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Quotes & Sayings About Actors Shakespeare

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Top Actors Shakespeare Quotes

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Kenneth Branagh

Sir Derek Jacobi has been an inspiration to so many actors and audiences throughout his brilliant career. To see him in Shakespeare is an event in itself. — Kenneth Branagh

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Ed Westwick

I grew up with it. As a young actor, I was always aware of the brilliant work of Shakespeare. We studied Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth in school. As a young actor, you're always mystified and intrigued by such brilliant work. To actually have the chance to be involved in this production was a wonderful thing for me. — Ed Westwick

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Luanne Rice

I am a close friend of Robert Loggia. And I just love how, with actors, there's the screen persona. Here is Robert, known for his portrayal of many characters, including gangsters. But in real life, he is elegant and erudite. He sits in the garden reading the sonnets of William Shakespeare. — Luanne Rice

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Sigmund Freud

I no longer believe that William Shakespeare the actor from Stratford was the author of the works that have been ascribed to him. — Sigmund Freud

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

The whole world - theater, and the people in it - the actors — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Joshua Bell

Actors want to do Shakespeare again and again, or want to do Hamlet. When you hear one guy do Hamlet and another guy do it, it's going to be a whole different experience. — Joshua Bell

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Alan Cumming

I think American actors are much more intimidated by Shakespeare. — Alan Cumming

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Timothy Omundson

I did all the musicals in high school, and I loved it. And then I got to theater school at college, and was like, "No, I'm a serious actor. I want to do Shakespeare. I want to do classical theater." I took myself very seriously. — Timothy Omundson

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Stephen Sondheim

When you know your cast well and their strengths and weaknesses, you can start writing for them, just the way Shakespeare wrote for his actors. — Stephen Sondheim

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Ray Bradbury

There are many actors alone who haven't acted Pirandello or Shaw or Shakespeare for years because their plays are too aware of the world. We could use their anger. And we could use the honest rage of those historians who haven't written a line for forty years. True, we might form classes in thinking and reading. — Ray Bradbury

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Cassandra Giovanni

They didn't understand, for we were Shakespeare, and they were mere actors in the play. — Cassandra Giovanni

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Ruben Santiago-Hudson

I'm an infant with Shakespeare; I'm kind of learning how to walk. I am trying to decipher the code, you know? I do my research. And I get a clear understanding of what the language is. It is a tremendous process I have to go through as I am sure all actors do, finding the gems hidden in his language. — Ruben Santiago-Hudson

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Danielle Dutton

I found myself in an unknown universe, whirling far into space. African servants, dogs in hats, platonic ideals, sparkling conversation, and ivy-coated quadrangles with womanizing captains, dueling earls, actors. I met Father Cyprien de Gamache, her majesty's wily confessor; William, a poet, who claimed to be Shakespeare's son; and a giggling dwarf called Jeffry, who'd been presented to the queen in a pie. I met the ladies-in-waiting, too, who hardly looked my way, busy as they were, bickering over who went where and when, who wore what and when, who fetched what and why, who said what and to whom, and who gave her the right to say that. — Danielle Dutton

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Alec Guinness

Much of the day I have busied myself making notes on the small parts in Shakespeare, often nameless, which are rewarding to the actor if only he'll not dismiss them as beneath his dignity. If I can work it up into a talk I might call it, 'Only a cough and a spit ' -the phrase so often used by actors to explain away a lack of opportunity. — Alec Guinness

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Al Pacino

Doing Shakespeare once is not fair to the play. I have been in Shakespeare plays when it's not until the last two or three performances when I even understand certain things. In the old days star actors would travel the world doing the same parts over and over again. — Al Pacino

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

The best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited. Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. For the law of writ and the liberty, these are the only men.
Polonius — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Lauren Kate

The audience roared and applauded again. A rush of actors exited the stage and filled the space around her. Shakespeare had already slipped away. She could see Daniel on the opposite wing of the stage.He towered over the other actors,regal and impossibly gorgeous.
It was her cue to walk onstage. This was the start of the party scene at Lord Wolsey's estate, where the king-Daniel-would perform an elaborate masque before taking Anne Boleyn's hand for the first time. They were supposed to dance and fall heavily in love.It was supposed to be the very beginning of a romance that changed everything.
The beginning.
But for Daniel,it wasn't the beginning at all.
For Lucinda,however, and for the character she was playing-it was love at first sight. Laying eyes on Daniel had felt like the first real thing ever to happen to Lucinda,just as it had felt for Luce at Sword & Cross. Her whole world had suddenly meant something in a way it never had before. — Lauren Kate

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Kenneth Branagh

There is some mysterious thing that goes on whereby, in the process of playing Shakespeare continuously, actors are surprised by the way the language actually acts on them. — Kenneth Branagh

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Lewis Mumford

Each religion is a brave guess at the authorship of Hamlet. Yet, as far as the play goes does it make any difference whether Shakespeare or Bacon wrote it? Would it make any difference to the actors if their parts happened out of nothingness, if they found themselves acting on the stage because of some gross and unpardonable accident? Would it make any difference if the playwright gave them the lines or whether they composed them themselves, so long as the lines were properly spoken? Would it make any difference to the characters if A Midsummer Night's Dream was really a dream? — Lewis Mumford

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Rob Lowe

I look at it like this: that if Shakespeare were alive today, he would have written two or three plays about the Kennedy family, and actors would traditionally play JFK like they Hamlet or King Lear. They just would. I mean, people have played JFK, and they'll play him long after I have. — Rob Lowe

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

Most dear actors, eat no onions nor garlic, for we are to utter sweet breath. — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Jennifer Lee Carrell

But there were other great writers who had done all these things. What set Shakespeare apart ... even from other greats, was his generosity: his invitation, even insistence,for others to join him in the act of imagining ... His reticence [to add stage directions] made his works wonderfully elastic. It also made them demnding
sometimes maddeningly so
for directors and actors who had to figure out at every turn why these words and no others needed to be said right here and now. But Shakespeare was also demanding of his audiences: 'Yes,' you could almost hear him say, 'you are sitting in a fairly barren wooden theater. But dream yourselves to France. To a seacoast in Bohemia. To a magic-haunted island in a tempest-tossed sea. I dare you.' -Kate Stanley — Jennifer Lee Carrell

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Clive Thompson

Plays are frequently infected with ideas that came from actors or even sound engineers. Some Shakespeare scholars wonder whether some of the Bard's lines came from onstage improvisations by actors. — Clive Thompson

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

Like a dull actor now, I have forgot my part, and I am out, Even to a full disgrace. — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Jacki Weaver

Being a theater actor, I've done a lot of plays where I've seen someone else play the same role in another production. Especially with the classics: Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams. — Jacki Weaver

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Ethan Hawke

A lot of American actors when they do Shakespeare put on a phoney English accent and it drives me crazy. You're always fighting against the idea that only the British know how to do Shakespeare. — Ethan Hawke

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Mark Burnett

Whether it is the cavemen in the caves thousands of years ago, Shakespeare plays, television, movies and books, stories and characters take us on a journey. All I do is tell those stories without scripts and without actors. — Mark Burnett

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Robert Green Ingersoll

Kings had their clowns, the people their actors and musicians. Shakespeare was scheduled as a servant. It is thus that successful stupidity has always treated genius. — Robert Green Ingersoll

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Steve Antin

I'm not Shakespeare. I have no delusions of who I am, as a writer. I wrote a simply beautiful script that's a fun-filled, joyous fantasy, and I was fine with making changes for the actors that made them comfortable. — Steve Antin

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Donal Logue

This sounds so bogus, but I would love to, at some point when my kids are in college, is just go do a whole season at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and do a year of plays. Most actors miss the days of live theater. — Donal Logue

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Julie Taymor

I love directing Shakespeare on film. It's fantastic that the actors would do exactly the same thing and be true to their part. — Julie Taymor

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Oscar Wilde

Actors are so fortunate. They can choose whether they will appear in tragedy or in comedy, whether they will suffer or make merry, laugh or shed tears. But in real life it is different. Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualifications. Our Guildensterns play Hamlet for us, and our Hamlets have to jest like Prince Hal. The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. — Oscar Wilde

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

Condemn the fault and not the actor of it? — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Rocky Carroll

Actors on stage, you can go from playing a myriad of roles, from Shakespeare to a Eugene O'Neil drama, and it's the norm. I came up in a world where you're supposed to be able to do three things very well. Act, sing, dance, paint, do something. The emphasis was on versatility. — Rocky Carroll

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Jorja Fox

The reason the contracts are so long is because actors are very spontaneous; we may want to do Shakespeare one day and be Porky Pig the next! — Jorja Fox

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By James Lee Burke

Who can make sense of the roles we play? If I could draw any conclusion about the long, depressing slog of human progress, it's the possibility that unseen elements lie just on the other side of the physical universe and that somehow we're actors on the stage of the Globe, right across the Thames from a place called Pissing Alley, whether William Shakespeare or Christopher Marlowe are aware of our presence or not. — James Lee Burke

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Hugo Weaving

A lot of people have a fear of Shakespeare. Even actors do. People are like, "Oh, I won't go and see Shakespeare because the language is so hard," but it is. When you read it on the page, you go, "What?! What does that mean?!" If you go to a Shakespeare play and you've never been, you sit there and go, "I'm an idiot! I don't get it!" — Hugo Weaving

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By William Shakespeare

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. — William Shakespeare

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Judi Dench

It's incredibly moving to hear some of our greatest actors performing Shakespeare. — Judi Dench

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Kate Winslet

It's often assumed that British actors read Shakespeare and sonnets as we're going to bed at night and we're all very familiar with it. — Kate Winslet

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Stellan Skarsgard

Actors are different. Some actors play themselves very successfully, but I come from the theater. Having done Shakespeare, we sometimes did three or four characters in the same play. — Stellan Skarsgard

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Tom Jones

Whenever I've been asked to be in a film, directors only want me to play myself ... I'm fascinated by the thought of being an actor, but it's too hard. And I think Shakespeare-which has been suggested to me-might be a bit of a stretch. — Tom Jones

Actors Shakespeare Quotes By Clark Gregg

Sometimes you can do Shakespeare and you're still not an actor. — Clark Gregg