Famous Quotes & Sayings

Army Armor Quotes & Sayings

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Top Army Armor Quotes

Army Armor Quotes By John Steinbeck

It is a rule in paleontology that ornamentation and complication precede extinction. And our mutation, of which the assembly line, the collective farm, the mechanized army, and the mass production of food are evidences or even symptoms, might well correspond to the thickening armor of the great reptiles - a tendency that can end only in extinction. If this should happen to be true, nothing stemming from thought can interfere with it or bend it. Conscious thought seems to have little effect on the action or direction of our species. — John Steinbeck

Army Armor Quotes By Glen Robinson

Halloo down there," the voice said. Ziba saw a burly soldier in armor standing at the edge of the cliff. "Are you Israelites?"
"We are," Jonathan said.
"We thought all of the Israelites were still hiding in the caves." Ziba heard others laughing and could tell that they had been drinking. "We have plenty of wine here if you want to come join us. We even have some of your countrymen who are now in our army."
"If we come up there, it will be only to fight and kill you," Jonathan said.
The Philistine laughed. "Well, then, come on up. It's plenty boring up here. Maybe you can liven things up, small as you are."
Jonathan looked at Ziba, who then nodded.
"We'll be right up," Jonathan shouted back. — Glen Robinson

Army Armor Quotes By John Steinbeck

If then this tendency toward collectivization is a mutation there is no reason to suppose it is for the better. It is a rule in paleontology that ornamentation and complication precede extinction. And our mutation, of which the assembly line, the collective farm, the mechanized army, and the mass production of food are evidences or even symptoms, might well correspond to the thickening armor of the great reptiles - a tendency that can end only in extinction. — John Steinbeck

Army Armor Quotes By Noam Chomsky

Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army and calls it a war. — Noam Chomsky

Army Armor Quotes By Hildegard Of Bingen

When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit. — Hildegard Of Bingen

Army Armor Quotes By Mrs. Patton

The approach was successful, and Patton did give us a detailed account of his forthcoming battle plans. He said we would first make a hole in the German lines, probably in the western or Lessay sector, and through this hole he would hurl his armor, fanning it out in two great spear-heads, one of which was to go west to Brest and cut off the Brittany peninsula; the other to go east and encircle the German Seventh Army. He said he would be ready to go within two weeks. — Mrs. Patton

Army Armor Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Hold onto the wings of angels that pass your way. They fly higher than any army that has none. — Shannon L. Alder

Army Armor Quotes By Marcus Valerius Martial

Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst. — Marcus Valerius Martial

Army Armor Quotes By Myles Munroe

Let me define prayer for you in this show. Prayer is man giving God permission or license to interfere in earth's affairs. In other words, prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference. — Myles Munroe

Army Armor Quotes By Phil Robertson

Basically, I don't ever move too far past the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, because it's of first importance. And I make sure it's of first importance with anyone I'm talking to. It all comes down to that, really, when you get right down to it. So it's not complex. Jesus removed our sins and guarantees we can be raised from the dead. — Phil Robertson

Army Armor Quotes By Daniel P. Bolger

In the armed forces, those who fight on the ground generally see those on ships as much better off. The Marines live in both worlds, and they have strong views. Major General Julian C. Smith put it well on the eve of the bloody 1943 Tarawa landing: "Even though you Navy officers do come in to about a thousand yards, I remind you that you have a little armor. I want you to know that Marines are crossing that beach with bayonets, and the only armor they will have is a khaki shirt." As an admiral who had risen from the ranks once told an Army infantryman, the worst wardroom always trumps the best foxhole. — Daniel P. Bolger

Army Armor Quotes By Lars Brownworth

Crete was heavily fortified, but Nicephorus brushed aside the waiting Arab army by sending in his marines - terrifying Norse warriors whose terrible double-bladed axes could smash through armor and bone alike. — Lars Brownworth

Army Armor Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Death is our friend precisely because it brings us into absolute and passionate presence with all that is here, that is natural, that is love. Death stands before eternity and says YES. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Army Armor Quotes By E. Nesbit

Feathers, and a shield and a lance and a sword. His armor and his weapons were all, I am almost sure, of quite different periods. The shield was thirteenth century, while the sword was of the pattern used in the Peninsular War. The cuirass was of the time of Charles I., and the helmet dated from the Second Crusade. The arms on the shield were very grand - three red running lions on a blue ground. The tents were of the latest brand approved of by our modern War Office, and the whole appearance of camp, army, and leader might have been a shock to some. But Robert was dumb with admiration, and it all seemed to him perfectly correct, because he knew no more of heraldry or archaeology than the gifted artists who usually drew the pictures for the historical romances. The scene was indeed "exactly like a picture." He admired — E. Nesbit

Army Armor Quotes By David Eddings

Impatience is a poor substitute for a well-considered plan. — David Eddings

Army Armor Quotes By Donald Rumsfeld

As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time. Since the Iraq conflict began, the Army has been pressing ahead to produce the armor necessary at a rate that they believe
it's a greatly expanded rate from what existed previously, but a rate that they believe is the rate that is all that can be accomplished at this moment. — Donald Rumsfeld

Army Armor Quotes By Eric Shinseki

I am an armor officer. I grew up as a part of the team that helped to field M-1s and M-60-A3s to the army back in 1980s. It's still a magnificent tank, and we designed it for the Cold War and Central Europe. — Eric Shinseki

Army Armor Quotes By Julie Kagawa

I don't normally wear armor, but then, I don't normally have to face an army of Iron fey, either. — Julie Kagawa

Army Armor Quotes By Xander Berkeley

I want to direct films, because I am a painter and a sculptor and I've done a lot of writing. — Xander Berkeley

Army Armor Quotes By Camilla Belle

For me everything in the film was gradually building, becoming more emotional, so it helped. At the end of it all I was emotionally drained. At that point I took Rose's view, that this has to happen, there's nothing I can do about it. — Camilla Belle

Army Armor Quotes By Martin Luther

The devil and temptations also do give occasion unto us somewhat to learn and understand the Scriptures, by experience and practice. Without trials and temptations we should never understand anything thereof; no, not although we diligently read and heard the same. — Martin Luther

Army Armor Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

That's when Georgie decided, during that cocksure kiss, that Neal was what she needed to be happy. — Rainbow Rowell