Quotes & Sayings About Alfieri
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Top Alfieri Quotes

For one to grasp, whatever be his object, sov'reign power ... is an act of perilous presumption. — Vittorio Alfieri

To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked. — Vittorio Alfieri

Toward Florence he was specially drawn by the fact that Alfieri now lived there; but, as often happens after such separations, the reunion was a disappointment. Alfieri, indeed, warmly welcomed his friend; but he was engrossed in his dawning passion for the Countess of Albany, and — Edith Wharton

First thoughts are not always the best. — Vittorio Alfieri

For 'tis impossible Hate to return with love. — Vittorio Alfieri

I had seen the great, but I had not seen the small. — Vittorio Alfieri

Thou knowest not the endless artifices of a court. Invented crimes are often there alleged; but real ones, and those especially, which may offend his pride, are oftentimes not to a king divulged. — Vittorio Alfieri

That blood which thou hast spill'd, should join you closely in an eternal bond. — Vittorio Alfieri

The talent of making friends is not equal to the talent of doing without them. — Vittorio Alfieri

Sometimes blood, for the sake of sparing it, is spilled. — Vittorio Alfieri

Odo in fact owed his first acquaintance with the French writers to Alfieri, who, in the intervals of his wandering over Europe, now and then reappeared in Turin laden with the latest novelties in Transalpine literature and haberdashery. What his eccentric friend failed to provide, Odo had little difficulty in obtaining for himself; for though most of the new writers were on the Index, and the Sardinian censorship was notoriously severe, there was never yet a barrier that could keep out books, and Cantapresto was a skilled purveyor of contraband dainties. Odo had thus acquainted himself with the lighter literature of England and France; and though he had read but few philosophical treatises, was yet dimly aware of the new standpoint from which, north of the Alps, men were beginning to test the accepted forms of thought. The — Edith Wharton

Disgrace does not consist in the punishment, but in the crime. — Vittorio Alfieri

Liars are always most disposed to swear. — Vittorio Alfieri

Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it. — Vittori Alfieri

A usurper always distrusts the whole world. — Vittorio Alfieri

The guilty is he who meditates a crime; the punishment is his who lays the plot. — Vittorio Alfieri

Necessity inspires the fatal thought. — Vittorio Alfieri

Joy, when it is excessive, overcomes as much as grief. — Vittorio Alfieri

Some people's inner child is a colicky baby. — Annamaria Alfieri

The time for hope is gone, and come for fear. — Vittorio Alfieri

Original thoughts can be understood only in virtue of the unoriginal elements which they contain. — Vittorio Alfieri

If ardent passions push not men on to lofty enterprise, calm wisdom never will accomplish it. — Vittorio Alfieri

Often the test of courage becomes rather to live than to die. — Vittorio Alfieri

A conquering king will banish from his breast hatred towards one whom he no longer fears. — Vittorio Alfieri

Alas, 'tis force alone that can compel to virtuous actions a degenerate people. — Vittorio Alfieri

Joy surfeited turns to sorrow. — Vittorio Alfieri