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Quotes & Sayings About Beautiful Colours Of Life

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Top Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Christian Cook

I enjoy waking up before the weather.
It never rains at 4:00AM. Yes, it's always cold, but it's not an uncomfortable cold; it's the cold of an engine at rest, a day that has yet to fire into life. At this time, everything is fresh and crisp, as if it's new and still in its wrapping.
Sunsets are beautiful, but the light fades to darkness. It's like watching a candle burn itself out. The dawn is the birth of a new day; the sun spills colours into the clouds like a child's paintbrush swirling in a pot of water. The countryside has such a beautiful sadness about it; a distant tractor ambles slowly along a furrowed field like a tear on a cheek. — Christian Cook

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Yann Martel

I had in my life looked at a number of beautiful starry nights, where with just two colours and the simplest of styles nature draws the grandest of pictures, and I felt the feelings of wonder and smallness that we all feel, and I got a clear sense of direction from the spectacle, most definitely, but I mean that in a spiritual sense, not in a geographic one. — Yann Martel

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Linda Gillard

summer ends and autumn begins. The trees retract their sap in a hurry and the resulting bright colours must be a panic-stricken response to the sudden withdrawal of that life-blood. Because the sight's so beautiful, you forget what this gorgeous display actually represents. Decay and death. If only human death were so glorious. — Linda Gillard

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By A.O. Esther

But life is beautiful, Sariel!' Gabriel said, trying to convince him. 'Watch the sunrise sometime lying in the scented flowers of the field, or the shooting stars at the end of summer! Read a couple of really exciting books or lose yourself in the unselfconscious smiles of children. Have a swim in a clear mountain lake or take a run among trees clothed in autumn colours. If you can see the good in Earth, your own existence will become the richer for it!'
'That all sounds very well and good, but you haven't convinced me,' the deep-voiced angel murmured and Ariel laughed.
'My friend, Gabriel was very gently trying to suggest that you should fall in love and that will better dispose you to the world! — A.O. Esther

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Jessica Sorensen

When his lips return to mine, it's not just about lust or desire - it's about making us whole. — Jessica Sorensen

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Craig Stone

We dream of the world we could have made, and wake up in the world that we did. — Craig Stone

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Amanda Donohoe

I've always loved my red wine, and when I'm not working I can open a bottle too many. I love to cook, so it's one for me and one for the casserole. I would consume a bottle of wine on my own of an evening and then literally pass out. — Amanda Donohoe

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Tea with milk and sugar is so ordinary. We want to see a change, feel the necessity to bring colours other than the ordinary, in our lives. We feel liberated, enriched, superior. But we lose a part of nature, the ordinary beautiful essential nature in doing so. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Elizabeth Von Arnim

The years lay spread out before her, spacious untouched canvases on which she was presently going to paint the picture of her life. It was to be a very beautiful picture, she said to herself with an extraordinary feeling of proud confidence; not beautiful because of any gifts or skill of hers, for never was a woman more giftless, but because of all the untiring little touches, the ceaseless care for detail, the patient painting out of mistakes; and every touch and every detail was going to be aglow with the bright colours of happiness. — Elizabeth Von Arnim

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Felix Adler

When the light of the sun shines through a prism it is broken into beautiful colours, and when the prism is shattered, still the light remains. So does the life of life shine resplendent in the forms of our friends, and so, when their forms are broken, still their life remains; and in that life we are united with them; for the life of their life is also our life, and we are one with them by ties indissoluble. — Felix Adler

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Colin Hay

I got very famous for a minute and then it just all went away, you know? And for the last 20 years - you've got to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and then go on your merry way and start again, in a sense, and that's what I've been doing. — Colin Hay

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Lew Wallace

It is more beautiful to trust in God. The beautiful in this world is all from his hand, declaring the perfection of taste; he is the author of all form; he clothes the lily, he colours the rose, he distils the dewdrop, he makes the music of nature; in a word, he organized us for this life, and imposed its conditions; and they are such guaranty to me that, trustful as a little child, I leave to him the organization of my Soul, and every arrangement for the life after death. I know he loves me. — Lew Wallace

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Lisa Wingate

Oh shoot, Imagene, you shouldn't have told them that. Big mouth. "I mean, not that the hotel's not open for business now, because it is. Sure enough. You're both here." I flashed a big toothy grin, but only Carter smiled back. The — Lisa Wingate

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Alex Haditaghi

I believe that flowers are like people. Flowers come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Some extremely rare and some very common. They are all beautiful in their own unique way. — Alex Haditaghi

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Barbara Deming

Nonviolent actions are by their nature androgynous. In them the two impulses that have long been treated as distinct, 'masculine' and 'feminine,' the impulse of self-assertion and the impulse of sympathy, are clearly joined; the very genius of nonviolence, in fact, is that it demonstrates them to be indivisible, and so restores human community ... — Barbara Deming

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

Never have I risked my life, or even my comfort, in the service of mankind. Shame on me. — Kurt Vonnegut

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Gorillaz

We live in a shockingly beautiful world. We are walking through the living kingdom of heaven every day; the colours, the sound, the love of others, the potential to create, the plants, wildlife, nature, music, all sensations and life ... but if we refuse to see colour and beauty we may as well be in Hell. Maybe an animated band was the best way of announcing this. — Gorillaz

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By David Hume

And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty; the thought can in an instant transport us into the most distant regions of the universe; or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard or, may yet be conceived; not is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies as absolute contradiction. — David Hume

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Maurice Maeterlinck

Do we not all spend the greater part of our lives under the shadow of an event that has not yet come to pass? — Maurice Maeterlinck

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Neko Case

The men who have gotten women pregnant need to be accountable if we are. If we are going to jail, the men are coming too. Religious rhetoric will bite its own ass trying to nail only women in a two-person process. — Neko Case

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

And at this moment in history, our core value happens to be the raw, aching truth of the human predicament. It may also be the only belief that can save us as a species. A species that will continue to find comfort and delight in the companionship of animals, the miracle of birds, the colours of the corals and the majesty of the forests. We are in it together, on this blue spinning marble in the cold and silent void. And we must act on that belief, if we are going to be able to continue to live a good life here, in this beautiful and fragile country, on this lovely planet, our only home. — Geraldine Brooks

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Ambrose Bierce

EXECUTIVE, n. An officer of the Government, whose duty it is to enforce the wishes of the legislative power until such time as the judicial department shall be pleased to pronounce them invalid and of no effect. — Ambrose Bierce

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Pope Francis

How many Christians live for appearances? Their life seems like a soap bubble. The soap bubble is beautiful, with all its colours! But it lasts only a second, and then what? — Pope Francis

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Patrick Carman

'Skeleton Creek' is like nothing you've ever read before because it's a book and a movie at the same time. — Patrick Carman

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Aristotle.

We maintain, therefore, that the first essential, the life and soul, so to speak, of Tragedy is the Plot; and that the Characters come second - compare the parallel in painting, where the most beautiful colours laid on without order will not give one the same pleasure as a simple black-and-white sketch of a portrait. — Aristotle.

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism. — Leo Tolstoy

Beautiful Colours Of Life Quotes By Oscar Wilde

Perhaps one of the most difficult things for us to do is to choose a notable and joyous dress for men. There would be more joy in life if we were to accustom ourselves to use all the beautiful colours we can in fashioning our own clothes. — Oscar Wilde