Famous Quotes & Sayings

Barnyard Quotes & Sayings

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Top Barnyard Quotes

Barnyard Quotes By Amy Lane

Craw didn't just grunt - he made sounds like barnyard animals going to bed at night. The more frustrated and/or inarticulate he felt, the bigger the animal. This particular grunt sounded like a constipated cow. — Amy Lane

Barnyard Quotes By Rebecca Traister

In 2013, science writer Natalie Angier gave the centrality of female friendship a zoological boost, pointing out that, In animals as diverse as African elephants and barnyard mice, blue monkeys of Kenya and feral horses of New Zealand, affiliative, long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships between females turns out to be the basic unit of social life. — Rebecca Traister

Barnyard Quotes By Mencius

To feed men and not to love them is to treat them as if they were barnyard cattle. To love them and not respect them is to treat them as if they were household pets. — Mencius

Barnyard Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

Black-and-white chickens stagger around Colonial Dunsboros, chickens with their heads flattened. Here are chickens with no wings or only one leg. There are chickens with no legs, swimming with just their ragged wings through the barnyard mud. Blind chickens without eyes. Without beaks. Born that way. Defective. Born with their little chicken brains already scrambled. There's an invisible line between science and sadism, but here it's made visible. — Chuck Palahniuk

Barnyard Quotes By Rod Stewart

I woke up in a barnyard when I heard a farmer shout. Get away, boy, from my daughter, then a shot gun rang out. — Rod Stewart

Barnyard Quotes By Rick Riordan

I had weird dreams full of barnyard animals. Most of them wanted to kill me. The rest wanted food. — Rick Riordan

Barnyard Quotes By Simone Elkeles

She ignores me, so I cup my hands over my mouth and do something I haven't done in years - barnyard sounds. — Simone Elkeles

Barnyard Quotes By Simone Elkeles

Luis is right there. I point to the corner of the yard, where my little brother is the centre of attention doing imitations of barnyard animals. I have yet to inform him that talent isn't as much of a chick magnet when you get into junior high. — Simone Elkeles

Barnyard Quotes By P.L. Travers

This is the way the wheel turns, coming at last to full circle, with wild as well as tame at he crib; lion and turtle-dove together an barnyard beasts lying down with the fox. For wild and tame are but two hlaves and here, where all begins and ends, everything must be whole.
And always, among the sleepers, there must be somebody waking - somewhere, someone, waking and watchful. Or what would happen to the world..? — P.L. Travers

Barnyard Quotes By Stephen J. O'Brien

Within a few months Mitch Bush, head veterinarian at the National Zoo, and David Wildt, a young reproductive physiologist working as a postdoctoral fellow in my laboratory at the National Cancer Institute, were on a plane bound for South Africa. Bush is a towering, bearded, giant of a man with a strong interest and acumen in exotic animal veterinary medicine, particularly the rapidly improving field of anesthetic pharmacology. Wildt is a slight and modest Midwestern farm boy, schooled in the reproductive physiology of barnyard animals. His boyish charm and polite shy demeanor mask a piercing curiosity and deep knowledge of all things reproductive. Bush and Wildt's expedition to the DeWildt cheetah breeding center outside Pretoria would ultimately change the way the conservation community viewed cheetahs forever. — Stephen J. O'Brien

Barnyard Quotes By Vance Havner

I have often been reminded of the wild duck that came down on migration into a barnyard and liked it so well that he stayed there. In the fall his erstwhile companions passed overhead and his first impulse was to rise and join them, but he had fed too well and could rise no higher than the eaves of the barn. The day came when his old fellow travelers could pass overhead without his even hearing their call. I have seen men and women who once mounted up with wings like eagles but are now content to live in the barnyard of this world. — Vance Havner

Barnyard Quotes By Paul Butcher

For 'Barnyard,' I did the voice of a 'chick,' which was really a blast because I had to manipulate my voice to another pitch. — Paul Butcher

Barnyard Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

You can always reason with a German. You can always reason with a barnyard animal, too, for all the good it does. — P. J. O'Rourke

Barnyard Quotes By Donna Franceschild

We're still a bit short on the donations, so if you've got a rich uncle, today's the day to remind him of the filing clerk he once took to Blackpool, the name of the cheap hotel where they stayed, and the type of barnyard animal that was involved. — Donna Franceschild

Barnyard Quotes By Bill Hader

For our anniversary, my wife and I went to see Godzilla, and then we ate at Barnyard Venice, and it was like, 'We are crazy! The Kardashians have to keep up with us!' — Bill Hader

Barnyard Quotes By George Sutherland

A nuisance may be merely a right thing in the wrong place like a pig in the parlor instead of the barnyard. — George Sutherland

Barnyard Quotes By Christina Baker Kline

As with Dutchy and Carmine on the train, this little cluster of women has become a kind of family to me. Like an abandoned foal that nestles against cows in the barnyard, maybe I just need to feel the warmth of belonging. And if I'm not going to find that with the Byrnes, I will find it, however partial and illusory, with the women in the sewing room. — Christina Baker Kline

Barnyard Quotes By Henry Ward Beecher

Money in the hands of one or two men is like a dungheap in a barnyard. So long as it lies in a mass, it does no good; but, if it is only spread out evenly on the land, everything will grow. — Henry Ward Beecher

Barnyard Quotes By Janice Tanton

Sometimes I misstep into something perhaps I shouldn't, but with age comes a thick, high pair of rubber boots to wade through the barnyard. We should all have to get to the dirt and 'muck out' at some point in our lives. — Janice Tanton

Barnyard Quotes By Anonymous

that the prevalence of hierarchy is not limited to human societies. There are clear hierarchies among most social birds and mammals, including those species most nearly related to human beings. Farmers have always known that barnyard flocks of hens develop a 'pecking order' in which each hen has a rank, allowing her to peck at and drive away from food birds below her in rank, but to be pecked by, and forced to give up food to, those above her. — Anonymous

Barnyard Quotes By Dian Fossey

I shall never forget my first encounter with gorillas. Sound preceded sight. Odor preceded sound in the form of an overwhelming, musky-barnyard, humanlike scent. The air was suddenly rent by a high-pitched series of screams followed by the rhythmic rondo of sharp pok-pok chestbeats from a great silverbacked male obscured behind what seemed an impenetrable wall of vegetation. — Dian Fossey

Barnyard Quotes By Michael J. Sullivan

After catching an arrow in the back and passing out in Tom the Feather's barnyard, Hadrian had woken up on a comfortable bed surrounded by lovely women. He thought he'd died and regretted every time he'd ever cursed Maribor's name. — Michael J. Sullivan

Barnyard Quotes By Sylvia Plath

This month is fit for little.
The dead ripen in the grapeleaves.
A red tongue is among us.
Mother, keep out of my barnyard,
I am becoming another.
Dog-head, devourer:
Feed me the berries of dark.
The lids won't shut. Time
Unwinds from the great umbilicus of the sun
its endless glitter.
I must swallow it all.
Lady, who are those others in the moons' vat-
Sleepdrunk, their limbs at odds?
In this light the blood is black.
Tell me my name. — Sylvia Plath

Barnyard Quotes By Loretta Lynn

You don't see no city when you look at me cause country's all I am. I love runnin' barefoot through the old cornfields and I love that country ham. Well you say I'm made just to fit your plans but there's a barnyard shovel pick your hands. If your eyes are on me you're lookin' at country. — Loretta Lynn

Barnyard Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Were not people but cartoon mice and rats and barnyard animals, human-sized, and celebrating - began to sing songs from Disney cartoons. Fat Charlie knew that they wanted him to join in with them. Even asleep he could feel himself panicking at the simple idea of having to sing in public, his limbs becoming numb, his lips prickling. I — Neil Gaiman

Barnyard Quotes By Abraham Lincoln

Sending armies to McClellan is like shoveling fleas across a barnyard, not half of them get there. — Abraham Lincoln

Barnyard Quotes By Tara Sivec

Oh, please. I heard barnyard animal noises coming from your room the other night and someone shouting 'Pull my reins, bitch!' I realize you're twenty-one-years old and theoretically an adult, but if I have to hear that shit one more time when I'm trying to sleep, I will beat you like a red-headed step child," she warns. — Tara Sivec

Barnyard Quotes By George Gaylord Simpson

A rill in a barnyard and the Grand Canyon represent, in the main, stages of valley erosion that began some millions of years apart. — George Gaylord Simpson

Barnyard Quotes By Rick Riordan

He was slumped over, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. I shook his furry hip, thinking, No! Even if you are half barnyard animal, you're my best friend and I don't want you to die!
Then he groaned "Food," and I knew there was hope. — Rick Riordan

Barnyard Quotes By Dan Fante

...man can survive ...he can kill and be twisted and broken and desperate and insane and fuck barnyard pets in the dark and wear a dress if he chooses, and hate and destroy everything that's beautiful, and wish for death for himself and others with every breath, and still be a perfect child of God. — Dan Fante

Barnyard Quotes By Eden Winters

He folded his hands behind his back and puffed out his chest. Reminded Lucky of a barnyard rooster. Anybody who referred to Lucky as a cocky little bantam found out pretty soon that Lucky could back up his strut, and this guy was probably the roostah who used ta, or he wouldn't be teaching. — Eden Winters

Barnyard Quotes By Steve Oedekerk

A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others.

-Ben, BarnyardSteve Oedekerk

Barnyard Quotes By Maggie Brendan

Is that a fact, Miss Georgia Cracker? Maybe a gentleman does, but not a cowboy. The only time a real cowboy removes his hat is for a funeral, a wedding, or church. A cowboy likes to keep his hat close by in case he needs to get out in a real hurry. That thing you call a hat on your head is big enough for two barnyard owls to roost in. — Maggie Brendan

Barnyard Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

What's important about morality in politics is us. We own the chicken farm. We must give our bird-brained, feather-headed politicians morals. Politicians love to think of themselves as "free-range" but they do not have the capacity to hunt or gather morals in the wild. If we fail to supply them with morality, politicians begin to act very scary in the barnyard. These are enormous headless chickens and they have nukes. — P. J. O'Rourke