Famous Quotes & Sayings

Anticipate Needs Quotes & Sayings

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Top Anticipate Needs Quotes

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Amir Levine

If you're anxious, when you start to feel something is bothering you in a relationship, you tend to quickly get flooded with negative emotions and think in extremes. Unlike your secure counterpart, you don't expect your partner to respond positively but anticipate the opposite. You perceive the relationship as something fragile and unstable that can collapse at any moment. These thoughts and assumptions make it hard for you to express your needs effectively. — Amir Levine

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Ted Schadler

First, people are no longer sitting in one place; they are innately and incessantly mobile and connected at every waking moment regardless of where they are. Second, they are not happy to slog through the complex linear processes you've developed for your business. Third, they are not willing to serve themselves if they think you should anticipate their needs and serve them immediately. — Ted Schadler

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Steven Pinker

Commerce, trade and exchange make other people more valuable alive than dead, and mean that people try to anticipate what the other guy needs and wants. It engages the mechanisms of reciprocal altruism, as the evolutionary biologists call it, as opposed to raw dominance. — Steven Pinker

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Anton Chekhov

In two or three hundred years life on earth will be unimaginably beautiful, astounding. Man needs such a life and if it hasn't yetappeared, he should begin to anticipate it, wait for it, dream about it, prepare for it. To achieve this, he has to see and know more than did his grandfather and father. — Anton Chekhov

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Mark Brunell

For me personally, I need to anticipate pressure and tuck the ball away. — Mark Brunell

Anticipate Needs Quotes By David Cronenberg

You need language for thought, and you need language to anticipate death. There is no abstract thought without language and no anticipation. I think the anticipation of death without language would be impossible. — David Cronenberg

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Lydia Minatoya

Perhaps for many Japanese, autobiographical fiction writing is life. We are a people expected to complement, to harmonize, to anticipate one another's needs. All without a single spoken clue.

And the reason is that he's in training to be a writer. Observing detail, understanding irony, interpreting motivation. Hiro knows that acts are symbolic. The hard sour fruit offered too soon in its season carries a message. He has made an error in the timing of his visit. He has inconvenienced that family.

This is the Japanese way. Cogitating on inner meaning. Revealing ourselves and perceiving others through carefully crafted scenes.

Writing our endless I-stories. — Lydia Minatoya

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Norman Foster

Joseph Bazalgette created a sewer system which he originally sized for London's needs of the time - he then doubled it to anticipate the future beyond. These are the qualities that I admire. — Norman Foster

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Alain De Botton

We take this idea of love with us into adulthood. Grown up, we hope for a re-creation of what it felt like to be ministered to and indulged. In a secret corner of our mind, we picture a lover who will anticipate our needs, read our hearts, act selflessly and make everything better. It sounds 'romantic'; yet it is a blueprint for disaster. — Alain De Botton

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Gabriel Aluisy

Great brands solve problems for their customers in profound ways because they understand the pain points and anticipate needs based on that understanding. — Gabriel Aluisy

Anticipate Needs Quotes By William Monahan

I love audiences, but they're not there to drive the bus. Whenever you ask opinions or anticipate opinions you can get pretty terrible art, or non-art. You need a single guiding intelligence, even in a collaborative form. — William Monahan

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Anita Desai

Only their efforts to make him talk failed. he would say one word at a time, if pressed, but seemed happier not to and could not be made to repeat a whole line. Gradually, as his family learnt how to anticipate his few needs and how to respond, they ceased to notice his silence -his manner of communication seemed full and rich enough to them: he no more needed to converse than Aunt Mira's cat did. — Anita Desai

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Susie Orbach

For a young woman today, developing femininity successfully requires meeting three basic demands. The first of these is that she must defer to others, the second that she must anticipate and meet the needs of others, and the third, that she must seek self-definition through connection with another. The consequences of these requirements frequently mean that in denying themselves, women are unable to develop an authentic sense of their needs or a feeling of entitlement for their desires. Preoccupied with others' experience and unfamiliar with their own needs, women come to depend on the approval of those to whom they give. The imperative of affiliation, the culture demand that a woman must define herself through association with another, means that many aspects of self are under-developed, producing insecurity and a shaky sense of self. Under the competent carer who gives to the world lives a hungry, deprived and needy little girl who is unsure and ashamed of her desires and wants. — Susie Orbach

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Kurt Warner

As long as you know what you are doing and how to anticipate and throw, I don't think you need all that much physically. — Kurt Warner

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Thomas Of Villanova

If you want God to hear your prayers, hear the voice of the poor. If you wish God to anticipate your wants, provide those of the needy without waiting for them to ask you. Especially anticipate the needs of those who are ashamed to beg. To make them ask for alms is to make them buy it. — Thomas Of Villanova

Anticipate Needs Quotes By Robert Cormier

That's what Archie did - built a house nobody could anticipate a need for, except himself, a house that was invisible to everyone else. — Robert Cormier