Arrogance Bible Quotes & Sayings
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Top Arrogance Bible Quotes

Empowered Women 101: Everyone wants to be a princess, but you weren't the first princess in his life. They scrubbed his floors, washed his workout clothes, picked up his dirty socks and dealt with his issues. Always remember that history leaves a pattern of what to expect. A real woman knows that the bible is a motivator, but the real instruction manual is observing the last woman's struggle. — Shannon L. Alder

God's will can go fuck itself. And so can you. — Jason Aaron

The scriptures of all three of the great monotheisms show that they began similarly as popular movements in protest against the privilege and arrogance of power, whether that of kings as in the Hebrew bible, or the Roman Empire as in the Gospels, or a tribal elite as in the Quran. All three, that is, were originally driven by ideals of justice and egalitarianism, rejecting the inequities of human power in favor of a higher and more just one. — Lesley Hazleton

Boys, tell your mother to shut her lying whore mouth before I shove the nearest apple down her throat. — Jason Aaron

I often think myself to be so ingenious that I don't even realize that my own plans may actually be my own undoing. Therefore, I might be wise to realize that God's plans undo what I've done that's undoing me. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

The exegetical foundations would appear to be weak, and one shouldn't build huge theological edifices, no matter how splendid or consistent, on weak foundations. — Ben Witherington III

But does contemptus mean 'contempt,' dear? Of course not. That would imply arrogance, superiority, pride. So much that we call worldly is actually just flawed or being seen through a cracked lens. Imperfect or imperfectly understood. Who are we to judge as contemptible a thing or person whose existence God sustains? Everything, however imperfect, has its purpose.
No, Tony dear, contemptus mundi means 'detachment from the world,' seeing the world sub specie aeternitatis. Enduring or celebrating it, but never forgetting - even when it seems perfect and forever - that as the Bible says: 'all this shall pass like grass before the wind. — Tony Hendra