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Always A Work In Progress Quotes & Sayings

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Top Always A Work In Progress Quotes

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Rosalie Parker

You're not a gardener, are you? So perhaps you don't know that once a garden is established, much of good gardening is about removal rather than planting, honing what you have to produce a pleasing effect, sacrificing the particular for the good of the whole. Gardening is a creative pastime, but the result is always a work in progress; unlike a painting or a piece of music a garden is never fixed in time. ("In The Garden") — Rosalie Parker

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Lucy Corin

The story, I like to say and remember, is always smarter than you - there will be patterns of theme, image, and idea that are much savvier and more complex than what you could come up with on your own. Find them with your marking pens as they emerge in your drafts. Become a student of your work in progress. Look for what your material is telling you about your material. Every aspect of a story has its own story. — Lucy Corin

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Lydia M. Child

The existence of very pious feelings, in conjunction with intolerance, cruelty, and selfish policy, has never ceased to surprise and perplex those who have viewed it calmly from a distance ... It is impossible to exaggerate the evil work theology has done in the world. What destruction of the beautiful monuments of past ages, what waste of life, what disturbance of domestic and social happiness, what perverted feelings, what blighted hearts, have always marked its baneful progress! — Lydia M. Child

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By T. Harv Eker

The first rule of making progress in anything you do is setting goals, allowing yourself to always have a finish line in sight. This provides a boost in motivation during those moments when slogging forward seems impossible, giving you something tangible to work towards at every moment. — T. Harv Eker

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Nate Silver

Under Bayes' theorem, no theory is perfect. Rather, it is a work in progress, always subject to further refinement and testing. — Nate Silver

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Sebastian Thrun

I used to tell my graduate students at Stanford, 'Don't worry about what job you have to pick because your job picks you. Let your job pick you. Find something you are passionate about. Then when you are passionate, be persistent. Just keep doing it for a while because progress is always hard work. It never rests in ideas.' — Sebastian Thrun

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Timothy Pina

Life's a daily work in progress. Always move forward reaching new goals. Hit a road block? Keep calm & stay strong. — Timothy Pina

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By John Armstrong

But mostly what we think of as the 'meaning' of life concerns the style of the private autobiography we each write and which records how we 'see' ourselves. Whether this autobiography reads as a narrative of progress in which difficulties are transcended, or is chaotic, is the test of whether one's life seems to be meaningful or not. Meaning is something we find, or fail to find, as we follow through this project. We can see how love figures here: love is a major theme, but how we see our experience of love depends upon our general thinking. If, for example, we work with extremely high expectations of love we impose a tragic style upon our self-perceptions: for our experience of love will always be seen under an aspect of failure - failure focused upon ourselves or others. Hence the more subtle our thinking about love, the more intelligently we discriminate ideals from reality, the more interesting our autobiography becomes. — John Armstrong

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Ali Banisadr

Painting is a slow process; it takes time to get there, you learn little by little and always want the next painting to be better than the last. For me, success is about this, seeing the slow progress in my work. — Ali Banisadr

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Jake Busey

I go on at least 2-3 auditions a week in the pursuit of more work. So I'm constantly working on material and constantly honing and trying to perfect a craft that is never perfectible - it's always new, and it's always different. It's always a work in progress. — Jake Busey

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By David Longstreth

You have to figure out as a band how a band becomes a business, and then you have to keep that business mentality separate from the creative one, which is good for the songs. It's always a work in progress. — David Longstreth

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By H.L. Mencken

Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on I am not too sure. — H.L. Mencken

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

Time itself is neutral; it can be used either destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co-workers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. Now is the time to lift our national policy from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Lisa Vidal

Aging in Hollywood sucks. There's always so much pressure to look way younger than you are, and everyone's watching! I'd like to embrace getting older, because it's kind of inevitable. The different, wiser me, to be at peace with how I look and I'm supposed to look - it's a work in progress. — Lisa Vidal

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Chalene Johnson

You're always a work in progress. Flexibility. Personality. Motivation. There's always room to improve. — Chalene Johnson

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Emilia Fox

I've always had an enormous sense of independence. But I know that sometimes I can be too independent. It is important to be able to share your life - so that is a work in progress for me. — Emilia Fox

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Richard Lewis

My act is always a work in progress. I pray I have a bad day before a show. — Richard Lewis

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Charles William Eliot

When blocked or defeated in an enterprise I had much at heart, I always turned immediately to another field of work where progress looked possible, biding my time for a chance to resume the obstructed road. — Charles William Eliot

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Francis Spufford

We're the league of the guilty, after all, not the league of the shortly-to-become-good. We are a work in progress. We will always be a work in progress. We will always fail, and it will always matter. — Francis Spufford

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Stephen King

perhaps real beauty was something unrecognized by the conscious self, a work that was always in progress, a thing of being rather than seeing. — Stephen King

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Jack Kornfield

Even time is a concept. In reality we are always in the eternal present. The past is just a memory, the future just an image or thought. All our stories about past and future are only ideas, arising in the moment. Our modern culture is so tyrannized by goals, plans, and improvement schemes that we constantly live for the future. But as Aldous Huxley reminded us in his writings, An idolatrous religion is one in which time is substituted for eternity ... the idea of endless progress is the devil's work, even today demanding human sacrifice on an enormous scale. — Jack Kornfield

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Pope Francis

128. We were created with a vocation to work. The goal should not be that technological progress increasingly replace human work, for this would be detrimental to humanity. Work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfilment. Helping the poor financially must always be a provisional solution in the face of pressing needs. The broader objective should always be to allow them a dignified life through work. — Pope Francis

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Robert Downey Jr.

Im such a work in progress at the moment, its crazy, and life wants me on edge, I swear to you. But as long as I dont forget the past, Im cool. One must always be mindful, just like you might forget that old girlfriend who tried to slit your throat, but shes really still hot. If you remember the stitches more than you remember the pussy, youre going to be just fine. — Robert Downey Jr.

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Simon Schama

Nations don't start out. There is not a particular moment when they unveil the essence of themselves. They are always a work in progress. — Simon Schama

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Although God loves us unconditionally, He does get angry at sin, wickedness and evil. But He is not an angry God. God hates sin, but He loves sinners! He will never approve of sin in your life, but He always loves you and wants to work with you to make progress in living a holy life in Christ. — Joyce Meyer

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Marco Rubio

As I've learned in my time in the state legislature, important legislation is always a work in progress. — Marco Rubio

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By David Lucero

Writing is not always a writer's playtime. It's actually a work in progress. Few understand this and mistakenly believe we're wasting time. But it's never a waste of time when doing what you love. — David Lucero

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Billie Joe Armstrong

I'm always a work in progress. — Billie Joe Armstrong

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By Hannah Harrington

But even though I know my flaws are many (many many many), and there are always ways I could be better, and I should never stop working for that - I also need to give myself a break. I can cut myself some slack sometimes. Because I'm a work in progress. Because nobody is perfect. At least I acknowledge the mistakes I've made, and am making. At least I'm trying. That means something, doesn't it?
And just because I have room for improvement doesn't mean I'm worthless, or that I have nothing to offer to, like, the world. — Hannah Harrington

Always A Work In Progress Quotes By John C. Maxwell

I always try to remember that I am a work in progress. When I maintain that perspective, I realize that I don't have to be perfect. I don't have to have it all together. I don't need to try to have all the answers. And I don't need to learn everything in a day. When I make a mistake, it's not because I'm a failure or worthless. I just didn't do something right because I still haven't improved enough in some part of the process. And that motivates me to keep growing and improving. If I don't know something, it's an opportunity to try to improve in a new area. — John C. Maxwell