Famous Quotes & Sayings

Anti White Racism Quotes & Sayings

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Top Anti White Racism Quotes

Anti White Racism Quotes By Gloria D. Gonsalves

Don't break a neck looking up for God. Try looking down at inspiring human deeds. — Gloria D. Gonsalves

Anti White Racism Quotes By Ronaldinho

Football is a great love because I was born into a family of players and therefore born into football. I'm fortunate to have a style of play that a lot of people like. It's a privilege to be able to do what I like best and in my own way, but I'm fortunate that people like it, and that motivates me even more. — Ronaldinho

Anti White Racism Quotes By Sloane Crosley

I wanted to be an archaeologist. But in school you have to take a tremendous amount of statistics for that, and I am not good at statistics. So I hit a real wall with archaeology. It's probably like wanting to be an architect - you think it's all fun and games, and then you have to get out a calculator and you're done. — Sloane Crosley

Anti White Racism Quotes By Frank B. Wilderson III

If we are to be honest with ourselves, we must admit that the "Negro" has been inviting whites, as well as civil society's junior partners, to the dance of social death for hundreds of years, but few have wanted to learn the steps. They have been, and remain today - even in the most anti-racist movements, like the prison abolition movement - invested elsewhere. This is not to say that all oppositional political desire today is pro-white, but it is usually anti-Black, meaning it will not dance with death. — Frank B. Wilderson III

Anti White Racism Quotes By Pascal Bruckner

Progressive thought is blind when it suggests that there can be no anti-white racism or an anti-semitism among the formerly oppressed or the young people in the projects because they themselves have suffered from this evil. They are the victims; they are exempt from the prejudices that affect the majority of the population. But the reverse is true: racism is multiplying at exponential rates among groups and communities, taboos are collapsing, and everything is explained in terms of physical characteristics, identity, purity, and difference. and this is a racism that is all the more certain that it is right because it is regarded as a legitimate reaction on the part of the persecuted. now we see the obsession with the pedigree and the old distinctions derived from slavery being revived, and prejudices accumulating in the name of racism. This is the end of the concept of humanity as union in diversity and the triumph of human species incompatible with each other. — Pascal Bruckner

Anti White Racism Quotes By Krysta Williams

Labelling is no longer a liberating political act but a necessity in order to gain entrance into the academic industrial complex and other discussions and spaces. For example, if so called "radical" or "progressive" people don't hear enough "buzz" words (like feminist, anti-oppression, anti-racist, social justice, etc.) in your introduction, then you are deemed unworthy and not knowledgeable enough to speak with authority on issues that you have lived experience with. The criteria for identifying as a feminist by academic institutions, peer reviewed journals, national bodies, conferences, and other knowledge gatekeepers is very exclusive. It is based on academic theory instead of based on lived experiences or values. Name-dropping is so elitist! You're not a "real" feminist unless you can quote, or have read the following white women: (insert Women's Studies 101 readings). — Krysta Williams

Anti White Racism Quotes By Clarence Page

It does no service to the cause of racial equality for white people to content themselves with judging themselves to be nonracist. Few people outside the clan or skinhead movements own up to all-out racism these days. White people must take the extra step. They must become anti-racist. — Clarence Page

Anti White Racism Quotes By Rick Riordan

Stop smiling!" she ordered. "I can see you, Carter. Oh ... and, uh, hullo, Walt."
The pot monster made squeaky grinding noises as it stood up straight. One clunky arm rose and tried to fix Sadie's nonexistent hair. Leave it to Sadie to be
self-conscious around boys, even when she's made out of pots and duct tape. — Rick Riordan

Anti White Racism Quotes By Macklemore

I think that, as a white person stepping into doing any sort of anti-systematic-racism type of work, asking yourself, 'What is your intention?' needs to happen on a consistent basis. Check yourself. Check yourself. Check yourself, like, constantly. — Macklemore

Anti White Racism Quotes By Alexandrea Weis

Forget about him." He traced his lips up the side of my neck to my earlobe, "Just do whatever feels right," he whispered.
His lips felt like warm silk against my skin. "I don't think I ever knew how to do that," I admitted.
"I'll show you. Making love is like a dance, darlin'. We must learn to move together as one. — Alexandrea Weis

Anti White Racism Quotes By Amit Kalantri

In material things, there are seven wonders; in human beings there is only one wonder - and that's you. — Amit Kalantri

Anti White Racism Quotes By Karina Halle

Everything has a new meaning with you. — Karina Halle

Anti White Racism Quotes By Mark Helprin

All great discoveries," the elder Marratta had once said, "are products as much of doubt as of certainty, and the two in opposition clear the air for marvelous accidents." At — Mark Helprin

Anti White Racism Quotes By Stormie O'martian

LORD, I am grateful for Your Word. It shows me how to live, and I realize my life only works if I'm living Your way. Meet me there in the pages and teach me what I need to know. "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law" (Psalm 119:18). — Stormie O'martian

Anti White Racism Quotes By Marvin J. Ashton

According to the dictionary, knock has two definitions: "to strike something with a sharp blow," and "to find fault with, a harsh and often petty criticism." Perhaps in human relationships both of these meanings could apply. Almost all men will respond to sincere praise and rebel at harsh and cutting criticisms. — Marvin J. Ashton

Anti White Racism Quotes By Jude Morgan

If someone tries to use you as a tool, you shouldn't mind it, because it is their choice and folly, not yours. — Jude Morgan

Anti White Racism Quotes By Edward Abbey

That which today calls itself science gives us more and more information, and indigestible glut of information, and less and less understanding. — Edward Abbey