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At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes & Sayings

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Top At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By David Eagleman

We are not at the center of ourselves, but instead - like the Earth in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way in the universe - far out on a distant edge, hearing little of what is transpiring. — David Eagleman

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Peter Russell

Science can explain what's happening down inside atoms and what's happening at the edge of the universe, but it cannot explain consciousness. It's a paradox
withou t consciousness there would be no science, but science doesn't know what to do, at all, with consciousness. — Peter Russell

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Binyavanga Wainaina

It is a pink and blue feeling, as sharp as clear sky; a slight breeze, and the edges of Lake Nakuru would rise like the ruffle at the edge of a skirt; and I am pockmarked with whole-body pinpricks of potentiality. A stretch of my body would surely stretch as far as the sky. The whole universe poised, and I am the agent of any movement. — Binyavanga Wainaina

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Jack McDevitt

The most important thing we've done," he said to an audience at Andiquar University, "was to get off-world. That was the single act that opened the universe to us. We owe all that to the men and women who made the Apollo flights possible and especially to those who put their lives at risk, and who sometimes paid the price, to actually ride the vehicles. They got us started. Once we'd set foot on the Moon, it was inevitable that we'd go on to Rimway and Dellaconda and the edge of the galaxy. We knew it would take a while. That we'd get in our own way. That we'd be discouraged by the vast distances involved simply in going to Mars. We understood that we were probably facing an empty and cold universe. But it was the beginning, and in our hearts we must have known we would not be stopped. — Jack McDevitt

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Sarah Strohmeyer

Risk is the universe's way of pushing us to become more than what we are. Risk is faith at the edge. Risk is the pulsating nature of life. — Sarah Strohmeyer

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Sabah Carrim

Sadly you went looking for God above the skies and below the ground and because you didn't find him you thought he didn't exist.
Then you believed he was at the edge of the universe and when you still did not find him you again believed that he did not exist.
You didn't care to look hard enough. What you kept seeing above, below and at the edge were in truth just the intestines of God.
We are its microbes. — Sabah Carrim

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Terry Pratchett

The whole panoply of the universe has been neatly expressed to them as things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. This frees the mind from unnecessary thoughts and gives it a cutting edge where it matters. Your normal animal, in fact, never tries to walk and chew gum at the same time. The average human, on the other hand, thinks about all sorts of things around the clock, on all sorts of levels, with interruptions from dozens of biological calendars and time-pieces. There's thoughts about to be said, and private thoughts, and real thoughts, and thoughts about thoughts, and a whole gamut of subconscious thoughts. — Terry Pratchett

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Toba Beta

There are no walls at the edge of this universe ...
absence of gravity is the limit of space existence. — Toba Beta

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Toba Beta

If we presume that the boundary of the universe is a kind of surrounding wall,
then we think like ancestors who thought there's abyss at the edge of flat earth. — Toba Beta

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Stephen Crane

This tower was a giant, standing with its back to the plight of the ants. It represented in a degree, to the correspondent, the serenity of nature amid the struggles of the individual
nature in the wind, and nature in the vision of men. She did not seem cruel to him, nor beneficent, nor treacherous, nor wise. But she was indifferent, flatly indifferent. It is, perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed with the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of his life and have them taste wickedly in his mind and wish for another chance. A distinction between right and wrong seems absurdly clear to him, then, in this new ignorance of the grave-edge, and he understands that if he were given another opportunity he would mend his conduct and his words, and be better and brighter during an introduction, or at a tea. — Stephen Crane

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Gabriel Iqbal

Therefore, all the scientific data suggests that what we perceive has an effect on matter as we view it. We are co-creating this universe as participators. So if we are looking at the smallest sub-atomic particles and/or the edge of the universe we bring about the act of creation just by observing hence we will never find the smallest subatomic particles or the edge of the universe as we are co-creating reality. Hence the dilemma, if there is an edge of the universe, what is beyond the edge or if we have found the smallest sub-atomic particle what is it further made up of. I can sum up my research by stating that the very act of observation creates reality. — Gabriel Iqbal

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Ruth Bernhard

Every day I am aware of the flow and constant change; perhaps I am at the edge of discovering what more our bodies might be able to teach about the spirit of life. At least, I am always exploring and trying to understand our relationship to the whole universe. — Ruth Bernhard

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

When I reach to the edge of the universe, I do so knowing that along some paths of cosmic discovery, there are times when, at least for now, one must be content to love the questions themselves. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Alexei Panshin

There is a lesson that I learned at twelve - the world does not end at the edge of a quad. There are people outside. The world does not end on the Fourth Level. There are people elsewhere. It took me two years to learn to apply the lesson - that neither does the world end with the Ship. If you want to accept life, you have to accept the whole bloody universe. The universe is filled with people, and there is not a single solitary spear carrier among them. — Alexei Panshin

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Kseniya Melnik

Everything felt wrong, like she was living in a parallel universe, separated by one crucial degree from the one containing the life she was meant to have. This other, true life was visible to her, even palpable at certain instances - like during the births of her sons - but impossible to occupy. She cried from pity for herself, and because of the stupidity of such pity. She cried for Luciano and for Anton. She cried because she'd only loved one boy with the follow-you-over-the-edge-of-the-earth kind of love - at fifteen. She cried for her mother, who had died two years ago, and whom she still missed every day. — Kseniya Melnik

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Before we knew it, we were walking along the breakwater until the whole city, shining with silence, speak out at our feet like the greatest mirage in the universe, emerging from the pool of the harbor waters. We sat on the edge of the jetty to gaze at the sight.
This city is a sorceress, you know, Daniel? It gets under your skin and steals your soul without you knowing it. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

While the Copernican principle comes with no guarantees that it will forever guide us to cosmic truths, it's worked quite well so far: not only is Earth not in the center of the solar system, but the solar system is not in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy is not in the center of the universe, and it may come to pass that our universe is just one of many that comprise a multiverse. And in case you're one of those people who thinks that the edge may be a special place, we are not at the edge of anything either. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Eileen R. Tabios

An image is seen based on the light speed between the observer and the event. An image is light. Scientists theorize about sighting the edge of the universe and believe they are looking at the beginning of time. Things started moving away from each other when the Big Bang exploded 18 billion years ago. Sages theorize that this impassive distancing will end someday. Then things will reverse and start moving back towards each other. If reversal fails and contraction continues, the universe will collapse into itself, imploding into a Black Hole that can encapsulate an entire universe into a dark space the size of a fist. The size of a fist mirrors the size of a heart. — Eileen R. Tabios

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

At the very best there are two major problems with ideology. The first is that it does not represent or conform to or even address reality. It is a straight-edge ruler in a fractal universe. And the second is that it inspires in its believers the notion that the fault here lies with miscreant fact, which should therefore be conformed to the requirements of theory by all means necessary. — Marilynne Robinson

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Lea Michele

I don't think I've gone a day in my life without being inspired by Celine Dion. If you would've seen me at her concert in Las Vegas - like, I'm surprised I didn't get kicked out. I was literally sitting at the edge of my seat like the happiest girl in the entire universe. — Lea Michele

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Man who is at the edge of a precipice has always a better chance to understand the universe than a man who is far away from that precipice! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By J.C. Wickhart

Now I stand on the edge of a new world, a new life; pondering what type of fortunes and catastrophes await me. Bring it on, I've handled a generous amount of profound and weird shit in my lifetime that the universe could sling at me and I have always walked away more seasoned. Through blunder and mishap I've grown wise and callused, and I've risen from the aftermath as a warrior, a grandmaster, a champion of bad virtues and noble intentions. — J.C. Wickhart

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Lydia Millet

If you're the kind of person who wants to know what's at the end of the universe, what's at the edge of being ... and comprehension settles on you that you'll never know, despair can well up. — Lydia Millet

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Dermot Bolger

I think there's no harm, sometimes, to feel on the edge of things. If you're on the margins you can see a bigger picture. And I actually quite like standing at a peculiar angle to the universe. — Dermot Bolger

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Esther Hicks

All of your desires, wants, or preferences emanate from you naturally and constantly, for you stand at the Leading Edge of a Universe that makes that so. — Esther Hicks

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Chris Hadfield

When I closed my eyes, for instance, I occasionally saw very faint bursts of light: cosmic rays - high-energy particles from some distant sun racing across the universe and striking my optic nerve like a personal lightning bolt. The flashes were right at the edge of perception, almost as if teasing me to detect them. — Chris Hadfield

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Thomas Ligotti

In those moments, which were eternal I assure you, I had no location in the universe, nothing to grasp for that minimum of security which every creature needs merely to exist without suffering from the sensation that everything is spinning ever faster on a cosmic carousel with only endless blackness at the edge of that wheeling ride. I know that your condition differs from mine, and therefore you have no means by which to fully comprehend my ordeals just as I cannot fully comprehend yours. But I do acknowledge that both our conditions are unendurable, despite the doctor's second-hand platitude that nothing in this world is unendurable. I've even come to believe that the world itself, by its very nature, is unendurable. It's only our responses to this fact that deviate: mine being predominately a response of passive terror approaching absolute panic; yours being predominantly a response of gruesome obsessions that you fear you might act upon. — Thomas Ligotti

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Ryszard Kapuscinski

Our world, seemingly global, is in reality a planet of thousands of the most varied and never intersecting provinces. A trip around the world is a journey from backwater to backwater, each of which considers itself, in its isolation, a shining star. For most people, the real world ends on the threshold of their house, at the edge of their village, or, at the very most, on the border of their valley. That, which is beyond is unreal, unimportant, and even useless, whereas that which we have at our fingertips, in our field of vision, expands until it seems an entire universe, overshadowing all else. Often, the native and the newcomer have difficulty finding a common language, because each looks at the same place through a different lens. The newcomer has a wide-angle lens, which gives him a distant diminished view, although with a long horizon line, while the local always employs a telescopic lens that magnifies the slightest detail. — Ryszard Kapuscinski

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By David Mitchell

My role was to pulse at the edge of the universe of the faithful, alone in the darkness. An outrider. A herald. — David Mitchell

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Walter Terence Stace

In music, sometimes a man will feel that he comes to the edge of breaking out from prison bars of existence, breaking out from the universe altogether. There is a sense that the goal is at hand; that the boundary wall of the universe is crumbling and will be breached at the next moment, when the soul will pass out free into the infinite. — Walter Terence Stace

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By James S.A. Corey

Any government was going to have traffic laws. Before the Emperor, the Republic had enforced its edicts at the laser-sharp edge of a Jedi's lightsaber. It was the way the universe worked. — James S.A. Corey

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

At very best there are two problems with ideology. The first is that it does not represent or conform to or even address reality. It is a straight-edge ruler of a fractal universe. And the second is that it inspires in its believers the notion that the fault here lies with miscreant fact, which should therefore be conformed to the requirements of theory by all means necessary. To the ideologue this would amount to putting the world right, ridding it of ambiguity and of those tedious and endless moral and ethical questions that dog us through life, and that those around us so rarely answer to our satisfaction. — Marilynne Robinson

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Donna Augustine

Just don't get distracted. Keep focused." "I think I could figure that out." I snapped, and knew I was on edge; perhaps overreacting due to stress. "There's a lot of things I thought you'd figure out that you haven't." I should've left it at that. I'd gotten nasty, he'd gotten nasty back. But I couldn't. "You mean like figuring out that you used my friend to screw with me? Stuff like that?" "Using her would have been sleeping with her. If I'd actually wanted her, I would have had her, and that's just stating the facts." He broke into a falsetto then "'I don't want you, no wait, I do want you' and then you hang all over Vitor. Maybe you had it coming?" "So you used my friend? You thought that was the smart thing to do? No wonder we've got holes rotting away our universe, this whole operation is being run by an idiot! — Donna Augustine

At The Edge Of The Universe Quotes By Erin Kellison

Oh, please, no. The tag was a six-moon survey permit for Encantada, a cluster world at the edge of the Han System. It was the kind of tag a xenobioform engineer would need among a crew exploring a new world. He'd seen one once before. Five years ago. When she had left him.
His balance faltered. Vision narrowed. The universe condensed to a name, printed above the tag code.
Mica Sol. Once his. Forever his only.
He could've killed her ... — Erin Kellison