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Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes & Sayings

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Top Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Julian Barnes

Women scheme when they are weak, they lie out of fear. Men scheme when they are strong, they lie out of arrogance. — Julian Barnes

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Edward Witten

Superstring theories provide a framework in which the force of gravity may be united with the other three forces in nature: the weak, electromagnetic and strong forces. Recent progress has shown that the most promising superstring theories follow from a single theory. For the last generation, physicists have studied five string theories and one close cousin. Recently it has become clear that these five or six theories are different limiting cases of one theory which, though still scarcely understood, is the candidate for superunification of the forces of nature. — Edward Witten

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By William L. Shirer

All the good things on this earth are trophy cups. The strong win them. The weak lose them.
from a speech by the Nazi Minister of Education — William L. Shirer

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

The weak can never forgive. — Mahatma Gandhi

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Jay McLean

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious. — Jay McLean

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Le Ly Hayslip

For you see, the face of destiny or luck or god that gives us war also gives us other kinds of pain: the loss of health and youth; the loss of loved ones or of love; the fear that we will end our days alone. Some people suffer in peace the way others suffer in war. The special gift of that suffering, I have learned, is how to be strong while we are weak, how to be brave when we are afraid, how to be wise in the midst of confusion, and how to let go of that which we can no longer hold. In this way, anger can teach us forgiveness, hate can teach us love, and war can teach us peace. — Le Ly Hayslip

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

Certainlie these things agree, The Priest, the Lawyer, & Death all three: Death takes both the weak and the strong. The lawyer takes from both right and wrong, And the priest from living and dead has his Fee. — Benjamin Franklin

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Communism is inequality, but not as property is. Property is exploitation of the weak by the strong. Communism is exploitation of the strong by the weak. — Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By George Fitzhugh

Bestowing upon men equality of rights is but giving license to the strong to oppress the weak. It begets the grossest inequality of condition. — George Fitzhugh

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Johnny Depp

We don't always cry because we are weak, sometimes we cry because we have been strong, brave and courageous for way too long ... — Johnny Depp

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Arthur Conan Doyle

The weak man becomes strong when he has nothing, for then only can he feel the wild, mad thrill of despair. — Arthur Conan Doyle

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Jacinta Howard

Everyone is always talking about how weak love makes them. How it deludes their senses, makes their vision cloudy, makes them soft and malleable. I don't know a lot about it, but I don't think any of those things are right. Love makes you strong. Love covers your weaknesses. Love fills all of the tiny cracks in you that would be imperceptible to anyone else. Love is there even when you think you don't want it or need it. Love stays. Love endures. Love covers. Love chooses. Love isn't weak at all. Love is strength. — Jacinta Howard

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By George Orwell

Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. — George Orwell

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Jacqueline Carey

What you are witnessing is the face of war a great ruler seldom sees, my lady," Master Lo Feng said to her. Her veiled face turned his way, listening. "No matter how righteous the cause, no matter who wins, the commonfolk suffer. Without plenty, the wealthy lack compassion for the poor, hoarding without sharing. Without law, the strong bully the weak, stealing by force. People will go hungry. Some will starve. Men and women will be forced to choose between feeding their parents and their children. — Jacqueline Carey

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Jean Vanier

The weak and the poor are for us a source of unity. Jesus came into the world to change and transform society from a "pyramid" in which the strong and clever dominate at the top, into a "body", where each member of society has a place, is respected and is important. — Jean Vanier

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Du Mu

Roll rocks down a ten-thousand-foot mountain, and they cannot be stopped - this is because of the mountain, not the rocks. Get people to fight with the courage to win every time, and the strong and the weak unite - this is because of the momentum, not the individuals. — Du Mu

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Dizzy Dean

I was blessed with a strong arm and a weak mind. — Dizzy Dean

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Oswald Chambers

The way to grow strong in Christ is to become weak in yourself. — Oswald Chambers

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Aleksandr Voinov

It was easier being strong when another man was strong enough to be weak. — Aleksandr Voinov

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Caitlin Moran

The problem with the word "vagina" is that vaginas seem to be just straight-out bad luck. Only a masochist would want one, because only awful things happen to them. Vaginas get torn. Vaginas get "examined.".. No. Let's clear this up right now - I don't actually have a vagina. I never have. I, personally, have a cunt. Cunt is a proper, old, historic, strong word, and it doubles up as the most potent swear word in the English language. Yeah. That's how powerful it is, guys. If I tell you what I've got down there, old ladies and clerics might faint. I like how shocked people are when you say "cunt." Compared to this, the most powerful swear word men have got out of their privates is "dick," which is frankly vanilla. In a culture where nearly everything female is still seen as squeam-inducing and/or weak - menstruation, menopause, just the sheer, simple act of calling someone "a girl" - I love that "cunt" stands on its own, as the supreme, unvanquishable word. — Caitlin Moran

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Robert Morganbesser

It was a common fallacy among survivors that zombies were strong. This was incorrect. The average zombie, by itself, was weak with little muscle control. The creatures were pure instinct. Whatever intelligence they had was gone with their first death, lost forever. It was their numbers that gave them strength. A strong man or woman with a weapon and their wits could easily take out ten to fifteen zombies. But behind those ten to fifteen lay fifty or a hundred more, untiring, unrelenting in their search for flesh. A human tired, a zombie didn't. This was their greatest strength. — Robert Morganbesser

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By William Sloane Coffin

We want God to be strong, so that we can be weak. But He wants to be weak so that we can be strong. — William Sloane Coffin

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Mark Weber

To be strong enough to know when you are weak, brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid.

Not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress and spur of the difficulty and challenge.

Not to substitute words for actions.

To be proud and unbending in honest failure but humble and gentle in success.

To seek out and experience a vigor of the emotions, a freshness of the deep springs of lift, an appetite of adventure over love of ease.

To seek a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination and to exercise a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity.

To be modest so that you will appreciate the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.

To be serious, yet never to take yourself too seriously; to cry, but also to laugh.

To discover the sense of wonder, the unfailing hope of what is next, and the joy and inspiration of life. — Mark Weber

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Pearl Cleage

No woman can love a weak man hard enough to make him strong. — Pearl Cleage

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Anais Nin

And sometimes I believe your relentless analysis of June leaves something out, which is your feeling for her beyond knowledge, or in spite of knowledge. I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do stop, and then a moment later you are at it again with a knife, like a surgeon.
What will you do after you have revealed all there is to know about June? Truth. What ferocity in your quest of it. You destroy and you suffer. In some strange way I am not with you, I am against you. We are destined to hold two truths. I love you and I fight you. And you, the same. We will be stronger for it, each of us, stronger with our love and our hate. When you caricature and nail down and tear apart, I hate you. I want to answer you, not with weak or stupid poetry but with a wonder as strong as your reality. I want to fight your surgical knife with all the occult and magical forces of the world. — Anais Nin

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Greg Forster

Society needs to see it as normal and expected, not scary and threatening, when people have different beliefs about the universe - beliefs that are unspeakably precious to them and organize their whole lives. These unshared beliefs will create uncomfortable social tensions. Society must embrace these tensions as healthy and beneficial, rather than shying away from them in fear. Societies where people feel free to have disagreements about the meaning of life are strong and confident in themselves, as they need to be to thrive. Societies where people keep their uncomfortable disagreements hushed up for fear of what might happen if they were aired are weak and hollow. Look back through history and you see the same pattern. — Greg Forster

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By William Eckhardt

In many ways, large profits are even more insidious than large losses in terms of emotional destabilization. I think it's important not to be emotionally attached to large profits. I've certainly made some of my worst trades after long periods of winning. When you're on a big winning streak, there's a temptation to think that you're doing something special, which will allow you to continue to propel yourself upward. You start to think that you can afford to make shoddy decisions. You can imagine what happens next. As a general rule, losses make you strong and profits make you weak. — William Eckhardt

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Tupac Shakur

When your hero falls from grace, all fairy tales are uncovered
Myth exposed and pain magnified, the grace pays uncovered
He told me to be strong, but I confused to see it so weak
You say never to give up, and it hurts to see what comes to be
When your hero falls soley the stars, and so does the reception of tomorrow
Without my hero, theres only me alone, to deal with my sorrow
Your heart ceases to work, and your soul is not happy at all
What are you expected to do, when your only hero falls — Tupac Shakur

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Aimee Carter

You and I should play sometime. I think you would like it,' she said." It's a game of strategy, mostly. The strong pieces are in the back row, while the weak pieces - the pawns - are all in the front, ready to take the brunt of the attack. Because of their limited movement and vulnerability, most people underestimate them and only use them to protect the more powerful pieces. But when I play I protect my pawns.' ... 'They may be weak when the game begins, but their potential is remarkable. Most of the time, they'll be taken by the other side and held captive until the end of the game. But if you're careful - if you keep your eyes open and pay attention to what your oppenent is doing, if you protect your pawns and they reach the other side of the board, do you know what happens then?' I shook my head, and she smiled.
"Your pawn becomes a queen." ... 'Because they kept moving forward and triumphed against impossible odds, they become the most powerful piece in the game. — Aimee Carter

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Gena Showalter

The strong are tasked with the protection of the weak, because the strong aren't always strong and the weak aren't always weak. Everyone stumbles. And one day, when you stumble - and you will - you'll need someone to help you stand. Will there be anyone eager to do so, or will there be a line of people hoping to kick you while you're down? — Gena Showalter

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Michelle Moschetti

Be strong when you are weak. Be brave when you are scared. Be humble when you are victorious. — Michelle Moschetti

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Malcolm Gladwell

We all assume that if you're weak and poor, you're never going to win. In fact, the real world is full of examples where the exact opposite happens, where the weak win and the strong screw up. — Malcolm Gladwell

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By William Shakespeare

Therein, ye gods, ye make the weak most strong;
Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat.
Nor stony wall, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit:
But life being weary of these worldly bars
Never lacks power to dismiss itself. — William Shakespeare

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Mario Cuomo

It's an old story; it's as old as our history. The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak, are left behind by the side of the trail. The strong, the strong they tell us, will inherit the land. We Democrats believe in something else. We Democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact, and we have more than once. — Mario Cuomo

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Ayn Rand

For the word "We" must never be spoken, save by one's choice and as a second thought. This word must never be placed first within man's soul, else it becomes a monster, the root of all the evils on earth, the root of man's torture by men, and of an unspeakable lie.
The word "We" is as lime poured over men, which sets and hardens to stone, and crushes all beneath it, and that which is white and that which is black are lost equally in the grey of it. It is the word by which the depraved steal the virtue of the good, by which the weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages. — Ayn Rand

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Elbert Hubbard

In a state of nature, the weakest go to the wall; in a state of over-refinement, both the weak and the strong go to the gutter. — Elbert Hubbard

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By John Piper

All the evils in the world come not because our desires for happiness are too strong, but because they are so weak that we settle for fleeting pleasures that do not satisfy our deepest souls, but in the end destroy them. The root of all evil is that we are the kind of people who settle for the love of money instead of the love of God (1 Timothy 6:10). — John Piper

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

We are reviled but we do not intend to speak evil in return. We are in desperate straits but do not despair. We are persecuted but not forsaken. It's easy to humiliate and crush people who are open, but when I am weak, then I am strong. — Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By G. Gordon Liddy

Take, for example, the African jungle, the home of the cheetah. On whom does the cheetah prey? The old, the sick, the wounded, the weak, the very young, but never the strong. Lesson: If you would not be prey, you had better be strong. — G. Gordon Liddy

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Victoria Hanley

Let me tell you about weakness! Killing the strong to prove your strength is foolish weakness. Killing fools is easy weakness. Killing the weak is evil weakness. Accomplishing your ends without killing, mastering your mind when you want to kill
that is strength! — Victoria Hanley

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Taylor Swift

Sometimes in love it just gets to the point where I have to give up. I have to give up trying and I have to give up believing because I know things won't change. To me, giving up isn't being weak. Giving up is being strong enough to let go. — Taylor Swift

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Stan Shih

To me, strategy means trying to overcome your limitations and your weak points. To do that, I try to enhance and leverage my strong points. — Stan Shih

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

Because Jesus was strong for me, I am free to be weak;
because Jesus won for me, I am free to lose;
because Jesus was someone, I am free to be no one;
because Jesus was extraordinary, I am free to be ordinary;
because Jesus succeeded for me, I am free to fail. — Tullian Tchividjian

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Terrorism and deception are weapons not of the strong, but of the weak. — Mahatma Gandhi

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Kathleen Koen

He could live in this shifting place of betrayals within betrayals, of no loyalties honored, of the strong crushing the weak, no more. He preferred soldiering where you knew who your enemies were before the battle began. — Kathleen Koen

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Agatha Christie

A weak man in a corner is more dangerous than a strong man. (Inspector Miller) — Agatha Christie

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Charles Caleb Colton

If it be true that men of strong imaginations are usually dogmatists
and I am inclined to think it is so
it ought to follow that men of weak imaginations are the reverse; in which case we should have some compensation for stupidity. But it unfortunately happens that no dogmatist is more obstinate or less open to conviction than a fool. — Charles Caleb Colton

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By D. Duane Engler

Lord Jesus, brokenness surrounds me. My body, mind, and soul are weary. I am weak, but You are strong. I desire the endurance to persevere and complete the tasks You have set before me. But right now I can barely get out of bed. The pain is crippling me. Please help me push through to the finish line for You, Lord. — D. Duane Engler

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Roger Ebert

A truly strong woman will choose a stong man who disagrees with her over a weak one who goes along. — Roger Ebert

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Carl Sagan

There is something stunningly narrow about how the Anthropic Principle is phrased. Yes, only certain laws and constants of nature are consistent with our kind of life. But essentially the same laws and constants are required to make a rock. So why not talk about a Universe designed so rocks could one day come to be, and strong and weak Lithic Principles? If stones could philosophize, I imagine Lithic Principles would be at the intellectual frontiers. — Carl Sagan

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Heather Bixler

We resist our brokenness because we want to BE STRONG, but little do we know that strength is obtained only through our brokenness, because where we are weak and broken we find God's strength to get us through. — Heather Bixler

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Fuyumi Soryo

People seem weak, but they're strong.
They seem strong, but they're weak.
No matter how much you cry, you still have to sleep.
And you even get hungry.
You suddenly realize you're doing the same things you did yesterday.
You say hi to your friends and smile just like you did yesterday.
Life goes on as if nothing ever happened ...
I want to go somewhere ...
Anywhere ...
Somewhere where I can forget everything.
... where I'll forget everything
... and be reborn.
Mars Volume 18 — Fuyumi Soryo

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Cassandra Giovanni

Writing isn't about creating perfect characters. There's no such thing. It's about creating characters that are real; flawed
yet beautiful, in that they know they need another person. Needing someone else doesn't make them weak; if they believed all they needed was them self, they would be. A strong heroine isn't afraid to admit that a best friend, or soul mate, is exactly what they need at one moment or another. A strong heroine never stands alone. They stand tall; they believe in who they are. They are perfect in every human flaw, because as humans we are flawed. And in every flaw, I see the perfection of their souls. Writers breath life into simple words and create beings
flaws and all. — Cassandra Giovanni

Be Strong When You Are Weak Quotes By Jack Weatherford

The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. — Jack Weatherford