that is right and decent in this world. We're told that beauty is on the inside and that who we are matters far more than what we look like. But could you please just put on this bikini and walk around on high heels so I can judge your inner beauty? — Firoozeh Dumas

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Gisele Bundchen

Beauty is something inside of us. If you love yourself and accept yourself, that shows on the outside. Beauty is an act-it's how you carry yourself. — Gisele Bundchen

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Ufuoma Apoki

We're taught and trained to hold it all inside, to not feel the beauty of the innocence of letting it out when and how we feel it.
And we do; we do for the fear of avoiding the stigma of weakness, until it breaks us from the inside, slowly and silently, and there is "little" or "nothing" left of us.
Those who are courageous to hold on, learn to be strong and proficiently wave off the numerous darts as they come.
Do they, really?
It takes just one "planned" move, and all the impenetrable walls come crashing down. — Ufuoma Apoki

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Krista Tippett

Pico Iyer: And at some point, I thought, well, I've been really lucky to see many, many places. Now, the great adventure is the inner world, now that I've spent a lot of time gathering emotions, impressions, and experiences. Now, I just want to sit still for years on end, really, charting that inner landscape because I think anybody who travels knows that you're not really doing so in order to move around - you're traveling in order to be moved. And really what you're seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you're sleepwalking through your daily life. I thought, there's this great undiscovered terrain that Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton and Emily Dickinson fearlessly investigated, and I want to follow in their footsteps. — Krista Tippett

Beauty Is On The Inside Quotes By Anne Bronte

It is foolish to wish for beauty. Sensible people never either desire it for themselves or care about it in others. If the mind be but well cultivated, and the heart well disposed, no one ever cares for the exterior. — Anne Bronte