Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Amino Acids

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Top Amino Acids Quotes

Amino Acids Quotes By Alan Moore

The clothes you're wearing, the room, the house, the city that you're in. Everything in it started out in the human imagination. Your lives, your personalities, your whole world. All invented. All made up. All the wars, the romances. The masterpieces and the machines. And there's nothing here but a funny little twist of amino acids, playing a marvelous game of pretend. — Alan Moore

Amino Acids Quotes By Frank Zane

Back in the day I took a lot of supplements and tons of amino acids. Still do. But back then it was pretty unusual. That's how I got the nickname The Chemist. — Frank Zane

Amino Acids Quotes By Ellie Whitney

releases amino acids.* These amino acids mix with amino acids from
dietary protein to form an "amino acid pool" within the cells and circulating
blood. The rate of protein degradation and the amount of protein intake may vary,
but the pattern of amino acids within the pool remains fairly constant. Regardless
of their source, any of these amino acids can be used to make body proteins or
other nitrogen-containing compounds, or they can be stripped of their nitrogen
and used for energy (either immediately or stored as fat for later use).
nitrogen Balance Protein turnover and nitrogen balance go hand — Ellie Whitney

Amino Acids Quotes By George Wells Beadle

It is, I believe, justifiable to make the generalization that anything an organic chemist can synthesize can be made without him. All he does is increase the probability that given reactions will 'go.' So it is quite reasonable to assume that given sufficient time and proper conditions, nucleotides, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids will arise by reactions that, though less probable, are as inevitable as those by which the organic chemist fulfills his predictions. So why not self-duplicating virus-like systems capable of further evolution? — George Wells Beadle

Amino Acids Quotes By Daniel Kalish

When you are taking fixed dosages of amino acids, what is happening in the kidneys mimics exactly what is happening in the brain. — Daniel Kalish

Amino Acids Quotes By Christopher McDougall

Vegetables, grains, and legumes contain all the amino acids necessary to build muscle from scratch. Like — Christopher McDougall

Amino Acids Quotes By Gary Null

I go to a poison registry and I find that no one has died from any overdose of any vitamins, herbs, or amino acids ... But FIVE THOUSAND people end up dying from drug reactions in a single year. — Gary Null

Amino Acids Quotes By Michael Pollan

Originally, the atoms of carbon from which we're made were floating in the air, part of a carbon dioxide molecule. The only way to recruit these carbon atoms for the molecules necessary to support life - the carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and lipids - is by means of photosynthesis. Using sunlight as a catalyst the green cells of plants combine carbon atoms taken from the air with water and elements drawn from the soil to form the simple organic compounds that stand at the base of every food chain. It is more than a figure of speech to say that plants create life out of thin air. — Michael Pollan

Amino Acids Quotes By Christian De Duve

Ribosomes contain RNA, messenger RNA provides the information, transfer RNAs brings the amino acids; so the protein-making machinery is an RNA machinery, completely. — Christian De Duve

Amino Acids Quotes By Ian McEwan

Who could ever reckon up the damage done to love and friendship and all hopes of happiness by a surfeit or depletion of this or that neurotransmitter? And who will ever find a morality, an ethics down among the enzymes and amino acids when the general taste is for looking in the other direction? — Ian McEwan

Amino Acids Quotes By James Gleick

The macromolecules of organic life embody information in an intricate structure. A single hemoglobin molecule comprises four chains of polypeptides, two with 141 amino acids and two with 146, in strict linear sequence, bonded and folded together. Atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and iron could mingle randomly for the lifetime of the universe and be no more likely to form hemoglobin than the proverbial chimpanzees to type the works of Shakespeare. Their genesis requires energy; they are built up from simpler, less patterned parts, and the law of entropy applies. For earthly life, the energy comes as photons from the sun. The information comes via evolution. — James Gleick

Amino Acids Quotes By Jennifer Donnelly

A heart is made of proteins built by amino acids, animated by electrical impulses. — Jennifer Donnelly

Amino Acids Quotes By Ben Goldacre

Classically, cosmetics companies will take highly theoretical, textbookish information about the way that cells work - the components at a molecular level or the behavior of cells in a glass dish - and then pretend it's the same as the ultimate issue of whether something makes you look nice. "This molecular component," they say, with a flourish, "is crucial for collagen formation." And that will be perfectly true (along with many other amino acids which are used by your body to assemble protein in joints, skin, and everywhere else), but there is no reason to believe that anyone is deficient in it or that smearing it on your face will make any difference to your appearance. In general, you don't absorb things very well through your skin, because its purpose is to be relatively impermeable. When you sit in a bath of baked beans for charity, you do not get fat, nor do you start farting. — Ben Goldacre

Amino Acids Quotes By Lawrence O. Richards

If amino acids can only be made where there is no free oxygen in the atmosphere, and porphyrins can only be made when there is free oxygen, then these things needed by every cell could not have existed together to form the first cell! What's more, many of these compounds are antagonistic. They will combine and destroy each other - anywhere except within a living cell. — Lawrence O. Richards

Amino Acids Quotes By Margot Kidder

There's a new science out called orthomolecular medicine. You correct the chemical imbalance with amino acids and vitamins and minerals that are naturally in the body. — Margot Kidder

Amino Acids Quotes By Dwayne Johnson

Part of my daily regime is my glucosamine and, of course, a multitude of multivitamins. Branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, of course protein. I have one protein shake a day, and that is immediately after my training. — Dwayne Johnson

Amino Acids Quotes By Ada Yonath

DNA is a code of four letters; proteins are made up of amino acids which come in 20 forms. So the ribosome is a very clever machine that reads one language and operates in another. — Ada Yonath

Amino Acids Quotes By Michael Behe

The basic structure of proteins is quite simple: they are formed by hooking together in a chain discrete subunits called amino acids. — Michael Behe

Amino Acids Quotes By James Gleick

When the genetic code was solved, in the early 1960s, it turned out to be full of redundancy. Much of the mapping from nucleotides to amino acids seemed arbitrary - not as neatly patterned as any of Gamow's proposals. Some amino acids correspond to just one codon, others to two, four, or six. Particles called ribosomes ratchet along the RNA strand and translate it, three bases at a time. Some codons are redundant; some actually serve as start signals and stop signals. The redundancy serves exactly the purpose that an information theorist would expect. It provides tolerance for errors. Noise affects biological messages like any other. Errors in DNA - misprints - are mutations. — James Gleick

Amino Acids Quotes By Lierre Keith

And just as agriculture has displaced species-dense communities with its monocrops, its diet has displaced the nutrient-dense foods that humans need, replacing them with mononutrients of sugar and starch. This displacement led immediately to a drop in human stature as agriculture spread - the evidence couldn't be clearer. The reasons are just as clear. Meat contains protein, minerals, and fats, fats that we need to metabolize those proteins and minerals. In contrast, grains are basically carbohydrates: what protein they do contain is low quality - lacking essential amino acids - and comes wrapped in indigestible fiber. Grains are essentially sugar with enough opioids to make them addictive. — Lierre Keith

Amino Acids Quotes By John Updike

Make no mistake: if he rose at all
It was as His body;
If the cell's dissolution did not reverse, the molecule reknit,
The amino acids rekindle,
The Church will fall. — John Updike

Amino Acids Quotes By Robert A. Heinlein

The only religious opinion I feel sure of is this: self-awareness is not just a bunch of amino acids bumping together. — Robert A. Heinlein

Amino Acids Quotes By T. Colin Campbell

For an enzyme to be functional, it must fold into a precise three-dimensional shape. How such a complex folding can take place remains a mystery. A small chain of 150 amino acids making up an enzyme has an extraordinary number of possible folding configurations: if it tested 1,012 different configurations every second, it would take about 1,026 years to find the right one. . . . Yet, a denatured enzyme can refold within fractions of a second and then precisely react in a chemical reaction. . . . [I]t demonstrates a stunning complexity and harmony in the universe.21 — T. Colin Campbell

Amino Acids Quotes By Francis Crick

It is one of the more striking generalizations of biochemistry - which surprisingly is hardly ever mentioned in the biochemical textbooks - that the twenty amino acids and the four bases, are, with minor reservations, the same throughout Nature. — Francis Crick

Amino Acids Quotes By Nick Lane

Ribosomes have an error rate of about one letter in 10,000, far lower than the defect rate in our own high-quality manufacturing processes. And they operate at a rate of about 10 amino acids per second, building whole proteins with chains comprising hundreds of amino acids in less than a minute. — Nick Lane

Amino Acids Quotes By Jonathan V. Wright

For the reasons stated above, I am convinced that in a large percentage of cases, depression is the result of a neurotransmitter deficiency which is most often due to low stomach acid. In over 50 percent of cases, depression is treatable by supplying (relatively) large quantities of the essential amino acidsJonathan V. Wright

Amino Acids Quotes By Ronald Breslow

If you have a universe that was just the mirror image of the one we know about, then in fact, presumably it would have right-handed amino acids. That's why I'm only half kidding when I say there is a guy on the other side of the universe with his heart on the right hand side. — Ronald Breslow

Amino Acids Quotes By Isaac Asimov

You see, proteins, as I probably needn't tell you, are immensely complicated groupings of amino acids and certain other specialized compounds, arranged in intricate three-dimensional patterns that are as unstable as sunbeams on a cloudy day. It is this instability that is life, since it is forever changing its position in an effort to maintain its identity
in the manner of a long rod balanced on an acrobat's nose. — Isaac Asimov

Amino Acids Quotes By Simon Conway Morris

If one compares the sequence of amino acids that go to form the protein haemoglobin, it becomes apparent that humans and chimps are identical and do not differ in a single site ... — Simon Conway Morris

Amino Acids Quotes By Robert Cheeke

But all the vitamins, amino acids, protein etc. needed to get stronger can be found in abundance in plant foods. Anything that is a fruit, nut, grain or seed is vegan and there are thousands of those. — Robert Cheeke

Amino Acids Quotes By Francis Crick

It is one of the striking generalizations of biochemistry - which surprisingly is hardly ever mentioned in the biochemical text-books - that the twenty amino acids and the four bases, are, with minor reservations, the same throughout Nature. As far as I am aware the presently accepted set of twenty amino acids was first drawn up by Watson and myself in the summer of 1953 in response to a letter of Gamow's. — Francis Crick

Amino Acids Quotes By Douglas Ell

Don't tell me amino acids can be created by accident. Don't tell me about "billions and billions" of years for life to arise. Don't tell me about "countless" stars and planets in the universe. It all doesn't matter. Using simple concepts of number - exponents - one can expose as false claims that life arose by accident. You cannot seriously expect to get a specified protein of 75 linked amino acids in the history of the universe, except as a product of already existing life, even if you assume that everything in the universe is made up of amino acids and even if you assume that amino acids will freely combine into 75-unit chains.n Period. And there actually is no dispute about this fact. — Douglas Ell

Amino Acids Quotes By Bill Bryson

IN 1953, STANLEY Miller, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, took two flasks - one containing a little water to represent a primeval ocean, the other holding a mixture of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulphide gases to represent Earth's early atmosphere - connected them with rubber tubes, and introduced some electrical sparks as a stand-in for lightning. After a few days, the water in the flasks had turned green and yellow in a hearty broth of amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, and other organic compounds. "If God didn't do it this way," observed Miller's delighted supervisor, the Nobel laureate Harold Urey, "He missed a good bet. — Bill Bryson