Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Aiming Too Low

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Top Aiming Too Low Quotes

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Kate Wolf

Love is born in fire, is planted like a seed. Love cannot give you everything, but it gives you what you need. — Kate Wolf

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Glennon Doyle Melton

If our goal is to be tolerant of people who are different than we are, Chase, then we really are aiming quite low. Traffic jams are to be tolerated. People are to be celebrated. — Glennon Doyle Melton

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Bijou Hunter

Aiming low is why you're a happy person. — Bijou Hunter

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Jamie Smith

I hoped to offer U.S. intelligence agencies the opportunity to even place CIA officers in NOC (non-official cover) jobs in our company working under our Libyan contract. With agency officers in place with rock-solid "cover for status" - that's the lie that explains who you are pretending to be - and "cover for action" - that's the lie that explains what you're doing while you're there - the United States would have direct access to people in the seedy, murky underside of Libya, people whose motives and alliances were now unclear. The goals were a tall order, but don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon, because as my dad would say, you never hit high aiming low."

Excerpt From: Jamie Smith. "Gray Work — Jamie Smith

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Ray Lewis

You have to be careful of people who like to talk a big game but can't back it up. — Ray Lewis

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Rachel Gibson

So tell me, Jane, are you cold?"
His lips brushed hers and he said through a hot
breath, "Or turned on? — Rachel Gibson

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Stephen Richards

The makeup of your thoughts is exposed through your internal dialog. — Stephen Richards

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Shai Agassi

Sometimes people have to remind you to aim high. Most of us are afraid of aiming high for fear of failure and our biggest failure is that we aim too low. — Shai Agassi

Aiming Too Low Quotes By MaryJanice Davidson

Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" I snapped. "If I want to take my sister to my place of business, that's my own damned business and not any of your business." Was I overusing the word business? Fuck it. "So mind your own business. — MaryJanice Davidson

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Geoffrey Miller

If most of your courtship attempts have succeeded, you must be a very attractive and charming person who has been aiming too low. — Geoffrey Miller

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Robert Browning

That low man seeks a little thing to do, Sees it and does it: This high man, with a great thing to pursue, Dies ere he knows it. That low man goes on adding one to one, His hundred's soon hit: This high man, aiming at a million, Misses an unit. That, has the world here-should he need the next, Let the world mind him! This, throws himself on God, and unperplext Seeking shall find Him. — Robert Browning

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Sally Mann

Sometimes I think the only memories I have are those that I've created around photographs of me as a child. Maybe I'm creating my own life. I distrust any memories I do have. They may be fictions, too. — Sally Mann

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Og Mandino

I will commit not the terrible crime of aiming too low. I will do the work that a failure will not do. I will always let my reach exceed my grasp. — Og Mandino

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Thomas Fuller

One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. — Thomas Fuller

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Peter Scott

I've always believed the greater danger is not aiming too high, but too low, settling for a bogey rather than shooting for an eagle. — Peter Scott

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Robin Sharma

If people are not laughing at your dreams at least once a week, you are aiming too low! — Robin Sharma

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Eliza Bennett

Using my own hand as a base material, I considered it a canvas upon which I stitched into the top layer of skin using thread to create the appearance of an incredibly work worn hand. By using the technique of embroidery, traditionally employed to represent femininity and applying it to the expression of it's opposite, I hope to challenge the pre-conceived notion that 'women's work' is light and easy. Aiming to represent the effects of hard work arising from employment in low paid ancillary jobs such as cleaning, caring, and catering, all traditionally considered to be 'women's work' — Eliza Bennett

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Dylan McDermott

Most of the time people are aiming so low on television. They're trying to reach that common denominator, especially on network television. — Dylan McDermott

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

That's not the point. The point is, he's a fool who won't give up on you. — Rainbow Rowell

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Benjamin E. Mays

The tragedy of life is not found in failure but complacency. Not in you doing too much, but doing too little. Not in you living above your means, but below your capacity. It's not failure but aiming too low, that is life's greatest tragedy. — Benjamin E. Mays

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Diana Wynne Jones

Mainly as sort of blueprints for dealing with most of the adults in their lives, to some extent with their fellows. It is this notion of aiming high and there's always hope, aim low and you might as well stop now. — Diana Wynne Jones

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Dear God, May this house be a sacred dwelling for those who live here. May those who visit feel the peace we have received from You. May darkness not enter. May the light of God shield this house from harm. May the angels bring their peace here and use our home as a haven of light. May all grow strong in this place of healing, our sanctuary from the loudness of the world. May it so be used by You forever. — Marianne Williamson

Aiming Too Low Quotes By LeCrae

If you aim for only wealth, beauty, fame, & power, you aim too low. Humility, gentleness, gratitude, & service is aiming high. — LeCrae

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Alex Harris

God set His standards this high so that we won't make the mistake of aiming low. He made them unreachable so that we would never have the excuse to stop growing. — Alex Harris

Aiming Too Low Quotes By Edmund Clarence Stedman

Men are egotists, and not all tolerant of one man's selfhood; they do not always deem the amities elective. — Edmund Clarence Stedman